I recently started watching Kannagi after reading about the 2ch shitstorm over the main female lead’s alleged past sexual experience. You can read more about this dorama over at Sankaku Complex. The gist of the matter is that Nagi may or may not be Negi in disguise a virgin because she apparently has an ex-boyfriend! Also, she’s not even human so it reminds to be determined if the concepts of virginity and copulation even apply to her. In any case, this revelation in the manga’s plot development led to a firestorm of otaku rage and book tearing.
Oh, the humanity.
When I was watching the first episode of Kannagi, I thought it was a pretty average show with some marginally interesting directing. The ãƒãƒ©ãƒãƒ©æ®ºç¥žäº‹ä»¶ sequence caught me by surprise and I actually laughed out loud, so all in all the show was actually surprisingly good and held its ground better than most love comedies founded on the age-old premise of having a poor sob’s life invaded by an overbearing sometimes-magical girl. (Toradora on the other hand made me want to fall asleep.)
I’m guessing there are many people who agree with me, because Kannagi seems pretty popular. (Then again, Naruto and Gundam 00 are popular, so perhaps that’s not a clear indication of intent.)
If Nagi weren’t a virgin, none of that would change. The jokes would still be funny, the Earth would still spin, and fujoshi would still write Sasuke x Naruto fan fictions. But of course this is all hypothetical talk since:
- The manga hasn’t actually revealed anything beyond the existence of an ex-boyfriend.
- The question of whether forest gods, of whom Nagi is one, can have “virginity” still hangs in the balance.
- Nagi is a fictional character.
I guess you can tell which side of this issue I stand on. But what I really wanted to talk about is something else that’s being demonstrated by this incident.
As anime fans, particularly foreign ones, we like to claim that anime is made for adults, that it is a diverse medium of creative expression, and that it is not “just cartoons”. These are not lies — it is certainly a fact that many anime titles being made today are not targeted at children — but they are only partial truths.
Are most anime titles made for adults? I don’t think so. If the fan base of Kannagi were adults, then Nagi’s virginity wouldn’t have been an issue, just as for example the virginity of the characters featured in a novel written for adults would be a non-issue. I would, however, expect a similar backlash if Hermione turned out to be engaged in under-age hanky panky, because it’s the typical reaction from the kind of fans Harry Potter attracts. This means that Kannagi, along with a great deal of popular anime titles, is closer to Harry Potter than Haruki Murakami.
How dare she act like a real girl!?
The truth is that Kannagi, like most anime being churned out today, is not targeted at just any adult, but specifically grown men with underdeveloped social faculty. I am not making an assertion about everyone who loves otaku-oriented titles, since I myself find Kannagi and certain similar titles to be pretty entertaining, but I am addressing the fact that these somewhat niche titles thrive financially thanks primarily to a dedicated social class of unmarried Japanese salarymen, a significant portion of whom has an altogether unrealistic expectation of women. That expectation manifests itself in anime due to both its prevalence within the subculture that includes the creators, and its commercial usefulness as a tool for boosting sales.
On hindsight and in view of such a reality, it was a huge mistake for the mangaka of Kannagi to exercise a bit of harmless creative freedom in introducing this plot development. The truth is that manga and anime are seldom the empty canvass we imagine them to be, and fan expectations tend to run higher than in most other forms of storytelling. The fandom simply doesn’t want to see realism featured in a character whom they had thought would be a typical undefiled anime idol.
It’s a shame too, because I personally feel that such little bits of realism add character and depth to an otherwise flat (literally and figuratively) and often self-conforming medium of entertainment.
Forest god and all, how do people even know she’s anatomically female?
I suppose it’s the same old tragic tale of the self-selecting vicious cycle: because anime titles that try to take the high road of matured storytelling don’t do very well commercially, the way to make a living in the industry is to invest in cookie-cutter otaku baits, and this in turn drives away from the genre any potential consumer who seeks higher-order gratifications.
