“Why don’t you love me? ;_;”
Wow, I don’t know what to say. This episode is like watching two bullet trains collide head on, burst into a huge flaming ball of destruction, and the “survivors crawling out of the wreckage with third-degree burns. Okay, so that was a lousy analogy made in poor taste, especially since none of us has seen that happen before, but my point is that it’s a train wreck. It’s like a roller coaster ride: it’s exciting, it makes you sick, and you don’t mind going on another.
Rollo admits that he did it in the first minute of the episode, thus putting an end to any conspiracy theories about the incident. In an alternate universe, Lelouch would’ve been an Oscar-winning actor instead of a supervillain with an outrageous fashion sense. I wonder if Hollywood exists.
“Good job Rollo. Good job…”
Instead of taking responsibility and reflect on his past actions which led up to this tragic moment, Lelouch blames everything on the existence of Geass. He discards his previous plans and, with the help of Jeremiah, launches an all-out attack on the Temple in a bid to erase all traces of Geass. Except, of course, his own.
The state of modern animation: untextured 3DSM primitives
Apparently the Temple is full of women, old people and little children, so the attack looks more like a massacre than a battle. Despite some initial reservations, the Black Knight pilots carry out their orders anyway, because, you know, those children may just be terrorists in disguise! This is how the Holocaust happened, folks. (See: the Milgram experiment.)
Attaching the gun to the arm: makes more sense than giant handheld rifles
The researchers working at the Temple look quite happy to see C.C. again, right up to the point when they get blown up. From what I gather, C.C. used to be their boss and the BFF of Marianne, Lelouch’s mother, but those of you who scour the Internet for spoilers and rumours probably already know that. Judging by V.V.’s words, it seems like Marianne was quite involved with this whole Geass business, so her assassination was probably related.
C.C. back when she was young(er)
So anyway a fight breaks out between Lelouch and V.V., with Cornelia joining the fray on Lelouch’s side, which is certainly somewhat ironic considering that everything she is doing is supposed to help her avenge Euphie’s death, and Lelouch is at least partially, if not mostly, to be blamed for it.
They didn’t want to pay for another mecha design
Meanwhile, Suzaku believes that Lelouch is responsible for Shirley’s death and decides that it is the last straw: he’s going to rape Kallen and force her to confess under the influence of Refrain. Okay, so only half of that is true. Poor Kallen in any case. :(
Wait… Isn’t it too early for the climax?
The episode ends with a bit of a sci-fi “Luke, I am your father!” moment.
My brain blew up during this episode.
Kallen with her hair down <3
I want to say that it’s an awesome episode, but that’s not exactly true. It certainly is thrilling, but I am somewhat disturbed by the whole thing, especially since I don’t know which character I should empathize with now. Lelouch has clearly jumped the shark and gone bonkers due to the events in episode 13, Suzaku is still a self-righteous bastard, and Kallen is currently incapacitated and will soon undergo intense brainwashing.
I guess that leaves C.C. relatively untouched. Speaking of which, C.C. used to live in the Temple, right? Does Pizza Hut make deliveries to secret military underground research facilities?
“Hi, is this Pizza Hut? Please make a delivery to the United States of Japan.”
And considering that we’re only 14 episodes into the season, the story feels oddly close to end game, which by mecha-anime logic means that some kind of force-balancing reset must take place soon. My guess is that Lelouch will get his memories wiped again and a brainwashed Kallen will be sent undercover to capture C.C. by seducing Lelouch and using him as bait. It makes no sense but it will be awesome.
Guess who?
Greek/Roman ruins are everywhere in America
“Don’t worry Rollo, it won’t hurt…much”
Get a hair cut you hippie
Just so you know she’s gone for good
Surprise sex
This week’s Naruto
The Temple is seriously badly-lit for a research facility
No longer an important character
What the hell is that suit?
Why are the two of them eating apples in a hotel room with a double bed?
Why is she so cool?
