Once upon a time there were three siblings (one with an unhealthy obsession with his sister) living happily in the forest. One day, a big bad mercenary appeared in front of them and shot two of them dead.
When story writers run out of ideas, character deaths are the best way to emulate plot progression, just like how lazy anime bloggers write crappy episode reviews instead of coming up with original content. *cough*
“Arrrr. Shiver me timbers! There be landlubbers about!”
Lockon is fine! He needs three weeks to heal completely, but meanwhile he is wearing this pirate eye patch that is making Feldt all hot and bothered. She is jealous of the homoerotic tensions between Lockon (seme) and Tieria (uke), who by the way isn’t even human (bestiality?).
“Aeolia Schenberg hates our freedom (to kill each other).”
The UN keeps up its attack on and Trinity siblings, driving them to the brink of exhaustion. It calls its new anti-Gundam operation Fallen Angels and is taking credit for “developing” the GN-X weaponry system. Politics: take credit for everything but do nothing.
The Old Glory getting an upgrade
Graham’s Custom Flag is getting a GN drive. I guess someone took my advice on making a Flagdam! But I still think that my idea of swapping the heads make more sense since the body of a Flag is clearly not designed to disseminate GN particles…
“Setsuna, you’re our only hope!”
Setsuna decides to go down to Earth and give the UN a piece of his mind, and to finally prove to himself that his precious Gundam is the best-est Gundam in the whole world. I am Gundam! Gundam. Also, the new GN arms’ assault container can apparently launch into space by itself, so everything’s cool even though Exia can’t use the space elevators anymore. (How convenient.)
“Hi.” *Bang*
Ali, everyone’s favourite psychotic serial-killing mercenary, is back and he kills Michel within seconds of appearing in this episode. (Must be some kind of world record.) Hurray! one less annoying siscon in this world. Ali then proceeds to hijack Zwei, which has its biometric lock disabled by the hacked Veda, and pwns Johann with it.
Exia is anorexic
Exia appears in the nick of time to save Neena from certain death. I guess this means that Neena will soon turn over a new leaf, join Celestial Being and possibly become Setsuna’s personal sex slave.
Hannibal rising
Libonze finally manages to unlock Veda completely. Aeolia Schenberg’s cryogenically frozen ass shows up and he gets shot in the face a few times by Alejandro with a solid gold handgun that fires silver anti-vampire bullets.
“Oh snap! Why didn’t I keep my body in a bulletproof glass… Or didn’t I?”
But Aeolia planned for this and a hidden contigency routine in the system causes Veda to unlock all the (real) GN drives to function at their full potential. (Begging the question as to why Aeolia crippled them in the first place.) This happens just in time to save Setsuna from making a fool of himself as usual.
Red makes you go three times as fast
And by “full potential”, I mean “flamboyant red paint scheme”.
Instead of destroying Ali and ending this whole shit once and for all, Setsuna chops off a bit of Zwei and gracefully steps back to allow Ali to escape, while he hovers motionlessly in the air trying to strut the coolest pose he can muster with a bright glowing-red Gundam.
Frankly I seriously don’t understand Michel’s role in this whole story; he took up way too much airtime for a character who was just there to die. But I’m just glad that he’s dead.
GN arms’ assault container
Sleeping beauty
Would you trust your life with this doctor? He’s clearly blind!
Feldt stalks Lockon
“Tieria, why won’t you accept my feelings?”
Training to be a whore
This makes sense…
Please do not adjust your TV
It’s funny how Gundams always hold each other like people do
Those crazy European designers
Don’t do drugs
Oh noz
The victorious hunter poses for a shot with his prize
Alejandro loves his bling
You know it’s more powerful because it glows now
This must be some kind of futuristic radio channel
By the way, Mendoi-Conclave’s release is being delayed at episode 20 due to intensive typesetting involved in recreating Saji’s cellphone messages. Don’t kill the messenger/translator!
What do you mean “run out of ideas”? The scriptwriters ran out of idea somewhere around episode four, now they are even running out of retarded cliches and implausible plot “twists”. Bloody Dragonaut has a way better script, IMO.
Anyway, I would love to see Saji’s face when he learns that his would be boyfriend Setsuna saved the evil girl who injured Louise so terribly. :)
In for Kaio-ken Exia and Omnislash Version 5.
weeh, I hope all gundams got a trans-am, now the UN is in big trouble again even with a pseudo GN drive.