It’s a lot like election campaigns really. We all like to criticize negative campaigners for “taking the low road”, and yet attack ads work remarkably well in getting votes. Perhaps anime is in need of its own Barack Obama.
Nagi is a slut, how can you say she isn’t!? The proof is overwhelming!!!
Indeed. I mentioned this before, that anime is NOT as wonderful as westerners make it out to be. Nonsense always spouted like “anime has ambiguous morals unlike the childish black and white of western shows” and “in japan, anime is for everyone, not just children”.
In truth, only studio Ghibli can be accredited as anime for everyone. Ghibli is the equivalent of Pixar.
Anime is for children, teenagers and otaku. Period.
That’s not totally true. There are shows like PLANETES that approach novel-level storytelling in their maturity level. They just don’t make shit load of money like Ghibli and are usually very low profile.
I have no clue why people think Nagi’s virginity is so important, but in episode 1 she called herself the “MOTHER of the land”. Like, get a clue, people. -_-
And some see God as the father of all creation…. somehow i don’t think he needed to do the dirty in order to do that so it can be argued that the same applies here! :)
“The fandom simply doesn’t want to see realism featured in a character whom they had thought would be a typical undefiled anime idol.”
The fandom might want “pure and perfect” characters, but to my knowledge these characters often have very human-like idiosyncrasies, which are usually quite weird (and moe). The perfect ones are either less popular, or turn out to be robots XD It’s fun to have something to obsess over and idolise, but across all forms of obsession, there is a distinct fascination with the imperfections/uniquely weird characteristics of the object of adoration.
On the other hand, “perfect characteristics” certainly do induce some form of admiration.
Greek tragedies have managed to retain their appeal because of the fatal flaw that mars the otherwise perfect hero – this element of humanity allows the audience to empathise better with a character they feel is more like them. However, the perfect qualities of the hero come into play when evoking pathos. – Litspeak here. Lit is <3
I think the normalcy of virginity got subverted here? Either that or salarymen have fetishes.
How many times do I have to tell everyone: anime is but a medium. Aeon Flux comes to mind when it comes to “adult cartoons” in the Western world (and there are plenty more). So do not discredit the medium itself: it’s more flexible and diverse than one might think.
Going back to the topic: this highlights the social problems that is simply mirrored back to Kannagi. Considering that there has been an alarming recession in birth rates in Japan, and the overall incredibly high expectations from the Japanese men (especially in the subculture of otaku), I can’t really understand the stupendity of the situation.
I was wondering what kind of direction Japan as a whole society, wants to go to. Hedonistic Slaneeshi lifestyle?
This shitstorm caused by an ALLEGED questioning of a FICTIONAL character’s virginity makes me face palm so fucking hard.
>>>So do not discredit the medium itself: it’s more flexible and diverse than one might think.
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well I love Kannagi. the anime and the manga. and so I love Nagi. she’s one of the most interesting female characters in years(she wasn’t created by a woman for nothing). I can understand your thoughts in this case. but I can also understand the hardcore otaku community which is targeted (especially) by the anime very well. they love their “yome” and I think a lot of them draw quite some energy out of the dreams and imaginations they have concerning their “loved ones”. there is a reason why a petition is going on right now to legalize marriage with 2D characters. me for myself, I love to dwell in romantic fantasies in which anime/manga and game characters are playing the leading role. but I don’t care if Nagi had a boyfriend or sex before. One of the first things coming to my mind when I started to feel addicted to Nagi was the same you are pointing out: she’s a hundred or thousand years old godess, not even human.
concerning the “anime is made for adults” standard weeaboo argument. that’s bullshit in 90% of the cases. anime is made to make MONEY! money money money! (which brings me to the point that I have to say that Takenashi is quite brave for introducing this “twist” (if you can call it twist anyways))
all in all DarkMirage, you say it all with your first few words, after the break: “Oh, the humanity.”
Ah this reminds me of some random guy in 4chan /a/ posting various posts such as:
“So I heard Nagi is not virgin. Can anyone prove/disprove this?
