I don’t really like episode 5. It has zero politics and way too much Louise. Oh my god, what an annoying girl.
“I have no fashion sense.”
The episode does reveal a few things which I will talk about… But mostly it’s predictable fluff. And the next episode looks like Exia-pwnage galore… Sigh, where’s my politics? :(
America’s President visits Taribia and shakes hands with the Prime Minister. Taribia is promised material aid and an increased portion of the solar energy. See, Taribia would’ve benefited either way.
“You jump, I jump.”
Saji and Louise visits the Low Orbital Station Shinchuu (真柱) for a study trip. The name 真柱 can refer to the central pillar of a pagoda, but in this case it probably does not because that meaning has a different reading. It may mean “Pillar of Truth” in this case, or maybe not.
By the way, it seems that Saji’s sister, Kinue, does not approve of Louise. Kinue, you have my fullest support!… Wait actually I hate your brother’s face too. Never mind.
Interesting fact: The company which operates the elevator’s transport system is called “International Space Railway Transportation Public Corporation” or I.S.R.T. for short.
Also, the power generated by the solar panels is transmitted to the elevator via microwave. Why? I guess they were too lazy to lay copper wires.
Soma’s custom mobile suit, MSJ-06II-SP Tieren Tao2, makes its appearance. Why the hell is it pink? I don’t know. But since pink is closer to red than black, it should move faster than Graham’s Flag Custom.
And don’t quote me on the “Tao2” part. The katakana says タオツー and I seriously have no idea what else it might mean.
EDIT: Apparently it might be “taozi” (written as 桃å in Chinese), which means “peach”. I guess that makes a lot more sense than my random guess.
Allelujah gets headshot by a railgun!
Allelujah and Soma both have the Newtype flash. Oh great. I guess they will end up mating and giving birth to super Newtype Coordinator Enchanced Soldier babies or something. And Allelujah also suffers from schizophrenia, apparently…
That’s not supposed to happen…
The episode is basically about HRL’s crappy construction that can’t even take a few hits from a regular mobile suit rifle. A sector of the Pillar of Heaven’s low orbital station comes loose and starts to drift towards Earth, gradually descending to its doom! We can be sure that heads will roll in their engineering department after this.
As all physics students should know, the gravitational field strength at a certain point in space is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between that point and the centre of mass of a nearby planet. In order to stay in stable orbit, a satellite’s tangential velocity has to compensate for the centripetal force (i.e. the gravity) which it experiences.
Because the drifting block is getting closer to earth, strength of Earth’s gravity acting on it increases and it needs to accelerate to stay in orbit. Which it can’t. Oh noz! It’s hopeless! If only we were in a Japanese anime series where there is at least one dues ex machina every episode! Oh wait a minute…
Kyrios is doing push-ups
We are! Oh, how convenient.
What a big…gun
Do not try this at home
It seems that Dynames can hit things that are in orbit from the ground. That’s goddamn insane because the power of laser beams dissipates over distance due to the air and dust particles in the atmosphere.
According to the instructor assigned to Saji and Louise, the so-called “low orbital” station is actually more like medium orbital. It is 10,000km above ground, way higher than any modern day definition of “low orbit”.
So anyway, even if GN particles can somehow not decrease in intensity over huuuuge distances, it’s hard to imagine how the hell can someone aim at a target area that is a few metres wide from literally ten thousand kilometres away on the ground. Especially since you can’t adjust the trajectory after firing, unlike guided missiles and maybe even bullets.
The episode ends in tragedy as Louise, along with Saji, fails to die in a fiery unshielded atmospheric re-entry. Oh, cruel fate! T_T
The next episode is “Seven Swords” and it is about Exia showing off its…ummm…seven swords that it has hidden all over its body.
P.S. This episode has not enough of Liuming’s wardrobe changes.
Liuming’s costume of the episode
P.P.S. This episode took a lot longer to translate than I had expected, no thanks to this name list.
