I don’t like to give spoilers because I think they ruin the experience, but episode 13 is basically one huge spoiler, so it’s kind of difficult to talk about it without revealing anything. As such, I have decided to skip the episode summary this time.
I am not going to say that the most important event in this episode was entirely surprising. Characters in a story often have their roles to fulfil, and it was quite clear that this particular character had no other role to play in the grand scheme of things. That said, we had only just returned from Zero’s expedition in China, so the timing of this episode feels rather sudden. It is almost as if the writers are rushing to make things happen in time for the mid-season climax…
Sayako as a character in Code Geass interests me, because it makes me wonder whether her role as a super ninja maid was planned right from the start of the first season, or if it was a decision made along the way due to plot necessity. What’s next? Maybe Tamaki will reveal himself to be a competent Britannian spy who managed to expertly fool everyone into believing that he’s a hot-blooded idiot.
Interestingly, Lelouch rates everyone in the Black Knights by their intelligence, combat ability, charisma and loyalty, just like an RPG game. But those stats are clearly wrong. There’s no way Kallen has such low intelligence and charisma. >_< And somehow Tamaki ranks the lowest on almost everything, even loyalty.
The Jeremiah plot-twist is a bit of a WTF moment. Did anyone see it coming at all?
The new opening song is by FLOW and the ending song is by Ali Project. I have no particular feelings for either, except that perhaps the OP sequence has a lot of cheerful people for a song titled “WORLD END”.
Who’s that female figure?
You can tell that he’s going to be an important character from the OP
Recycling old artwork
How do those wings work? >_<
I’m not liking this Kallen/Suzaku parallelism…
Space combat?
Pot makes you high
Paedophilia is still a crime, right?
Who are these people again?
I find this shot really hilarious for some reason
So Villetta is like the tsukkomi-yaku?
Sunrise should make another My-HiME
Who is this person and what has she done to C.C.?
It’s election year
It amazes me how people on TV can disguise themselves just by wearing shades
Cornelia is cool now
It’s an optical illusion
“No Rollo, I’m not cheating on you!”
I wonder if the King needs an ID too
I say Tamaki will turn traitor, mark my words
Emergency services in Area 11 are a joke
Lelouch has the funkiest expressions in the show
Love rivals
“Rollo, incest is against the law.”
It’s like a flamboyant Terminator
There’s not enough Kallen in this episode
I’m such a heartless bastard.
“Where did you guys learn about the Albion (I thought it was Gino’s Knightmare at first) and those CG ending rumors?
If Kallen dies I’ll die a little inside. D:”
“Lol Kaus, my theories are my theories, not actually spoilers (so they might not happen). As for the Albion I learned about it on….holy crap where did I learn about it from…I think someone mentioned it on youtube or something. Maybe wikipedia…who knows.
HOWEVER I did read somewhere that CG is gonna be end in tragedy (lots of main characters dying off like crazy). Besides that will make a good ending anyway.
Wtf, i actually made a short comment….amazing.”
Nothing on wiki yet whether the Lancelot Albion is a completely new knightmare or just the upgraded version of Suzaku’s Lancelot.
I think Suzaku will just get his Lancelot upgraded. Why would anyone else get a better Lancelot instead of him if it was really a complete new unit? Also the “old” Lancelot isnt in the opening anymore that indicates even more that its just an upgrade.
Awesome I found my info on the Albion. Turns out it was on cor’s Wikipedia link. Here it is:
“Another version of the Lancelot set to be introduced in the second season is the Lancelot Albion. No information is given on its capabilities, but its design differs radically from its predecessors. The head is slightly larger, lacks the ‘tusks’ on the side, and the horn on the back is slightly longer. Its chest is flatter with a different pattern, arm guards have been added, and the knee armor is extended into points similar to those on the Lancelot Club. The chest jewel is replicated on the wrists, knees, and hips. Its four Slash Harkens, having been previously mounted on the arms and hips, are no longer visible. Finally, its Float System has been redesigned, now using a pair of fold out wings, each with three energy ‘feathers'”
While it was in the Lancelot section of the article I don’t think Suzaku pilots it, note in the intro he’s still using the Conquista.
Edit: Holy crap… I just reread the article up there ^ and something I didn’t notice popped up. It’s SUZAKU’S NEW MODEL HOLY CRAP! Which means that the new Nightmare in the intro (with the Black Knight’s frames and the Mordred) is still unknown! Woohoo! I just proved myself wrong! What a twist. I gotta do that more often.
P.S. Although I love a good tragic end; I kinda hope Kallen and lelouch end up together.
Sorry for double posting BUT OMFG I KNOW WHAT THE NEW KNIGHTMARE IS. Apparently there are some leaks added in on Wikipedia, not only do they have the specs of the Albion but also the new Guren model (rest easy Kallen fans she won’t be joining Brittania). Apparently we can expect both Anya AND Gino to join the Black Knights…here’s why
“A modified version of the Tristan is featured in the second opening sequence for the second season. The overall design is similar, but the Float System wings attached to the cockpit are replaced by an X-shaped version resembling those used by the Black Knights. The head is also different, featuring longer red horns and a gray color instead of white.”
