New Gundam series this October confirmed!

Gundam 00 was announced with a short promo that aired at the end of a recent episode of Towards the Terra. Set in 2307 AD, the story revolves around four Gundam pilots who look damn gay and some silly organization that wants to end all wars for good, possibly by fighting one. How many times have we heard that one before?

The promo on the official site is distributed via Bandai Channel, which means those of us who are not in Japan cannot access it. Therefore I have embedded the YouTube version above.

Where are the pretty girls? :(

[ Source: Gunota Headlines ]

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45 Responses to New Gundam series this October confirmed!

  1. leefe says:

    i actually got tempted… gives me the gundam wing feel… but i dun think there’d be another pink haired princess this time =/

  2. HeeroYuy041 says:

    It looks good, and has similar features to Gundam Wing!
    There better not be another pink princess running around trying to be a peacekeeper!
    Yay! Second Post!
    Where is DarkDestiny?
    I’ve been waiting for a trailer!
    Those who uploaded it I say Thanks!

  3. tj han says:

    Actually, it does look pretty good. I like the chara designs. Thankfully there’s no Lacus. Lacus is one ugly pig.

  4. Windbell says:

    It’s looking good. I like the character designs especially.

  5. tiny Red Man says:

    who knows, another surprise: character design: CLAMP….


  6. DarkMirage says:

    Actually the character designs are by Yun Kouga, the mangaka of Loveless… While I think she draws really well, I can’t help but wonder if this says anything about the kind of…relationships we will see in the series.

  7. lanie-emon says:

    Lol, same old rehash of the same old idea. Well, i like battleship with lots of missile, so its balance out, i guess.

  8. darkdestiny says:

    Well, here I am. Looks like my intuition is right.

    And in any case, whoever posted this was a bit wrong. There’s a site where everyone can get to download the trailer, and that is the Gunota Headlines.

    And who says Lacus is a pig? More like the princess of the SEED series. Can’t help to have pink hair, can she?

  9. hayase says:

    For some reason, the last guy(?) just reminded me of Shinn…Right now the only thing I’m curious about is whether the first episode is gonna be another rehashed sequence–or will we see something different?

  10. Beowulf Lee says:

    If anything, I’m hoping that Sunrise cuts its 50 episode gig and settle for a 26 episode format so that each episode’s production costs would rise and maybe all the battles won’t look all the freakin same because the keep reusing the same freakin screens designed to be reused. It’s like watching an traditional RPG “battle”.

    Another thing that I’m hoping for is that the Gundams won’t be completely one-sided and maybe cut down on the cannon-fodder.

    As for the Gundam designs, I was actually hoping for those Unicorn Gundam things that have been floating around on the internet.

  11. Beowulf Lee says:

    Thinking about it, there’ll probably be extreme yaoi undertones, a la Heero x Duo x Troa threesome, trying somewhat to appeal to yaoi fan girls, but nothing outright since the majority of Gundam fans are guys after all…

  12. DarkMirage says:

    Unicorn Gundam was for a novel series. That was designed by Katoki, though.

  13. darkdestiny says:

    This is at least the second series that emphasize on “eradicating wars”, the other being Gundam SEED. Not sure about others though.

    Just found a translation of the last phrase shown in the teaser:

    [i]Rebirth begins through destruction[/i]

    What does that mean?

  14. Beowulf Lee says:

    >>>What does that mean?

    It means Sunrise likes to take ideas from itself. See Lulu, Code Geass.

  15. Zero says:

    So, this goes out about the same time as Geass season 2? This means noodle people piloting mecha against gay people piloting mecha?

    Gundam design look sorta like Turn A, should we feel happy already?

  16. Beowulf Lee says:

    At least the Gundams don’t have giant mustaches.

  17. rei says:


    I think that characters of man are good.

    But・・・・・・・・girl is not so pretty.^^;
    Where are the pretty girls?・・・・・期待!

    official site

  18. Akiraman says:

    How many mre GUNDAM shows does Bandai indent to make? Yeah Where are the preety girls? LOLs

  19. Koji Oe says:

    Why can’t they ever make a good gundam series with less gay and maybe a (moe) girl pilot here and there or something.

    Oh wait, it’s called Code Geass.

  20. Model_X says:

    Looks promising. Gotta check it out.
    Does this also mean that SEED is dead? LOL~ I remembered some announcement of a SEED movie…i guess it’s canned now.

  21. astrobunny says:

    They make animations, and sell the toys. Who cares about production costs and storyline if you can introduce lots of types of pwning gundams, and sell them for $40 each to the fans.

  22. Crest says:

    Now we can have actual yaoi Gundam scenes and not lousy doujins!

  23. Nyan says:

    Yeah, and when the bishounen pilots get emo-ed up, they break into “00” mode when the eyes are like 0_0 & they become powerful killing machines.

    Hmmm the blue gundam look likes a full metal panic robot with pointy antennae.

  24. darkdestiny says:

    I don’t know about it either, but I got it somewhere I think.

