Episode 16 is a delightful episode because Kallen gets to kick ass and C.C. has transformed into a Mikuru-class moé powerhouse. *Puppy eyes* Well, there are various other interesting happenings in this episode too, but I think we should all pay much respect to the amount of effort spent by Sunrise in animating C.C.’s shy disposition to adorable perfection.
The United Federation of Nations is officially formed, spanning most of Asia and great portions of Europe and Africa. The member states renounce all rights to the maintenance of military power, and all matters which require military force are voted upon to be delegated to the independent Order of the Black Knights.
Zero is the CEO
This is a rather convenient arrangement for Zero, and I guess it means that existing armies are to be integrated into the Black Knights, since I don’t think the existing ragtag band of former terrorists is anywhere close to being resourceful enough to protect such a huge patch of territory. The first motion passed by the nearly formed supernational body is a request for the Black Knights to liberate Japan.
Being number ten, he clearly has an inferiority complex
Britannia mobilizes its military in preparation for an invasion of Area 11 by the Black Knights. In particular, Knight of One Bismarck Waldstein and Knight of Ten Luciano Brandli have been dispatched to Area 11, which means that there are now five Knights in Tokyo. However, the Emperor has gone missing, presumably still trapped in the funky floating platform place, and they can’t declare war without his approval.
C.C. is all cute and innocent now. After losing all her memories of being old and cranky, she’s now Lelouch’s willing sex slave. It’s like in Chobits—which incidentally is by CLAMP—except that, unlike Chii, C.C. is actually anatomically correct. (Probably.) Vulnerable C.C. will surely prove to be great doujinshi material for the coming Comiket.
Cute C.C. is cute.
The whole UFN thing reeks of corruption and cronyism, but apparently none of the member nations pay much attention to the fine print in the constitution. The Federation theoretically has no military power, so the member nations have to trust the Black Knights to defend them. Despite the apparently democratic nature of the supernational government, the Black Knights itself is basically a totalitarian organization and its high ranking members are all hand-picked by its unelected leader, Zero.
Brainwashing the masses with loli propagandists
The vote to retake Japan is also quite a sham, since Kaguya is the one who calls for it and she’s a little girl. Who can say no to a loli pleading for you to help save her homeland from evil Britannian paedophiles? Not to mention that a good majority of the current Black Knights are Japanese soldiers, so it’s not like the vote would’ve changed their minds either way.
Other than that, this is mostly a build-up episode and we shall have to wait to see how the invasion unfolds.
I see that girls in this show don’t like to wear bras…
Lelouch is concerned
She wants to ask a question
Is the guy on the left a new recurring character or something?
99-hit chain combo
“Don’t mess with me bitch!”
Pizza Hut’s Cheese Fondue
The face of a loser
No depth perception
He’s getting more and more useless
She’s desperate for love
She will die within three episodes
Eh, what happened to Viletta?
No one wants Australia
WTF? Does she ever remove her headpiece?
“Please be gentle…”
“What do you mean ‘to play us out’!?”
Dental appointment tomorrow. Yikes.
I’m usually quite ashamed of the english language whenever I watch dubbed anime. Strange though, I used to love Black Belt Theatre back when I was a kid, and those were some HORRIBLE dubbing. I think they had like two guys dubbing the whole show, including high pitched guy voices for the girls. But I just can’t watch dubbed anime, I just stare in disbelief, feel ashamed of my language, then download and watch it in Japanese with subtitles.
If there’s any possibility at all of C.C regaining her memories, it will likely have something to do with Anya. She’s pretty much the only character left who has a MAJOR yet unexplained role left in the whole royal family drama. (I almost hope the theories are true and she’s Lelouch’s real sister, because that would seriously stir things up.) But I’ll keep hoping the old C.C eventually returns, even though there’s no basis for the possibility.
Has anyone else read the leakage from the blogs? Things are going to get really ugly starting next episode.
lol i’ve got a hunch the king will start handing out geass.
