It’s cool that Lelouch is all anti-hero and I-am-the-boss now, but there’s just something wrong about this whole situation. Too-busy-for-haircuts Charles was a much more interesting antagonist than pretty-boy Schneizel, mainly because Norio Wakamoto is also the voice behind Onsokumaru and that hard-boiled penguin from Gunparade Orchestra.
Everyone’s like “ALL HAIL LELOUCH” now, but no one ever said “ALL HAIL CHARLES”
It’s time for world domination. Having done away with titles and nobilities, Britannia is now a socialist dictatorship with Lelouch as the Dear Leader. Now that he has total control of the Fatherland, discretion is no longer a necessity and finesse is for pussies.
“I can’t believe I came all this way just to voice one line!”
In less than 5 minutes of airtime, the remaining Circularly-Shaped Knights fall at the hands of the great Japanese-born Knight of Zero, Saitou Hiraga. Some of them have waited the entire season to make their debut only to be blown apart after delivering just one line of predictable cliché, but that’s life for you. It’s not these people’s fault for failing so hard in life; it’s the changing paradigm, the evolution of technology, and that goddamn noob, Suzaku, cheating in his new ride powered by the almighty plot device.
“Democracy is for noobs. Let’s decide this with good old hoop-shootin'”
Lelouch wants Britannia to join the United Federation of Nations and for the whole world to unite as one big happy family ruled under his iron fist. Kaguya, torn between her pubescent feelings for Zero-sama and her duty as the Leader of The Free Worldâ„¢, is highly confused and somewhat aroused by Lelouch’s aggressive advances.
“Please insert brain(s)”
Some people (“the sheep”) see Lelouch as the defender of justice who has successfully reformed Britannia and freed the Numbers of the world, and are eager to let the reborn Britannia into the exclusive club of democratic nations, while others remain sceptical. Tamaki is an exception in that he has no opinions of his own and is merely a hollow apparition feeding on the hopes and dreams of others.
Kallen bids a sad symbolic farewell to the object of her sexual affection, but we all know that she will come around by the next episode. I mean, didn’t she go through this whole melodramatic routine like ten times before? Oh, Lelouch, you’re such a fool. Unlike other love comedy male leads who have to make tough decisions and choose one girl from dozens, your load is a lot lighter thanks to Sunrise’s wanton killing of side characters. Just pick one already you bastard.
They got rickrolled by Schneizel
The episode ends with some shenanigans from the Schneizel camp. But seriously, after the entire Geass issue was abruptly “settled” in the last episode, Schneizel’s oh-look-at-me-being-evil thing just pales in comparison. So what if he has a flying fortress that can blow up entire cities? He has no glowing eyes!
How did he convince those people to put on those clothes without using his Geass?
Uh. So will we ever find out where Geass came from? Or will the rest of the episodes simply play out between too-cool-for-britannia Schneizel ratface and bad-fashion-sense-redux Lelouch? Frankly, I was expecting something deeper and more philosophical at the end. Considering how much they’ve been hyping the personal relationships surrounding Geass over the course of the series, I would be sorely disappointed if the ending turned out to be some gigantic mecha battle gibberish and explosions.
She’s out of a job
Like, what’s C.C. supposed to do now that the faux-social-darwinist human-instrumentality-project Charles and his lovely wife are trapped for good in the infinite beyond. Look cute and make snide remarks? (That said, I do like it better now that C.C. is back to her usual cynical self.)
“Obey me for ever! And overlook this huge plothole!”
Also, How the hell does Lelouch remove both his contacts so quickly? There aren’t even enough finger space to go around! Remember back in Season 1 when Euphie died (omg spoiler) and we were all like “ZOMG LELOUCH CAN’T CONTROL HIS GEASS NOW?” Well, I feel cheated. :(
Just to remind folks that he’s still alive
Pizza Hut didn’t pay enough for the animation budget this episode
Wing Zero
Where is Ougi’s left hand?
She’s not so annoying now
Black Knight, the old SS
Kallen is pondering whether she should rape Lelouch round the next bend
“I hungeerr forrrr brainzzzzz”
He looks like one of those magical CLAMP characters from Tsubasa
Someone forgot to forward him the memo about wearing formal attire
Thousand-year-old stereotypes ftw
Hasta la vista
They are the good guys now, sort of?
