Once upon a time there were three siblings (one with an unhealthy obsession with his sister) living happily in the forest. One day, a big bad mercenary appeared in front of them and shot two of them dead.
When story writers run out of ideas, character deaths are the best way to emulate plot progression, just like how lazy anime bloggers write crappy episode reviews instead of coming up with original content. *cough*
“Arrrr. Shiver me timbers! There be landlubbers about!”
Lockon is fine! He needs three weeks to heal completely, but meanwhile he is wearing this pirate eye patch that is making Feldt all hot and bothered. She is jealous of the homoerotic tensions between Lockon (seme) and Tieria (uke), who by the way isn’t even human (bestiality?).
“Aeolia Schenberg hates our freedom (to kill each other).”
The UN keeps up its attack on and Trinity siblings, driving them to the brink of exhaustion. It calls its new anti-Gundam operation Fallen Angels and is taking credit for “developing” the GN-X weaponry system. Politics: take credit for everything but do nothing.
The Old Glory getting an upgrade
Graham’s Custom Flag is getting a GN drive. I guess someone took my advice on making a Flagdam! But I still think that my idea of swapping the heads make more sense since the body of a Flag is clearly not designed to disseminate GN particles…
“Setsuna, you’re our only hope!”
Setsuna decides to go down to Earth and give the UN a piece of his mind, and to finally prove to himself that his precious Gundam is the best-est Gundam in the whole world. I am Gundam! Gundam. Also, the new GN arms’ assault container can apparently launch into space by itself, so everything’s cool even though Exia can’t use the space elevators anymore. (How convenient.)
“Hi.” *Bang*
Ali, everyone’s favourite psychotic serial-killing mercenary, is back and he kills Michel within seconds of appearing in this episode. (Must be some kind of world record.) Hurray! one less annoying siscon in this world. Ali then proceeds to hijack Zwei, which has its biometric lock disabled by the hacked Veda, and pwns Johann with it.
Exia is anorexic
Exia appears in the nick of time to save Neena from certain death. I guess this means that Neena will soon turn over a new leaf, join Celestial Being and possibly become Setsuna’s personal sex slave.
Hannibal rising
Libonze finally manages to unlock Veda completely. Aeolia Schenberg’s cryogenically frozen ass shows up and he gets shot in the face a few times by Alejandro with a solid gold handgun that fires silver anti-vampire bullets.
“Oh snap! Why didn’t I keep my body in a bulletproof glass… Or didn’t I?”
But Aeolia planned for this and a hidden contigency routine in the system causes Veda to unlock all the (real) GN drives to function at their full potential. (Begging the question as to why Aeolia crippled them in the first place.) This happens just in time to save Setsuna from making a fool of himself as usual.
Red makes you go three times as fast
And by “full potential”, I mean “flamboyant red paint scheme”.
Instead of destroying Ali and ending this whole shit once and for all, Setsuna chops off a bit of Zwei and gracefully steps back to allow Ali to escape, while he hovers motionlessly in the air trying to strut the coolest pose he can muster with a bright glowing-red Gundam.
Frankly I seriously don’t understand Michel’s role in this whole story; he took up way too much airtime for a character who was just there to die. But I’m just glad that he’s dead.
GN arms’ assault container
Sleeping beauty
Would you trust your life with this doctor? He’s clearly blind!
Feldt stalks Lockon
“Tieria, why won’t you accept my feelings?”
Training to be a whore
This makes sense…
Please do not adjust your TV
It’s funny how Gundams always hold each other like people do
Those crazy European designers
Don’t do drugs
Oh noz
The victorious hunter poses for a shot with his prize
Alejandro loves his bling
You know it’s more powerful because it glows now
This must be some kind of futuristic radio channel
By the way, Mendoi-Conclave’s release is being delayed at episode 20 due to intensive typesetting involved in recreating Saji’s cellphone messages. Don’t kill the messenger/translator!
They must have thought that Zeta Gundam is so successful because of the death count.
I really wish Nena would become like Fllay in Seed Yonkoma.
wt did they mean when they referred to Feldt as “going through ‘that’ age?” do they mean that she has a serious crush on John ‘Lockon’ Silver ? if that is the case then I p0o0or girl, i feel this serious is gettin’ a yaoi tide. soon you’ll c t-shirts flyin’ with smooches of 2 people of the same sex ( and i mean male!).
Seriously, if they had killed of Johann and Nina it would be way better to have that Michael as an extra hubby on celestial being.
