What a sweet episode. Things seldom go so smoothly in a Gundam storyline full of misunderstandings and betrayals, at least not till the grand finale. Then again, this may just be a setup for the next emotional free fall. As one learns from experience, it’s never a good idea to invest your feelings and expectations in a fictional character. Well, except for the ones I love. They would never betray my feelings.
Summary and Thoughts
SPOILER! Harry Potter dies!
Allelujah and Soma get hitched in this episode. That’s about all you need to know about it. Oh the new insert song “Unlimited Sky” by Tommy heavenly6 is pretty good, although I strongly suggest they change their band name.
It’s always the girl who tries to kill the guy
Parallels can be drawn between this episode and various other memorable ones in Gundam history, such as when Aina and Shiro crashed into a deserted snowy mountain or when Cagalli and Athrun crashed onto a deserted island. It is a timeless plot technique used to bring former enemies together in a night of awkward passion that ends in a reluctant farewell.
She’s a big girl now
But instead of returning with Sergei, Soma/Marie chooses to stay with Allelujah, thus breaking with tradition and setting off into uncharted waters. This is rather surprising, since (assuming that Celestial Being doesn’t let her pilot Gundams too) it effectively transforms her role as the tragic heroine who might have unknowingly killed her childhood sweetheart (ala Louise) into a damsel in distress who waits at home for her hero’s return (ala Marina). And we are only at episode 7.
Sumeragi is sad because she wanted Allelujah for herself
I suppose the far more likely scenario is that after she spends a few episodes of quality time with Allelujah, an event of cataclysmic proportion puts the entire world in danger and she is either compelled to rejoin the Federation out of her loyalty and once again be forced to face Allelujah on the battlefield, or she somehow convinces Celestial Being to let her pilot a Gundam, in which case she will probably be forced to face Sergei.
Or maybe she just gets knocked up and stays at home for the rest of the series. Who would’ve thought that Allelujah would be the first one to get some tail. Setsuna is such a disappointing lead.
It’s like watching Oprah
Anyway this episode really goes to show that Gundam 00 is about as subtle as Homer J. Simpson. The main characters just love to explicitly spell out their motivations and inner thoughts to the audience.
Now that Louise is cool, he is the worst character in the show
Setsuna dies. Saji becomes a Meister
Tieria turning around to wave goodbye to Setsuna
Commuting from bed
“Please be gentle”
It’s full moon. You can see her claws coming out
Her headache allows her hair to defy gravity
Allelujah forgot to zip the body bag
We should all bandage our heads when we have a headache
Draw a straight normal from Allelujah’s eyes
They should have cooler guns in the future
The Taliban flees to the Pakistani border
He’s basically the megane version of Osama bin Laden
Okay, who didn’t see this coming?
Sergei is huge
It wants a hug
Grace is still a little girl
The communicators only work when you leave the cockpit
I… don’t know what to feel
My exams are almost over! I have one short paper left. Woohoo! Also, I started playing World of Warcraft again.
This show is getting boring and more boring… hopefully something EXTREMELY unexpecting will happen and EVERYONE will die.
Also, WoW is boring.
So pretty much, everything here is boring except for your review, your review rocks :)
And first!
Thanks for the review i enjoin reading your blog.
Come man people stop complain about this as soon as possible there will be more action.
2nd :) for the first time.
World of Warcraft
These people need a better life
Oh how so many people skipped work just to buy the expansion pack
total losers hope they can afford to pay their subscription bills by skipping work.
This episode was bleh! and I do mean bleh!
Well, I always had a soft spot for Soma, so I liked this episode despite it’s lack of action.
Woohoo. Oh yeah, I agree on the whole WoW thing. It’s just another form of addictive substance that makes people spend their money, ruin their lives and get a bad temper (hides my weed).
Yay, a short post. Not much to argue about in this show anyways…
Just a side note…when did this become a romance?
Episode 7 and early? Yeah in season 2.
