Old rivalries will finally be settled once and for all, the dead have started to rise from their graves, and the last boss is revealed; everything is coming to an end. Or perhaps it has already ended. Spoilers ahead.
Xingke, always too willing to be manipulated, ambushes and boards the Avalon with the pathetic remnants of the Black Knights. It is quite clear that Schneizel has no intention of halting his FLEIA spam just to let Xingke rescue his precious loli, so this is a rather suicidal move.
This thing is three episodes late
Nina finally completes her anti-FLEIA device, what I call the Lance of Longinus. But she has no time to write an auto-configuration programme, so the input parameters for the device must be manually entered by hand. And instead of being attached to a guided missile warhead, the lance has to be hand-thrown by a Knightmare. Then again, Evangelion did it first.
Thanks to Nina’s design, Lelouch’s record-breaking typing speed, and Suzaku’s throw, the Avalon survives complete annihilation, thus saving the lives of Xingke and friends. How ironic.
“Who could’ve imagined that our sole weak point would be used against us?”
Like all superweapons of doom, the Damocles has the most powerful offence and defence capabilities but suffers from a single fatal flaw: it has to open its shields to fire FLEIA. Since nothing can penetrate Damocles’ shields while they are up, Schneizel should’ve waited until it is in the safety of low-Earth orbit, beyond the operating height of Knightmares, before trying to kill Lelouch with FLEIA. But I guess he, like the designers of the Death Star and its exhaust port, wants to give the protagonist a chance to win.
Love rivalry turns ugly
C.C. and Kallen fight over the right to Lelouch’s virginity. It is quite obvious that the new pink Knightmare was introduced just to sell more toys for Bandai because it does absolutely nothing. C.C. gets owned before you can say “catfight”. This is what you get when you spend decades eating pizza and sleeping.
“Lelouch, behind you!”
Lelouch manages to Geass Schneizel, thus putting an end to this whole story… Oh wait. Schneizel, in spite of his selfish genius, did not plan for a manual override to the Key of Damocles. Hence, Nunnally is the last boss. How shocking.
I find it hard to believe that Lelouch could’ve predicted the content of his conversation of Schneizel down to the exact words used. Perhaps Lelouch is speaking through a microphone to a silent pre-recorded movie with advanced lip-syncing technology. Oh well.
For some reason, I’m not too excited about the last episode. I’m not even sure what kind of ending I’m hoping for any more. It seems to me that the only real obstacle left to a happy ending is poor misguided Nunnally, whom I can’t convince myself is a threat of any significance.
Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer it when Lelouch pulls off a complete turnabout from utter hopelessness and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Nunnally is just too loli a last boss to provide that kind of threat, thus a happy ending probably won’t be very satisfying. (“Oh great you defeated a little girl.”) Therefore I predict a tragic ending and everyone dies in the FLEIA!
Conservation of momentum is being violated
They have hot passionate sex after this scene
The real evil mastermind
How can you take anyone in that outfit seriously
“Lelouch, I…”
“Stop!” exclaims the love rival as she enters the ceremonial hall
“How could you betray my love?”
“You slut, die!”
A sword is a weapon; a pair of swords is compensation
Her only role in the show ended three episodes ago
“Hey guys, this kind uncle is giving us free candies”
Sayoko is the best character in the show
The bullets missed her vital assets
At this rate it can’t be long before Euphie comes back too
The character with the stupidest motivation in the show
This pose is mildly erotic
He finally realized that he’s a useless extra
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of thousands of doujin artists sketching furiously
I’m much more concerned about the last episode of Macross Frontier. I hope Sheryl wins. :(
BAH. Was waiting for you to do a summary as I won’t have the time to view this ep. :(
Man… Lelouch’s ability to talk through the screen has been built since season one. He must have a doctorate in it.
Oh wow. Nunnally is the last boss .. what’s next? She gonna pull a hidden gun out from under her chair and blow everyone away like geass’d Euphy did?