Another question…..do u guyz rembr the girl who was supposedly handing over the shining-glowing GN drive -like ball round thingy to Setsuna at the first op theme of the serious ? At first i thought she was Marina , but after much consideration and micro-zooming the tests show clearly that that woman is no Marina!!! THEN WHO THE HELL IS SHE !??
i do hope they get more peopled involved with celestial being as this organization is running ‘apparently’ out of sponsors , 1st Aljendro then chinese girl then the corpse of Alioe shehenperg0o ( sorry about mispelling his name) exactly how much money does these ppl have !?
too the ppl who read the above comment , i had mistaken ‘series ‘ with serious ….excuz the fast typiiiing nut-case
I thought this plot was actully going somewhere….hate to c the same idea of a gundam series since 1993 (ninja robots and his mates of robotnic animes)
I love CodeGeass now! i thought this would make me forget that emo-clamp gudam anime …but i think ( as long as the plot is getting dusty in 00) i’ll become Lelouch’s pizzaHut Delivery slave.
I’ve seen all the Gundam series, with the exeption of the horrid Gundam G, and now i’m sure that Gundam 00 is trying to surpass G
In this episode Lockon could heal completely after 3 weeks of cryogenic sleep, but instead keeps to walk around saying he is needed, 10 seconds later you see that his Gundam is Irreparable and need months to be replaced…
Ali kills 2 trinity brothers with a cowboy style shooting, and Neena, who was seeing it from his Gundam, instead of making a step and crush him like an ant, choose to run like a scared schoolgirl!!
A second later Ali was inside the orange Gundam, and was piloting it better than any meister ever
Setsuna arrive and Ali (who had less than 33% energy left) kicks his ass
A cosmic coincidence boosts the Exia powers one second before the defeating and Setsuna kicks the ass back
As Epic ending of the episodes, Setsuna:
– that hates Ali like hell
– that have lost his parents and firends because of him
– that have declared 2 episodes ago that became a meister to kill him
– that have full energy and almost no damage
– that have destroyed all the weapon sistems of the Ali’s Gundam
– that could simply wait 5 minutes for the Ali’s Gundam to run out of energy
instead of finish him,
instead of capturing him and take back the orange Gundam
and stops in mid air to watch the sunset
No problem! I know why Setsuna did this: He is sure to kill him in the last episode of Gundam 00, he will kill him with a new version of Gundam Exia that is going to come out before the 30° episode, and Ali will have an upgraded Red Devil like Gundam with Fangs and Claws
I think Gundam 00 will be the second Gundam series i’ll don’t watch, with the exception of the last episode, cause i really whant to see the death of Ali and i hope it will be slow and painful
Ali is my hero. He steals a Gundam, actually manages to destroy a Gundam, and now has the biggest main character kill count out of anybody (Kinue, Laguna, Michel, and Johann).
Zecks_75 you missed a little point which was made way back at the start of the series…. Seetsuna relies too much on the abilities of the Gundam rather than is own abilities, like pretty much all the Gundam pilots. Here you technically have a group to teenagers using super advanced Mobile Suits with little or no practical combat experience. Place them up against adults with years of military training and your bound to hit a wall.
Look at it this way, nearly all the main military commanders or mercs can equal or in some cases best a Gundam when they go all out in standard or slightly tweaked suits. Place those same pilots in a Gundamish suits and you have someone whose abilities exceed those of the regular Gundams!
But i’m reading too much into this, the main point is that they lack the experience to qualify as exceptional pilots.
A rookie on a F-22 (the most modern stealth fighter) can easily win dozen of Mig 21 (Vietnam War version) i agree with that, but i’m soo tired of all this nonsense retreats, only because the authors are too lazy to introduce new villians.
For sure, the pilots lacks experience, if not you can’t justify the battles when tierens and flags can stand minutes against a Gundam. Mmaybe setsuna and the others were choosen cause they are celestial fanatics. But still there is no reason, experienced or not:
– for Setsuna to let Ali go
– for Neena to not kill Ali when he was unarmed
– for Lockon to not heal himself
– for the veteran fighters on GNX to flee from a winned battle cause one smokescreen.
They can trace GN particles from the orbit, but a Smokescreen with a radius of 50m is able to hide the retreat of 3 giants 18 meters high that move at more than 100m/sec???
If you watch the first 30 years old Gundam Series you see many retreats of Char from Amuro, but they were all more realistics. Amuro was a real Rookie, was out of ammo many times and Char had many “kamikaze” comrade who charged the Gundam when he was retreating.
The reality is that the 30 years old Gundam series was more realistic of Gundam 00, and was able to introduce new active characters till the end.
Gundam 00 is simply a commercial anime made to sell toys, and peoples (me too) watch it instead of other series cause is titled “Gundam”
All the anime must be commercial, if not we couldn’t even see them, but there is a limit to this, and Gundam 00 have destroyed this limits too many times for me
LOL… fair enough i’ll give you that however as a series it would be really poor if most of the action was over in the first few episodes. Its purely commerical, as with any modern tv series, they are there to make money first and entertain second. Thing is people would continue to watch them if something ‘good’ or unexpected didn’t happened.
