Episode 8 has so much dorama and lulz, it’s like anime blogging. Maybe someday there will be a Genshiken-style anime about blogging and the blogosphere will finally have its very own Madarame. Or is that Cory Doctorow? In any case, I digress.
As Admiral Akbar famously said in an alternate reality version of Star Wars, “It’s a goddamn trap wtf don’t go there dude!” Wise words indeed.
I’d be disturbed too if my female clone hit on me
With the help of Wang Liumei, who may I remind you again is totally evil now, Regene successfully lures Tieria into a cunning labyrinth of androgynous lust and deceit, aka a dinner party. Setsuna, always on the lookout for his seme half, volunteers to chauffeur Tieria to his doom.
You can almost see the knives they plan to stick into each other
By sheer coincidence, Billy and Louise also happen to be present at this posh circle-jerk of Federation fat cats, creating the perfect setup for melodrama when they inevitably meet Setsuna.
You can tell that she’s tsundere
But of course the greatest trap of all is Tieria herself. Himself. Due to his effeminate character design, it is no surprise that Tieria looks great in a formal dress, possibly better than most of the real female characters in the show. Coupled with a voice-changing device, the final package is a masterfully crafted gateway into /y/ on 4chan. Doujinshi coming your way soon.
She just keeps getting better XD
Louise gets to pilot Soma’s custom Ahead. I wonder how Sergei managed to explain the fact that the Ahead was found intact but Soma’s dead body was nowhere to be found.
Male or female?
Innovators are popping up left and right like rabbits caught in a magician’s hat while in heat. I suppose most of them will eventually die pointless deaths, and since they all look and sound alike, I shall make no attempt to learn their silly Engrish names.
Perhaps he will turn out to be the ultimate saviour
And Patrick Coleslaw is alive! Team Rocket is back in business.
Louise is so cool. I hope she goes berserk soon. Berserk blonde female pilots are awesome. Also she looks so much better with short hair. Okay, that’s my fanboying for the day.
“What you say!?”
And I think Patrick is too incompetent and too much of a comedic relief to be allowed to remain in A-LOLS for long. Maybe he and Kati Mannequin will leave A-LOLS together and join Sergei in the anti-LOLS Federation faction that’s probably coming our way.
Setsuna the Pimp will be the demographic to look out for in the next election
I think Louise and Setsuna would make a great match. Saji is too wimpy for the new Louise and Marina is too boring for emokid Setsuna. It would be such an awesome plot twist. Sunrise should buy my script.
Tieria needs to get new glasses or something
From independent mecha pilot to docile housewife
It’s a female Mr. Mime
He got your nose. For real
Looks like the new expansion pack is out. Gotta get the new armour set
The easiest character to animate
I haven’t met a rich/famous person who actually walks with eyes closed
Oh noz. What is Ribbons planning to do to Louise? >_<
Louise is in so much danger…
A new-age Cinderella story
Tieria realizes that he is not the only trap around
Now all the young and impressionable Gundams who watched this will go on a diet
Life is like a box of chocolate. Eventually, it expires.
Errr you do know that Regene Regetta is a man right?
He has the same DNA as Teria.
I may be wrong but what I remember from GCSE Biology is that gender isn’t decided by your DNA in general but rather this weird thing called DNA expression which decides which bits of your cells turn on during the womb.
So it is perfectly possible to have the same DNA and have a male and female clone if the cells turn on in different ways.
But as I said I may be wrong and GCSE was 2 years ago :P
Well think of them as identical twins – they both must have the same gender.
I think a very important part of this ep is the fact that Regene doesn’t trust Ribbons fully. If you remember episode 2 where 00 gundam debuted, it was Regene who was questioning why Ribbons didn’t know about that GN Drive system. Now we have Regene in this episode doing his own thing and at the end we see him (dressed in a very manly suit) actually thinking about whether the plan is truly Aeolia’s.
A sign for things to come?
>Sunrise should buy my script.
That would be awesome indeed:)
I don’t really think they have gender, since GN Paddings can solve all their gender issues.