Geass suffers from severe inflation
Lelouch’s mother O_O
How convenient
All CG girls should do away with weird hairdos and go straight
The cockpit is blown off but somehow the rest of it still works
Hmmm, maybe I’ll start rooting for Cornelia instead.
I can’t wait to watch this episode!
I can’t believe Suzaku is gonna try “refraining” Kallen! He’s in his lowest point!
That has got to be reason 97456 to hate Suzaku!
woot, weird episode.
They are in a hotel room because they already did a Todo reads while Chiba cooks shot in an R2 episode. (When they first get the artificial island, asfair)
LOL! “This wont hurt” As usual DM keep up the good work!
I wish he could kill off Rollo soon…
who is with me when i say ‘suzaku should die a terrible terrible death?’
I am with you ;)
Agreed. As long as its not to quick. I want to see him suffer.
“From what I gather, C.C. used to be their boss and the BFF of Marianne, Lelouch’s mother, but those of you who scour the Internet for spoilers and rumours probably already know that.”
Actually we already got told in a previous episode that V.V. is C.C.’s successor, no need to search the net for it :D
“Judging by V.V.’s words, it seems like Marianne was quite involved with this whole Geass business, so her assassination was probably related.”
Correct, seeing in this episode that she indeed was a Knight of Rounds kinda confirms the spoilers i read about that :S
“Hi, is this Pizza Hut? Please make a delivery to the United States of Japan.â€
and how dirty the room is without Lulu there to clean up :>
“What the hell is that suit?”
They got that new design already a few eps ago, Rolo’s color looks especially gay though how fitting ^^
“Why is she so cool?”
cuz she’s a damn Ninja!
“Hmmm, maybe I’ll start rooting for Cornelia instead.”
i wanna whack her because she saved Rolo >.>
what’s so suprising about marianne standing on a knightmare? :p
Gundam 00? Lockon is dead.
“Lelouche, I am your father”
“Dude…..i knew that?”
I seriuosly hat Code Geass for those Cliffhangers. One worse than the other.
Anyways, i’m still pro-Lelouche. Evil is still better than selfrighteouss. Of course Lelouche doesnt really admit to be evil, but he doesn’t pretend as much as Suzaku does….
And it’s not like he really killed innocent kids and civilians. It looks like that to the other member of the Order of the Black Knights, but he himself knows that its not true and that he had a damn good reason to kill them all.
He should’ve blown up Rolo anyways.
Suzaku, mst die, he should be dissected ALIVE, OR SMTHIN, WHO AGREE.
Somehow, Cornelia is the only character in the serious being cool and likable at the same time. Go rock the world!
ComradeZero, i’m totally agree with you!
I don’t think you understand what the term Jump the Shark means.
Suzaku is teh fuxx0r -_-
btw, that star wars think u posted, wtf? o_O
Anyways, I bet Rolo is gonna live through this whole season, he should’ve died today.
Now watch as Viletta and Ogi conspire against lulu and then get ninja’ed by sayako… or sayako dies, I bet one of those will happen.
Oh and the emperor’s face looked rly gay and childish in the last scene
Suzaku? Raep Kallen?
I think the show’s actually getting better, not worse, but I guess there’s no point making that argument now (or ever, really).
So if anything, I’d certainly say that Lelouch’s life is a “trainwreck”, but I don’t think the show is bad because of it, or just because of the “so bad its good” effect. Not really…I couldn’t watch Dragonaut, which is arguably worse than Geass on a purely objective scale, as far as I’m concerned at least. I could laugh at it but I couldn’t enjoy it, so that effect is rather…questionable, after a certain point.
Yet this discussion gets tiresome after a while, again…this leads nowhere, really. Some people think the show is getting worse and think that makes it more exciting, I don’t think that’s the point. Not much else to say.
On topic, I think this episode, in particular, pulled things off rather well.
