I watched this episode last night in a semi-comatose state so I can’t remember anything about it now. Luckily, I had the foresight to save the screencaps first, so now I can simply extrapolate the episode’s plot based on 26 still images and fill in the gap with my extraordinary mastery of Gundam storytelling. It’s like reading a manga without speech bubbles.
“No, I expect you to die”
Allelujah may or may not have been anal probed during his stay at Guantanamo. It’s not torture; it’s just the tactical application of enhanced interrogation techniques.
“It’s all Setsuna’s fault that I’m still a virgin”
Saji learns the truth about Gundam Throne, but continues to blame Celestial Being for everything that went wrong in his life. This is a common self-delusional mental state that has evolved to prevent suicides, but has the nasty side effect of encouraging revenge killing.
If only she weren’t evil
Liumei, who is now 100% villain, provides information about Allelujah’s whereabouts to Celestial Being so as to lure them into a trap, just for the lulz. Liumei neither forgives nor forgets. Fortunately, the trap sucks.
Celestial Being launches a rescue mission that involves the annihilation of a few thousand marine creatures. We all know that dolphins are fearsome underwater Allied anti-ship units and Sumeragi cannot afford to take any chances.
Too cool for tools
Setsuna shoots Allelujah with his handgun because he is too lazy to undo the locks by hand. It’s not clear how he manages to fire four rounds in different directions without moving his hand. Or perhaps it takes him four shots to the exact same spot to break the chain. Either way, I would rather rot in prison than have Setsuna rescue me.
“Freeze! NYPD!”
After almost blowing Allelujah’s feet off, Setsuna abandons him to look for Marina. Allelujah bumps into Soma, whom he addresses as “Marie Perversity” or however you spell it. Apparently the two of them used to share the same test tube at the research facility or something. Soma doesn’t remember him but gets a headache when he asks for sex, like all women do.
Atmospheric diffraction of sunlight
I’m not sure if this has something to do with Lockon’s Irish heritage, but there’s a frigging huge rainbow at the end and everyone lives happily ever after until the next episode. Awesome.
I have nothing insightful to contribute with respect to this episode and whatever plot development it supposedly contains. But I do have one observation to make…
Soma and her bodyguards
The guy on the left dies
The brown guy dies first! I’m pretty sure this is some variant of the Hollywood black-guy-dies formula. Quick, someone inform Debito Arudou!
I took this screencap from Death Note
Shakugan no Ribbons
Hannibal rising
“Waterboard him, boys”
Short hair is nice too
The new Power Rangers
“Please fight evil with us, Purple Ranger Sumeragi”
To hell with aerodynamics
This scene is right before the tentacle rape
Green and Irish? It’s undeniable proof
All girls learn to master the art of faking a headache
Is it just me or has her character totally changed?
She is worried about what Setsuna is planning to do to her
This is downright gay, literally
She’s shocked because he’s eating her nose
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but there’s not enough Louise in this episode.
All 26 pics are accounted for..
Always a joy to read your blog just to spoil myself while waiting for the Conclave-Mendoi torrent…
You are really talented with this. I believe all of us are reading this not because we want to know what happened; but we read it because we like the way you write it. ;)
the way you can link everything to sex… you’ll find yourself well-suited to army culture when it’s time for you to don green all over, haha
Hey…how come HH and Soma are no longer getting one of those newtype flash thingies when they’re in each other’s presence? Was that just a phase she was going through? Does this mean HH is not gonna go evil and molest people anymore? If not, disregarding that Lockon cop-out, why bother bringing him back to life as well… so he could stare at people, blush like a fairy and, if nothing else, just populate the otherwise low-budget-stricken background image the way he did throughout the entire season one???
Oh, wait, he still has that backstory, right? Some plot twist that’s gonna be…
It has just dawned on me that the spectacled Kataron was the Marina adviser. Or is it not? Also, I can’t remember why Liumei was the bad guy. What did she do? What did CB do to her?