Half of the names there are Russian and I could barely make out the katakana… -_- The stupid thing is that the rest of the windows are in English.
Why do you waste time translating needless stuff?
Anyway the soldersupergirl’s rifle doesn’t seem to be using live rounds. Surely if it were real bullets, the Scarface would’ve stopped her long ago rather than trying to grope her mobile suit’s flat chest. Also looks like paintballs.
Getting nitpicky on the science in Gundam? If you’re watching any Gundam series for accurate science, you’re in the wrong place. (: For example, as another thing you could pick on if you wanted, the movement behavior in the zero-G environments in previous episodes has been laughably wrong, with no regard for Newton’s laws of motion… just like in every other Gundam series I’ve ever seen. But bad science is part of what makes Gundam fun!
In other news, I’m looking forward to this episode, as I don’t need politics to keep me happy (though I like them too), and thanks for continuing to help sub this awesome, awesome series!
Just curious, but are you helping nyoron or some other group do the subs?
Since the MS ist pink, it’s more like Mwu La Flagas or Neo’s unit. Those were always pink. And he wasn’t even gay. What e despicable man (though he was cool).
I didn’t find any mocking of Nyoro’S subs form you. Their transaltion of episode 4 features some good stuff….I couldn’t remember everything, but in one scene the pigtail-dude who helped to pimp the black flag said something like “With the anti G-System you can withstand even 12 Gs without Problems” while in Menclave translation it was something like “even with the anti G system fully functional you will experience 12Gs at top speed”
Isn’t that knda…differen?^^
I mean great, there “anti G” and “12 G” in both, but one is a little too optimistic?
Actually nyoro’s subs tend to say the exact opposite:
“With the anti G-System you can withstand even 12 Gs without Problems†while in Menclave translation it was something like “even with the anti G system fully functional you will experience 12Gs at top speedâ€
Isn’t that knda…differen?^^
I mean great, there “anti G†and “12 G†in both, but one is a little too optimistic?
Thats not optimistic, nyoro change the meaning to the opposite of what was said.
Also, nyoro’s translation makes Marina’s advisor say that Taribia got the most out of the little “confilct” when menclave says that the usa won the most. Another case of nyoro’s translation saying the exact opposite of what was said.
I’m starting to find these episode reviews biased. I admit I haven’t seen Gundam 00 Episode 5 yet, but a lot of emotional and personal response have been put into this commentary, and I feel strongly about it.
So the next episode will reveal all weapons of Exia, eh? So far we only seen 2 (unless there’s another sword that is revealed in episode 4. Haven’t got a chance to watch it).
And not to forget, it’s the 23rd century. Who says microwaves aren’t allowed when wireless should own copper wires at that time?
You guys realise that he was being sarcastic through out this review, right? He might dislike some things about the eppy but I get the impression that overall he enjoy it and looks forward for the next eppy.
That’s what it means to be a true Gundam fan. We complain about every minor detail but we still can’t wait for the next episode. :P
andreas: I did make a small mistake for that line, but Nyoro~n’s version is totally wrong.
It should actually say “Even with the anti-G system fully functional, you will experience 12Gs when turning at top speed.”
And I am quite annoyed by the other mistranslation that was mentioned by bigdeath. Now everyone on the internet who watched Nyoro~n thinks that Marina is anti-American. It’s hard to convince them otherwise.
I’m with you, DarkMirage. I’m still waiting for the masked warrior to appear. :)
Entertaining review as always. I should note that Chinese subbers are translating タオツー as Taozi, or Chinese for “peach”. Appropriate…
Speaking of the name list on JNN screen, Saji is Saudi Arabian and Louise is Jamaican??? What’s up with that? @_@
blip: Ah yes that makes a lot more sense. But I was thinking that the katakana for taozi should be タオジー or something.