If she isn’t, I’m not going to watch this show anymore.”
“So I heard Shana is not a virgin. Can anyone prove/disprove this?
If she isn’t, I’m not going to watch this show anymore.”
or something along the lines. It was sure hilarious :P
I am pleased to see that a lot of posters have remembered that she is in fact 2D, a character, fictional.
But what I also recall from my religions studies was that in Western religions, all the angels were without gender. They were neither male nor female. Like Gabriel, despite the masculine assumed name could be Gabriella, Miachael = Michelle, etc.
This could very well be the case here. Despite perceived gender, the forest god, Nagi, may well be… nothing.
Plus… what is sex in the godly context anyway? Could mean a stroke across the shoulder blade, and then everyone involved sneezes in a manner that could be confused for something orgasmic. I have to imagine holy sex is highly overrated and pretty weak stuff.
Ascaloth, what you say is totally basless. You say “Mother Earth” right. No 1 say things like “Shoujo Earth”.
Aaaahhhh… Gainax was so right after all. 2ch is filled with stupid and disgusting otakus. The whole thing isn’t an issue at all.
Let this rampant stupidity be a lesson for all of us western anime fans, to never fall in this faggotry.
I agree with Sherman.
This really ISN’T an issue people, get off your high horses and move on. Hell, I’d still watch Kannagi if she was a virgin or not, mainly because if she is or isn’t, I don’t care. I care more about the storyline, the plot (currently debating in my head whether that could count as storyline or not), and the enjoyability of the anime.
Besides, if it’s an anime (which I’m fairly certain it is, unless I’m doing some really chronic weed) then virginity doesn’t matter, because the characters don’t even exist. It’s a cartoon. If it doesn’t affect the storyline/plot/enjoyability, I (and everyone else that’s reasonable) couldn’t give a crap.
As for anime made for adults…I’ve seen a few, but as DarkMirage said, most are targeted for money making, not the age of the audience. I admit that those few were good though.
To summerize in case by now whoever is reading this still hasn’t gotten it…I don’t care, you shouldn’t either. Now I’m going back to my real life to not be bothered by something so miniscule as some Jesus freaks freaking out about Nagi being a freakin virgin or not.
Actually from what I’ve heard 2ch made fun of the Nagi haters who’s dicks went limp after the initial leak and mocked the shit out of them.
Well there are many types of people on 2ch, including a significant demographic who see themselves to be superior to otakus because they spend their free time mocking otaku, foreigners and politicians on an online forum instead of watching anime, and the response to the issue was not monolithic.
its prolly religion at work.
god = pure
god + DFC = pure moe
god + DFC + ex-boyfriend = /0
o shi-
What’s funny is that that those whining are the same people that read doujins that depict their characters in various sexual acts, which really makes me wonder how those people really think
Nice troll.
The term Darkmirage should use is maturity. The reality is that the world is full of immature adults! So of course cartoons for adults are going to pander to some immature adults just because that’s how the demographic pans out.
But honestly, is it really a good or a bad thing even? I think taking sides on this issue is like being on two sides of the same shitstorm so both are teh lose.
not really whether its a good or bad thing. i think this just shows our current culture and what is going wrong with it. perhaps the the 2channers are just doing in on purpose for the lulz, or they are serious. i dunno coz i don’t frequent that place.
in anycase, maybe WotLK will distract them from everything else for the time being xD
Dumbledore is gay!
This pretty much sums it all up: http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/8163/1226226255118mn7.png
As long as she looks human, people won’t bother speculating about the anatomical specifics. And Kannagi’s main audience apparently being manchildren, I guess the only lesson here is that certain kinds of innovation shouldn’t start in certain genres.
Of course it’s a good or bad thing! This concerns the issue of universal human right. I believe in the right to freedom of association, even for non-human supernatural fictional characters. Nagi was born and/or spontaneously generated with the right to be a slut.
