I woke up today at 1.30pm. I guess it’s not that bad considering I slept at 5am. Gao. So anyway, here’s how I spent my last day of 2006. (Yet another year closer to my eventual death.)
I woke up on the 31st at 9.00am and left home at 9.30am. ã‹ã£ãŸã‚‹ã„。Arrived at Funan at around 10.20am to help out with Urban Attic’s sale. Tj han was late because his new $80 School Rumble alarm clock failed to wake up him. lol.
LianYL and I left just before the sale started to give out flyers at a certain other location. I told Weiye, the owner of Urban Attic, to reserve a 1/7 Kanu Unchou PVC figure for me because I knew that it’d be gone by the time I returned. We gave out flyers until almost 3pm and returned to Funan. The Kanu was sold out! Apparently Weiye thought I asked for Ryofu instead of Kanu. Gao. But at least I got $50 for my work. Kind of sad that I ended up buying nothing at the sale.
By now the otaku gathering is getting quite big. The group of us walked to Sunshine Plaza where I proceeded to spend nearly 4/5 of my income for the day at KKnM‘s 50% sale.
Two hard plastic posters from Shirow Masamune‘s Galgrease illustration series. They are pretty big. They are almost as tall as the backrest of my living room couch. Still trying to decide on where to stick them…
After the usual otaku chit-chat, we wasted away remaining two hours till dinnertime by lanning Counterstrike. It’s been some time since I last played that game. Then we had dinner at Raffles City. At around 9.00pm, we arrived at the Cosafe Maid Cafe, Singapore’s first maid cafe, where we spent the rest of the night.
It was actually the first time I patronized Cosafe since their opening two weeks ago. I’ve been to maid and cosplay cafes a few times in Japan and I must say that Cosafe felt very different, not in the good or bad sense but just different. It’s an intangible thing.
Other than maid costumes, there were also seifuku, Misa from Death Note and some other character cosplays I couldn’t identify.
I ordered a Milky Vanilla milkshake, but they ran out of vanilla ice-cream, so I became the first customer ever to have a vanilla milkshake made using chocolate ice-cream. Wee.
I thought the service was pretty okay, but then again some of the guys in our group were regulars there who knew every girl by name (we got our table without having to wait), so my experience may not be a very accurate gauge. Still, it’s a far cry from all the negative reviews that have been floating round the net. Perhaps the service has improved a lot since the cafe’s opening.
The price is pretty scary — my milkshake was S$7.80 + service charge, though it’s expected since CHIJMES is a pretty posh area with a large number of tourists and expats. On an interesting note, if you look at the current exchange rate, food in Japanese maid cafes actually cost less, but the difference isn’t great.
It’s Tripeman!
2007 started off with a lot of party spray strings and popping balloons
The maids were well-armed
A balloon fight was soon under way. Many died
I only drank half a cup of beer because I’m still below the legal drinking age (犯罪ã§ã™ã‚ˆã€‚) so I was still pretty awake at 1.30am when we finally decided to make a move.
I missed the last train home by 4 minutes or so. At least 30 police officers were clearing out the City Hall train station and securing the entrances after the last train. There were a lot of people still on the streets. Some were queuing for taxis at the taxi stand, but queue was so long that a lot of people just gave up.
I took a NightRider Bus home. It took one entire hour to circle around every part of the city district, from City Hall to Chinatown to Clarke Quay to Orchard Road, before travelling the rest of the way to my house within 20 minutes. Worst bus right ever, but it’s better than being stranded until the first train at 5am. The bus stop was about 2 km away from my house (5 km for tj han apparently) because NightRider bus routes are pretty limited (considering you have less than 10 NR service routes for the whole of Singapore), but I somehow managed to find my way home at 3.30am in a semi-conscious state. Bought a cup noodle from 7-Eleven on the way because I was really hungry. May Haruhi bless whoever invented 24/7 convenience stores.
All in all a pretty interesting New Year’s Eve. At least compared to how I usually spend them. (Asleep and in my bed.)
Yeah pleased to meet you.
I’m not part of tripeman though. -.-“
Nice to know that you weren’t eaten up by the horde.
Now Bjorn, you and I have identical posts. Gay.
Lelouch probably survived because people didnt bothered to attack him or did not see him
he must have geassed them into ignoring him…
Just curious, how old are you DM? You in Junior College?
Tripeman looks kinda pissed off in those pics.
Well, it does fit my impression of him anyways.
Anyways, akemashite omedetou gozaimasu. Looking forward to more of Penguin-kun this year as well :D.
u should haf censored mr.ord middle finger.. then it will look good..and posting that u drink below the age,keep it to urself..at the same time, indicate which 1 is who…gehehehehe thx
I would feel extremely annoyed if that happend to me. D: But since its the new years i guess its alright desho?
YES! Lelouch survived right into 2007!
did Lulu get nice stares? You prolly brought him along to impress the maids. Wouldn’t surprise me if it worked…
oh btw happy new year~
he got more than his share of stares
DM was holding onto penguin-kun in his hands all the way since we left urban attic
and yes
he wore that R.O.D. shirt
fans swarmed him that day
Happy New Year! I slept from 5.30 am to 1.00 pm.
I wasn’t pissed off! Kuro has immensely bad facial emotive cognitive skills.
Well, that comment got screwed up.
Anyway, love Singapore~
Happy New Year!
I had a lame new years, but it was my first one away from my family and with friends at least. Nice to be 17, I guess. oO;
Although I haven’t gone outside for 13 days now, you could say my New Years was pretty quite.. XD
The Haruhi voice auditions are so bad. :(
The voice needed to be 元気with a dash of aggression. The first voice was the closest, I guess. This is making me sad.
AAAAAAAAAAH i soo wanted to go for the countdown…. gah….. damn you guard duty…. damn you….
happy new year
must be fun. it definitely seems better then going to Esplanade to see the fireworks with girls… it should be. Who am i kidding.. lol at least no photos of me circulates on the internet! hah!
Crest u want photos to go around?
u better not turn up next time we meet
oh! OH!
Whoa.. I’m not part of tripeman either.. why do I look so weird in that picutre..
Garrgh I was there but I was too drunk to see you..haha and I am ****age too XD
P.S. Tell us the next time before you go, so I can keep an eye out for you.
P.S.S Looks like you decided to heed my advice from the christmas post. smart boy!
Sorry for the double post, but is the first picture an Itou Niji artwork? It sure looks like her normal style..Yuuji’s mom from Shakugan no Shana?