The people watching the shows have changed and most want an instant ‘wham, bham’ rather than something worth while, thats why so many good anime shows are hard to find… not to mention we are getting older so what we expect from a show such as this is no longer there as the makers cater for a younger audience.
Gundam Wing worked better than 00 at providing some action while holding back on actually telling you everything that was going on or making pointless ‘attention’ grabs. I agree that the show should stand up on its story alone but sadly its the modern audience thats growing up too quickly so the shows struggle to hold an audience.
Dear lord i’m reading too much into this, i’m a Mecha Anime whore and enjoy watching them in whatever form they take, though i’ll be honest i like alot of the shows which came out in the mid 90s! Its enjoyable as it is and while i sit watching it and seeing a host of other Gundam shows influences i’ll try and reserve fully judgement until i have seen it all!
Though i agree, they should watch those plot holes and you have to wander that if they can track the location of CB’s base ship… why do they only attack every few shows? LOL
Edit: The GN-X pilot didn’t flee, they stopped as the Gundams are running out of special GN particles, i guess they want the units in one piece given that the technology within them differs from the GN-X a little… they probably want the pilots too!! heh
I agree with you about the commercialization, and i think that Gundam was ruined by the sponsors and his own name.
I’m 32 years old, i’ve watched mecha anime series since Mazinger Z and i love em. But as an adult, to watch again Mazinger (or Gundam 00) is boring, cause the plot rely only on fights (at least in Mazinger the enemy robots never comes back a second time)
Recently is difficult to find a well made mecha anime series, the computer graphic can do miracles compared to the past, but the plot is frequently recycled (Gundam W & 00)
Edit: You are right about the smokescreen, maybe was better to wait and take em when out of energy, but then, there was no reason to call the media and trasmit the fight on the BBC
i love this series far more than Wing or Seed…hehehe…the story is well written (aside from a few quirky instances like michael and so on…but at least he’s already dead and done with…) i hope losing her two brothers would stop nena from being the brat she is…(no more older bros to serve her every whim…thanks alot Ali!!) i can’t wait for the next ep…
anyway, i heard this series would stop at ep25 and then the second season would begin in October…if that’s the case, then that means the writers finally learned not to stretch the plotline too thin(like what they did in previous franchises like Seed and S:Destiny)…maybe this series would do justice to the Gundam series’ reputation of being “asian space soap opera”…hehehe… :D
i like…(^_^)
wt did they mean when they referred to Feldt as “going through ‘that’ age?†do they mean that she has a serious crush on John ‘Lockon’ Silver ? if that is the case then I p0o0or girl, i feel this series is gettin’ a yaoi tide. soon you’ll c t-shirts flyin’ with smooches of 2 people of the same sex ( and i mean male!).
Seriously, if they had killed of Johann and Nina it would be way better to have that Michael as an extra hubby on celestial being.
Another question…..do u guyz rembr the girl who was supposedly handing over the shining-glowing GN drive -like ball round thingy to Setsuna at the first op theme of the series ? At first i thought she was Marina , but after much consideration and micro-zooming the tests show clearly that that woman is no Marina!!! THEN WHO THE HELL IS SHE !??
i do hope they get more peopled involved with celestial being as this organization is running ‘apparently’ out of sponsors , 1st Aljendro then chinese girl then the corpse of Alioe shehenperg0o ( sorry about mispelling his name) exactly how much money does these ppl have !?
Very true, Dragoon. All of us are growing constantly, including our mentality and maturity. Time waits for no man, and we can’t stop ourselves from growing just to remain interested in anime for as many decades as we want. Although I would say, Gundam 00 is not for kids, it’s for young adults and teenagers, as it appears.
How many of you people actually like the way writers in this series letting you have a good view of what is going on from all angles, including away from battles? Rather than have a series with mostly action and little else?
P.S. The reason why I feel that kids ain’t the type who like this show is because, most kids prefer action, and couldn’t take heavy plots. Not to mention the blood violence and violence involved in the series as well.
you’d think that after spending lots of time and money to build those things, that they’d also put in an ejector seat of some kind
call me crazy but i suspect that wan ryumin was the one that sold out the trinity team to the HRL and hired ali to get rid of them this is mainly to do with after she finishes talking to them they come under attack from those GN-X suits, and while they’re waiting for her to show up, ali drops by, who ‘just happens’ to be in the neighbourhood and so on and so forth
regardless of BS commercials or suck ideas the story writer wants to put in, there’s only one thing i like about all gundam series…somebody is goin to DIE!!SEED was the best though when almost 3/4 of the characters was sent to its maker…ehhe…
the twin-trinity’s death was unfortunate but necessary and just like ali mentioned, its suck to be scapegoat.but i prefer the death to be a bit more tragic,like intestine spilling out,brain squashed,limb spattering here and there…things like that.its just stereotype that girls have the priviledge to stay alive longer than men(wtf?are we cheap to produced?)