Those eyes are scary…
I can’t believe Lelouch can managed to twist Schneizel around his little finger just like that…ah well, final boss : nunnally, geass lelouch?
Nunally was probably more intimidating with her eyes closed.
haha the last pic. sure looks awesome go Nunnaly hehehe!!!!
Geass end Spoiler alert !
Lelouch: Give me the key!
Nunnaly: ok
the truth is… unless nunnaly next line is “you just got Rickrolled”
i cant’ predict what will happen…
Charles coming back, shooting Lelouch and yelling “who’s your daddy !!!!” would not surprise me. and nunnaly in “Angry Termonuclear Loli” mode just scares me.
if the Arthur the cat survives everything is ok. and pizza, some pizza is always nice…
Here is my prediction:
Lelouch unvoluntarily places a geass on Nunnally that commands her “to massacre all Japanese”.
That or Nunnally is revealed to be an evil mecha engine of death that was deceiving Lelouch since the beginning.
Oh, and now confirmed: red *is* better than pink.
a side note … am I the only one who gets a chuckle out of the fact that Nunnally is being billed as Lelouchs final enemy?
I for one half-expected Kallen to say “Back off bitch, he’s mine!” when she interrupted CC and Lelouch.
erm lol. The trainwreck is too wrecked to be wrecked.Or does sunrise has more to do? Why is Kannon getting refrained anyway?
My thoughts as always:
I liked the episode, although some would say that’s just diehard fanboyism playing tricks on my mind. I still liked it.
Two obvious flaws:
1) Cornelia is brought back (ew)
2) Nunnally is still alive.
Other than that, a farily excitable episode with plenty of oddities to make you wonder “Wow! I can’t wait till next week!” and if your me “Wow! I can’t wait until this damn show is finished so I don’t overobsess myself and move on with my life!”
Anyways, I doubt Nunnally is going to be the (new) final boss because she’s just too loli, and unless Kallen and Gino pull her out while destroying the Damocles, I doubt that she will amount to nothing more than emotional opposition to Lelouch.
The Black Knights, I believe, are all that stands in Lelouch’s way of dominating the world. Now that the hostages are free, Li Xingke can have his way with Lelouch without the influence of the newly-geassed Schniezel, however, now that Schneizel is “Zero’s” (note that he said Zero, not Lelouch or mine) bitch and Diethard is dead I forsee a very unexplainable ending. Which leads me to…
My theory: C.C., Tohdoh, Tamaki and Gino have been put out of duty, so I doubt there will be a ginormous fight scene without some build-up. So my structured theory is that the first 1/3 is build-up and release of Nunnally tension then 1/3 fighting and then 1/3 ending sequences and C.C.xLelouch sex scenes. Who knows. Anything can happen at this point and I really couldn’t care less how it ends if C.C. and Lelouch end up together or Lelouch dies. However, I do want Kallen to make up with Lelouch.
Thus ends my thoughts. One final note: Nunnally looks weird with her eyes open and since Lelouch said that “She broke his geass with her own will?” she might be immune to his/or others geass.
Remember C.C’s claim that ‘the only one beside you will be me’?
I actually think that it will end with Lelouch, C.C being the King and Queen of the world that is hidden while Suzaku will recreate the world via the Zero Requiem doctrine of all people looking towards the future.
Or this is actually how Gundam UC came about. (I mean it)
Bandai’ve already started with the array of forms of Lancelot
http://bandai-hobby.net/geass/campaign.html (Black Lancelot!)
http://bandai-hobby.net/geass/item.html (Lancelot and Guren Forms FTW!)
There are even two types of Vincent! Who’re they trying to fool? Everyone knows that they’re just the same thing but with slightly different parts. Who’d buy them?
Well, if Schneizel didn’t diminish Lelouch’s forces with FLEIA, Lelouch would eventually decimate the surrounding forces and then concentrate his fire onto the Damocles, destroying it. Also, that bishounen that’s in love with Schneizel…one of the most trap-ish pictures ever. GO SHERYL!! Sheryl fan camp rulez DM :O.
nunnaly is a ninja, she’ll walk in the next episode and make weird loli sounds, this eps sucks. man now im confused as how this ending ties to lelouch anymore?