Her eyes say no but her heart says yes
Initial drift!
My exams are this week and next week. I should be doing maths now, lol.
Budget overruns seem to be the downfall of this Sunrise series. i would have preferred more knightmare fights in the series
You need a little bit of both to move this series along, it IS a mecha series after all, and they ARE using character dynamics to their fullest extents, just a lack of CecilxSuzaku and Suzaku relating to geass (which they actually managed to fit in, since Suzaku is using his live-on geass to fight).
what i meant was that i would have preferred them to lengthen the series and not rush everything just to conclude the show within 2 seasons. And that if they did lengthen the series – to include more knightmare fights. But i know it isn’t possible considering what the staff had said.
Yeah and i also love Clamp’s art style. i wish they will have more co-operations like this in the future.
For me, the alternate version of R2 that I would like to see is what Turn 12 might have been regarding Milly Ashford. I think that the original plan was to have a flashback moment where Milly meets Lelouch for the first time. In addition, she might have summoned him to her private residence to confide her feelings for Lelouch before she left Ashford Academy. That might have provide some closure to the Milly x Lelouch arc where she makes him aware of her love for him. That would have given him something to remember.
Read from somewhere and someone said that this was in the picture drama or sound episode and lulu know milly likes him – but i am unable to find the clip as of now.
hmm….So Nunally is evil now. I sorta saw it comming…
Seriously, some one give my comment a thought. I’ll even throw it back up for ya. :)
“I’m actually hoping that Lulu is really acting out as an agent of choas now. I think his new conquest of world dominion and abolishment of the noble class/aristocracy is to set the stage for his demise and ensuing chaos. It is the perfect counter to the Human Instrumentality Project that Charles had wished to enact.
In a sense, Lulu’s latest turn of event’s reminds me of Leto II from the Dune series.”
Whats the “code” that the C.C. had?
What does the “code” means?
Anyone can explain? :D
It took me a moment to get the “good old hoop-shootin'” part.
Sounds plausible. Dune was better though, except for the lack of moé. (That said, I’ve always imagined Chani to be really cute.)
Personally I don’t think as much thought was put into the character motivations in Code Geass as Frank Herbert did for Dune. In any case, I don’t see the need to introduce additional chaos when Charles didn’t succeed with his plan.
They should make a Dune anime. The Bene Gesserit will be full of hot girls.
I can just see that video in youtube now.
“The person best fit to be Emperor is…”
*video plays*
As for KallenxLulu…
She kissed him! About freaking time! The fanboy in me is sad that Kallen is not on their side now but hopefully that means she will live, even if it is with Gino.
*ha ha* Yes, hot chicks without hair! Well, if they ever make Dune into an anime, I’ll definitely watch it! One of the best epic movies out there…well, best novels as well…
I preffer BG with hair, goes with the books better. :p
What has more outrageous costumes, Dune of Code Geass?
Anyone notice that Sunrise never showed the other two Knight of Round’s machines? Instead, they just showed the cockpits. Looks like Sunrise got lazy. O_o
Just something ridiculous :
Maybe Shirley gets reborn and gets back with Lelouch at the ending like what she said. So it might be a Lelouch X Shirley ending.
methinks Shirley’s actually dead….
and the final boss is…
Oh the first Knight of Rounds pilot who died here was piloting a Sutherland, why? I don’t know. Wikipedia says so though. Shouldn’t Knights of Rounds get their own uber-leet [s]Gundam[/s]?
Feyd’s steamy plastic trunks vs Lulu’s magical hat-crown-thingy?!?
Remember this?