I definitely enjoyed this episode, although a part of that comes from seeing Michael and Johann dead. Only one more to go! You can do it, Ali! But, my main question is why didn’t Nena use her Gundam to wrench Ali’s head off or something? It’s not like his gun can stop a giant mech. She had plenty of time to kill him while he was talking about his evil plans Although, I’m kind of grateful for that plot hole since it led to Johann’s sparkly death.
“But, my main question is why didn’t Nena use her Gundam to wrench Ali’s head off or something? It’s not like his gun can stop a giant mech.”
Because she is retarded, as we already knew. And so is Setsuna for saving her.
I couldn’t stop laughing when I read the “Hannibal Rising” caption. I think Trans-Am is just a new trim line for the Gundams. (Pontiac Firebird reference.)
The scriptwriters aren’t running out of ideas they’re just saving the good stuff for season two.
i wonder if this gundam series will be like g gundam where all of a sudden these peeps gets super powers that glow and beet evryone else. but is it just me? or i just hate it when anime series makes no sence.
LOLOL He was frozen with his monocle.
sick ass episode. its so exciting how they just put random scenes together and it works like magic. but the downer is that they brought back some cliches. then it works out.
I have been reading ur reviews but this will be my 1st time to post sth here.
Gundam 00 1st season is going to an end. Honestly, although it was really bored at the middle of the story…and i almost gave up expecting anything from it. After watching these latest episodes, i’ll say it is still considered as ok as a gundam series, and a lot more better if compared to GSD (i personally think GSD is a piece of junk created to boost model sales).
i had watched quite a lot of gundam series since UC series, then Gundam W, G, X until GSD…ok well…maybe the story of 00 is not supreme, but at least so far i had only seen one “repeated scene chip” in this series. that’s when Graham’s flag flied toward Dynames for the second time in episode 12. ahhh…maybe i am the only one who care, but i felt really bored when i watched those chips were reused again n again in GSD…i mean…can Sunrise be sincere at least a little bit when they were showing GSD?
i hope that there would be a twist in the last few episodes in 00 like Code Geass, but look like it’s not going to be~oh well…let’s see how it will turn out in the 2nd season…
thx for writing these reviews, i enjoy reading them =)
I geuss reading from this review tell this wont be a pretty dull episode, considering the past action episode
Wow… Johann’s expression in the shot where Micheal finally kicks the bucket is pretty priceless.
And Exia looks more of a pink to me. Pretty in pink…
And does this mean that the UN’s drives will be going nuts too, or is it just going to be CB’s?
Thus did Ali reclaim his crown as the best pilot in Gundam 00 he has killed 2 meisters while Patrick has only wounded one. I agree that the writers are kind of scraping the bottom of barrel when it comes to idea. Their solution to every ass kicking the Gundams get it so give them more upgrades and we get GN-Arms and Trans-am in two episodes. KITT is going to be inevitable at this rate. They could just try and let the meisters become better pilots but no Setsuna is special he gets upgrades to he can beat Ali while not really changing as a character.
It is rather ironic that Patrick is still the guy who has changed the most since the series started. All Tieria has done is go Boku, Lockon has yet to embrace his new pirate career, and the twit Setsuna is still going I am Gundamu.
I think Saji will be the person to crack the Trans-Am problem and join Ali
Kaio-ken Exia did it for me. Now I wait for SSJ Exia.
Admit it, you’re all giddy and excited and waiting for new episodes like there’s no tomorrow. zomgggg!!@#
and yea, about effing time those dudes died but what’s going to happen to that VEDA moon base?
Alejandro has a golden gun? Is he from James Bond or what?
I wonder how Marina is feeling after Setsuna cheated on her……
Are Conclave-Mendoi translating episodes anymore? their new site hasn’t had anything since episode 19 :(
Ali and Michael need to get off the fucking drugs now. The screenshots are funnier to me because I just saw Across the Universe last night.
Oh wait, I take that back. Michael’s dead on the 5th episode of his useless existence in Gundam 00, so I guess the drug comment just applies to Ali now.
Srsly, Exia Rouge now? His last Gundam in this series is probably going to have GN Fang wings, given to him by the peace loving celebrity Marina, who will enable her own red battleship to take down the giant weapon of mass-destruction in the sky.
Or perhaps it’ll take the Gundam Wing turn? Throw a chunk of a conveniently placed battle station to the earth, have Exia Freedom jack Infinite Virtue’s mega beam cannon buster rifle to blow it up in the middle of its descent?
This series seems like they’re just making shit up as they go. I’m not complaining though. The sadder Saji gets, the more I laugh at his plight (wonder what they’re going to do next. re-kill his parents?), and I’m betting Marina is just about 10-30 episodes away from getting blown up so that Setsuna can activate his ultimate Veda GT series Trans-am KISS-FM berserking SEED mode in anger at his fallen potential elderly sex slave.