You’ve watch exia turns red and lethal and i hope yall saw how Dynames combines with GN arms becoming some sort of another weapon(next episode previews)….its like watching goku from dragon ball annihilating half of the world with kamehameha and saying its just 1/4 of its real power…and about to use another 1/4 to turn earth and mars into dust (again,wtf…)
…and aeolia out from cryo?why didnt anybody tried to freeze chickens and then reviving it again?what was he thinking?
story writer just have to come out with something original….i’ll be watching more
i love watch this anime series. Sometime i just watch it without have any subtitle. Btw thanks for the summary.
Perhaps he just want to keep his body intact so he can be the master of Veda for a few centuries!
Talk about cryopreservation, the longest time I’ve ever seen something preserved without it being damaged or dying in this method is only a couple of years. Technology sure push the limits of many things.
And I see you’ve been doing your homework, hi5peed2ron.
random hero: Even with the ejector seat, the Johann could also be affected by the GN particles radiating out of the explosion. But yeah, all mobile suits in this series DO NOT have an ejector seat, although some have other means to escape.
I almost cried when I watched the last episodes of Gundam 00. But after reading your “review” I was laughing crazily… whether there is or there’s no pun intended, it’s perfectly funny!
hi5peed2ron: if you like deaths you should see Code Geass, or Death Note, not Gundam 00
To me a Death is good in a story if it is logical, it can be unfortunate, but must have a sense
Ali killed the 2 twins? he was idiotic and suicidal, he did it when Neena was inside her mobile suit, but since he is needed in the story he wasn’t killed, he wasn’t even attacked, he pointed the gun to Neena’s Gundam that choosed to run, very logical…
To not mention how Ali escaped the 10 times faster Exia, when Setsuna knew perfectly he was inside, since he was so idiotic to bully him at the radio
In that moment Gundam 00 stopped to be an anime and became commercial shit
Probably Ali is popular and the authors choosed to not kill him cause he raise the audience of the show, even if his surviving was phisically impossible
You remember Hein? the pilot of the orange Gouf in Gundam Seed Destiny?
Many criticized how his death was too easy and “commercial” To me his death was unfortunate, but logical: it happened during a fight cause he was distracted, it can happens. I liked him, was not happy cause he died, but i think that his death raised the quality of Seed Destiny.
The survive of Muu la Flaga, was idiotic, you see in the last episode of Gundam Seed his helmet smashed in the open space, but he was resurrected in Seed Destiny cause he was popular among the fans
That is commercial…
Do you know the live action soap opera? The story is written day by day according to the fans appreciation. When an actress is pregnant in real life, she became pregnant in the show too, even if that have no sense. So if you try to see the whole series, from the beginning to the end, it will have no sense too.
That is commercial and i Hate it, even if i love Gundam and i like realistic series when people dies
A few things:
One, generally most original stories that are created by a studio are made up as they go so Gundam 00 isn’t unique in that regard.
Two, Code Geass had fewer character deaths in one season than 00 had in 22 episodes, and there are still 3 to go.
Three, While Gundam 00 may have a model kit toyline tied to it, they have not advertised directly in the show so I’m not bothered. If we approach Lucky Star and Setsuna starts advocating Bandai Ware then we are in trouble. Lucky Star was the limit.
Four, As Darkdestiny mentioned I like the multiple angle storytelling and frequent updates. You get to hear almost everybody’s side of the story and none of them seem particularly right or wrong, just different.
Five, Gundam 00 is very little like Gundam Wing at all, which was aimed at a younger audience. Go look at the progression of Gundam Wings plot and tell me that where we are now that it is anywhere remotely similiar.
Six, Gundam 00 is not any other Gundam Series, it is it’s own series. It’s folly to compare it to others as a standard at the moment because it is creating it’s own. Only once it’s over will we best be able to decide how it compares to other series.
Code Geass had fewer character deaths in one season than 00 had in 22 episodes???
Have You see it?
remember ep.14? they reveal celestial being’s base, and it’s in a place ful of asteroids. in ep.23 preview, they are fighting at a place full of asteroids. did the UN traced Pltomaios since they need to get dynames fixed at the dock (which im very positive is in their base)?
Yes I have, and that I recall three named characters died. As of this episode of Gundam 00 7 named characters have died and 9 if you want to count the two named pilots from the Union and HRL respectively that died, but never really got any character development beyond the part about Graham killing his superior officer and for defending the “honour” of the HRL.
So yes. And at the way 00 is going it looks like it’s probably going to increase that death count differential over Code Geass.
Celestial Being’s base is called Krung Threp in case anybody didn’t know. It’s the short form of the Thai name for Bangkok, Thailand, the full version of which is in the Guiness Book of World Records as the “longest place name”.
Talk about Ali, he’ll probably end up like Raww in Gundam SEED. Writers won’t take him off the line until the very last episode. But with all the original Gundams with full power, I doubt he would ever survive.