Gender is determined by the amount of hormones you get while in the womb. And which chromosome (X or Y) you end up with.
If you put some sort of headpeice on Louise she could be working at a maid cafe. All I ask from Sunrise is that they don’t kill her.
Wang reminded me of Yuri from Red River with all that makeup and crap. Not that I was complaining.
And I agree with the Setsuna-Louise pairing. That’d be an awesome plot device. But I doubt Sunrise is smart enough to use it.
Nice review,
Its a dude, Ribbons said it in his little gay talk with Tieria…
Yeah, Regene Regetta is apparently a guy. Uh… so am I the only one who thinks Regene Regetta sounds like “regenerator” or something like that? or am I late to the party lol
Setsuna x Louise all the way
Above these words
“What you say!?â€
there is one of my favorite Kati’s expressions.
“It’s a female Mr. Mime” – it would be so good sometimes if she would play mime
The smallest green hair Innovator = bad Nicol from SEED.
Didn’t they SAY that Regene Regetta was a guy? Like, they kept referring to it as a “he”.
“Looks like the new expansion pack is out. Gotta get the new armour set”—lol thats a good one…kind of trails all the expansions that SEED and SEED Destiny got…
A world where Shin’s ultimate Gundam Expansion Butt raped all the zakus and x1-Destroys.
…Hope that doesn’t happen in this, cause i like how the regular Gundams can actually fight a Celestial Being Gundam pretty well w/o getting their ass handed to them in a millisecond like in SEED
lol @ ‘female mr. mime.’
“A member of the Innovators, not much is known about Hilling other than the fact that she is identical to Ribbons Almark[8], and is apparently the only Innovator to have “woman-like” qualities.”
which of the innovators DOESN’T have woman-like qualities? tieria could so pass.
i lol’d at
“Looks like the new expansion pack is out. Gotta get the new armour set”
Is Teria female or male? Teria seems to have a thing with the original Lockon though… If so the part where “be disturbed too if my female clone hit on me” could change to “my male clone”? Or Teria just have a thing for guys?
its turning into seed. everyone is getting a gundam or some kind of custom suit. not that i mind.
Louise is a french maid! :D
Is Hilling Care (or is it Killing Hair?) a boy or girl? :S
Seriously I thought this was a good episode for a change. I can’t wait to see next episode’s fight without those stupid-ass A-LOLS.
Overall an enjoyable episode and yeah Setsuna x Louise would definately be a nice twist ^^
Ok the only explanations i came up with so far for the top part of that gundam is either it has some special gn emission related function, or something attatches on top of those parts later on … or the innovators decided to make it LOOK like they actually give a damn about aerodynamics (weren’t gn particles compensating for that too up till now?) lol. OR better yet the damn thing transforms or something … sigh…
i missed a typo somewhere in there didnt i…
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Yeah I so laugh too much today i have waiting for this since the morning ( 11 AM ET).
The best screenshot
arche gundam looks so proportioned>.>
setsuna is in your house, stealing your womanz
if only billy hadn’t cockblocked him.
All the innovators are males, its just that only two of them have male voice actors and the rest are female voice actors =_=…
arche gundam looks rather anorexic :))
I don’t watch G00 but why does the fifth screencap look like its from an eroge?
SnooSnoo, that’s actually the awesome part. XD
Pingback: Gundam 00 / Season 2 / Episode 8 « ANIME Anonymous
All she needs are bunny ears. Now that she met Setsuna, chances are better that she’ll reunite with Saji.
Patrick is back, now this show will be more watchable. This episode is.
I was really amused when Ribbons teased Tieria about Lockon. So Tieria is really head-over-heels on him?
Knowing Sunrise, is there a possibility for Tieria to switch to the dark side? Or will it be Regene who would side with the Meisters?
Pingback: Gundam 00 S2 - 08 | Gundam Goraku
It’s probably that scrub Andrei behind the door though xD
Also LOL @ Hilling Care likely being Healing Care.
I’d feel insulted if I had an Innovator name.