Lelouch probably blames himself most of all but wants an easy scapegoat, and not an entirely unreasonable one while he’s at it. The cult may be mostly a “research” facility, but it also doubles as the training ground for assassins, spies and Britannian agents, like Rollo and Jeremiah (until recently), under V.V.’s command. It’s a valid military target, even if Lelouch could have, if he wasn’t so full of RAGE, merely dethrone V.V. without needing to destroy the entire place and all its occupants. But hey…it’s not like Lelouch’s in a calm state of mind right now, for all his intelligence and whatever else.
As for Suzaku…I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt until he actually dares to go through with it. Not that it’s worse than some of the things Lelouch has done, but it’s not better either.
@andreas: Actually, Lelouch does admit that he is evil, in fact in ep.3 in this season, he clearly states that he would become evil to overcome a greater evil.
Lelouch knows that he is evil, and is willing to go so far, for the greater whole, kinda like “kill one to save a thousand” mindset. Unlike that bastard Suzaku, “I’ll betray my country and join the enemy’s military, I’ll help them kill, torture, and suppress my country and its people, because it is for their own good… And by the way, I am justice and I am always right, that’s why I tell Zero his way of doing things is bad, because I am the only that is right.” That is Suzaku’s gay and twisted mindscrewed logic.
And to add up to that, “since my best friend is zero, it’s perfect cuz I won’t ask for his forgiveness, for selling him out to his father, cuz we are already friends right? There’s no need for forgiveness then. Also I might as well blame every single bad thing that happened to him, like my country suffering right now, because he gave them false hope about freedom. My country should have just behaved and get enslaved for eternity.”
Oh in this case, I guess it’s more like “Kill one cult for the rest of the world to live in peace” Since if this cult goes out of hand, or decides to conquer the world, I bet they can easily do so, just using the geass abilities that each inhabitant has.
SUZAKU!!!!!!!!!! fuckin BASTARD
what a cheap ass way of getting what you want…with no regard to dress-laden Kallen!
Cornelia is pretty cool
Lelouch….WTF MAN…i can understand why he’d want to kill Rolo like he was planning to…but like 5 seconds after Shirley died? and he didn’t even get to her funeral??? WTF MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
“It’s like a roller coaster ride: it’s exciting, it makes you sick, and you don’t mind going on another.”
/agree completely
I find it funny people are more concerned with Suzaku mentally abusing Kallen than Lulu killing hundreds of more-or-less civilians without any real reason (Since he could have them under CCs command)
This was a twisted episode (just watched it), I am thoroughly (but pleasantly) surprised that he decides to kill Rolo. However I still don’t get what the hell is with Suzaku, I thought he was mentally stable, but it turns out he’s still the same as right after Euphemia died. The ending was a bit of a twist but now (because of Diethard and Sayoko plotting against him) I think they are gonna kill off Ougi (which I hope they don’t, he’s like Kallen except less important and not sexy).
“I find it funny people are more concerned with Suzaku mentally abusing Kallen than Lulu killing hundreds of more-or-less civilians without any real reason (Since he could have them under CCs command)”
These “civilians” had all the abilities to take over the world easily. As Bartley said “the emperor’s actions may cause the end of the world.” Whereas Zero’s actions is gonan engulf the world in war. Also notice that the kids used their geass to control that dudes actions?
HOWEVER I think that the end of the series there is gonna be a “wtf” moment where the emperor (like right before he dies) is gonna reveal his true good intentions or something…
Also now I don’t think V.V. is evil and I think that the grey area has been overlooked, Zero is now officially “Evil” and the emperor is still officially “evil” and suzaku is “evil” and Kallen is “a druggie” and C.C. is…well…she’s C.C. Oh I forgot Rolo…I didn’t know he could die at any time…since when did his heart stop everytime he uses his geass?
Poor Lelouch, so misunderstood. And psychotic. And God damn Suzaku puts the blame entirely on Lulu now. All the time. No matter what it is. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Lelouch would’ve simply used his Geass to make her forget instead of making her commit suicide. But that doesn’t make any sense, huh? And since when do people commit suicide by shooting themselves in the stomach? Hmm.