If you combine season 1 and 2 together, this should be episode 32.
The director mentioned that there will be about 27 episodes this season. Which means 25 (s1) + 27 (s2) = 52
We are at 32/52 Gundam 00 episodes right now.
That’s more than half way through the series. It will be a torture for Allelujah not to have Marie/Soma as his girlfriend at this point.
Once they get rid of those background stories with Tiera next week, it will be battle royale between the CB, A-Laws, and Innovators.
Who’s that girl in the last pic? Is that Tieria after after a Lasik procedure and silicone implantation?
Soma and Allelujiah’s crap got resolved pretty fast…
Witty review as always:)
>Well, except for the ones I love. They would never betray my feelings.
You mean Saji, not Louise.
It’s good because we won’t anymore hear Alle saying “Marie! Marie!” while Soma is consistently denying it and calling him “Test Subject E-0057”.
God this show is becoming so lame. I hope the next Gundam series is better than this.
The REAL problem is there are now SEVEN different ‘factions’ by episode 32.
1. Celestial Being
2. Innovators (Duh)
3. Earth Federation
4. A-Laws (proper UK english)/ A-LOLS (DM’s english)/ A-BODOHS (netizen singlish)
5. Anti-FEF Kataron Rebels (Duh, Duh)
6. Wang Liu Mei, Hong Long, Nena Trinity
7. Veda (ZOMFG?!???!)
ZOMG. Anime fans bashing WoW players. o_O;
Or is it just hate cause some people were not able to buy the expansion early? o_o;
And I agree that Saji is sad. That and we all love Mr. Bushido. <3
I will miss Sergei’s and Soma’s action.
z’omg, and here I was thinking sandslayer had decided not to post on G00 as he didn’t like it.
Boring episode on the whole. The dialogue between Allelujah and Soma/Marie was so terribly cheesy I found myself yearning for it to end. I was glad when they finally kissed as it meant they’d finally shut the fuck up.
Combat was so-so. I’m waiting for Ali to shoot “Mister Bushido” in the face spontaneously so we don’t have to listen to him anymore. That’d certainly brighten up the series in my eyes.
Also, Sergei is massive. Like a yeti. A scarred, Japanese yeti. The top of her head barely reaches halfway up his chest. Madness I say, as Louise is even shorter than SoMarie.
I wish Ptolomaeios would stop being so stingy with its weapon systems as well. They’ll fire those two magic smoke torpedoes once and then I’m willing to bet we’ll never see them again, no matter how helpful they’d be.
Yep.It sucks when suddenly the characters you normally knew turn out to be what it was not supposed to be.Confessing their love towards each other,revealing about their past,feeling sorry,yadayadayada…I give it a 4 out 10 for this epy. I m done.
OMG where have you been all my life, lol some of toses screens were soooo funni, ” he forgot to zip up the body bag” lol my fav.
Is it just me, or did the last one look exactly like Tieria’s hair only that it is longer?
The Osama line was funny as hell.
The last shot is just wrong.
But then again, if Saotome Alto could play the princess without grossing out his audience, I don’t see why Regen (Cure, Cura, Curaga, Revive Revival lol) could not grow some cleavage for a change. And no, he’s not a cross-dresser, he’s just a super sneaky master of disguise, so sneaky that everyone immediately knew it was him. And hurled.
I always thought Alelujah was gay. One make-out scene and ta-daa he’s the alpha male of the flock. I wonder who’s next in the pecking order… Saji!!!
Who is that girl ??in the last picture
Darkmirage u play wow? never knew that.
this ep is kinda weird in the sense that what is with the relationship anyway …. it fuking gundam u dont need alot of teen-love in it
yeah, nice one and I can honestly say your life is now once again ruined. (Damned be the god that invented WoW, praised be the demon that allowed it to happen.)
omg, tieria vs ribbons to find out the real successor to aeolia. omg it was all about the drones after all….
someone mentioned faction so here’s some light…
veda is not a faction, a super computer
wang lu is neither a side, she’s simply a ventriloquist
earth federation is the wolrd government who funds a-laws
gosh, and Ian have 2 episodes to tune 00… EPIC FAILZ
o ya… wish it was sinking in the screenshot where Seravee and Cherudim were providing cover fire.