The funnies part of this review is http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/20_gundam00_s2_ep03j.jpg that was so funny the new power ranger. I have watch the episode 25 times with different sub to see which sub are the best to watch since there one there are no good to subbing.
Thanks for the review i like the way you think you make the episode funny. :)
rainbow was because of the tidal wave caused by ptolemaios XD
I knew you’d talk about the rainbow somehow hahaha.
That rainbow was way over the top and totally unnecessary. First thing I thought to myself was LOL ROYAL RAINBOW!!!!!!
That screencap of Shakugan no Ribbonz is downright scary.
Dolphins > Destroyers, especially if you got carriers.
rainbow contains colors of our new power rangers
@ lilu
LOL. Yeah we have the new Power Gundam Ranger colorful and dangerous people who wants to change the world. The rainbow represent the beginning and aeloio (The scientist) is Zordon lol.
@tj han : Yea, it’s shirin, Princess Marina’s retrenched advisor. Tough economic times.
I wanted to add something else but it slipped my mind. Oh well.
P.S. Tentacle rape is not reserved to only Japanese Anime, there’s a scene of brainiac doing it to the Justice League in the 2nd season of Justice league.
It wasn’t until this I realised DM was making an RA2 reference. ;O
Funny as always DM. I’m just praying Sunrise don’t pull off some sort of “Lockon’s possessing his younger brother’s body to give him imba Gundam fighting skills” bullshit. It wouldn’t *really* surprise me though to be honest.
Soma had hers removed by the power of SCIENCE! It fixes everything you know. Think Allelujah’s stuff kinda deactivated when he started using both eyes at the same time…or something…
Power Rangers! LOL!
No, I expect you to die Mr Bond.
Why did my had spell that out for me when I read the text?
Great summary and I love those comments you place under the screencaps. It made my day :)
I do wonder what the little bloke Lockon will do next week.
I liked this scene:
Lockon II : Say, Haro, just hypothetically, didn’t my brother use to have some kinda lame-ass catchphrase to say before pulling the trigger?
Haro : Neraiutsu ze! Neraiutsu ze!
Lockon II : (V_v) I’m… really sorry I asked. This is what I get for being a total cop-out thought up at the last moment.
…even though it never happened that way exactly…
Power of SCIENCE? More like plotMAGIC hokus-pokus as DM would put it…
once again: ONE BIIIIG THANK YOU! DarkMirage.
as always your blog entry about Gundam00 made my day.
“I’m not sure if this has something to do with Lockon’s Irish heritage, but there’s a frigging huge rainbow at the end and everyone lives happily ever after until the next episode. Awesome.”
I laughed so hard the milk came out of my nose.
New power rangers? Now that was an epic screencap :)
Yay! They rescued Marina! Lol. I was impressed by their tactics they employed. Ramming their Gundams into buildings doesn’t seem half-bad. Kinda like what the Romans used to do with their movable towers. Lyle, is good too. His brother was more of a sniper type, he actually charged into battle. I must commend him. :) But all in all, it was a good episode. I rate it a 4.5/5.0 cuz i wanted to see a Lacus/Kira scene with Marina and Setsuna. lol
Damn! Nena Trinity is not dead. I hope she dies in the following episodes!!!
People in the begining of the episode I think i saw Obama reicarnation as the president of the federation :) Now i think he will wins :lol: . Lockol stratos phrase lol AIM & FIRE
“Please fight evil with us, Purple Ranger Sumeragiâ€
I freakin lol’d so hard. What about the head from Seravee’s back. It’s GATTAI everything makes sense!
“Celestial Being launches a rescue mission that involves the annihilation of a few thousand marine creatures. We all know that dolphins are fearsome underwater Allied anti-ship units and Sumeragi cannot afford to take any chances.”
ROFL. CB are Soviets now?
“This scene is right before the tentacle rape”
Dolphins = no tentacle rape =(
Yeah the dolphins just had to die
actually, on the proper seravee models, it looks like as if the rear thing is actually a seperate mobile suit that can split off the body, taking along with it two GN bazookas which serve as it’s weapons. While the anime doesnt make it look like that, the model gives it away; its using the standard joints that mobile suits used. However its probably a model-only thing.