I trust Jeremiah moreso now than the previous episode though. He seems more legit now that he attacked VV willingly.
I wonder what Cornelia’s gonna do now? I hope Lelouch makes her join him somehow to save Kallen. I shall pray for that to happen soon… Even though the next episode seems like it’s gonna be boring.
Haha i agree. All cg girl should go with straight hair/
I agree with the comment about Suzaku dieing a slow and painful death. :) And I also agree with the comment that Rolo is probably going to survive to the end or near the end. That’s just me though. There are two characters that I really respect- Cornelia and Schneizal (or however you spell his name) even if they are not on Lulu’s side necessarily. I still hate Nina. :)
Kallen + Hair down + That dress…wow, just wow.
Curse Suzaku!
Oh and Jeremiah saved Cornelia! That counts as important. D:
I was really sad when Rolo didn’t die. I was like “well this is the end for the death of Rolo, hooray :D”
and I don’t get why those people are like “omg we are killing innocents I’m so sad :(” when one guy experienced killing his own friend because of that kid. O yeah, he got killed though, so guess no one knows about that now :0
This is why I’m not going to work in some secret underground base when I grow up, because one way or another, I’m going to die :(
and I’m starting to like CC now, I thought she wasn’t that cool, but now she’s cool. And I thought VV was a girl the whole time, haha.
Jeremiah is still cool, I think he’s going to be a very important character later on, possibly the one to kill Rolo since he has Geass Breaker and is stronger than Rolo.
I hate Nina, I like Toudo, I like his lieutenant or w/e, I don’t like Ougi and Villeta, I like Kallen, and now I hate Suzaku… good job Suzaku, you made another hater.
and that gun on the wrist thing is awesome, if I was to make an army, I’d be sure to do that. Having to carry rifles is an annoyance
I… hate… Suzaku. Just a while before, he was sorta on the mark where he crosses into the hated character list. ( Because well, he did save Lelouch from falling off a building o.o. )
But now suspecting Lelouch and using Refrain on Kallen …. * Sigh *
Suzaku- “Screw the rules, I HAVE MONEY.”
Kallen- “…what?”
Suzaku- “I mean refrain.”
Apparently the Temple is full of women, old people and little children, so the attack looks more like a massacre than a battle. Despite some initial reservations, the Black Knight pilots carry out their orders anyway, because, you know, those children may just be terrorists in disguise! This is how the Holocaust happened, folks.”
Yes, except in the Holocaust, Jews were being scapegoated as being the reason Germany was in a major economic depression. In this case in Ep. 14, the researchers, wether they be man, woman, or child, are the actual cause of the problem (Geass). They are the ones actually at fault.
Yes, killing these people did seem wrong in a sense, especially in the way it was carried out, but nonetheless, they were a threat. You even see it for yourself, as one of the children Rolo knew used Geass on one pilot to kill his own comrade. It seems weird, but those children are not your typical 8 year old.
“This week’s Naruto”
That killed me.
You know, if suzaku has a gun then yes Kallen’s screwed. Howerever, if not then its about to get ugly. I mean seriously, he was friends with her early on and yet he’d actually go against what he’s trying to prevent just to find zero guilty. RRRAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does this mean Kallen will piolet the new Guren under the command of the knights of round?
OH, all prevews for episode r2 15 show no scenes at all. That brings me lots of suspense, because anything could happen now. This could be the make it or break it episode for everything. I mean why else would they not show scenes all of a sudden?
In all actuality, who thinks suzaku will die?? Who hopes he will-
Okay, stupid question, EVERYONE WANTS HIM TO, AND HE WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“OH, all prevews for episode r2 15 show no scenes at all. That brings me lots of suspense, because anything could happen now. This could be the make it or break it episode for everything. I mean why else would they not show scenes all of a sudden?”