NSFW, probably ;P
Code Geass! >_< With Lulu and his (fashion-)slaves on the show David Lynch’s vision of stillsuits and baroque garb seems well thought out! Especially…
Also kinda nsfw lol
If you look at the scene before, it appears they are in Sutherlands 0.0
Omgsh this episode was so disappointing. Like i understand suspense but the entire episode was kind of boring until the very end…and that was just shocking. and it just made me reallyc onfused cuz im like “why is lelouch making everyone hate him?” and “why isnt kallen siding with lelouch?” cuz she should know him more than to think that he’s evil and stuff. And then “why is nunally siding with schneizel?” cuz i always thot nunally was pretty smart so she should be able to see through w/e schneizel did to make her go against her own BROTHER whom she treasuredd! so the entire story is like going haywire and im like ehhhhhhhhhh
omg and ill be so devasted if lelouch dies. i despise tragedies. especially if you’ve grown with the characters for 2 seasons. like it just cant happen. if lulu does end up dying, im going to slap someone harshly.
hey and ive been reading everyones comments about this taniguchi guy? is he the one who created the series? and whats with the whole taniguchi not able to create r2 the way he saw it? like did he plan for the story to be different? INFORM ME SOMEONE
Hello mina!!!
This is the first time I post here, but I’ve been a faithful reader of this blog since long ago, I want to thank you Dark Mirage for finding a little time for posting even when you always seem to have exams coming. LOL!
And I also want to say that I always wait for your reviews with the same excitement as the episodes themselves and that i like your sense of humour.
I’ve never written here before because my English sucks, so if there are any mistakes, sorry!!! LOL!
Now that I feel more confident with my level of English I think I will become a regular writer here.
See you all and take care!
From Mexico IsmaelVC
Raine- (your name reminds me of someone in a game I play)
Taniguchi is the director. He originally had a very different storyline in mind (though theoretically the same result) with a slower pace, making it so that the second season started right after Zero was captured, effectively eliminating the need for setup for the second season (basically 1~12 with very little exception, I say this because the storyline didn’t really advance until Shirley died). Doing this would have allowed a Geass-connection with Suzaku (which he managed to slightly fill in now that Suzaku can control and manipulate the “live on” geass), CecilxSuzaku (which was hinted at in his interveiw) and a less…global approach for Lelouch to get the job done. I’m also guessing that the purpose of Ragnarok and Marriannes role would also have been different, but I highly doubt that he ever meant for Charles to be the final boss.
Also, the Nunnally thing surprised me. Doesn’t it seem out-of-character for Nunnally to go against Lelouch and actually say, “I’m your enemy.”? And she also said it to Suzaku (double-whammy). She ain’t such a cute Loli anymore. Needs more Anya…although I’m sad she’s on Schnizels side.
This is one of those times that I disagree with Wikipedia. Dorothea and Monica’s knightmares are not explicitly seen, there were a number of Sutherlands that were in the fight. Both of them were cockpit-views of them getting killed. If your basing this fact off the scene where they are show 4 knightmares (Galahad and 3 sutherlands) while the dude is saying “There are four knights of rounds!” please note that Nonnette apparently wasn’t there and Gino was in the Tristan, effectively eliminating the “4 knightmares, 4 people” comparison.
So no, we don’t know what Knightmare they piloted, mainly because they were too lazy to design them and I doubt they would just stick elite soldiers in those Sutherlands.
Feel free to argue.
Wazzup man, I’m the local asshole.
sooooo…. they changed Taniguchi’s ideas around…. by adding (practically) filler for 1-12 instead of what he wanted? weird…
Those screencaps were hilarious as always XD
I liked this episode, awesome review as always darkmirage. Nunnally twist at the end surprised me, but not too much. Right now I’m more interested in the Kallen thing…has she really gone from loving him to wanting to kill him that fast? Seems unrealistic.
I think that Nunnally was manipulated by Schniezel into believing that Lelouch and Suzaku are evil. This certainly put Lelouch in a very difficult spot. How can he fight his own sister, now that she is alive? He would have to snap out of the path that he had set up for himself. And with Kallen as his enemy, it makes it even more complicated.
It hard to believe that everything will end after episode 25 because everything has gone so fast. Moreso than normal. I was surprised that Lelouch wants to unite the world against him. Only an insane person would allow that to happen upon himself. Originally, when Lelouch started the rebellion, he only wanted to liberate Japan from Britannia so that he could provide a safe place for Nunnally to live. But with the loss of Shirley, Euphemia, and the apparent death of Nunnally, Lelouch and Suzako declared that the only way to make the world a peaceful place was to turn it against them. The result of this action is DEATH for both of them. Lelouch wants to atone for geassing Euphemia into killing the Japanese by accident. He wants to make sure that Euphemia’s deeds are forgotten, which will not be easy to match.