@dotard: why would he do that? For one thing, he has no reason to, and for another, every Geass he gives out means one more person who could potentially easily kill him. (After all, once a person gets to a high enough level with Geass, they can simply take their contractor’s Code, just like what Charles did with V.V.. Although…it’s possible that the contractor has to be willing to relinquish their Code. [V.V. had said something about how he “accepted [his] destiny” or “accepted [his] fate”, because he was “the older brother”, possibly meaning that he allowed Charles to take his Code, doing what he could to protect his little brother. On the other hand, it could mean that he had accepted his immortality and did not intend to die, because he felt he had to be there for his younger brother.])
Kicks and giggles, strategic improvements against Lelouch. How many geass users does he have on his team, none now that his is gone? If he dropped a few geass around on the Knights of Round or on the royal family (say, Schneizel?) to give him more of an edge. He knows Schneizel’s after the throne, maybe giving Schneizel the tools to eventually off him and take his place. Jeremiah can’t be everywhere at once, if he spread a few geass around, they can’t cancel them all. Tactically, it’d be a good plan.
So far, the majority of Britannia has been shown to be extremely loyal to the emperor. Even if they mastered their geass, the Emperor could simply have them killed. Jeremiah sticks to the royal family, allying with Lelouch simply because of his (Jeramiah’s) loyalty to Marianne. After Lelouch gets removed from the picture, it’d be feasible for Jeremiah to ally with the Emperor again, as such he could simply geass cancel any masters and assassinate them. You know, assuming the Emperor won. He won’t, and it’s highly unlikely he’ll start throwing geass to other people, even though tactically it would be one of the better moves he could make.
The Emperor may win yet, the “symbolism” of the chess pieces in this episode sort of hint it.
And no, he won’t start making contracts with others, for the same reason Lelouch won’t command people to “do as I say until you die.” Plot would disappear. Plus, they wanted to keep the knowledge of Geass under wraps, etc. etc. Though it is an interesting situation.
[QUOTE]I’m usually quite ashamed of the english language whenever I watch dubbed anime. Strange though, I used to love Black Belt Theatre back when I was a kid, and those were some HORRIBLE dubbing. I think they had like two guys dubbing the whole show, including high pitched guy voices for the girls. But I just can’t watch dubbed anime, I just stare in disbelief, feel ashamed of my language, then download and watch it in Japanese with subtitles.[/QUOTE]
Yes I know what you mean, I saw the english dub of Code Geass and Dragon Ball Z, I didn´t like it not a bit…
That´s why I like the spanish dub(latin, not the one from Spain) to be more especific mexican, the others are good but the accent changes to much and sometimes its censured..
So if we talk about language, theres nothing better than reading the subs and hearing the original seiyuu.
Damn I don´t know how to quote…
I wonder if Anya knew about Queen Marianne’s death – maybe that led to the Emperor in removing her memories. Maybe the Emperor has something to do with Queen Marianne’s death?
Omega Knight
“y does every person drawn by clamp thats not fat hve pentagon shaped heads?”
Sorry to say but it seems that u don’t watch much clamp shows after all. Because they do draw fat people.
“Anya’s story seems to be getting more interesting. We can she’s not a Geass-giver like V.V. since the Emperor can alter her memories. We’re left with a creepy little girl who apparently lacks any sort of common sense…and that strange scene with C.C. I really hope her mind-wiped stories aren’t foreshadowing for a twist ending where Marianne isn’t dead, Nanali opens her eyes to reveal Geass, and the inevitable third season.”
I read from somewhere in another blog – in the manga Nanaly has geass – which is the ability to foretell the future.
Acually, how do you think Lelouche is gonna hold that very spread out ‘nation. He doesn’t have any elite pilots he can spare and the Brits have more Knights of the Round running around. So I don’t see a way in which he can sucessfully defend his ass (Those European countires tht joined).
Note that the main battle is going to happen in japan and that Brittannia’s main military force is in Japan (Valkyries’ and Gareths and whatnot), if they brought the Knight of One to Japan that probably means whoever wins Japan wins the war, though it won’t be an easy victory. In any case, should be interesting.
Didn’t the chess board show both white and black kings standing? The Black king was coloured with blood, but that could mean anything, from Lelouch’s forces massacring a bunch of people (again) or Lelouch having to kill someone personally (Suzaku…please?). The chess board’s symbolism was most likely, in my opinion, to do with there being the large upcoming battle in which a bunch of people would die, as opposed to telling us what might happen in the long run/after the battle.