    But who says the other Gundam series are dead? Aren’t there a couple of games involving old series coming up one at a time? And Gundam SEED, as well as another movie, will probably arrive soon.

  25. exalt dragon says:

    The animation is less “CG”ed and more “drawn”ed, which probably hints that this is going to be more like gundam wing rather than seed.

  26. perplexus says:

    I’m no homophobe , but it does look really really gay. So I’ve decided to rename Gundam 00 …. Gundam Ooooh!

  27. Tess says:

    Hmm. Yeah I could tell the designs were done by Yun Kouga in just those few seconds. I love her art, but lol, another gay Gundam for sure. Hopefully it’s good… haven’t watched any Gundam since before SEED began. I hope those aren’t the only main characters though, cause I didn’t find them appealing.

    There better be some cute girls too! Cute boys too… none of those anywhere anymore.

  28. The main character (I assume the person who talks is the main character) sounds like Suzaku from Code Geass. I also feel like half these gundams are hybrids of old generation gundams like what SEED and SEED Destiny did, but more awesome. I need a hook up on a new Gundam type series. Code Geass failed me until summer and this won’t be out till October…this sucks. Oh well…

  29. heeroyuy041 says:

    OMG! What the hell?
    Why are people complaining that their aren’t cute looking people in the series. Its a Gundam show, It isn’t supposed to be about cute people in mobile suits. Gundam is about the guys in Mobile Suits doing some rear kicking action.

    Gundam is supposed to be all about action and plots. Who really gives a damn whether there are cute girls in the series or not.
    Go Watch Gundam SEED for all that crap.

  30. darkdestiny says:

    I’m very sure that this series had some better plots than the previous one, Gundam SEED. Although both focused on Gundam in war, Gundam SEED, in overall, emphasizes quite a bit about politics, and the manipulation of the people under the different nations/alliances. We do see it in the several leaders in nations/alliances in the series, for instance Raww le Crueset and Lord Dijibril.

    Hope to see OO focus on another area about war.

  31. darkdestiny says:

    In response to reply 30:

    Yes, such anime series is usually about plots, and that’s what interests people. If you keep wondering about where’s the cute characters, look elsewhere.

  32. Zer0 says:

    This is BL Gundam.

  33. rei says:


    producer: 竹田菁滋 (Gundam SEED)
    Supervision 水島精二 (鋼の錬金術師)
    series constitution / a script 黒田洋介(ハチミツとクローバー)
    character original bill 高河ゆん(lovelsess)
    character design: 吉田健一(エウレカセブン)

    luxurious !!

  34. darkdestiny says:

    Ok, what is the producer of Gundam SEED doing in this new series?

  35. Hasina says:

    heeroyuy041 —> omg i love you!, someone who thinks like me!!!!!!!!, yup, to see crap watch seed, there’s love, pink hair “cute” girls, kisses and shits like that… oh my God!! gundam is a mecha series, no a soup opera!, when seed started Gundams series was killed… with this new series… Jesus… I really want my mommy… Where is the metal?, the mecha?, the REAL pilots?… Where’s the amazing Gundams
    design like Zero Custom?… Oh yeah… in the garbage.. because series like Seed… thanks a lot girly girls… you kill gundam.

  36. HeeroYuy041 says:

    Oh! Thankx.
    I’m not going to start another argument here but go to
    this link

    I make most of my argument about how CRAPPY gundam seed REALLY is over there.

    A brief synopsis would be “cus whorez that don’t add up to the plot eventually caused the fanz to be so fed up with it that toonami had to cancel it.

    So feel free to email me at or hotmail, or yahoo (yeah they r all the same)

    It’s hard to find ppl like u Hasina that actually have similar viewz like me!


  37. bummerout says:

    OMG not another Gundam…. the mechs are cool… but please… isn’t it bout time they retired… =_=
    Seed was ok (it was my first gundam series.. maybe thats why…)… destiny pissed me off… wing made me sleep…
    Think i’ll give this one a pass… unless there are really awsome gundams…
    Theres gonna be a code geass season 2?? 0_0

  38. darkdestiny says:

    Well, I don’t really mind watching Gundam OO, given if it comes to local TV in my region. Like shows with pretty rich plots.

    Anyway, in case no one ever noticed, one of last year’s events have confirmed the production of the Gundam SEED movie. Check out the Wikipedia page involving the movie.

    Won’t be around for a while, so see ya!

  39. darkdestiny says:

    Well well, looks like this place is pretty much abandoned.

    Anyway, talking about pink-haired characters, we’ll have one in this new series of Gundam. CHECK GUNOTA HEADLINES NOW FOR THE CHARACTER UPDATES!

  40. revae says:

    omg the last boy they showed looked like ritsuka from loveless… 0.o

  41. mure says:

    OMG thier is another new gundam! i cant wait to see it….

  42. mure says:

    i still choose gundam seed coz’ its my favorite…

  43. mure says:

    i don’t care I’ll still choose gundam seed coz’ its my favorite…

  44. CrimsonLockon says:

    I want to see ether a remake of GUNDAM WING or a tv series with
    the same people who created GUNDAM WING because lets face it people

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