Tag Archives: singapore

Haruhiism Time Capsule Project – Part V

I went out to take pictures today. Please read this if you have no idea what this is all about. You know what they say about a picture speaking a thousand words… Well, here’s one. Continue for more pictures.

Posted in Anime, Otaku | Tagged , , , , , | 30 Comments

Calling all biology majors and bird watchers

Okay, so this is supposed to be an anime blog. Theorectically. But sometimes there are more important things in life than anime, such as finding out the identify of this duck-like bird that has been catching my attention every time … Continue reading

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The Making of RIUVA

I spent this afternoon observing tj han, figurine collector and critic, at work. As you may know if you read his blog RIUVA, tj han has a habit of taking pictures of his figurine purchases from every possible angle and … Continue reading

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Guide to Kinokuniya in Singapore

Honey & Clover Vol. 8 rocked!!! (Okay, so I’m almost a year late…) For no particular reason, I shall talk about Kinokuniya in Singapore today. Bear with me here… Note: This image has nothing to do with Kinokuniya As you … Continue reading

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Singapore Cosfest 2006

Went to Singapore Cosfest 2006 at Downtown East today. It’s a really small event, but it’s pretty much the best we get. I went there with some school mates and ended up bumping into Shia and Kwok. Also met an … Continue reading

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Australian Drug Trafficker Executed

Singapore executes Australian drug trafficker. I suppose this will bring about another round of anti-Singapore nonsense just like the time that American brat was caned for vandalism. (CNN) — Singapore’s government hanged an Australian man for drug trafficking early Friday, … Continue reading

Posted in Rant, World | Tagged , , | 16 Comments

Re: Singaporean Netflix

I was at SITEX 2005 for most of the day. Picked up at GeForce 6600GT. Anyway, as some of you might remember, I blogged about Video Ezy, a new online DVD rental service in Singapore, sometime ago and also sent … Continue reading

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World Cyber Games 2005

I took a break from translating Gunparade Orchestra to check out the fifth World Cyber Games currently being held at Suntec City level 6 in Singapore. I was there from around 4pm till 7pm and caught two highlight CS:Source games.

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Singaporean Netflix

Oh man, I got very little sleep last night at a class gathering. We rented a chalet at Aloha and a few of us played Mahjong from before dinnertime to 3am. Feeling quite dead now. Anyway, Video Ezy has set … Continue reading

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By the way, the huge Christmas tree in Ngee Ann City is completed. Shiny…

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