Don’t forget we still have space combat to come (OP2 ;D). Schneizel’s Sword of Damocles (space station?) still has to make an appearance too. It won’t end with Japan I don’t think.
Oh, and I’m taking bets that R2 will end with C.C. kissing Lelouch.
Also note that we could be totally overthinking this whole thing about the blood on the chess set. I seriously doubt that a major plot development will happen just because of us seeing a bloody king piece. Oh and Suzaku won’t be killing Lelouch, a slight spoiler of next episode: Lelouch and Suzaku meet at Kururugi shrine (duh), Schniezel suspects something and sends out men to folow Suzaku, they find out he’s Zero and try to capture Lelouch. Another part that’s unconfirmed is that Lelouch told Suzaku that Euphie’s death never should have happened and then Suzaku helps him escape. But another source says that Lelouch is interupted by Schniezels men, Lelouch calls Suzaku a traitor and escapes, Suzaku gets pissed off but doesn’t do anything.
We don’t *know* if there will be space combat, they would have to reintroduce a shitload of new mechas and stuff and theres only 9 episode left, I mean, come on. Although the final battle probably won’t be in Japan, it might be like in Pendragon or something, or maybe at that giant tower with the float system. Also did anyone else notice those awesome new black knights float system battleships? Also, I read somewhere *unconfirmed* that Kallen pilots the Guren Ganesha and that she either escaped or tricked Brittannia into letting her pilot it, they then rig the Lancelot with the same technology as the Guren since it’s like invincible (apparently she takes out the Valkyries and the Percival). Though that’s all unconfirmed.
That would be my dream ending. C.C.xLelouch! Yeah! I really don’t care about Kallen up to this point, C.C. is cooler.
By the way, wtf is with the overpowered Gareths, if you read the wiki article they ALL have hadron cannons, they are gonna slaughter the black knights (notice that the Gawain had 2 hadron cannons and it took out the whole of the air force stationed in Japan in the black rebellion). And these Valkyries, wtf is with them, why are they pink?
ALSO, one last thing. Viletta apparently got captured by the Black Knights (presumably) and is held under house arrest (huh?) according to the official site and wikipedia. I think we are gonna fidn out what happened next episode. I’m looking forward to it personally but I always had a soft spot for the VilettaxOugi thing.
Fixed that for you? ^^
But how do we explain the space ship firing missiles? :s
Mostly said it because it’s how R1 ended and R2 ‘started’. I’m not quite sure, but I don’t *think* she kissed him at the start of R1, just grabbed his wrist if I recall.
In regards to the Gareths, the description appears to make them out to be siege/long range bombardment types with slash harkens for close defence, that is, craploads of weapons+harkens. In which case a few close range melee knightmares piloted by aces (say…Tohdoh, Xingke and Kallen? Handy that.) could probably work quite effectively against them. Though you are correct, it’s likely they’d tear the black knights cannon fodder apart.
As for the valkyries, they’re female, so they have to have pink…right? I mean, not that we’re gender stereotyping or anything here. God no. Besides, as far as I can tell they’re just the Knight of One’s elite guard piloting the mass produced Vincent with a new colour scheme. Psh I say, PSH! Last time we saw Vincents in action vs. the Black Knights they imploded under the longe range radiation wave. ;D
I’ve always been kinda bored with the VilettaxOugi thing. Mostly cos I’ve always seen Ougi as expendable. Is it just me, or has he shown no real capabilities at tactics or combat? And Diethard appears to be a far better admin guy. Only reason I see to keep Ougi on is because he’s always been there really.
Edit: Are we going to see a return of the Siegfried? Probably not cos it’s kinda overpowered, but it’d be a fairly good counter to all the Gareths I think, it already showed it could shrug off Hadron blasts vs. the Shinkirou. Also it’d give Jeremiah a mech which didn’t blow (Upgraded Sutherland…yay…)
“Sorry to say but it seems that u don’t watch much clamp shows after all. Because they do draw fat people.”
I don’t think thats what he said.
Yes, it’s most likely of course that Lelouch will be victorious. But things seem headed to a grim end. (Augh, you’d have to read the spoilers to see why.) They’re always reminding the viewers that “those who acquire the power of Geass are lured onto the path of loneliness.”
