Remember the 2ch hit flash animation with the spinning leek? An indie Finnish song that achieved Internet fame thanks to a fateful fusion of Japanese otaku culture, Macromedia and Bleach, Ievan Polkka lives again!
Hatsune Miku
Well, I’m in love with the song all over again thanks to this YouTube video and a crazy piece of software called VOCALOID2. Embedded after the break.
The singer is Hatsune Miku (åˆéŸ³ãƒŸã‚¯) from Crypton’s VOCALOID2 software. It’s basically a music creation tool similar to MIDI composers except that instead of synthesizing instruments, it synthesizes vocals. That said, it doesn’t actually generate the voice using any magical algorithm; the vocals are actually pre-recorded (the voice belongs to Saki Fujita, an obscure seiyuu with few titles under her name).
What Crypton did was to record all the necessary pitches and consonant-vowel combinations needed for a typical J-Pop song and let the user combine them into coherent pieces. It works surprisingly well due to the fact that the Japanese language has only fifty or so possible sounds and words are always read the way they are written. It’s hard to explain, so here are some YouTube videos.
When I first heard of this some time ago from Kotaku, I thought it was something related to IDOLM@STER, especially since Kotaku seems obsessed with anything to do with the anime pop idol management simulation for Xbox 360. And after watching a few YouTube videos, I realized that I was right, just not in the way I had imagined. Just imagine if Namco Bandai decides to license this for use in IDOLM@STER…
I think this is the beginning of the end of the anime song industry as we know it.
I kid, I kid. Your favourite seiyuu isn’t going jobless just yet. At least not until VOCALOID-9000 achieves sentience and figures out how to synthesize new voices without the aid of puny humans… >_>
If you are interested in trying out VOCALOID2, you need to either fork out ï¿¥15,750 (about US$140) or wear an eye patch and get a pet parrot.
I don’t know what the big deal is about her other than she has a cute character design…frankly I find her voice pitch incredibly irritating o_o
Nice airticle, Thanks.
Hatsune Miku is a buzzword in Japanese otaku scene(^^)
I can see several Hatsune Miku related news everyday. Fansites are mushrooming now. Although she made her debut in Sep. There’s so many cosplay photo in Cure.
But as long as current software version, Hatsune Miku’s power of expression is very limited. I think, To make near perfect VOCALOID takes much long time(maybe over 5 years).
Here’s my impressions to Hatsune Miku
(Sorry, Japanese only)
Yeah it’s far from perfect, but it’s certainly waaay better than I had imagined when I first heard about it.
Right now, it does seem to fall short at certain genres of songs.
The real gems of Hatsune Miku are the original songs or “covers” with original lyrics.
Like all recent internet fads, the attraction of Hatsune Miku lies within giving more power to the end user and enable their imaginations run wild. So now not only can some geek with too much time can compose their own songs on their PC, they can even have a virtual voice to sing said songs, and then share it with millions of other geeks.
That said, it’s not going to replace real singers anytime soon. There are a lot of songs by some seiyuu singers which people tried to make Miku covers but failed miserably, such as those by Mizuki Nana….
i’m currently installin this…and many youtubers and stage6ers are crazy over hatsune too. and there will be a new character set to be release on december.
Yea, im a big fan of Hatsune Miku after listening to her on youtube. <
they are giving her a manga. what more can you say.
but it is interesting to see what they can actually do with it.
pretty shocked at fly me to the moon since i know the software doesnt work with english. i belive there is to be an english version for the software sometime later.
Did anyone use Hatsune Miku to sing those Manabi Straight Momoha songs? It would be a pretty lol attempt at mimicking the original.
Ah ha. So you did like it.
Ah, so the rage is about Hatsune Miku. That explains why I keep seeing all the Miku-related entries on most of the otaku-themed blogs.
It sounds like a novel concept: who would have imagined that people can use voice as a synthesiser to make their own songs? I give it +3 for bringing power to the people. (Anything that brings power to the people, deserves to be recognised.)