Not that i give a crap but of course she’s a virgine even if she was a hooker in the past – her body was just created at the start of the season after all :p
But really, those people got some issues…
Regarding the female thing, how do they even know her sexual orientation? I wonder what reaction would have been had they made her a bisexual, and her previous lover female. It would have been interesting to see what the reaction would have been.
A week ago or two, some geek asked for a million signatures so that he could try to “marry” his favorite character, and now an outburst like this, showing just how flawed some things are down there.
Sometimes I have to draw the line between reality and fiction, and set the limit as to how far I admire a certain fictional character.
I’m thinking it’s less that she isn’t pure, and more like the realization she had a love life made it seem like she wasn’t innocent (Though seeing the character, doesn’t look like she ever was) part they saw in her.
So it’s like she’s suddenly become too real for people.
A well written article about an issue that has been plaguing the Kannagi fan base.
Personally, I share your opinions on most things, from this being a over hyped issue, to the fact that not all Anime are catered for adults. Again, your humor is also top notch. :)
Great meeting you and Danny at the Blogging Workshop today.
I actually got this news after posting in a forum about the guy who wants marry Asahina Mikuru~ and suddenly the topic turn into this~ and divorce XD
I am a Kannagi fan but after reading the controversial chapter (Ayako actually scanlated that chapter) the only thing that clear that she indeed have ex-boyfriend~ no explanation bout virginity whatsoever.
I dunno who blew out this matter but I just ROFL from here~
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haha…this is funny… but i’m suck in “choosing anime” i cant even choose…lol
so i end up watching as much as i can…but dun know what hav i watched…
Why this web site do not have other languages support?
@greencard: Because the owner doesn’t want to make it that way or maybe he wants to but it’s a pain in the ass to actually make it that way >.< Posting in dual language is hellish.
htcghvyhmllpondlwell, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how’s life? hope it’s introduce branch ;)
Of course anime is not directed at adults. To call it a niche medium for only children and otaku is somewhat of an exaggeration. To call it simply an investment oppertunity is a bit too cynical. When it boils down, of course it’s about money. But that doesn’t mean that it must revolve completely around monetary values. No. Anime is an oppresive medium, sure. Fan-expectations often cause them to conform to strict, working formulas. This discourages originality, which eventually causes the system to collapse. Of course, all forms of media, as long as it is fiction, is virtually the same.
Anime is not as ‘artistic’ of a medium as a westerner would claim it to be. Far from it. It is a style, a ‘form’, and that is all it is. Same as all other ‘forms’, it will be influenced by fanbase, it will be forced to conform. Those that break the spiral will be critiqued for their originality. It can be humorous, It can be dramatic. But to label it as ‘niche titles’ is a bit far, would you not agree? It is varied, with many, many different genres. Thus, there really is no single label that you could apply to it, other than restrictive, conformist, and diverse. Somewhat self-convicting, but true.
The one taking this entire issue too seriously, is the same person who wrote this very article. Realism is not required in works of fiction, for them to have a satisfying amount of depth. You generalized your own opinion, presenting it as the opinion of the socially adept and mentally matured. NEWSFLASH: You are not required to be a socially-challenged, single male in his late 20s, to enjoy unrealistic, silver-lined, overly-optimistic works. To me these qualities are the very foundations, which make anime so enjoyable to watch. I enjoy it because it is unrealistic. I get a kick out of situations I couldn’t possibly experience in my social life. Insinuating that people such as myself, are all immature, is in itself an immature way of thinking.
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Your noobies get over it. Even if Nagi is not a virgin, she is still pure tards she is not a slut your idiot, come on get a life man, what virginity wad boyfriend wad tardiness crap ur otaku is planning to do? i pity nagi for having noobs!! for fan
Any anime character out there, NO MATTER if u are a virgin or not, i will still support ur and please Otakus don give me crap like not being pure. Do you like it if ur are in nagi case, Its not being virgin matters but Love matters ya and don go fucking crazy ripping comic and cancelling orders or stuff like that, If ur do that, ur are the impure and immature one k??
If u don like me come msn me on dase_75@hotmail.com come on!
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