That chess board was very interesting, a lot can be extracted from it. I’ll make my own prediction. Taking the symbolism of the chess pieces seriously could translate to something ominously like your bet. Remember that the very first thing C.C did for Lelouch was take a bullet meant for him. Loss of immortality + her blood on the black king piece = well, I just hope I’m making up something crazy because I’d like them to live happily ever after too, heh.
Or maybe Sunrise is just trolling and that scene didn’t even mean anything.
I believe that Lelouch will fulfill all his goals, though it may be to the letter and not the intent. C.C. might die, but she will die happy(knowing that she is loved and treasured) with a smile on her face. He will change the world to a peaceful place that Nunnally could live happily in, but Nunnally may not be alive to live in it. Dark I know, sorry about that. Hopefully it ends alot happier than I suggested(low expectations = always pleasantly surprised O.o).
On a side note, I find it interesting that Kallen is now Lelouch’s only real ally right now, someone who knows who he is and trusts him completely. They’ve pretty much punted her out of the picture for like a quarter of the season, but her time in the spotlight is due, and I’m not talking about her 100 hit combo on Suzaku(an internet sensation that hopefully doesn’t go as far as that damn Suzaku spin crap). I predict that Lelouch will get screwed by Suzaku next episode, by action or inaction, and Nunnally will help Kallen escape to save him. I’m pretty sure she suspects who Zero is ever since he tried to kidnap her(screaming “Nunnally!!” as he is flung away from her. A cry so distant and covered by background sound that only Daredevil, or a blind girl who is a living polygraph test, could hear).
Man, I hope Lelouch isn’t going to be ditching out on another battle without telling anyone again. I’m pretty sure they’re going to abandon him if he screws them like that again. Hmm, actually now that I think about it, I think that is EXACTLY what is going to happen. “Sorry guys, I overslept. So what’d I miss? Why is there a crater where Tokyo used to be?” Going to enjoy seeing him talk his way out of that one.
I am shocked that lelouch even managed to break the plate. Isn’t he suppose to be so physically inept that he can’t do anything. Like at ashford academy when everyone even Milly outruns him.
Plot device Mr. Jiwon, plot device.
If the Guren is so unpilotable, I wonder if Kallen will die from overusing it. :(
That’s…mesmerising. If you found some music to go to that, you could have a new, minor internet fad (see: Caramelldansen or leek spin)
Nah, Xingke is gonna die from the shenhu+his disease combined, but Kallen’s just gonna be all weak for a while. She’s a young, spry active teenager, a little bit of crushing g-force and extreme strain on her body is nothing.
I dunno, he could leave Xingke in charge, you know, his supposed tactical equal. And people keep telling me Tohdoh has some sort of tactical abilities too, so he could take some command. The Black Knights temporarily lose the Shinkirou in combat, as well as Lelouch’s presence, but on the other hand the don’t have to go up against the Lancelot, which would be helpful. Besides, Lelouch being absent also allows him to steal a moment in combat by dramatically rescuing someone/everyone.
He did use the mask, though. Let’s just assume it’s reeeaaallly heavy and sturdy. Props to Sunrise for making something look almost physically possible for once. (Kidding.)
Actually… it’s more like the opposite this time.
I have eyes and ears from hell, I just know.
I really don’t want space battles.
Not one of those, a more passionate one. A more flavourful one. A kiss born of love, not just a kiss.
If I remember correctly Lelouch forsaw this, he’s using a Gefjun Disturber to take out the city’s stuff and their artillery units, I’m guessing the main fights are gonna take place over the sea. Still those Gareths are scary.
I don’t remember them being women, did they even mention it? Or they could be piloted by nerds. “Oh, clap your hands, everybody clap your hands!” If you don’t know where that’s from your either mexican or ignorant. Vincents aren’t that great though.
Ougi doesn’t pilot a knightmare, he’s second in command (or something). He sits in the Ikaruga and gives orders, kinda like Zero except not as smart (though Ougi seems to have a vague idea of who Zero is, not identity wise but his true personality).