The reason is that the whole episode is a spoiler, heres a slight summary since there weren’t pictures.
Title: The World of C
Summary: Lelouch is transported by V.V. to the mysterious world of C, a realm where omniscient forces dwell.
Besides if the veiwer didn’t know that he went to the world of C wouldn’t theygo “wtf?” when they look at the pictures of a place they don’t recognize and strange things living there?
Yeah, I’m a little confused by all the hate being shot at Zero for taking out a facility that was filled with people contributing to evil research. I mean, has Geass been shown so far as being anything other than really evil? Even Lelouch’s has caused many tragedies such as Euphemia and Shirley. While wiping out researchers is sad, since they seemed so bent on continuing their research, I think it’s a valid military target.
Oh and I said this after the last episode, but I continue to believe that Kallen is going to get brainwashed somehow into joining Britannia and I am very depressed by this since she’s one of my favorite characters and Britannia has basically become flat-out villains in this season.
Fuck rolo. I’m so pissed he shoulda died… I really hate the fact that he killed shirly even if I’m not mad that she died I’m mad that Rolo killed her cause she liked Lulu. and I’m pissed that suzaku blames Lulu. I like suzaku but i don’t get way he has to be such an asshole sometimes. Lulu shouldn’t be blamed for anything or well, everything. Also I support the decision to kill the order and I don’t agree with the people saying bad things about Lulu.
I’m also upset about the whole thing with Kallen and Suzaku but I still don’t hate him and I hope that he will be knock up on his head and come to his sences.
Lastly I’m still waiting for Lulu to resuce Kallen like he said he would. HURYY UP LULU!!!!!
“In all actuality, who thinks suzaku will die?? Who hopes he will-
Okay, stupid question, EVERYONE WANTS HIM TO, AND HE WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I don’t want him die!!!!
“ “Suzaku- “Screw the rules, I HAVE MONEY.â€
Kallen- “…what?â€
Suzaku- “I mean refrain.†â€
Haha, that was the funniest thing I’ve read all day.
Sayoko’s mad cool (and sexy). I like Chiba too. :D
And about the greek/roman ruins, haha, they sure did it there, maybe the greek civilization was born in North America rather than Europe. :p
I also say that Suzaku needs to die but I don’t see how using refrain is going to help with Kallen. It brings back happy memories …… like memories of her brother and mother …… her love for Zero . Is his plan to make the effects permanent so she wont help the Black Knights because she still would hate Britannia and want to help the Black Knights. I expected Lelouch to want to kill Rolo but I expected him to use him until the end then kill him with a gun. The problem I have with the cult is they play it off like we know everything about it. My final thoughts are that sometime later CC is going to yell and be pissed at Lelouch for making her help.
PS DM your comments are still the funniest.
Lelouch deciding to blame everything on Geass is actually sort of understandable. It’s easy to forgive others for their mistakes, but it’s extremely hard to admit your own – especially for an individual like Lelouch. It also makes sense that he would deem Geass to dangerous a power for simple humans to wield, though his decision to keep his contradicts that. Ah well, I’m obviously thinking a bit too much about this situation.
Also, poor Kallen…and I’m intrigued as well by how things are moving considering that the season is only halfway through. “My guess is that Lelouch will get his memories wiped again and a brainwashed Kallen will be sent undercover to capture C.C. by seducing Lelouch and using him as bait. It makes no sense but it will be awesome.” That it will be, DM, holy crap.
Funniest episode review in a while for me. :D
I’m starting to get tired of seeing Suzaku blaming Lelouch for everything wrong in that world. It’s like watching an episode of Inuyasha again. >_< (Not to say there’s anything wrong with Inuyasha.) “There are demons in this village, it must be Naraku’s fault!” “Demons are planning to attack the village! This must be Naraku’s fault!” “Look! That little girl over there just sneezed! Now I know this is Naraku’s doing!” Jeez, Sazaku, give Lelouch a break. He is an evil bastard (in his own way) but he’s not responsible for everything that has gone wrong in Code Geass.