Tiv: Only the producers know…
Well, since Lockon has great eye vision along with Haro helping him I think he could hit a small coin up there in space :p
His whole gundam is about aiming and firing one single great precision shoot. If he can´t use his sniper skills he just misses…
But with all this, I kinda want to watch ep 6 like now :)
Yeah, I got that too^^ My english isn’t as bad as it seems when reading my posts^^
It was more little ironic and i thouth everybody could see what I meant (and well, you did^^)
@DarkMirage: Well, since Nyoro is always faster than you, I tend to watch their subs first and then Menclave. It’s like watching two Gundam Series. Great stuff.
And I didn’t really ask myself wether Menclaves transaltion or Nyoros was correct for that line….
Didn’t you say something about..not going to be the translator for Gundam 00 a few weeks ago?^^
I agree with manga, Lockon`s definitely given his sniper gundam for a reason; hence his ability to hit that orbital object[with Haro`s help of course!]. Just like how you zero with a rifle, he can probably zero his shot, albeit over very long distances.
And in First Gundam, the beam rifle doesn`t fire laser beams, it fires super heated particle, so I`m guessing that it doesn`t refract or dissapate over very long distances[and the background has what seems to be extra gizmos to give his gun the extra juice needed to power such a shot].
Yeah, I was supposed to be transchecking…but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am now the main translator. I guess I can afford to do it for now because it’s my school holidays, but we’ll see what happens when that’s over in about 8 episodes’ time.
I didn’t know that Dynames had such a big gun.
But judging from it, I think the GN Drive is supposed to be a perpetual motion machine with unlimited power input and output.
And the Gundams don’t really fire laser weapons, they fire something called mega particle beams made up of “Minovsky particles”. I guess you can read up the rest in wiki here….
But I guess DM has a point there, even if it is a particle cannon, being able to blast the heck of a metal piece out of space would require alot of power, or else it would breaking every single law of thermodynamics. But I guess maybe this gun has got something to do with special relativity.
Well there is some bit of politics in here. This might be a jab that China made products are of low quality, with the recent spate of lead paints on toys and quality negligence cases on those MIC products.
I didn’t know that Singapore has a part to play in this anime. We have the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), LRT (Light Rapid Transit), and in the future, we have ISRT (International Space Rapid Transit)?
i really want conclave to have their vids for this anime so that it can be played by Divx….
Well, peach is pink, hence the ms colour.
“But I guess maybe this gun has got something to do with special relativity.”
Relativity only makes this even more impossible. Faster -> Heavier.
But man, who cares^^
Building a tower into the orbit is bullshit too. The factor wind aside, that thing would just break down due too excessive weight. That’s why its Gundam \o/
That’s right! Also considering there have been a few centuries of time difference compared to our own ^.^ I would hope that we would’ve disproved and improved several theories, like why the sky is blue or why we insist on forgetting to put the toilet seat down.
A win-win situation in politics. Everyone should learn from the Taribian president.
Sorry i meant prime minister >_>
Another comparison with Nyoro~. I think I said it somewhere, but different people has their own ways of translating, even if it is the opposite way. It can’t be helped since this kind of people exist.
Well, there’s the right way and the wrong way…
Louise is one god damn annoying character.
Lets all pray that she dies within the next 5 episodes.
I didn’t like the episode because tactically, Celestial Being just failed miserably. Now they know the thrust power of Kyrios and Dyname’s ability to shoot lazerz far far away. Rescue maybe important, but the task of eradicating war takes much more precautions and exact tactics, especially if you only have 4 power units to play with.
Plus, clouds?
A few waterdrop particles affect the trajectory when thousands of miles of atmosphere and moving target doesn’t?
Seemed pretty damn ludicrous to me.
The clouds were not blocking the beam itself, I’m sure it would’ve passed through just fine, they were blocking Lockon’s view.
Just so you know, it’s not like G00 invented this. The Orbital Elevator idea has been around for a while.