If my memory serves me right, Lelouch wouldn’t pass up a knightmare as powerful as the Siegfried, but, he has been known to to do stupid stuff…
Happy ending! Yay! I’m hoping for a happy ending…but I HAVE A COUNTER FOR YOU! Guess what, the reason geass leads people on the path of loneliness is because of the immortality. SO thinking along those lines, since Lelouch doesn’t have to be immortal then he won’t be needing to be lonely (hopeful thinking).
A bloody king. A king must be bloody to obtain victory, if it means anything at all, it means blood will be shed and it will be Zero’s direct fault. That’s all I can think of. I’m trying to not think that C.C. might die.
An entirely plausible and likeable scenario.
I’m gonna piss myself if I need to keep repeating myself. HOLY FUCKING GOD, LISTEN AND READ MY PREVIOUS POSTS! The whole fricken reason they made her lose her memories is so that they could make her happy without killing her off, they even said that! I mean jesus, I was originally rooting for KallenxLelouch because I didn’t think a C.C.xLelouch relationship is possible because she was immortal, but this sets it up so that they can be perfect for each other. He’s not going to have to kill her. Get over it.
Suzaku doesn’t screw him, Schniezel does, and he learns who Zero is. Anyways, I liked the whole Kallen beating the crap outta Suzaku and get over your love of Kallen godamnit, C.C. is much better, besides, it’s been shown Kallen respects Zero and probably doesn’t think of him romantically, though she does view Zero and Lelouch as 2 different people. It’s interesting because the KallenxLelouch relationship is so underdeveloped and yet people still hold hope. Maybe a KallenxLuciano ending?
If I’m reading my spoilers right, Lelouch meets Suzaku, Lelouch gets attacked, Lelouch and Suzaku both part on *bad* terms and Zero ruthlessly attacks Japan. However an equally trustworth source popped up and said a (less likely) scenario where Lelouch meets Suzaku and explains the circumstances of Euphies death. Suzaku realizes he completely misjudged Lelouch and when he gets attacked Suzaku helps him escape. They part on good terms and then Lelouch resumes his attack on Japan.
No thanks.
Useless plot element I’m not interested in.
Zero is one for a dramatic entrance and his people know that. If he oversleeps the Black Knights will be expecting it.
Not really important. It’s only there so they can confirm she’s not immortal anymore.
Woohoo, I’m done with my book as of last night.
Imagine if orange uses hes geass canceller on anya. oh btw you can tell anya is going 2 die cause she isnt in the op or ending. Rollo isnt going to die because he is in the OP
Anya is in the opening, just not the ending. Besides, just because they are or aren’t in the opening doesn’t mean anything. Hell I’ve seen some shows where the very first person to die is still in the last opening.
So, doesn’t matter.
“As for the valkyries, they’re female, so they have to have pink…right? I mean, not that we’re gender stereotyping or anything here. God no. Besides, as far as I can tell they’re just the Knight of One’s elite guard piloting the mass produced Vincent with a new colour scheme. Psh I say, PSH! Last time we saw Vincents in action vs. the Black Knights they imploded under the longe range radiation wave. ;D”
I feel an MGS wave coming over me
We’ve got a romantic in the ranks folks.
Fair enough. Does Lloyd not have access to Gefjun disturber technology to work out a countermeasure? Do the Black Knights have a countermeasure on their mechs? :s they should really look into that. Wouldn’t be too difficult, hook up a system on a separate non-sakuradite power source which triggers whenever the Sakuradite is forcefully shutdown, or when it detects the gefjun pulse. This is the kind of pseudo science anime was built on, come on people!
Well yeah, that’s fair enough. Except Zero was always giving orders in the command center until he first picked up the Gawain (ep…19? of R1, I think). And they had Tohdoh by that point who’s supposedly a great tactician, likely better than Ougi. Plus they also have Xingke now as well as I’ve said. Really, as far as important figures go he seems to be nothing more than a figurehead.
Valkyries, as you may be aware, are female warriors under the direct command of Odin, who collect fallen warriors from the battlefield and take them to Valhalla. I can’t remember if they only take really good warriors, my norse mythology is a tad rusty. I do remember that one Valkyrie changed the outcome of a battle for a man she loved, and Odin’s favourite team lost so he was a bit angry. Pink Mechs (This is Sunrise) and female by mythology=women, in my eyes.