@ZeeTwentyFour: Read the last lines in DM’s review.
My bad. I try not reading the reviews cus I don’t wanna ruin the episode for myself. Thank you
It seems that Ali is working for Alejandro, or else he won’t be able to unlock the biometric lock on Zwei; also i think Ali admits he killed Lagua, make me wonder if he would turnon Alejandro sometime soon
(never mind… should reload the page before replying)
What I’m wondering was that scene after the announcement of the fallen angels operation at the HRL base, were they siphoning GN particles off the GN-X’s or were they charging the GN-X’s?
brilliant! i really “love” this storyline =]
until i saw ali kill johann did i not realize how beautiful death can be (jk)
With Aeolia dead, i wonder how the plan was suppose to go. Maybe he predicted all of this ala Foundation style. Also Dynames is in the preview so they must have fixed it by the next episode.
At the rate the discussion here is going, I won’t be surprised if The Meister shows up here sooner or later. :p
@ Crusader: isn’t Veda = KITT? :-P
btw, notice Exia was NOT emitting (as much) GN particles…
The best pilot in the series is still Graham Aker :)
Yeah…confound those bloggers with their laziness.
OK, guess I was half right the last time. Only one of the Thrones survived, the one being Nena. (Or was I fully right? And who leaked the information of the last few episodes into the rumours?)
Yeah, I was wondering about Menclave too. Been 3 weeks and they haven’t released the last few episodes, with all their status of each episode stuck at one point.
It just came to me. <__< Can you imagine what a casual day at the Gundam storyboard meetings when they run out of fresh content?
“Hey, Joe.”
“Hey man.”
“I’m all out of ideas.”
“Who are we going to kill off this episode then?”
“I say we kill off a couple Gundam pilots and we’ll say that Aeolia is alive so that we can kill him off too. That’s gonna leave a mark.”
Seriously though, sometimes I wonder if these plot twists are just spurs of the mind during the weekly storyboard process or whether it was all planned. I mean, hell, the first OP didn’t have the Gundams with their newer gear, and Louise still has a left hand in the second OP and ED. The twists can be nice though. I love how Saji is getting rocked back and forth and would probably eventually do something that seriously fucks Setsuna up. Like killing Marina or making him lose a left hand. (ironic, yet misplaced punishment FTW!)
x___x;; rant over. -runs off-
@darkdestiny: The typesetter is having problems with Saji’s damn text messages, so it’ll be a while. I don’t think there are any real problems, just that the subbing is being a bitch for episode 20, and you can’t really TS 21 and 22 while the typesetter is busy getting fucked over by Sunrise, and you can’t exactly do the work for subbing that requires the finished typesetting either.
I guess the only reason that Aeolia didn’t want to release the full potential of the GN Drive until now is that he wanted to make sure that his decision to see if any of the generations are in fact ready to be dedicated as Gundam Meisters.
Another possible reason: he have been waiting for anyone in the Corner family to attack his body so he can use this opportunity to stop anyone from thinking that they had foiled his plans.
But with the death of his body, I feel Veda will be destroyed or, ta least, locked so no one can access the data anymore.
“I wonder how Marina is feeling after Setsuna cheated on her……”
With what? A Gundam? You know, the only reason he saved Nena was for the Gundam. He feels lonely with only one ):
Now that Corner has complete access to Veda, I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned Veda against them and used it to create plans against the meisters.
Season 2 Sumeragi vs Evil Veda in a battle of who is the better strategist, Setsuna actually gets it on with Marina, Lockon accepts Felt’s feelings, and Tieria and Nene have some cyber ***
Just IMAGINE what happens when ALL 4 Gundams activate the trans-am system at once…
…major pwnage!!
Strange, I’m still watching gundam while I dropped dragonaut already(right after the time skip). I wouldn’t really say dragonaut’s script is any better than 00 when it mainly consists of “hide and seek” and rescue who ever is in trouble.
I wouldn’t be so sure about Setsuna and Neena being a couple either. Considering the increase amount of body count, and the fact this is gundam, I don’t think Neena will even be able to make it pass season 1.
It should be pretty obvious to everyone that the Trans-Am is a reference to the Pontiac Trans Am, which in turn had a whole TV series revolving around it involving a talking car with a turbine engine. Uh, a reference in that it’s way out there, just like the Knight Industries 2000.
True. Although I don’t think Lockon would be able to use the rifle thanks to his eye.