I think the pink/red MS is a throwback to First Gundam, where Char`s MS was red[but it tends more towards pink].
Backing this up is the designation of the unit, MSJ-06II -SP Tieren Tau-II, which bears striking similarity to the Zaku II`s designation[MS-06 Zaku II].
Char`s was designated MS-06S Zaku II Commander, which was THREE TIMES as fast as the standard Zaku II. Both are red/pink and also share a the mono eye camera design.
I wouldn`t be surprised if we see Goufs[heat rod!] or Doms[hovering MS that wears skirts!] in later episodes ;o
BTW I just want to point out that although Mendoi-Conclave eventually decided on translating it as Tau-II, there is no official confirmation as to whether it should be Tau-II, Tao-II or Taozi.
Personally I thought “Taozi” (桃å) is the most probable choice, especially since “Tieren” (é“人) itself is a Mandarin word.
In Menclave’s subs they say that some sort of magnetic fluid that circulates around the station helps keep it in orbit…
And Marina’s suit isn’t that bad at all, on the contrary I like it! Its just that her non-smiling [as of now anyway] demeanor doesn’t fit it.
And I pose a question that’s ripe for speculation: Why keep Ms. Sumeragi around when they have Veda?
Scientifically, Lockon could not have aimed it accurately by purely visual means. Air humidity (clouds) and turbulence (especially by Setsuna’s unscientific cloud-slicing trick) mean that there would have been too much light refraction to get an accurate aim at a target over 10000 km away (probably much further away than that, since Dynames was not shooting straight up but at an angle) by just looking at it. He had to have different means of tracking the target, and so cloud should not have been a factor.
Of course, this is Gundam world we’re talking about, where mobile suits, against scientific common sense, are not only possible but the most effective weapons around. As long as it looks cool, it’s all good, and I’m all for it! :D
If you look at it closely, the Gun lockon uses in this episode was alot bigger than the one he used previously. Just as well, the scope looks like a giant Microscope. And anyone should have noticed the giant engine attached to the back of….whatever that gundam name is, which is probaly the thing which is giving it to power to launch beams with enough power to blast apart compartment joints even after being disipated through the atmostphere, and it seems closer to a conpressed energy weapon than a beam weapon, judging from the compression bit while charging.
And for the record, the orbital elevator idea isn’t that far fetched. Over the course of history, humanity have constantly constructed taller and taller buildings (Eifel tower, Taipei 101, etc, etc.). It’s pretty logical to assume that 300 years later, we’ll eventually construct buildings that reach outer space. Similar to the Dyson sphere theory.
Where do u guys watch it? cuz i cant find it anywhere! i cant find ep 5
Best subbers ;)
No offense but…
why are you watching it if you’re complaining so much? and dude, it’s science fiction. Don’t question why lasers can shoot that far or how they transfer their energy. Mechas don’t even exist yet and those are the crux of the entire gundam enterprise.
go watch reality tv if you want something real.
I have to admit, this series have a bit of science fiction in it, having the particles, enhanced humans etc. But it’s more about war and politics.
I don’t see anything wrong about Dynames ability to shoot from very, very, very far away. He’s using his visual abilities to fire that huge gun. I don’t think there IS any deflection of image from ground to space.
I don’t think Louise will die that soon though. She and Saji are just plain careless and stupid, which almost led to their frying death to Earth. But they are OK characters.
I have the feeling that Allelujah Haptism is similarly modified like Soma Peiris in the past. There’s no other reason why they could feel each other’s presence and go crazy at the very same moment. (I do not take it that I’m the first and only one to figure that out though)
Anyway, thanks to yesterday’s internet DC, I got the chance to watch episodes 5 & 6. But that almost fried my marks for not doing my homework, which requires me to go online.
lmao The episode ends in tragedy as Louise, along with Saji, fails to die in a fiery unshielded atmospheric re-entry. Oh, cruel fate! T_T