The only other person who understands what Lelouch is trying to do is Milly Ashford because she knew what kind of person Lelouch really is. Not Kallen, who now declares herself as his worst nightmare. Nunnally doesn’t look like the type of person who would ever hate Lelouch. She might be playing along with Schniezel’s plan. Lelouch has never defeated his half brother. So we’ll see what happens in the remaining 3 episodes.
I certainly hope that Milly is able to reach out to Lelouch as the true thing that he has left. Or his true conscious because Lelouch has no one else who will comfort his ravaged mind. Not even C.C. could help him out on this one.
Kudos, you managed to turn a post about believing Nunnally is being manipulated (which is also my theory, more or less), into a post of Milly fanboyism.
I know, this Milly thing is like a battle of fanboyism, I say one thing, you say another, you think I’m an asshole, I think your completely retarded and incapable of thinking. When I hear people going “OMG MILLYXLELOUCH!!!” it’s like me listening to people talk about conspiracy theories, they sound insane, which is further amplified by their “private” land-lines (wire-tapping my ass, I laugh at thee) and tin-foil hats. I thoroughly believe that Milly has no chance whatsoever and she’s just a generic newscaster now. There has been FAR too little development between the two to make them fall in love suddenly with 3 episodes left, especially after the kiss scene. There will be NO third season. Taniguchi even SAID THAT. The story has already been finished. Done. Kaput. Over.
Back on topic (urgh, I hate Milly), Nunnally most likely is being manipulated. She has shown very little hostility over the course of the season and it’s very out of character for her to actually want to fight someone. However, she has shown to be firm in her beliefs, even if she’s highly pacifist. If she truly believes that Lelouch and Suzaku are evil pricks then she’d oppose them, that’s completely in her character. The question is, did she arrive at that conclusion herself, or is it like Schniezel and the Black Knights? Where Schniezel tells them half-truths to make him seem like a horrible person.
Apparently Schniezel and Lelouch are head to head tactics wise, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some awesome battles over the course of the next few episodes. My ideal ending is that Emperor Lelouch “dies” publicly, and Nunnally takes the throne, even though Lelouch didn’t actually die and is living happily with Kallen (NOT MILLY). Oh and Suzaku died. Either that or everyone dies and the show ends in tragedy (Armageddon?)
I’m a RivalzxMilly fanboy actually, that was one pair I held in a special place for the course of the show and it would greatly please me if it was RivalzxMilly and not LelouchxMilly (for gods sake, she is his cousin!).
Oh well, time to eat.
Nunnally Lamperouge:
“I will put an end to oniisama’s sin.”
That’s enough for Nunnally to be Suzaku’s and Lelouch’s enemy.
We know she is his enemy, we just don’t know how she came to believe that. Please remember that Schniezel mentions that she runs off since she can’t agree with them (this is before she’s revealed to be alive, and is referred only as “someone that can’t agree”).
Also, the most accurate subber, the one Wikipedia makes references off of (I can’t remember which it was) says that Nunnally says “I am your enemy” not “I will put an end to onii-sama’s sin”. They have two quite different meanings.
Also, did anyone see that C.C. sits in the queens throne? Empress maybe?
Did anyone else notice how fast this week went by (maybe not since I’m skipping school tommorrow, don’t want to deal with all of those 9-11 ceremonies, then right after that is Friday, then the weekends…wow).
@sandslayer, nothing to argue about though. Like I said, shouldn’t Knight of Rounds get their own KMFs with 3423846328 stats?
It’s plenty to argue about, people on Wikipedia are argueing about it now. Though now it seems like a battle of stubbornness. Alas, sometimes wikipedia sometimes gets it wrong.
There are pics of Milly X Lelouch that are really beautiful in the link below. :p
“Also, the Nunnally thing surprised me. Doesn’t it seem out-of-character for Nunnally to go against Lelouch and actually say, “I’m your enemy.â€? And she also said it to Suzaku (double-whammy). She ain’t such a cute Loli anymore. Needs more Anya…although I’m sad she’s on Schnizels side.”