So if this modified version of the Tristan is piloted by Gino then he might be joining the black knights if the whole Anya theory works out. ALSO the two might join because of Lulu’s geass. Remember that.
@ DM, in response to your last image, you are not alone I found the last scene funny too.
I have a question – because I found this quite interesting…
Did anyone notice footstep sounds in the background of the scene between Rolo and Shirley?
Or was Shirley just merrily stamping her feet? :D
if this ends like death note, as a sort of allegory for sin and punishment, i’m gonna freak. the whole reason i liked geass is that its characters are grey.
While I am convinced lulu is gonna die at the end I doubt it’s gonna be for his “sins”. Note that in Death Note Lite started to think he was god and that he really only started to create the new world because he was bored. Code Geass has a much deeper reason then that. Besides, personally I hate it when people talk about “dying for their sins” in anime. ANOTHER thing is that i don’t know how they are gonna wrap this all up in 12 episodes…so who knows…maybe a third season?
“so who knows…maybe a third season?”
That would make me very happy. ;>
“Besides, personally I hate it when people talk about “dying for their sins†in anime.”
It’s bullshit. Death Note needed alternate ending with Light beating Near and becoming ‘God’. I was pissed when Light died, though had to admit it was done masterfully.
“P.S. Although I love a good tragic end; I kinda hope Kallen and lelouch end up together.”
As a C.C. fanboy, I’d prefer it if Lulu and CC ended up with each other. Though a bit of loli with Kaguya would amuse me. I reckon Kaguya’s gonna get killed off if it’s going to end in R2 or vanish to reappear if R3 will happen.
Taking bets on the new technological upgrade becoming nigh-infinite energy packs as well as funky new float systems.
“As a C.C. fanboy, I’d prefer it if Lulu and CC ended up with each other. Though a bit of loli with Kaguya would amuse me. I reckon Kaguya’s gonna get killed off if it’s going to end in R2 or vanish to reappear if R3 will happen.”
I admit I am a C.C. fanboy too. I was rocking in my chair when she kissed him in the season finale. However it just doesnt seem too realistic for an immortal chick to end up with a terrorist (I know you can’t really say crap about being realistic in anime but…I try). In my eyes it just seems like a much happier and real ending with Kallen and Lulu. Though I’m still betting my house on Lulu dying in the end (Just Kidding). As for Kaguya, shes like the ONLY comic relief in the Black Knights (besides Tamaki) so I doubt they will kill her off, chances are they would kill off Tamaki.
“It’s bullshit. Death Note needed alternate ending with Light beating Near and becoming ‘God’. I was pissed when Light died, though had to admit it was done masterfully.”
I agree whole heartedly, but I don’t want Lulu to die for his “sins” in the end, I prefer that they keep religion out of anime. If he is gonna die then I want him to die like a fucking hero and make Kallen and C.C. cry!
“I agree whole heartedly, but I don’t want Lulu to die for his “sins†in the end, I prefer that they keep religion out of anime. If he is gonna die then I want him to die like a fucking hero and make Kallen and C.C. cry!”
My hope? He kills Suzaku, the Emperor, Schneizel, and every other wanker who fucked with him in the finale, retires from freedom fighting as the new Emperor of Brittania after freeing Japan with his harem of women. Oooooh right. Not gonna happen, but it’d be how I’d want it to end if I was Lulu ;p I’d agree with keeping religion out of anime to an extent. The religious references in Neon Genesis Evagelion made the anime what it was(along with other aspects ofc). Putting it at the end of R2 as a ‘dying for his sins’ thing would be unnecessary and ridiculous though, I agree.
“As for Kaguya, shes like the ONLY comic relief in the Black Knights (besides Tamaki) so I doubt they will kill her off, chances are they would kill off Tamaki.”
I really hope she doesn’t die, I find her attitude hilarious. R1 she was meh, but in R2 she really grew as a character. The whole taunting suzaku thing at the wedding reception made her shine in my eyes. That said, I think she will die, and that annoys me.
Apparently we will know what happens between Suzaku and lelouch in episode 17 (yay?). I read it on wikipedia. Anyways next episode Lulu gets owned by V.V.
I don’t want him to be the emperor though. He IS a masked man so he might vanish into history (if he doesn’t die). I want Nunally to be emperor. ALSO there won’t be a season 3 sadly, because apparently by episode 16 he’s rallied the world against the emperor and in episode 17 he’s attacking Japan. So I think he’s gonna free Kallen in episode 17.
“I really hope she doesn’t die, I find her attitude hilarious. R1 she was meh, but in R2 she really grew as a character. The whole taunting suzaku thing at the wedding reception made her shine in my eyes. That said, I think she will die, and that annoys me.”
Kaguya won’t die I assure you, they never kill off the Loli’s. Although she is devilishly better in r2, my favourite line of hers is in the season finale (or was it 23?) when shes talking to Zero and when she says “After all, I’m Athena herself!” and Zero replies “I’m sorry, but I already sold my soul to the devil, I can’t get along with a goddess.”
P.S. Kaguya is awesome but I prefer Kallen.
