I have EJU tomorrow morning so I’m going to make this quick, hopefully. Gah, curse man’s need to sleep.
Gundam 00 episode 6 introduces the European nation of Moralia, new equipments for Gundam Dynames and Exia and a new foe.
Moralia is a nation founded just 23 years ago in AD 2284. It’s located at modern day France’s Mediterranean coast (around Marseille) and surprisingly it is not part of the Advanced European Union. Although it has just 180 thousand citizens, over four million foreign workers live in the country. This is because the country’s economy is highly dependent on the private military industrial complex. It attracts foreign investments by giving tax breaks to private military companies.
Of the 4000 plus companies in Moralia, a giant conglomerate called PMC Trust owns over 20 percent of them. PMC Trust is a private military contractor which has its own mercenary army and weapons development programmes. Although they are not part of AEU, Moralia and PMC appear to be heavily involved in AEU’s weapons and space elevator development.
Presumably due to the lack of large-scale conflicts fuelling its military industry, Moralia’s economy is in recession and the country itself is in a bad state. AEU’s big shots are worried about Moralia collapsing and decide to send in troops under the pretext of a joint military exercise with the Moralian forces and PMC Trust. Celestial Being sees this as a challenge and launches an intervention.
We are introduced to Ali Al-Serges (I’m just guessing the name from the katakana), a mercenary working for PMC who was apparently part of Setsuna’s past in Kurdistan.
“Hi, I’m Ali.”
PMC, being a private company, is very interested in obtaining the Gundam for its own nefarious purpose (i.e. making money). The people in-charge decide to modify AEU’s latest prototype mobile suit (which they are contracted to develop) and assign Ali to pilot it and bring back a Gundam.
This episode is much better than the last one. Oh sure, everyone loved episode 5’s laughable “character development” and whatever. I prefer the politics and the nitty gritty details instead.
Interestingly, this guy is apparently the German Chancellor. During the discussion of AEU’s plan to send troops to Moralia, he mentions something along the lines of, “public opinions will prevent my country from sending troops” to which the Angela-lookalike replied, “stop dwelling on something that happened over three centuries ago.” I’m quite sure that she’s referring to World War II. (Or perhaps the guy is British and we’re talking about Operation Iraqi Freedom?)
Human Enhancement Agency Research Lab
We also learn that Soma has enhancements made to the glial cells in her brain. This allows her to utilize some new form of brain wave (脳é‡åæ³¢) in a manner which is not explained, but probably referring to some sort of extrasensory ability (i.e. Newtype sixth sense).
PMC Trust’s private army
On another note, I won’t be surprised if PMC Trust is some kind of allusion to the military contractors that are practically running Iraq today. We use words like “private security contractors” as euphemisms for what they really are: mercenaries. With Haliburton‘s power and influence, I don’t doubt its potential to one day break off a chunk of territory from somewhere and form its own sovereign nation…
“Pwease forgive me?”
“Pwease give me solar energy?”
“Pwease accept my feelings?”
“Pwease give me more airtime?”
New hairstyle!
Dynames puts on weight
Exia’s GN Blades (the swords, not the box)
Billy x Sumeragi!
You can hear a million yaoi fangirls cry out in anguish
Military mission or summer vacation?
Dual wield!
Over-compensating for something?
Everyone wants a piece of Exia
I really have to go to sleep now. *Drops dead*
You left out the real star of this episode: Sumeragi’s cleavage.
I believe the PMC is suppose to be a direct connection to USA’s Blackwater mercenary group, but your assumption at Halberton is definitly as good a guess as mine.
Get some sleep. =3
Dual wield! :D
Plate Armor :D
good luck with EJU… although demographics have eased demand for J university places overall, foreign demand is still a highly self-selecting group, and depending on country of origin you may qualify for subsidies or some kind of funded exchange
Zero Revenge is right, it’s Blackwater, not Halliburton (Halliburton is oil)
This episode looks a lot better than the last one. Where’s my fifth Gundam…? It has to show up eventually, or Bandai won’t have enough toys to make
I can’t be the only one who, after watching the last week’s preview, thought that Patrick grew a beard and decided to go hardcore. Instead, we get a whole new character Ali, and Patrick remains the Team Rocket of Gundam 00. -,.-
Anyway, this episode was almost painful to watch due to the horrid art during people scenes. Mech scenes were fine, but people scenes were…. *shudder*
Ooh now Dynames can wield a beam sniper rifle singlehandedly. Exia’s GN swords kinda remind me of the anti-ship swords in GS/D, with the exception that it is smaller sized now.