But there is at least one interesting fact: what if he or someone else found the last of the 5 furnaces at the last episode?
There are alot of things wrong with this episode… Dont get me wrong, I’m a great fan of gundam, and 00 has exceeded my expectations so far, but…
1st- Lockon lost his gd eye. But he cant aim well? I though it was Haro doing the aiming? But maybe it has something to do with the mind.
2nd- Btw, who is Tiera, Libbons and nena? They can access veda so are they robots or sumthing? If they are why are they fighting like crap?
3rd- And how did the doctor get in? Are there more people to the ship’s crew than we know? And where did they get the GN arms? The GN particles were green and i tot the real ones could onli be made in Jupiter? Was it in the aeolia guy’s plan? They said onli 1 was ready, so how many were there and how many guy’s were there to pilot it?
4th- How does the GN-X squad know where are the thrones hiding? And why does the thrones have some gas thingy?
5th- How many Haros does Ptolemaeus have?
6th- Why din they show how the Thrones escape from their ambush at their hideout?
7th- How the hell were they able to smuggle gundams thru the pillar b4 this?
8th- do gundams have unlimited extra parts? How many fangs have we seen that have been destroyed?
9th- Michael was killed by a shot to the shoulder
10th- wat is the purpose for GN arms? I thought they were supposed to be additional parts for e gundams, then it turned out to be some crap
11th- Did Ali leave his enact behind? The gundam was worth e effort but leaving a gd machine behind was a waste of money. And he left with a gundam with no limbs?
I’m not a critic, and I know that gundams are not supposed to be realistic.
looking foward to episode 23!
@Juz: All of those are some well pointed out inconsistencies some of which we’ll probably never know. The thing with the Japanese is that some things just are and the why is courtesy explanation. Let me try though:
1. I think Haro tried to compensate for any accuracy errors Lockon made.
2. I don’t know and it might not be revealed for some time yet. Nena though I think is just a normal girl with comuter skills who was studying it. We aren’t sure if it was even her that locked Tieria out. Did we ever see her eyes glow even?
3. I think the GN Arms was at Krung Thep. As for Doc Oc they must have picked him up somewhere offscreen.
4. Because Neena forgot to put up the Stealth Field
5. A whole Harom full
6. No idea
7. I think it might have something to do with Lagna before he turned traitor or Wang’s influence.
8. That’s an excellent question. I doubt the Zwei is a factory so where did he get more fangs. And where did Johan get a new arm.
9. I thought it was through the chest, but I’ll have to check.
10. I think it hooks on the back G-Defensor style.
11. Ali is impulsive enough that I’m not sure he cares. The new power is more important to him.
to Kaioshin Sama
you said that Code Geass have half the deaths of Gundam 00 among named characters, let’s remember together
In Gundam 00 you see die among named characters:
1 trinity brother one
2 trinity borther two
3 the sister of Saji
4 the scientist of the Flag
5 the mother of michelle (michelle lost an hand)
6 Aeolia in cryigenic sleep
7 one pilot of the Flag squadron
In code Geass you see die among named characters:
1 – Kururugi Genbu the father of Suzaku was killed by his own son (it remembers any to you?)
2 – Marianne Vi Britannia, the mother of Leoluce and Nunnaly, was assassinated and her daughter was permanently injured during the fight (it remembers any to you?)
3 – Naoto KÅzuki, the brother of Karen, in the first ep
4 – Clovis the 3° prince of britannia
5 – Euphemia, the young and cute princess of Britannia who shooted on a mob whit a machinegun
6 – Cornelia her sister, the scary and evil princess of Britannia
7 – the general of Britannia who betrayed her cause Leoluce Hipnosis
8 – Nina Einstein who charged the black knight with a NUKE in the hands of her robot, if she didn’t die, pratically ALL the other main character will die
9 – Mao , the chinese guy that cannot switch off his telepathy powers
10 – Kaname Ogi, zero second in command who was shooted by his lover
11 – Kewell Soresi, a knight of britannia, killed by Karen
12 – Jeremiah, the knight that Zero named “Orange”, killed by C.C.