According to animesuki, Anya left Schnizel to join Lelouch and that kanon or schnizel said something about someone abandoning them…
(Can’t help here i wasn’t paying attention to anya in the episode – i need to re-watch that part)
yeah, remember when Schneizel told Cornelia that someone had abandoned them?
then they show Nunnally with everyone except Anya?
we’ll see what happened to her this week I guess
Hmm, I had assumed they meant Nunnally…well, I’ll guess we’ll find out if they meant Anya or Nunnally. It would be awesome if Anya joined Lelouch, but why would she? You need to think of the reasons too. She can’t just go and join because she felt like it, unless she’s secretly in love with Lelouch (or Suzaku).
Needs more Anya…I’m hoping that animesuki is right about that. It makes sense from what I’ve seen.
One disturbing thing…Kallen is seen talking with Gino in the preview…omg, I really don’t want a KallenxGino. D:
Kallen needs to understand Lelouch and stop trying to kill him.
KK (and animesuki pplz) said Anya was gonna join Lelouch, not me
but I see your point
just because Gino and Kallen are seen in the preview doesn’t mean anything, other than that they talked
he could just be reassuring her about her love for lelouch
since she seemed so damn conflicted after the kiss
she might realize that he doesn’t need to love her back, it just matters that she loves him
something along those lines, I won’t list the long list of consequences from that scenario
Suzaku’s new outfit reminds me of a horse for some reason, i liked this older pimp costume better. Suzaku needs to be more white than blue. Only girls when those fake sleeves. Oh and that blond KoR that looks like the Valkyrie pilot only appears for x<4sec and gets blown up. Bismark took Nunnaly’s geass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do u cut Excalibur vertically but then cut Galahad diagonally in one stroke?
Well now we know how nightmare of nunnaly is going to end.
I think Code Geass is more of a Psychological anime like Eva than a mecha anime like gundam seed.
Good Zero no Tsukaima reference but that series is beginning to suc now its just fan service and no plot.
By the way Dark Mirage did you get the take off contacts in half a sec idea from Omega Knighx and tsukiyomi?
Sry for double posting but i just realized that orange kun’s Sutherland Sieg looks like 2 testicles and a :===> with spikes attached to it. There is a sushi shop where i like that has a sign with sushis arranged in the shape of a %===>
whod u think would win
or transformer?
all being the same size of course
i think knightmare lol
but only if its guren or lancelot
mabe gawain
i dont like gawain lol
this episode suxed alot. kallen kissed him like a whore, suzaku follows lelouch around like a bitch and kaguya is silently screaming at zero to rape her. didnt like it cuz there was too much crap.
Galahad holds Excalibur diagonally.
Yeah, I mean GOD. What a WHORE. Actually TOUCHING a guy she likes before marriage. what a SLUT. Watch as I EMPHASISE certain words with CAPS for my own amusement.
In other news, how does kissing a guy she’s been pining after since the first few episodes of R1 make her a whore. It’s not as if she started stripping or anything.
Haha, I like reading your thoughts; they’re so funny. And does anyone feel like, wtf is Suzaku doing following Lelouch around like a lost puppy? I’m feeling a second betrayal is coming.
Anyone know when is episode 23 coming? I’ve been hearing all sorts of news about it, but can’t seem to find the episode. And when is episode 24 & 25 coming? Is it gonna be like Season 1, when the last two episodes aired two months after episode 23? Hope not, that would totally suck.
Sheesh, why can’t Lelouch just make peace with the UFN? Oh, yeah. Cause’ then they’d totally be out of a story. Good point.
Lelouch as the Emperor’s hot, but his I’m-the-leader-of-the-world attitude pisses me off. Especially after Kallen’s -totally expected- kiss. He’s kissed Shirley twice, C.C twice, Kallen once and God knows how many times he’s been at it with -gay- Rolo. (That dude’s willing to die for his brother. Lelouch must have been REAL good in bed.)
Milly Ashford is not a relative of Lelouch. The Ashfords were supporters of Marianne. How they lost their Nobility is a complete mystery. Rivalz has affections for Milly. But Milly doesn’t feel the same way about Rivalz, on a romantic level. Milly has never acted like a sister/cousin towards Lelouch in any way. Until now, Milly has kept her feelings hidden from everyone about Lelouch. She might finally come forth with them. Especially if Kallen dies.