Macross Frontier is a remake of the original series. so the story isn’t new – have to agree with the other person who said it too.
oh im quite startled as well, after episode 19 i couldnt imagine nunnally being the final boss, but ‘hear hear’ all of a sudden we see people coming back from the dead (expect rollo *snif*) everything getting shuffled to madness POOF! Nunnally is suddenly the kings maker.
im very glad cornelia and gifford survived wanted to break the monitor when they threw them out of the plot like rags.
i smell a terrible de ja vu from turn 10.. i predict only a few ways this would end as
1. Lelouch and nunnaly talk back and forth until they are interrupted by a gundam that blasts into the room i expect it to be the worst one possible, in the chaos lelouch gets injured and nunnaly gets dragged out side, there is a very high risk of the gundam losing its grip and nunnaly plunging to her doom.
2. Lelouch fails to convert nunnaly and she pushes the button, since Ol Scheziel forgot to say that the entire building was booby trapped its now a race to get out of there alive in the chaos Lelouch cant drag nunaly out in time Bye Bye Babey!
3. Lelouch manages to drag her out of the building safely but Ol’ Doom Ex Machina is going to pull a epic move no one expects, oh snap V.V
Awww. No sceencap starring Tamaki. =P
What’s this show about again?
I’m only here now for C.C.’s real name. If Sunrise doesn’t reveal it and decides to sell another NDS game saying “Her name is scripted inside.” I might nuke Japan.
@ SnooSnoo:
I think it once had the working title ‘Neon Geass Rebellion’.
did anyone notice what the guard that held kanon had in his other hand? it looks very much like refrain…does that explain the interesting expression [replay X 3, being the girl I am, lol] on Kanon’s face?
Aside from that, lulu’s pre-recorded convo is quite convincing actually, since if you listen to it carefully, he’s not keeping very strictly to a train of conversation, but rather throwing around things that would have sounded ok as a reply for anything that Schneizel could have said that was like him to say.
Basically, it is common sense that when Schneizel saw lulu, he would ask why, so it’s easy to guess what to say, thus the first few exchanges in the convo was very convincing, especially since that lulu pauses after each ‘keyword’ he drops, to allow for some space if Schneizel makes a short comment. Starting from when Schneizel ask if that is why lulu predicted he would give up Damoclus, it begins to show that the conversation is pre-planned. Since lulu cannot predict at this point precisely what Schneizel is going to ask, so we can see that lulu did not answer specifically regarding Damoclus, but throw in a comment as close to the conversation but as vague as possible, that he will make Schneizel lose. To make the conversation convincing, note that from this point onwards, lulu takes active lead in initiating discussions, and does not answer specific questions. And also, note that the questions he ask are those that he knows the answers to, so he can essentially predict Schneizel’s response. In addition, he inserts some small actions during his silence, so that if Schneizel stops speaking before he starts his reply, it would not look weird, such as when he lowers his head during a brief silence. Lastly, it’s a really short conversation… so it’s not likely that Schneizel would notice too many faults to realise what happened.
I’m pretty sure lulu’s not going to geass nanali to hand over the key, since it’s sunrise. It would be too within prediction for that to happen. Geass’s thrown too much unpredictable things at us already.
Actually for a weapon, freiya is quite…useless. Don’t think anyone of strategic importance died actually; civilian died by the thousands though.
I DID NOT expect Schneizel, of all people, to be geassed, even though it was quite a ‘replay-worthy’ moment, the way Schneizel seem to have reacted so calmly to being geassed, as compared to the larger majority of people. [esp. euphie]
And…personal preference, but nanali is really much more interesting as a character with her eyes closed. Opening her eyes somehow makes her suddenly look like random filler character A…
browser died upon click to edit. so 2 posts in a line.
I shall predict what’s going to happen, with the statistical accuracy of random guessing I suppose.