Miku has been turning up everywhere… and I love some of the songs that have popped up that is so good… but after seeing and hearing so much, it’s clear she cant handle some types of music like those that use english for example.
I would like to give the program a try but that would mean getting back into the music/midi business… and also learning enough basic japanese to decipher how to use it
harrr! I prefer my pirates to look something like Captain Jack Sparrow
It sort of “works” with English if you transliterate the lyrics to katakana… That is to say, unlike Japanese lyrics, you can’t just dump English words in directly.
Hey check out this flash application embed of Miku Hatsune talkingclock:
Interesting piece of technology. With the advancement in 3D graphics already so advanced (FF7:AC and the upcoming Beowulf), it’s only a matter of time before some big corporation in America “creates” their very own virtual actor/actress
Man, makes me want to buy it from amazon. But it’s not cheap… 15000+ yen is no small sum. If only it’s priced as a PC game…
may I remind ppl that YAMAHA is the real company behind this piece of software, Crypton only does the voice synthesizing bit. see wikipedia and for details.
Miku is just a visual representation of the software, appeal to vast fandom in Japan, Crypton understands its audience too well.
Saki Fujita sucks in English -> Miku sucks in English
I don’t think the software is that bad in Japanese, the leekspin animation was pretty cool.
But as DF says, Hatsune is just a marketing trick to rip off otaku who buy anything anime-related. I checked out the website of the original VOCALOID, and there were no anime characters in that version. Hatsune was just an add – on.
Btw the speaking clock was soooo cute!
I doubt that it will work well with English songs even if you find a seiyuu who speaks English fluently.
The software is obviously taking advantage of the fact that Japanese is read they way it is written. It will not work with English without the aid of some kind of dictionary software with phonetics conversion.
anyone watched this movie called s1m0ne starring al pacino? everyday we are one step closer to that.
some of the technology is already in place in fact.
Vocaloid Miriam (note that it’s based on Vocaloid1)
I have nothing against Miku, Crypton should be proud of their product, which tops Amazon Japan’s Sep. sales chart. Though I hesitate to conclude that’s the best we can get out of Vocaloid2.
The cake is a lie!
new character?
Do you mean, Hatune Teku?
I’m waiting for a male version of this synthesizer, unless it’s gonna sound all crappy like Larc~En~Ciel (Yeah I’m still not happy that they ditch Nami Tamaki, See-Saw and TMRevolution in Gundam).
Oh hey, just 3 days after I found out about this I read this post.
Guess only Engrish will do for English songs, eh?
It still gets to me when people say Fly Me to the Moon is from Eva. D:
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Hahahahaha,what an awesome joke,gaining sentience. XD
Anyways,well,this would probably explain the odd songs I have been hearing on you tube lately. >…> Which I don’t mind at all. :) (LEEKS EVERYWHERE!)
Actually if they manage to synthesize IPA, you could just about use a similar program to make songs for any language.
Recently, I hear she sings “Fly me to the moon”
There’re two version. She can sing in English with strong Japanese accent!
フライミーツーダムーン… ;)
Pingback: A Brief Reiteration of Miku Hatsune « Atama Ga Warui
Heh, Ieva’s Polka+Hatsune Miku. What a nice thing to bump into while randomly browsing around. Too bad the actual lyrics aren’t “Mikued”. Most of Finnish language can be, as it’s pronounced a lot like Japanese (from written text). Few big differences are there but it remains well understandable if you know how to play around with it.
The lyrics are hard to understand for a modern Finn (they were written around 1930’s and are heavily dialected), but there IS an actual story in the song if you listen carefully. It’s a very simple love story.. heh.
Great articles you have here. Back to browsing…
Hehe… The vocaloid original songs are quite good too…. :)
Love is War…..
Say, are the 1/6 PVC figures of Miku prepainted? Not the Nendroid ones. I’m afraid of messing up the paintjob if I have to do it…
GWAAAH!! I’m another helpless human smitten by the Vocaloids and forced into being a fanboy ^_^;
hatsune vc é cantora de que tipo de ritimo musical ?