12 – C.C. the witch, probably died fighting Jeremiah, but since you see in the flashbacks that she died many times in the past, she will resurrect again
13 – the father of Shirley, even if you dont’ see him, his death changes the relationship between Cecil and Leoluce
14 to 100 – Several Black Knights who were with Zero from the beginning were killed in action, many others britannian and japanese characters were in very poor condition when the story stops, so even if Nina Nuke will not blow, they probably die
and i was too lazy to check the whole series to provide more details and characters…
In any case, if the director of the second season of Code Geass will be the same, i’m sure like hell that the survivors will not come back for no reason like did Ali in Gundam 00 ep 22
in Gundam 00 i’m sure that in the last ep you will see:
in the left corner Setsuna with a White Gundam
in the right corner Ali with a Red Gundam
in Code Geass i was never sure of what was going to happen, if Suzaku and Zero will became allies or killed each others, and if Euphemia was going to marry Suzaku (she was killed, Marina Ismail will LIVE)
By the way, if you watched Code Geass and cannot tell the difference between it and Gundam 00 there is no word i can say to change your mind
Zecks, thats completely wrong. You start off saying NAMED characters. Too bad 14-100 isn’t NAMED characters and Father of Shirley also is not a NAMED character. If you want to do it hat way, why not include the 1000 killed in Gundam attacks in 00 and space? Also, you don’t even know if half the people on the Geass list are dead. Nina, Ogi, Cornelia, C.C. (who probably didn’t die), Jeremiah (you don’t see him dying yet), and who is the general of Britannia who betrayed her cause Leoluce Hipnosis
With Code Geass your nitpicking while Gundam 00 you are obviously being more lenient letting characters like Lockon and Setsuna’s parents not be included. Kaioshin Sama’s count of 3 was, yes, less than the actual number but your numbers are not accurate either.
1: Died prior to the series doesn’t count.
2: See #1.
3: That wasn’t Karen’s brother. He died before the series, in which case see #1.
4: Died within the first three episodes doesn’t strike me as very memorable.
5: Sucks to be the pink princess.
6: Sucks to be the violet princess, although some spoilers say she survived.
7: Sucks to be the Darlton, the general of the violet princess.
8: Nina was never shown dead, and it’s been confirmed that she’s coming back.
9: Mao was a nutjob.
10: Ougi’s been confirmed to be alive and in jail.
11: Curel is a minor character, so meh.
12: Jeremiah’s sinking to the bottom of the ocean, but that dun mean he’s dead.
13: Same with C.C.
14: I don’t give a shit about minor people in the grand scheme of things. If I gave a shit about any of them, then maybe I’d count them a “character death”. But until such time, no. And Gundam has had plenty no-name soldiers and civilians die too, but I don’t see you mourning for them.
@Kaioshin and Juz:
1: Lockon manually aimed the sniper rifle. Period. Haro makes adjustments for when he starts missing (and even then he chose to adjust it himself in episode 9), and controls the Gundam’s movement for when Lockon’s concentrating purely on sniping.
2: Nena is not the same as Tieria and Ribbons. Her eyes have never had the Veda interface glow. The Trinities are only genetically enhanced soldiers created to serve as Gundam Meisters. Ribbons is working only with Alejandro, while Tieria’s loyalty lies with the original crew of Gundam Meisters.
3: Regarding Dr. Moreno, they referenced him in a few past episodes, although I can’t remember which.
4: The traitor of Celestial Being fed the UN forces the information.
5: A lot of Haros indeed.
6: Because the battle in space was more important.
7: They touched on the whole smuggling Gundams up the pillar thing back in episode 3.
8: It goes without saying that you keep spare parts around your base.
9: Michael was shot in the left side of his chest, around the area of the heart. Johann was the one shot in the shoulder, which kept him from fighting Ali very well after they got in the Gundam fight.
10: GN Arms serve as both add-on parts for the Gundams as well as a mobile artillery unit. It also showed that it can dock with a mobile container, which allows for the transport of Gundams to and from space.
11: I doubt Ali gaves a shit about his Enact anymore.
to Juz
Wanna know how the GN Arms connects? look at this pics:
the Thrones were betrayed by Alejandro. To gain points among the alliance he told them about the location of their base, if you follow his monologue when was inside Veda he say that: the alliance and celestial beings will be under his control and the role of the trones is over.
He needed the thrones to scary the HRL, AEU and USA so they formed the alliance
He needed Laguna to sell GN drives to the alliance, so they can get rid of all the Gundams
For what is happening i can tell that Ali is working for him
He knew the location of the Thrones, and the security code of the red Gundam was hacked so he was able to pilot it. Not to mention that he got rid of Laguna, so now nobody can tell the alliance that Alejandro was inside the Celestial Beings
The real GN drives were made on Jupiter, and are the ones with the hidden superpowers
do you remember the episode when you see a little flashback before the opening?
80 years ago: 2 men inside a broken space station around Jupiter. Inside there are corpse but no data or weapons, they were disappointed to have not found anything about Aeolia foundation when they see an Haro, a broken one with preciuos data inside, that is the Haro inside Neena Gundam!
Probably, basing on that data, they come back to Earth and created the red GN drive, and that is the reason between the difference from the GN-X and the true Gundams
i am critic, i do know that the tech in gundam and any mecha anime can’t be realistic, but i don’t care of tech, i even like Mazinger that is absurd tech. I am critic about the story, if is well made or not.