Lulu will confront nanali, and they will recall past events, nanali will question why lulu did such and such, and lulu will not bother to explain. C.C. would have climbed out from the sea and be making slow progress towards where lulu is, while suzaku and kallen fights outside.
Just as lulu and nanali might have resolved the whole thing/ or that lulu is about to geass nanali, nanali press the button, and in the glow of pink light we see C.C. running into the room, suzaku and kallen turning to the light, and collective random ppl bathed in that pink light.
And it ends in bright pink light, just like season one [and the world will reverberate with the sound of thousands of ppl collectively face-palming ]
Aside from the crazy prediction that sunrise will do a parallel of season 1…
under normal assumed circumstances,
– C.C. & lulu, or at least C.C., will probably die. If C.C. dies, lulu might take over the code
WHY: The whole code geass thing started with C.C. stating that she wants to have a wish fulfilled, and that one major turn of events in this season also involve of this promise between them, and it was brought up at least twice that C.C. should die only with a smile. So given it’s an anime, lulu’s likely to win/ or world peace is likely to be the result, thus C.C. would die with a smile on her face.
Lulu is very likely to die because he has fulfilled his destiny of sorts, and surpassed himself. He’s not really fit for a ruler, so unless sunrise bears to give us a happily-ever-after-back-to-school sort of abominable ending, it’s likely that lulu will die.
Alternatively, C.C. might pass the code on the Lulu and die, leaving something like L.L. for us, if sunrise wants to make a sequel, or if CLAMP’s ED drawing of the ‘wing prophesy’ comes true.
Basically, lulu/C.C. death would be a very code-geass-ish way of ending the 2 seasons, unless they want sequels.
– nanali is very likely to survive
Given that the whole premise of the show is to bring the world to a peaceful resolution, and that the major world leaders are now all loli [kaguya & tianzi], sunrise might play around with some twisted sense of humour and…
And also, rollo’s died already…
– the collective mass is likely to survive, inclusive of ootbk.
– suzaku… is hard to tell. I’m guessing he’ll die if lulu dies.
– kallen and zino will survive, since they don’t look ready to die yet.
– basically all the official couples would survive, esp. cornelia & co, since it’s quite a joke to re-kill them again.
suzaku goes geass-mode at will
Man Schneizel’s sex partner scares me so much…
I mean, wtf, he looks so freaky…
anyways, onoz Nunally got eye power! BOOM!
so happy Diethard died in a pitiful way. I hated his guts.
Also, how come Guildford is there? I thought he died, and now he’s blind too!?
Guess everyone knows about Geass if he isn’t arrested or anything.
Easy final boss:One Geass and done.
but I have a feeling he can’t so maybe a formidable final boss indeed.
Also,Lelouch didn’t match the recording for every word.Infact some of the topic he started by himself,which Schneizel followed.There was a short long pause in one of the lines as well.Some of the stuff he said was sort of on-topic but came out of the blue(Like the royal family mention).
Though unlike the Mao video,Lelouch didn’t interupt the other speaker this time.
Technology sure has improved alot.I mean a year plus ago the Lancelot was the only 7th generation Knightmare(For awhile until Gawain was introduced) plus it can barely fly a little without running out of batery for more than 20 minutes.Now it can fly at supersonic speed and still have seemingly alot more left to spend.Plus Albion is a 9th generation.
If you go back and look at Mao’s video ‘conversation’ in R1 it’s much the same thing :D
In my opinion: Lelouch and C.C. live together or die together. Tohdoh buggers off with his last remaining subordinate for hot japanese sex. Suzaku will live, though his geass will get removed and he’ll come to terms with what he’s done and eventually die of old age, happily. Kallen and Gino hook up and have two ginger kids who get laughed at at school. Lloyd and Cecil will finally admit they have the hots for each other and get it on, as will Rivalz and Milly.