Go Allelujah, he has a love life! (Falls over from shock)
Sumeragi you snooze you loose! Haha!
You’ve fallen for wow again? Poor DM…
I sucessfully resisted buying the addon. Wasn’t easy with all the invite key spam heading my way
“Draw a straight normal from Allelujah’s eyes”
That screen shot is just too funny
So is this newest Tieria clone really a girl or will Admiral Akbar be screaming “it’s a trap!” soon?
“It wants a hug” = LOL (bear joke and pun omitted to preserve what little sanity the other readers of these comments have left…)
Also… The appearance of all those dead people from season 1 in the opening is starting to worry me a bit…
@ the last screencap: I was wondering how long it’ll take them to go down that road… lol xD
i really have to stop using “…” …
funny stuff going on between custom ahead and arios after they crashed…
looks like a lot of ppl arent hot about this episode
but i think it’s pretty good…><
gundam 00 did something new by getting marie to join CB
and the love story in it is not that bad either…
cute episode ^^
and great blog DM
@claymore: Actually in most places it seems to be the most popular and well received episode of the season. The crowd at this blog is just…well unique in a certain respect.
When even Darkmirage can’t come up with much of anything bad to say about an episode (most anime are about as subtle as Homer Simpson and then some anyway) and the most common criticism elsewhere is that the 00 Gundam and Setsuna aren’t “all that” against Graham Acre’s skill (Oh heavens no is teh Gundam not prefect?! Mass suicide for everyone!!!!) you know it’s a pretty good episode.
Pingback: Gundam 00 ~Season II~ « Is fansubs getting better or for worse?
Yeap, I’m back. I just couldn’t stay away long. It wasn’t really that I didn’t like as much as I heard alot of bad reviews, but I finally got so bored, I watched it all. Yay.
Sure, it was a boring episode, but character development is always boring. If it was all action, what would we be left with? An action anime? *gasp*
Anyways, yes, I am back, but I won’t be talking so much because this show is remarkably hard to argue about, considering its plot as thick as paper and incredibly underdeveloped characters (after all, it’s one char per emotion: Setsuna is the quiet one, Lyle/Neil were/are the easygoing ones, Tieria is the heartless one that is slightly homo-erotic, Allelujah/Hallelujah is the pure/evil-ish character. Not to forget Smirnov, the loving father; Louise, the girl that went from carefree blonde to masculine military babe; Kujo, the alchoholic and Feldt, the one with no special qualities whatsoever and was just thrown in as an extra possibly love interest for a now-dead character. Thus, her purpose has been fulfilled and I eagerly await her demise.
Following the one character, one characteristic policy…I wonder what Graham is? Deranged samurai? Maybe.
Hey, I never said I didn’t like it. It’s just a character development episode, so those battlefreaks that only watch anime for the death and destruction are currently PMSing. Of course, I only liked it because I like the Soma/Allelujah pairing.
Side note:
Assume the ending sequence is some sort of foreshadowing, since Marie and Allelujah are together (they hold hands in the ending sequence)…does that mean the Ptolemaios explodes and lots of people die? Woohoo.
I wonder if Hallelujah will come back if Marie ends up dying (even though Halle’s technically “dead”)…
marie should get a better hair do ><
forehead is really weird…she looks better bandaged there
then alleljuah and marie will look much hotter together ^^
I–I…oh my god……..
…Tieria, your dress is so ugly.
I’m kinda disappointed. Marie was so awesome before she got all soft and human and whatever…even though she does look cute with Allelujah.