The background of Gundam 00 was very well made, this plot i have just written is very good, there are other details i just can’t lilke
to Kaioshin Sama
1 – Sorry, i forget to include the death of Laguna and the tieren pilot in the list, but still is no match between Code Geass and Gundam 00
2 – A story can be changed during the making, but if it is made by a professional it will be good.
If it is made basing on the fans vote, you will see discrepancy in the story, and that is what i can see in Gundam 00
3 – Any mecha series have a toy line related to it, if not they don’t do a mecha series, but an action series, The weight a sponsor have on the plot, (more fights and less character talk) can change a lot.
4 – You are right about Gundam W, the initial plot can appear similar but the story goes on in a very different way
5 – You can be right about not judging a series till the end, i hope Gundam 00 it will be better in the next season, but still the ep 22 will be a parody of itself
This episode is as ridiculous as ep 15 was stupid. Blah.
to RMX
you can like Code Geass or not, i liked it and based my mail to what i remembered without loosing much time to it. The characters i mentioned were selected in the same manner of the deaths in Gundam 00. If you think that the 3° prince of Britannia made a short apparition (3 episodes), so are the pilot of the Flag, the pilot of the Tieren, Aeolia, Laguna and the mother of Michelle, that compared very few times during the story. For not to mention the six episodes life of the thrones.
The death of the parents of Suzaku and Leoluche was seen in flashbacks and had weight in the story
BTW this is a Gundam forum not a Code Geass forum, so please cut off about it
i apologize for have speaking about it so much and i apologize for the errors i could have made about the name of the characters and so on
@Zecks: Don’t get me wrong. I love Code Geass, and if I didn’t love that I wouldn’t have begun to appreciate mecha and wouldn’t have made the move over to Gundam 00.
I just don’t think you’re being all that fair to Gundam in this case. The minor characters that you just mentioned all have varying degrees of character development, which is why I tend to care about them more than Prince Clovis, who died after ordering a massacre on a ghetto, or Empress Marianne and Prime Minister Kururugi, who were shown in flashbacks and were never given character development farther than that. I’ll give you the chance to tell me who I would miss more.
Allow me the opportunity to eulogize for the side characters of Gundam 00 who have met their maker:
Howard Mason was a Flag pilot developed over the first half of the season as a man with pride in his country and his unit, and died a noble death trying to defend that pride, as reckless as it was.
Lieutenant Ming was a Tieren pilot whom we saw for only one episode. I can’t say I got all attached to him given the short amount time he got, but I’ll give him props for having the balls to sacrifice himself for the pride of his nation and his fellow soldiers.
Aeolia was frozen in a coffin on the moon, and the way the glass sounded against the gunfire doesn’t seem like the glass was breaking. It seemed bulletproof to me. But if he’s dead now, at least I remember him for the his recorded speeches that were intended to rally the world around a cause of peace.
Laguna was a bigshot president of a corporation and was puppeteering the actions of Team Trinity before Ali killed him. He can go to hell for all I care.
LOUISE’s mother I feel sorry for a little bit, although those scenes with Saji, Louise, and Mama were a tad annoying more than once.
Yea you are right, maybe i gived the impression i’m one sided to Gundam 00
I wanted it to be better of Gundam Seed 1 and Code Geass, and i was disappointed…
You got points about Code Geass and i explained myself bad, sorry again, but this is a Gundam forum so i don’t want to talk here.
I do care about civilian death, even nameless one, war is always tragic, and i hope for Celestial Beings victory. The thing i don’t support about em is that they attack soliders, but they didn’t shoot to the politicians that are the real ones who choose to do wars. When Allelujah destroyed the research facility on enhanced humans, and killed innocents kids who were his brothers. I hated it, cause Celestial Beings don’t attacked the politicians of the HRL who decided to build that facility, it was Sergei who made them pay… Maybe i’m becoming too political…
Coming back to the original prupouse of this forum, do someone knows if Aeolia survive?
I liked his character, maybe the one frozen was a dummy. how bulletproof was the glass have no importance, if Alejandro controls the place he can destroy it with a demolition charge or eradicate the coffin from the floor to not damage Veda
@Zecks: Well I found our problem. You came in expecting something like Gundam SEED or Code Geass, while I came in with no Gundam experience whatsoever, and I didn’t expect it to be anything like Code Geass. That is the difference between us.
The thing that Gundam 00 does differently from Code Geass is the portrayal of collateral damage and the deaths of bystanders and those with minimal involvement in the situations around them. Gundam 00 gives characterization to those it hurts and kills, or at least gives us a perspective of them that will give us reason to feel sorry for their losses.
Code Geass took civilians and victims of war and exploited them to a ridiculous level, throwing them away as pawns are on a chessboard. I couldn’t feel too sorry for them, because that was not the message of the series. Instead I felt that the writers were trying to breed a hatred for the cause of all the suffering, as what Lelouch harbored for Britannia. It gave me all the reason to cheer on every act of Lelouch and the Black Knights’ movement, and every opportunity to loathe every single one of the actions taken by the Britannians.