“While it was in the Lancelot section of the article I don’t think Suzaku pilots it, note in the intro he’s still using the Conquista.
Edit: Holy crap… I just reread the article up there ^ and something I didn’t notice popped up. It’s SUZAKU’S NEW MODEL HOLY CRAP! Which means that the new Nightmare in the intro (with the Black Knight’s frames and the Mordred) is still unknown! Woohoo! I just proved myself wrong! What a twist. I gotta do that more often.”
ehmm no, the Lancelot Conquista is definitely NOT in the new opening.
i wondered what you mean with the other new suit but you answered it already yourself. To me that was obvious that its an upgraded Tristan just by looking at as it was with the Lancelot.
about the ending, i think that Lulu will live and Kallen or C.C. or even both will die. It would fit the “the power of the King will make you lonely” thing and the wish from C.C. too if it indeed is what i think. What would a person with eternal life wish for? I think her wish is to die.
Not that i wanna see that happen, id rather see lulu get together with C.C. but its the most likely outcome to me atm.
So I was right in assuming that white knightmare was the Tristan? :o No matter how much I see it, it looks like the Tristan.
Lancelot Conquista is an upgrade from Lancelot. So it’s not like it’s a new suit, it’s just an upgrade. Can you imagine the amount of Lancelots Lloyd would have in his garage if he made a new one for each mode? :p
Sad endings are great and all, but Kallen dying would be the epitome of sadness. /wubkallen
I dunno, while it seems Aina might join Lelou, it looks (to me anyway) that Gino is not gonna like that and that is why he is making scary faces at you.
Speaking of dying, Lloyd and Cecile better not die!
WTF Orange is Lelouch’s friend now
WTF that sucks sooooooooo bad.
If Suzaku changes sides to this show will suck, this is starting to feel like Gundam Seed
Suzaku won’t switch sides I can assure that. It’s also because of that that Suzaku will most likely die. Also the whole Jeremiah switching sides thing wasn’t unpredictable, it makes sense, story wise.
Also Caedite, you have no sense of a good plot twist if you think that Orange joining Lelouch sucked.
Oh my shows back on, yay!
Holy crap! You were right! There are steps when Shirley is talking, just before Rollo activates Geass. @_@
Now I wonder if some of you are right. Of course I still doubt it was Suzaku. Maybe Gino and Anya showed up. xD xP
Well now that I have seen it a couple of times I think its from Shirley making expressions. Damn thats some echo. :p
There isn’t going to be a season 3. The cheif writer posted somewhere that he’s done writing the last episode. Here’s a link: http://koshimizu.livejournal.com/3953.html#cutid1
if its like deathnote i will prob never watch anime again
“if its like deathnote i will prob never watch anime again”
Why would this anime resemble Death Note, and if it did, Death Note was pretty cool. but seriously I don;t veiw this to be like Death Note I veiw it as Code Geass (and it’s much better than Death note) New episode tommorrow woohoo!
I always noticed that Zino calls Lelouch “Senpai”, but on the English subtitles, they do not translate this word. Is Senpai a word with a meaning that is non-existant in English, or did the translators just get lazy? I’m assuming that the word means something like friend, but I thought I’d ask to clear this up.
Am pretty sure senpai means teacher, or something close to it
nope teacher would be sensei, senpai is basically what you call your senior, upperclassmate etc.
no and no to the first two…
senpai just means an older student, so he’s saying Lelouch is senior to him >_>
it’s a bit like nakama, it’s better left untranslated
Okay…this is my first time posting on the web site and i just whant to say that I REALLY love it! Okay one of the things that I predict is that the lulus’ geass will evolve. I mean every time someone really important dies, it gets better right? well I think that this time he can use geass as many times as he wants, even on kallen. Because if you pay attention to the end you can see the geass repetedly coming out of his eye.
With much love and spelling errors,
lulus’ fangirl
no and no to the first two…
senpai just means an older student, so he’s saying Lelouch is senior to him >_>
it’s a bit like nakama, it’s better left untranslated”
your wrong.. and how is upperclassmate different from older student in the first place?! >_>
and NO its not just limited to school, f.e. in a dojo or at work you would call someone who has been there longer and has more experience than yourself senpai. If you dont believe it look it up on wiki.
Did she died?
Damn alot of haters here, if u keep on negative then stop watching fucking code geass r2 then..
This was such a good episode, it gave me the shivers…
Pingback: Code Geass R2 — Episode 13 |
it’s a lot of fun to watch this show!
This episode almost made me cry XD
It’s so sad! But then again, they probably killed off Shirley seeing that she was shown in the episodes and yet didn’t really have much of a part…
I dunno.
I still love Code Geass XD and Lelouch.. yep. Lelcuch. Too bad he can be such a douche sometimes.
….i hate this episode because i dont want shirley to die…i like her for lelouch!!!!!
…. i hate this part….. because shirley died….:(
…….. i hate this part… because shirley died…, and because shirley is my favorite character,, and i like her for lelouch.. i feel really sad……. :(
… i like shirley very much… and i don’t want her to die…
i want her back……
Just catching up on the show on YouTube.
This was low-key hysterical. I’m going to have to start reading these to unpack after each episode. Great stuff.