I’m guessing you’ve not seen them and are connecting leek spin with the altogether worse website, meat spin. Logical perhaps, but also foolish. Leek spin is a four(?) frame animation of Inoue Orihime (Bleach) spinning a leek around in her hand, to the tune of an excerpt from some nordic folk song. Caramelldansen is…well, it’s a similar vein to Leek spin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX6e7sO1ss0 is the ‘original’ version, I think. There are many versions for different animes/games floating around.
She could still bleed and get hurt when she was immortal. See Mao shooting her, or when she took a bunch of debris to the torso during the battle on the mountain with Cornelia. She heals crazy fast and she can’t die (though they haven’t said what happens if she gets decapitated) but she can be hurt and bleed. Showing that she can be hurt and bleed wasn’t a confirmation that she was immortal by any means.
You’ll have to elaborate, I’m not sure I get the reference. MGS=Metal Gear Solid? If you’re referencing number 4 it’s wasted on me :( Lack of PS3 means I haven’t played it yet.
She can’t still be immortal if lelouch has to put a bandage on her finger.
Wasn’t saying that, I was just saying that showing her bleeding wasn’t confirmation that she wasn’t immortal. The bandaging, possibly. But the showing her hurt+bleeding, no.
Just because C2 was bleeding doesnt mean she lost her code. She bled plenty of times before.
Get that in ur head ppl.
If i shot u, u would bleed.
And what fal said is true i dont watch clamp.
She lost the super human healing ability that the code gave her (as is evidenced from the small bandage around her finger following the incident). She didn’t require bandages when Mao shot her, nor when she took the debris. She healed quickly, which Lelouch remarks after he sorts her wounds in the caves. A tiny cut on her finger would not merit a bandage if she had her code. I agree, bleeding isn’t confirmation she’s not immortal.
The bandage is though.
Dangit sandslayer, I had to stop reading your post partway, mentioning too many spoilers. Anyway, I was just saying they’ve forgotten about Kallen for quite some time so they’re probably going to make up for that with her being important in some way in the next few episodes. So if SOMEONE needs to get Lelouch out of a pickle with Suzaku, then she’s a prime candidate. Plus with C.C. going all amnesiac, Lelouch is really lacking in true accomplices in the Black Knights. Of the ones that know his true identity, Sayoko seems to be more Diethard’s subordinate, Ougi/Villeta also seem to be under Diethard’s control, and Rolo is fucking crazy. He either needs to get C.C.’s memories back(which will probably take a while more since he really doesn’t have the time to pursue that, plus amnesiac C.C. is too cute to get rid of so soon), or get Kallen back, which would be good because he’s probably going to be needing more ace pilots with the upcoming battles. As for romantic pairings with Lelouch, I don’t really care too much. The last possible girlfriend they focussed on died, and might be an indication of a Terry Bogard curse(anime Terry Bogard not game), though it’s too early to tell.
Agghh, still a few more days to Sunday!
Hmm, Lelouch does still have Orange-kun with him, but he’s kind of loopy as well. Probably not as bad as Rolo since his quarcks lean more towards not killing people. Wonder what his call to Guilford was about. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just a “wazzup! Heads up dude, Cornellia’s still alive”. I’m pretty sure it was one of those “Who does your loyalty lie with, Brittania or Cornellia” thing, and they’re probably trying to get him to betray the Brittanian army during the invasion.
Not sure what’s Diethard’s game is though. He probably knows exactly who Lelouch is by now. Wonder if it’s all fanatical devotion to Zero that’s motivating him. Plus Lelouch has been inflating his ego lately and he might be to the point that he has confused his will with Zero’s will, making him do things that he thinks “Zero would want.” This could potentially be even worse than anything Rolo could do to the Black Knights.
Its pretty late and sadly I don’t want to read over 127comments but I think Ougi is Sayoko, I mean she has the leet skills right?
And you know when Zero was backing off when the emperor was talking and he got noticed? that doesnt bode well
Uh, no. Sayoko was hanging with Rolo in a suit, as you can see in the DM pic captioned “WTF? Does she ever remove that headpiece?” Sayoko is not pretending to be Ougi.