If there’s an emo character out of those two, then it’s Marina – all she ever does is get emotional and whine about stuff.
And Setsuna is boring and sexless, possibly due to Ali’s jewel magic, otherwise he’s just as shallow as Marina, Liumei and practically everyone else in this decadent series… *sigh*
Innovators(TM) – innovating the crappiest Engrish that’s ever landed on your ears to a whole new drum-busting sick level. You need to apply Hearing Care to all your lobes, literally.
can i ask where i can pick up the actual link for the episode?
Ah, the classic Gundam plot twist. After the A-LOLS get pwned by the Gundams, they just bring in newer, better models with pilots who are likely to be killed within 2 episodes of arrival. Now we have a green haired Heine, at least I hope we do.
I really hope the new 00 will be something worth seeing. It didn’t look all that great in the trailer. Mostly it reminded me of someone riding a go-cart half their size.
Seriously, if you haven’t watched the series by this point, why bother ranting?
Once again, I wonder how fragile the model for the new Throne will be.
@Dan: I wouldn’t mind another Heine if he(hopefully not she) is voiced by TM Revolution.
In a nutshell, GN particles can be altered in a way. (Like how Tieria and Regene) It is which harnesses the photon and positron discharge of the non-evaporative decay of baryonic matter as an energy source where GN particles are TD-en/disabled. The DNA and GN particles can then assume any role of gender (the idea came from the show itself).
Then again, the innovators claim “communication through GN particles”, why they don’t dissect themselves up to get the TD Blanket GN Particles???
The show should see Aeolia’s “way” of (censored spoiler) the world.
1. The introduction of Celestial Being via Gundams (takes about 80+x+y years to prepare)
2. For the world to “unite” (old man aeolia’s dream) via the UN and Gn drives.
3. The world is oppressed by A-LOLs and Celestial charges out again…
4. To be inferior to the A-LOLs.
5. Through the fighting, Aeolia hopes to have a world (censored spoiler)
On a side note, Gundam 00 characters have crappy names. eg. the innovators and Aeolia Schenburg. (sounds like Aloe vera Schenburg)
@geo: You can get it at http://www.gundamgoraku.net
@toiman: Arche reminds me of robots in Bokurano.
Gotta admit, this episode is making 00 S2 more interesting to watch now. Louise was quite hawt in this episode.
I wonder if any guy will come up with ‘come up with your own Innovator name’ thread or post or something.
I kinda like the new Throne though. Hopefully it can give more of a fight against Trans-Am weaponry.
And Louise donated all of her assets to A-LOLS…but wants to end the Gundams herself? She’s gone nuts enough if you ask me, DM. Being berserk will be another Stellar which I have mixed feelings about.
This episode is made for yaoi fangirls
“Precioussss”??? I didn’t know you liked the LOTR ^_^ !!!
Wow, you’re terrible at writing. Your thoughts are so poorly communicated, and your jokes aren’t clever at all. Your writing is below the level of a 4chan post, which I guess is pretty impressive, but hardly commendable.
Also, I notice your blog is entirely Gundam 00 and Macross. Could it be that you think you’re too good to watch normal anime, and only watch horrible mainstream crap? You should just stop blogging, since this entire website is nothing but an eyesore.
Aeolia’s plan = start of Macross series
I am torn between attraction and disgust at Tieria’s disguise.
Ah well, fapping comes first. Preferably with Louise too.
Wow, you can differentiate between your and you’re, which I guess is pretty impressive, but hardly commendable.
Wow what is it with 44? Not enough turkey? :P
This guy can really make a joke on everything! RIGHT ON!!!
Anyway, whats wrong with Ali Al Saarchas’s Gundam? look so thin! Its not that I like Ali AL Saarchas but, his upgrade on the Gundam looks like a piece of SHIT!
Characters that needs to die right away: Louise Harvey, Wang Liu Mei, Ali Al Saarchas, Livonze Almark, And Regene!
First gen. Zwei was too fat, second gen too skinny. Lets find some balance here Sunrise.
Lols, preciousss? Lord of the Rings?? haha