Pingback: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 07 | Gundam Goraku
U’re taking PCME?
>_< Physics people always end earlier…ah the sheer unfairness.
I nearly choked when reading your “He’s basically the megane version of Osama bin Laden” caption.
God I want to take some lessons in humor from you.
Also are you level 80 already? Cuz someone already beat you there!
Man, at this right I’ll stop watching anime. T_T. Still you killing those characters is funny ^_^.
You play WoW DM? What server, race, class, and level? And I still don’t know what to make of the new season of G00 here.
First off stop bashing WoW. You say all of us WoW players have no life, not true. You are simply going with the stereotype not the reality. The reality is that the majority of WoW players have a life outside the game. You only here about the people who are ruined by the game, which is a lot fewer (compared to the whole population of players, not hard numbers) than you think, because its a lot more interesting a story than a guy who goes to work and/or school, hangs out with his friends, and plays in the evenings after all that. In other words its a lot more interesting to hear about tragedy or stupidity (or tragic stupidity) than normality. It is an addictive game, I’ll admit that. I’ll also admit some people let themselves be ruined by the game, or as someone here mention skip work for game related things. But don’t lump all of us together. Also whoever said its boring, well we have a difference of opinion there.
@ songman123: I agree with your comment about Gundam not needing this much teen love. Look what it did to Seed/Seed Destiny. Sunrise better turn this one around fast otherwise G00 is done for. It isn’t to late yet though.
Lockon with a laser machine gun? I thought he was the Sniper, I guess he can use both now…
Those innovators are just creepy. Weird hair, cross-dressing, the list goes on. WTF was Libonze wearing? I thought this was 2300’s, not 1776…
Allelujah got some…oh yeah. *insert Cool Aid guy here*
@Shadow: I can assure you that teen love is not what caused Gundam Seed Destiny to suck so bad. It was a combination of everything that could ever possibly go wrong or be done wrong in an anime series occuring during it’s span. i.e plugging holes with clip shows and stock footage wherever they couldn’t come up with any story content to make the show work to any degree.
Trust me, Gundam 00 is nowhere near being done for and is in fact on the fast track to being one of the better AU series. We’re not talking 5 episodes wasted on a subplot that never amounted to anything and was just an excuse to bust out stock footage, we’re talking 1.5 used to bring a character arc to a close for the time being by showing a relationship develop in the present time. That is how you do character development in a Gundam series, not by showing clip after clip of some guys sister dying and flashbacks of him grabbing some bimbo’s breasts before they “fell in love”. Hell they even showed how to do a PROPER montage during the scene with the insert song which was something the Seed Destiny staff could never grasp (and probably would have made 10 times longer for no reason other than to kill time) if their lives depended on it.
In this case I say good job Sunrise and keep up the good work in showing you’ve still got it when it comes to Gundam. Seed Destiny had me worried, but this shows still looking good and the preview makes it look like it’s about to hit the key story arc. Turn it around? It’s only looking to get better from here on out. Peace.
MaryxAlle episode. Like FINALLY[/maryxalleotp]
And… What in Pheles’ name is that green mobile suit thingy in the preview?
Also, last pic screams “TRAP!”, for some reason or another =/
How can you do to be that funny?
I keep an eye on your site ~
“They should have cooler guns in the future”
Noway man that gun is definitely cool. Look how big the slide is with all it’s indented parts….but never mind since it doesn’t have anything on Celestial Being’s guns which look like future commando-carpenter nail-guns.
Maybe the A-LAWS took all the good guns and the regulars get leftovers from th 21th century.
If you look closely at the neck of the lady, you’ll notice that she’s wearing a turtle-neck dress with a “see-through” cloth on the cleavage and neck area. Something smells fishy.
And a romance springs forth from out of nowhere. How Allelujah and Marie progressed to a romantic relationship that fast bewilders me.
On the other hand, it was quite sweet. I hope Soma or Marie doesn’t become another Marina