Not really, I prefer a good, tragic ending that really fucks with the main characters emotions (and/or a really tasteful death for the main character). Heres an example of some pretty good endings. Happy/romantic, good ending: Shuffle! He is my master. And for bad, the best I could think of is Doctor Who last season, just premeired in the U.S. today and it is awesome, it REALLY messed with the doctor. Though I gotta admit most happy endings are corny and most tragic endings are funny.
Lloyd does have access to gefjun disturber anti-properties but I doubt they installed it on all their knightmares in the whole army, it really is common sense, the life of a single soldier doesn’t hold much value and Lloyd’s perceptions of gefjun is it affecting single knightmares, nothing wide-scale like the G-Train.
Ougi is apparenlty Secretary General (whatever that is). Figure his position out yourself cause I don’t feel like checking out what it is.
I know, I know, I KNOW! I knew all that, I was mainly joking around with the Valkyries. I’ve never known any variations from Valkyries to be anything but a busty warrior chick. I was joking about gay guys in one of them because of that.
I said No Thanks because I never really cared about all that “over 9000”, leek spin, caramelldansen, etc. It just didn’t amuse me enough. Note that I usually don’t even watch anime.
I was suggesting the whole sequence of events that led to the bandage, not the first thing that happened to her. He hit her, the dish broke, she got cut, she didn’t regenerate it right away (it was a small cut, it should’ve been fast) and he got her a bandage. Also note that Lelouch was thoroughly shaken up after that.
Your comment makes me sick, so I seperated it from the main parts about that part of the discussion. If I got shot, I would bleed, that’s true (though that’s a very, very negative example) and before C.C. lost her immortality she bled as well, but the difference is SHE HEALED QUICKLY. Dude, if you haven’t gotten that yet, you’re retarded. If I got shot, I’d be hospitalized, If C.C. got shot, she’d be up and ready again in at most a few days. But this time, C.C. got hurt and *didn’t* heal right away. THAT is WHAT’S DIFFERENT.
Mhmm. By the way, the bandage isn’t the only evidence…more evidence will be revealed as the series progresses (stops talkign to build suspense) but I shall not say why (major plot tiwst) yet.
There weren’t that many spoilers…want me to reveal how the show ends then? That would piss you off! Sadly I don’t know, I only know basically what happens in episode 17~21…I like what I’ve heard about episode 21…very twisted. I agree that Diethard knows more than he lets on (I said that earlier) because that is what triggers a substantial plot twist later. Also, I like the new C.C. better than the old one, mostly because it provides a romantic chance for Lelouch.
Lelouch has been humanizing more and more lately. I really don’t agree with that theory, but that’s mostly because Lelouch has been showing his more vulnerable side lately, he doesn’t really think he is Zero, he thinks that Zero is what others see him as, and he uases that to get his results.
Knowing Guilfords past, present and future relationship with Cornelia it is obviously a ploy to get Guilford on their side (if you can interpret that right you might just have a spoiler).
I don’t really want to answer that because it doesn’t really have a bearing in my interpretation of future code geass events.
That was pretty long…a few spoilers here and there…enjoy!
What in the nine hells…my post was deleted? Eh!? It took me almost a half an hour to write it! Omg! I PUT SO MUCH EFFORT INTO IT! I EXPLAINED THE MEANING OF LIFE!!! Not really. But that sucks…
Edit: It’s back *phew*
It’s the last post on column 9 just to let anyone who cares know.
hey guys, has anyone thought the ship firing missiles in space is actually a ship firing gerfun disturbers to earth to prevent that psychotic, madscientist lesbian from letting off her nuke?
Sorta like releasing a nuke in the atmosphere for the EMP effect a la Goldeneye? (Is that proper science? I always thought that was a bit silly.)
It’s possible, but I don’t think so. A worldwide gefjun net would effectively kill the mecha aspect of the series, which Sunrise wouldn’t do. Plus, more ‘lore’wise, the Black Knights would be the only ones to do it (Why would Britannia stop their own person?). Lelouch must believe he can win the fight against Britannia using his current strengths, Freya (I’ve seen two different translations) would be an unexpected turn for him, but he can probably work around it. The bomb, from what I can tell, has a massive destructive radius and power. It’d be ineffective in closed spaces of Britannian territory. The best they could hope for is to use it on a Federation city, and the Black Knights won’t be there. It may work as an incentive to not attack, just like the nukes of reality, but that stops being effective if Rakshata develops a weapon of similar power. I hadn’t thought that it was a worldwide gefjun net, but I just don’t see it happening.