Both shows have the elements of the shades of gray, but I think that Code Geass polarizes the viewer into picking a side and coming to a decision on which is black and which is white, while Gundam depicts everyone in the shade of gray, save for maybe a few characters like Ali.
@Zecks_75: Well I like both Gundam 00 and Code Geass. They are both similar and different in a number of regards. The key link between them is that both have kept me wanting to come back for more next week more than any other series airing during there seasons.
As for Aeolia we aren’t sure yet. One of the greatest inconsistencies I’m waiting to see tied up soon is the one between Dr. Eifman’s disbelief in his true intentions and Aeolia’s own statement this episode that his intentions are genuine. Is it possible he is still yet lying to the Meister’s. There is still something a little fishy about Trans-Am, it seems to demonic, to vicious, almost like Ali, which is the opposite of what Setsuna wants to become.
@Guner: Does anyone take you seriously anymore after you’ve failed to come up with a single well though out point of criticism and just settled for the Jay Sherman “It Stinks” route? Anyone out there? *Crickets Chirping*
Not in the mood kaio. But it os oddly comforting to know that whatever happens, you will always be a fanboy.
@Guner: It’s likewise comforting to know the predictability of ones such as yourself. And remember, I can’t be a fanboy, ’cause I haven’t seen any other series before this one. =D
How is it that a guy who basically dedicates himself to saying how much he dislikes fanboyism get’s called one for happening to like one show. I almost never post links to my articles on other people’s websites out of principle, but this time I think an exception is warranted.
You protest too much. In this case its not even a good objection. Who the hell cares about other series.
Ohhhh no. No no no no no. I’m not getting dragged into an endless debate like the relativety one you had with DM. Just read the article or not, that settles it from my end.
DarkMirage > Kaio
to juz
1. just cos one has an eyeptach, does not mean they’ve necessarily lost the eye itself, the idea is to protect it from infection so that it can heal itself
2. no one knows what tiera, libonze, and nena are
3. ian vasty probably brought the doctor in, and they got the GN arms from where-ever they had it stashed
4. alejandro probably told them, but i personally suspect that wan ryumin had a hand in it as well cos they always show up right after the thrones have finished chatting with her (btw kaio, it’s more that nena can’t use the stealth field cos the thrones were running low on GN particles)
5. many haros
6. cos they didn’t feel like showing you
7. they hid them in the cargo containers on the linear trains
8. they probably keep a huge bunch of surplus parts somewhere or fabricate more, either way it’s not going to look good on CB’s tax return, especially considering how many shields and beam daggers setsuna goes through
9. actually it hit him roughly in the chest, however, contrary to what the movies/TV shows say, you can die from a shot to the shoulder, that area has a large number of veins and arteries bunched together so if you are hit there you will die of shock/blood loss in a few minutes, if the bullet by some fluke doesn’t hit any of those arteries/veins, it will probably shatter the ball part of the shoulder joint instead, in which you’ll be crippled for life as there is no surgeon on earth that can repair that joint, period
10. it’s an add on that can be used independently
11. well he couldn’t exactly drag it with him, now could he?
Looks promising. ^_^;
Looks like Random Hero pointed out no 9 for me. It is true if you look carefully, Michael is hit in the chest somewhere above the nipple. And in acupuncture, there is a spot somewhere over there when hit hard enough, can cause death immediately.
And wikipedia is wrong about Alejandro’s gun, it isn’t a Colt .45. It looks more like a gold H&K VP70 (same as the one Leon holds in Resident Evil 2).
Also Alejandro’s gun had the eye emblem on it. A reference to the Illuminati?
considering it’s set 300 years in the future, i don’t think it’d be either gun (especially the latter as that had a plastic frame, and was discontinued in 1989), i think what meant is that it is a .45 caliber pistol (an asumption most likely based on the number of shots it could fire before running empty)
Maybe it was judged on the sound it produced. A Colt 45 would have made an almost similar sound.
But 9x19mm has pretty much set the standard for enforcement handgun rounds around the world and the .45 cartridge is slowly being phased out. But the latter has the advantage and still in use due to its greater stopping power.
Maybe Alejandro’s gun is chambered with 50. Action Express rounds, because to even scratch the “pressure-proofed” glass I think a .45 would be insufficient.
Maybe it is really a VP70 that the Corners handed down from generation to generation, specifically saved for Mr Schenburg.
who knows, it isn’t really important in the grand scheme of things
(though i doubt it’d be a .50 cos the ejection port is nowhere near big enough, plus the recoil would be horrible)
Maybe its a gun from 300 years in the future. Who cares. And why does everyone seem to know so much about guns, it gives me the freakin heebie jeebies.
Well Guner, that’s because it’s only two people who are talking about guns, and guns are cool O.O