Dynames’ wings kind of remind me about Deathscythe’s from Wing. So I guess maybe some of us are right about 00 shifting in the direction of Wing’s kind of storyline.
Virtue is ridiculous looking, with that kind of weight, I am surprised that it can still fly. Anyway, is Kyrios the only one without an upgrade?
Virtue didn’t get an upgrade either. The shoulder cannons were always there.
Really? I thought they are just propulsion systems to help that big fat thing fly.
Btw the seven swords seem to be driving at one of Jin Yong’s novels (Swordsmen of Mt Tian), or is it just a coincidence?
I wish Virtue has got more weapons.
P.S At 7am in the morning on a Sunday, you are a pretty early riser.
>I wish Virtue has got more weapons.
No, I think it is already too ridiculously armed (not to mention big).
Exia went from fast über killing machine with shield to greater über killing machine without shield?
Boring, would have been more fun if somehow attached the swords to itself and kept the shield.
Sumeragi’s cleavage made the eppisode worth watching. :)
Seriously, a sniper that goes frontline…but it’s cool though. And this time Dynames is copying Wing Zero style, lol.
the “pwease give me more airtime?” from Lockon really cracked me up. lol
“pwease give me more airtime?” is by AEU’s ace and not lockon lol.
this epi’s people scenes are horrid but the gundam scenes make up for it. hopes for more kyrios action!
hopes for more kyrios action!
I second that since the kyrios is my favorite gundam!
I like the mecha design in Gundam00 and all (though still needs to tone it down a bit in terms of firepower) but the meisters are still flat/1dimensional/robots. Give them more scenes without their suits and give them personalities.
That or give me a beach/onsen/public bath episode(s) with Sumeragi and friends.
You know since CB is a PMC itself albeit that one that generates no revenue, I kind of want to see two PMCs fight each other to annihilation.
As for PMCs one day breaking off some land and making their own country, running a country is hard, more so if you are embargoed and sanctioned. Eve more trouble some if your fellows are paid in worthless scraps of paper not backed by gold.
Still a PMC taking over a country is a bit of stretch, helping out a coup perhaps, but PMCs as a rule cannot afford to bank roll the day to day operations of heavy equipment. The start up costs for an armored battlion isn’t cheap.
I’d say something snarky about Blackwater running Iraq…aww what the hell,
Better them than me. ;)
LAWL! The summer vacation screenshot instantly gave me vibes of Haruhi leading her bunch of merry subordinates to Itsuki’s organization mansion at Lone Island Syndrome.
Exia, show me your omni-slash!
Dynames looks like a mix between heavyarms, shenlong & deathscythe from gundam wing.
Anyways, it seems that C’estial Being has only 4 gundams to carry out its missions.
It’s shown on the specs of the Virtue that it’s actually lighter than a Hellion. I can’t refer to you the site since I forgot, so if anyone can help me out…
Anyone notice that Kyrios’ bombing compartment had WAY TOO MUCH missles this time, during the Ceylon incident the amount launched was probably around a dozen.
Dynames was also disappointing in this episode since it went from sniper to assault unit. And why the hell use your scope “eye” when your enemy is smack dab in front of you?
Not enough Soma, to much Marina.
Other than that. This episode is just an excuse to show the how the Gundams are overkill. What’s with Virtue’s cannons?
Then again, a machine is as good as its pilot. As Ali promptly show us. But the, mentor turn enemy card is annoying.
Marina isn’t that bad, she just hasn’t stepped up to the limelight yet.
Being overkill is just fine, just as long its just at the beginning. We have already seen characters that pose a threat to the Gundams even with their technological superiority. The only problem is that they seem to be gunning for the Exia alone.
I’m not sure that it was ever mentioned that Ali was Setsuna’s mentor…
Two or three years down the road, I’m expecting you to strike it big at Todai. Godspeed with your EJU.