@Amnestic: Surprisingly enough, the whole explode-nuke-in-atmosphere-to-create-EMP does indeed have basis in fact. Wikipedia article on High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulses.
I do think the whole thing with GoldenEye itself was kind of silly, though; I mean, how many warheads did it have? What would they do when it ran out? I mean, satellites don’t usually get repaired; when they do (I can only think of one situation at the moment; namely, the Hubble Space Telescope), it tends to be a big deal (because a manned mission is usually needed). Unless they would simply send up another GoldenEye?
sandslayer you need to a chill pill this isnt life or death its just a blog. yet the chap yap all he wants.
i saw the effects of EMP Energy weapons on tv this weekend. i hope they dont pull a fast one like that to disable the freya
Haters…I swear…look, I can chat all that I want on a blog. If I want to have really long ass posts or insult people/argue with people I can. Mostly I insult people only if they say something really stupid, otherwise I’m just trying to prove a point. But iof you wanna argue then go ahead. Lay out an opinion and lace it with evidence. I love tearing stuff like that apart.
By the way, I single out Omega Knighx because he comes off as retarded to me. Just so you know.
Huh. Learn something new every day. And I dunno really, I haven’t seen Goldenye in a long, long time (like…12 years or something), but it was just trying to short out and eradicate the electrical systems, right? In which case it’d only need a limited number of warheads to short them all out once. In which case, they’d only need to target certain place, rather than blanketing the whole planet (“Let’s fire our EMP at the middle of the pacific, teach those goddamn tribal island dwellers a lesson!”) I’m not certain of the blast radius, but it wouldn’t take many to knock out the UK, and targeting strategic cities (New York->Wall street crash anyone?) would have horrendous effects.
Then again, I can’t even remember the premise for goldeneye. Was it a hostile weapon that was developed or a friendly weapon which was stolen? I dunno, I need to watch it again I think.
First off…are we still talkign about code geass or about real life. Thus I will divide my answers into two sections.
Real life: According to the article I read (which had no sources or references, thank god for wikipedia =.=) HEMP is a valid threat. Also please note that I’m reffering to the U.S. in this article. I do find it kind of silly that a nuclear warhead detonated in space would knock out communications on-planet but when you think about it, disrupting communication sattelites would cause alot of problems, mainly because alot of our communication networks ARE in space, however it would equally be effective to just use the nuke to bomb our country, probably more seeing that the amount of resources required to launch a nuclear satellite into orbit without alerting other countries (as far as I know, there are no nuclear satellites, though that may just be classified information) would be rather taxing. Besides, even if they get a nuclear satellite into orbit they could jsut bomb our planet from space (which would be pretty hard to stop) and devastate us, or they could knock out our satellites, declare war, fight us, all the while they wasted their nuke knocking down communications, instead of hurting us. If you understand my meaning of that, your a genius, I personally kinda find it jumbled.
Anyways…Code Geass: Initializing a planetary EMP would basically knock out ALL electronic devices on the planet, making everyone vulnerable. It really would defeat any purpose of doing anything in the show. That’s really all I have to say.
No mechas=no code geass.
Has anyone else noticed that for some reason some of the later posts disapear and then only come back after someone posts something else? It’s weird…dm you probably need to do some tuning on this site of yours.
Please read the text below the posting box.
Indeed! Thanks for making me feel stupid! >.>
If it makes you feel better, ‘unobservant’ or ‘blind’ could also apply.
The calm before the storm: episode 17…
Well some of the spoilers did really come true but some didn’t just like Kallen seeing some action in episode 17 hehe XD
and a BIG WTF for Suzaku stepping on Lelouch’s face!!!!
next episode will be really messy and we’ll get to see Sayoko in her ninja form *_*
rofl i dont get the cheeseburger thing! gahh cant wait til next episode