Kaguya stays on as leader of the UFN, alone. Tian-Zi and Xingke have some lovely romantic moments (no sex though!) before Xingke finally kicks the bucket. Tian-zi is stronger for what he gave her though and becomes a good ruler/member of the UFN. Sayoko and Jeremiah become a crime fighting super team the likes of which would make the Justice League brick their pants, though there’s only slight romantic undertones and you’re never *quite* sure if they’re doing the nasty or not. Ougi and Viletta retire to Japan, where Viletta finally gets over her horrific stomach cramps. Rakshata sighs at the whole thing on not having a significant other and goes back to toying with machines until she can build the perfect robotic lover.
Have I forgotten anyone important?
@Amnestic: No.
Personally I lolled at Gino doing the spinzaku-move as he fought Suzaku. Way funny! That, plus the end of Diethard the opportunist. He only wanted for Zero to have his way with him, but Lelouch doesn’t think him worthy of geassing…how sad! *ha ha*
At this point my one hope is for Nunnally to have a geass of her own. That would spice things up a bit.
got to agree, it seem the dead are coming back one at a time …..
something i wondering…how in the world did she regain her sight …. guess geass can be defied if the caster is dead hmmm
So can someone tell me how Lelouch, being physically inept, travels at a speed that makes time dilate such that he can:
1. Geass the soldiers.
2. Take the stairs (as far as we saw) to the main room.
3. Record himself.
4. Head to the hangar.
All while, Schneizel,
1. Takes the high-speed elevator from the main room to the hangar.
That’s some warp speed Lelouch is using, right? Isn’t the freaking thing 3kms large?
Just how much energy does Lancelot have anyway?
Two arm shield…. check
Two hand swords that cut through anything (almost)…. check
Two rifles firing projectiles and umber cannon blastes…. check
One float system, which if we recall from the last series, consumes most of the knightmares power… though Lancelots is a super energy wing rather than the standard providing more manovering while doubling as a shield and firing cones/shards of energy projectiles (which i’m still not sure is possible)
In the this episode he has fought every one of the main characters going so far… without loosinng power?? And now Guren is up?
The energiser bunny never lasted that long!
Even if Nunnally doesn’t has geass her eyes still scare me
I miss season one, where people ACTUALLY DIED (OK Mao did it twice but at least he died, and Viletta did get shot and lived but whatever). Imagine Shirlys dad comes back to life and in an act of vengeance toward the world becomes a super villain world leader kind of guy (seems just as likely as any other ending) that wears shiny pants and pumpkin shaped hats with feathers up his nose (makes sense from the fashion sense i’ve seen so far in this show). The problem with the FIEJA ending and every1 dying is you know they will just come back to life for a third season anyway (heaven forbid).
go macross frontier
You should know by now, unimportant, bit part characters either live or somehow survive when any normal person would have, and always does, die!
“Will you use geass on me too?”
“Put away that trigger and forget i just used geass on you”
Problem solved.
The Lance of Longinus was in better hands when it was in Evangelion anyways.
I did. Cornelia! Cornelia decides that she is tired of the fighter’s lifestyle. She takes her ex-Knight Guilford and sets up a small café and bar in south Italy. Guilford, though blind (assumption from the glasses) and somewhat crippled (assumption from the crutch, though could be Cornelia) becomes an incredible chef and drinks mixer. Their bar becomes famous for a combination of the excellent food and the fact that an ex-Britannian princess is waitressing there. Eventually they retire together to a mountain villa.
As a man of principle and an idiot, Lelouch will not take the easy way out. :P
That would make a little too much sense.
We must have even more plot holes next episode.
Amnestic: You forgot Tamaki!
Sandslayers: Real men admit when they are wrong.
Bugger. Okay. Contrary to what I wrote previously (This is what those in the business call a “Retcon”), Kaguya is not entirely alone. Recognising Tamaki’s true worth, she takes him on as secretary and general errand boy. They find comfort in each other and their mutual longing for the days of Zero being Zero returning, back in the days of the first Black Rebellion when everything was so much simpler. Though there were whispers that Tamaki only got his position because of his previous connections to Kaguya, Tamaki managed to keep his level of work just high enough to merit him staying in that position.