Any C.C supporters? I worry for my pairing – Lelouch X C.C
especially after the way Lelouch kissed Kallen. T_T
Hmm, either way, I still don’t like MillyxLelouch, and the setting just doesn’t seem RIGHT for Milly. Hell, it feels like one of those strange fetishes someone you know has, say coprophilia. You think it’s abosutely disgusting, whereas they like it. Ok, really gross example (if you know what coprophilia is, those who don’t, probably shouldn’t look it up. If you do…don’t use google, Wikipedia is better since they don’t have pictures of it anymore…explains why I’m so messed up), but still, I compare that to MillyxLelouch.
Anyway, too little developement for Milly…aww who cares.
Doesn’t look like much hope for C.C.xLelouch…I’ve kinda gone back to the dark side (KallenxLelouch), because of the kiss and because C.C. wants to die… oh well, I’d be happy with either pairing…just…not…MillyxLelouch.
Nah, I still think Lelouch is closet gay, which explians why he doesn’t let women get close to him. Poor Kallen, you love a gay man. Makes sense about Rolo though, I’d do anythig for a guy who’s good in bed…oh wait…uh…that came out wrong.
Side note: Episode 23 comes out in approximately 24hours from now.
By the way, when was the second Shirley kiss? I only remember when she kissed him right after her father died, or are you talking about the peck in s2 ep12?
As far as I’m concerned, whores are awesome. As long as they don’t have AIDS or some funky STD that turns you green.
Holy crap the British dudes’ funny.
dude amnestic your stupid. the girl shouldn’t do anything before marriage, or else you go to hell becuase of your sins, duh. think before you talk and dont make fun of the basis of catholic life and stuff like that, unless you wanna go to hell, i bet you are going to. you too sandslayer, you probly are gay, so you should die.
*Amnestic equips Flaming Trilby of Troll Repellant +1*
Can I just point out the hilarious “your stupid”? I mean really, that just sets up the entirety of your post for failure. Now I’m actually inclined, despite your previous shows of idiocy, to believe that you’re actually trolling as opposed to being serious. Just a hunch, I guess. As much as I’d love to have a member of the Westboro Baptist Church (Google them, read and cringe) to berate, I think they’re too busy protesting soldier’s funerals to spend time on the internet. They probably think anime is evil anyway.
Hey Amnestic, let’s say something you might not have expected.
This entire time, I was overessence.
The purpose was really just to amuse myself, and because I find your responses to him (and some other people) to be highly amusing, which again, amuses myself. Also, I kinda like making fun of religion.
I wouldn’t call it trolling, I was really insulting myself most of the time (rather lamely, if I ask myself, but most were derived from copying some people who have very bad grammar), I’m actually surprised nobody guessed it since quite a few of overessences posts came right after mine.
It was funny while it lasted, and I’m already bored with talking like a retard (yes, that’s how I view people who talk and act like how I was portraying overessence). By the way, nighttrigger is also mine, but I only used him because of the page caching (when I post, all the rest of the posts reappear).
But now, you might ask yourself, how many other people has sandslayer been impersonating? Who knows, I only felt like revealing this one, but there could be many, many more out there…or not.
P.S. The “your stupid” parts that frequently appear in overessences posts are there because it makes overessence seem really immature.
Yes, I am sandslayer’s bitch, I always have been and I always will be. He’s just too sexy…way too sexy.
GTFO with your KallenXLulu comments, you CCxLulu fanboy! :)
I’m so sorry, I have gone to the dark side…the power of Kallen’s rack just enticed me too much, couldn’t resist. C.C., I’m sorry, I know I am a traitor…but Kallen is just better endowed.
Oh woops, I used nighttrigger instead of sandslayer.
I’m too sure that C.C wants to die though because of some interesting arguments that i read about against it after watching the charles and C.C episode. But we will see…
Oops i typed wrongly…
I’m not too sure that C.C wants to die though because of some interesting arguments that i read about against it after watching the charles and C.C episode. But we will see…