PMCs don’t need to run countries. Power without responsibility is far more attractive.
Enjoyed Ep06, evidently building up to a few things. Mecha action was fun if ridiculous; Sumeragi’s cleavage just ridiculous.
Off topic, but does anyone else get flagged as EU rather than a specific country when posting here? Suddenly I feel very internationalist . . .
@ Gravmech
So you mean Virtue’s body is just a frame? Then what else is inside besides Tieria? I could imagine Virtue being blasted back when it overloads its GN Bazooka. I wish it has more weapons, like a scatter cannon or something.
And what is with Sumeragi and Billy?
This show is really boring the shit out of me. Every battle thus far has been a walk in the park for Celestial Being. If the writers don’t start handing CB’s asses back to them soon, I may have to give up on this show the way I did on GSD. I’m just glad I didn’t waste any money in order to see these episodes.
Yosha ! Die, European warmongering scum !
Btw, is it me, or the “Lockon Stratos” somehow remind you of “strap-ons” ?
dynames is pissing me off.
it’s a sniper unit and is best utilized away from the battlefield. why is lockon landing right in front of the enemy? and better yet, if he’s showing off his close range assault skills, why use the sniper rifle instead of just the beam pistols, which are more effective at that range. on the bright side, i love the rotating shields, which appear to be on computer controlled defensive arms. i
It means that the material used for the Gundam chassis is different from the hellions or that the GN Drive is significantly lighter than grunt engines. Something is making these gundams lighter than they seem and they should tell us the reason some episodes in the future…
P.S. Preferably no later than Ep 10
CB always equips their Gundam according to the situation and they obviously shown us that at least the Exia is stil in development. And they are also have a strategist that is as excellent as her boobs…
But I agree with your point a bit. I see some great potential in this Gundam so I’m wating till at least mid-season [Ep 15] till I become more critical of the show because I just have a gut feeling that all these interventions by CB is leading to something BIG…
I think Moralia is referring to Principality of Monaco in France.
maybe that area, but not monacco itself. we know moralia was recently formed, it’s not like taribia, which is just another name for venezuala
Awesome,i like reading your Gundam 00 posts
Apparently, it’s hard for a normal gun to penetrate Virtue’s (Episode 2) and Exia’s (Episode 6) armour, as shown in the respective episodes. But man, extra equipment for 2 of the Gundams?
I’m anticipating Sumeragi’s arrest, interrogation, and maybe death, looking at Graham Acre’s surprise look when he heard her name. Her ability (strategist), known to the few Union members (you guys should know), is revealing too much of her part in the Celestial Being group.
Just to comment about the new equipments:
– Dynames’ shield: Apparently it was meant for no-evasion-semi-close combat with multiple enemies. Fortunately he got an extra helper (Haro) to take care of evasion and defending abilities while he take down enemies. But is the rifle really the one he had to carry with 2 arms?
– Exia’s “7 Blade”: Apparently not the one that Liger Zero Schneider had. But the 2 new custom blades look pretty promising to enhance Exia’s close range capability.
Тге Зкщпкшь вуигзкф врпку Ñныамагв пврнампаку амоыпнра кнаиакпак впнмпы аневмаивьм ышмуп ар лыраиы впвицрын агшфнеа вумю.
I would like to make a correction, the Virtue is heavier than a Hellion but lighter than an Enact. This doesn’t change my point though, the Virtue is rather light for its mass…
Taken from Gundams.net:
Hellion Base Weight: 58.2 Metric Tons
Enact BW: 66.8 Metric Tons
Gundam Virtue BW: 66.4 Metric Tons
Dynames on the front-line can be explained away by the fact that all the units are spread out since their goal is pretty much to wipe out all of Moralia’s armed forces. Setting up as in a sniping position and taking out targets then setting up in another sniping position would take way too much time, so they equipped Dynames with close-ranged combat armour. That plus they probably needed to do testing with the shields. They also don’t like showing the full capabilities of their suits (like the 10,000km shots).
Wow I just like these reviews they are so freaking funny! If you can just keep doing them! LOLs Thanks!
have you ever thought of using a self healing organic gundanium alloy as a body armor? well. what do you think.?
The robot inside virtue is a shemale. i mean the robot, not the pilot
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