Why is Feldt’s power ranger outfit shirt a different colour to her jacket? The other power ranger outfits have matching (if different shades) of colour, whereas Feldt’s has pink and light green. Not saying it’s a bad choice, it’s just weird how they singled her out to have a different colour scheme.
Darkmirage is the man doing episode reviews
“The guy on the left dies
The brown guy dies first! I’m pretty sure this is some variant of the Hollywood black-guy-dies formula. Quick, someone inform Debito Arudou!”
HAHAHAHAHA I almost died of the laughter
your reviews just make my day ^^ hahah
I wouldn’t be surprised if the 4 Gundams turned out to be able to combine into the 00 Megazord…seriously.
Anyway, I like this episode. Minor boo-boos like a lack of aim by Andrei when shooting and Setsuna’s imba shooting skills are made up for the fact that we get to see the Gundams in action with cool attack formations…
I am sorta surprised at Allelujah though. I guess being a super soldier prevents you from getting stiff sitting in a place for 4 years and your skills can improve from that…
Man, this comment is worthless, but I need to say it before I go mad:
I fail to see how Celestial Being caused Saji’s parents to abandon him. BURN.
What, did they die or something? Was that an important plot point somewhere along the line?
“She’s shocked because he’s eating her nose” -XD,hahahahaha!
There’s waaay too many things wrong with this episode, especially with Lockon sounding like an retarded leprechaun. Thank you DM for the funny review, it’s probably the most humorous G00 review yet. I have to disagree that Sumeragi is the the purple ranger (Tieria is the purple homo ranger/ninja turtle/teletubby), I think her color is magenta.
The only question that remains is when will Setsuna ride Marina’s magic carpet?
Hahaha reading your blog just makes the episodes complete :) I loled hard thanks for the laughs!
Based on the hand gesture that Mileina makes (the “look forward to the next episode” pic) it seems she likes to eat out.
Nice.. i was getting quite bored at my workplace… thanks for the article, makes me awake again…
That pic of Marina and Setsuna makes me wonder… Is it possible to make out inside a mobile suit?
Yes, she’s Shirin, Marina’s former adviser.
Good job DM, you made my day again.
“Either way, I would rather rot in prison than have Setsuna rescue me.”
HA, good ol’ Setsuna (F)ail Seiei.
DM, you totally didn’t mention the new, black President of Everything sorta maybe being in league with Ribbons. Figured that would’ve been easy pickings for you :P
Canges Celestial Being with St*****l, You’re talking about me, right?
lol there ya go DM! honestly, i started watching gundam 00 just so i could understand your comments on them, but for awhile they werent that amusing…but this was the usual gold! i love it!
gundam megazord. seravee as the head. he has a totempole behind his gundam.
All this crazy comments starting with the Admin yeah now we have MEGAGUNZORD the ultimate gundam make to kill empires :) .
Go Go Gundam Rangers lol
I can’t believe your saying it either, DM. Louise must die by Saji in a epic battle of love that is located in a random bed in a random place, that is all.
i wouldn’t go so far as to call wang liu mei evil just yet
it’s seems more like she’s puting CB in Life or death situations and testing CB to make sure they don’t fuck up….again, if you supposedly have the best technology you have to keep the people using it on their toes right?
I totally agree. DM is at his peak once again. Is this an after-effect of a “semi-comatose” state?
How about Lockon and Fieldt with a Kira/Flay scene?
Wow… thank you for that amazing recap of the episode. I honestly have not laughed that hard in awhile.
Nice Job DM
Power Rangers lol
Yeah, as far as I know, all the colored man always dies and Irish always wear some shade of green.
*Insert random comment about how funny Darkmirage’s sex jokes apparently are*
I’m not even gonna bother to write anything about Gundam 00 S2 now. My main satisfaction from watching the show is to read your blog about it.