An added bonus was that as soon as the war ended, Tamaki changed that god-awful hairstyle of his and actually became quite attractive, meaning that not only did he have Kaguya, but also a collection of junior female interns after him. Still, he remained faithful to Kaguya up until the termination of his contract when Kaguya was removed from office (No scandal, her time had simply come to step down). After that, Tamaki decided that he’d spent enough time in one place and set off to travel the world, leaving Kaguya and his only son, Tamazero in Japan. Last he was seen was deep in the South African jungles with just his clothes, backpack and a machete to his name. Somehow he was perfectly clean shaven though.
There, how’s that?
You know i when tamaki was yelling at suzaku and tries to stop him, suzaku takes down the bottom of his machine, well this tamaki tries to shoot Su chan’s back but it think suzu flicked his wrist and kill tamaki. By the way Lulu is a haxor(hacker) cuz there is no physical way he can do all of that so quickly. even suzaku with speed pots and using seed mode cannot run that fast.(mmorpg and gundam seed reference)
Oh and no offense but anyone who buys those figures are idiots that was their time and money(unless ur investing on those things)
And dragon meister, Kenpachi in a KFC suit?
Oh and i think all the main characters r going back to school and lulu is going to make geass Smigol this king of the world.(you know who smigol is.)
Thyre going to give nuna’s legs back and dey r going to have c2 and lulu dissappear from the world and live together in seclusion.
Diethard= ritsuko
Smigol’s assistant(kanon?)= way too bishonen.
Guilford= agent smith with long hair.
Lelouch= lancelot(the one in the books)
Smigol= P-1(pawn, peon, whatever)
C.C.= Person who writes the story.
Nunnaly= extra character 6
Suzaku= useless character 8
Kallen=Gino’s pimp
Tamaki=(if alive)forgotten
The chinese ppl=appears at xingke’s [censored]
Dark Mirage=deprived of another joy in life, hope you can finish school before ur entertainment runs out, WoW is bad for u.
The other japanese ppl, become lolicons and gigolos
Corny= [censored]
Macross Frontier= Code geass ending, cuz its so unexpected.
Bob Marley=Elvis
Zero no tsukaima sucks.
R they going to write the alternative ending for code gears, gayass,geis,[censored]?
WTF suzu in a lancelot suit.
I’m fairly certain his escape pod/cockpit ejected. As for the rest of your points…well, my brain can’t process that much stupid at once.
Wow, so many mplot twists, I wonder what will happen now that, Schnizle= Slave of Lelouch. Wow, pink lancelot.
by the way have knighmares advanced so much in the past year that they dont explode when u cut them in half? cuz u see gino, tamaki, and a load of pseudo japs not dieing in the second season even though their machine was cut in half unlike the first season.
My the last half of my first post and all of my second quote r just crappy nonsense that i use to release stress, still kinda funny on small parts.
Nunnaly should be the massacre princess seeing that she spammed more fleijas than anya spamming lasers.
Lol when Nunnally said she wanted to should all of the sins i bet she forgot that she would descend 81*x(number of fleijas spammed) into hell.
We all know that copies never live long, unless the original is dead.
Pink lancelot, i never thought pink would be C2’s color seeing that she has green hair. Dont use lancelots, use siegfrieds. Too bad shinkirou got pwned by 1 atk.seeing that shinkirou has 999def 999atk, 500 speed, 750str, 500dex,999int, 0 luk.
You know when diethard wanted lelouch to geass him as he was dieing, that gave a somewhat “wrong” impression. Its like he wanted to become lulu’s hoe or have lulu jack off his geass on him.
Well, we can always push the reset button.
That whole Schneizel/Geass thing was way too abrupt. I guess it deserves some credit for definately being a plot twist you wouldn’t expect, but it’s one of those that works, but you just wanted to see something better. I was hoping Schneizel would die…
I don’t see the point of bringing back Guilford. For some reason or another, I just don’t see him achieving anything as of now. Is he blind now? It seemed odd that he wore those glasses in a well lit room, and I wasn’t very sure…