We’ll soon see if the limitless running time for the GN Drive will be affected with the “full potential” unlocked.
Ah just as I expected. A GN flag for Graham.
I wonder.. how do the Fallen Angels charge their GN-X ? Do they use the solar furnace retrieved from the Trinitys?
If so, will they reverse engineer that one?
So I guess Wang Liu Ming is now working with CB again, since the Thrones are wiped out. Will Lockon get Neenas Gundam? It has a Haro Slot so it makes perfect sense.
Heading for clifhanger season ending – check :p
Seems to be a good ep though. Having someone like Ali pilot Zwei with big ass sword and Fangs should alteast be a little challange. But that makes me wonder, how do they controll the fangs?
But oh well, have to wait for the subs.
@Johannes: Nah, don’t think they’ll take Nena’s Gundam from her. The bad pun in Lockon’s name will lose it’s meaning then. Besides, someone mentioned Dynames was in next week’s preview, so all seems well with it. And also, how do you think Nena will endure being Gundam-less? I bet she’ll throw a tantrum, and I really don’t want to see that! XD
this is why gundam’s my favorite
*looks in feldts direction* hmm,i feel another hinata forming here, with a slight dash of rei added for good measure
alejandro having a gold pistol comes as no suprise to me, i always knew he was a pimp, with his flashy space-yacht thingy and that cabin-boy libonze at his beck and call
when are we going to see the standard flag used more? that thing has seen bugger all combat in the entire series, now that i think about it, neither has the mass production version of the enact
i am noticing a recurring theme in the gundam franchise, namely the arch nemesis having a mobile suit with remote weapons (the zeong, sazabi, and providence gundam spring to mind)
i was hoping team trinity would’ve lasted a bit longer than 7 episodes, oh well, no one liked michael anyway, he will not be missed
finally, Nena comes to the light side. And we finally see Ali Al scram away like the filthy little rodent he is. I can’t wait to see operation Fallen Angels bust when they can’t so much as see the Trans Am modified Gundams.
Wow, I didn’t think I’d feel bad for Neena, I guess I’m just a too nice for this show, lulz.
Also, Alejandro’s Golden gun seemed to have pretty little ammunition…
Happy that the Flag’s getting a GN Drive though, as I still consider it the coolest mecha in this show. ( :
(I guess it’s pretty sad that the coolest mech in a gundam show isn’t the gundam, in my opinion that is)
Interesting addition to Exias abilities…. i wonder a) how many times he forgets to use it during battle, and b) how long it takes the combined nations of the world to counter it!!
Personally i have a feeling that each Gundams ‘unlocked’ mode will be different, i mean think about it, the only reason Exia needs to move around so much and so fast is because its a close quarters fighter unlike the other Gundams.
Add to this the fact we have already seen Virtue under go a change and become Nadleeh, with the link to Veda it cripples anything with a GN Drive… though how much use Nedleeh is now has yet to be seen! I really hope they don’t take the easy route and just give all the Gundams the same ‘super-power’ and really work out something which draws on the abilities of the custom units and their pilots!!
OMG! Lockon is lovable!
Shiver me timbers! XD
If you take the storyboard from a larger perspective, and number of weak twists per episode ratio… you can clearly see the extremely horrid planning if any that has gone in this anime. It is almost sad. Anyone could come up with a better twist than the crap we get to “admire” in double 0.
Basically, Kill off the characters they are too lazy to develop because they noticed that they had put a tad too many in the first place. The ones that don’t die are fogotten untill they get the minute of fame and simply come in out of nowhere. And some get a brief 10-sec apearance to remind us of their existence.
Apart from that… put the gundams in deep doo-doo by giving everyone GN-X suits… and the only way to get them out of that plot-hole is to make gundams simply more powerful than everthing.
All that only to leave way for an even more powerful enemy later on… (My only wish is that Graham kiks some sort of butt soon enough)
Am I seeing Mobile Suit Z here or something?
Should this be irritating or entertaining?
I am currently making a joke parody of gundam because it is so easy to make fun of. hihihi.
I wonder what twist will they throw at us to end the season…
AWESOME! love it!.. I was waiting for Setsuna to kick some tail!… and I am happy those trinity kids vanished…. and no more Louise!!!!!!!!
This commentary has two completely seperate trains of thought going on at the same time. I need some popcorn or something.
@Kururu: So “this is Gundam” finally means character death instead of ressurection again like it should. The franchise has a long history of killing off characters who we think are critical to the story but aren’t really beyond a certain point. Anyone remember the Shrike Team, Teteth Halleh or Baran Blutarch?