Kallen won’t join Brittannia, chances are Lulu is gonan rescue her in episode 17. As for Suzaku using Refrain on her, he probably thinks Lulu erased her memories of him, so he’s gonna use it to get back her memories. Suzaku is also becoming the main evil person in this, merely because his personality changed from being just another soldier (episode 1) with the attitude of wanting to change it from the inside, to pilot of the Lancelot (episode 2) stll wanting to change it from the inside, to emotionally crushed and unstable (Euphemia’s death, episode 23) to shocked and vengeful (episode 25) when he finds out Zero is Lelouch. Season 2 his midset changes again, to being a guy who wants to kill Zero (episode 1) then on to the guy who wants to become Knight of One and making Area 11 his Area (episode 5). He seems to stay that way until episode 14 when he developes a darker veiw of Zero following the death of Shirley, and doesn’t care anymore how he gets rid of Zero.
My theory on the end of Suzaku is… it’s either him or Lulu, if Suzaku dies then Lelouch is gonna tell him why he killed Euphemia and how it was an accident and if Lulu dies then Suzaku is gonna forgive him.
As for C.C. because of her presence in the show I don’t think Lulu is gonna die (she is the immortal witch that makes sure he doesnt die remember?) so she’s gonna protect him.
As for Rolo, (yes I’m gonna cycle through a bunch of characters) Lelouch is gonna kill him eventually.
As for Ougi and Viletta, I’ve always been mildly interested in their relationship but I think that Ougi is gonna be lynched from within the organization since Sayoko and Diethard don’t trust him.
As for the emperor, I think some unforeseen good side of his will start to crop up later on in the series, but of course he’s gonan die in the end.
As for Kallen, she’s gonna get rescued in episode 17 (I’m sure of it)and shes gonna receive the upgraded Guren.
As for Lelouch, it goes without saying that CG is gonan start getting a more sinister undertone after this, since lulu is officially bonkers with hate.
Well thats all…but I am rooting for some KallenxLelouch in the very end.
lols, hilarious post :D
I think Kallen will end up getting brainwashed and then Lulu will be used as bait … but I wonder, if Suzaku asks for CC in exchange for Kallen, what would Lulu do?
“ “Suzaku- “Screw the rules, I HAVE MONEY.â€
Kallen- “…what?â€
Suzaku- “I mean refrain.†â€
“This week’s Naruto”
I’m not afraid to say I lol’d at these.
“My theory on the end of Suzaku is… it’s either him or Lulu, if Suzaku dies then Lelouch is gonna tell him why he killed Euphemia and how it was an accident and if Lulu dies then Suzaku is gonna forgive him.”
The fact that Suzaku’s moved to drugging (and raeping!?) a pretty much defenseless girl at this point leads me to the conclusion they’re building him up to be a properly ‘evil’ character as opposed to someone who you thought was misguided.
“As for Rolo, (yes I’m gonna cycle through a bunch of characters) Lelouch is gonna kill him eventually.”
Preferably sooner rather than later. Goddamn, Cornelia couldn’t have waited like 5 seconds for Lelouch to press the bomb trigger? =/
“All CG girls should do away with weird hairdos and go straight”
I dunno, if you’re into a bit of lolicon Kaguya’s and Anya’s hair work well.
“I think Kallen will end up getting brainwashed and then Lulu will be used as bait … but I wonder, if Suzaku asks for CC in exchange for Kallen, what would Lulu do?”
Likely a bait and switch. Be all “…FINE, I’ll give you CC.” then when they’re about to make the trade he’s all “PSYCH!” and takes Kallen back by force. And of course, since Brittania is universally full of retarded tacticians except for the Emperor(possibly?) and a single prince, no one will see this coming…again.
The CCxMarianne thing – does it mean Marianne had a Geass? Just thinking loud.
And I still think it was stupid to kill the scientists, they could have been easily seduced to work with the Black Knights, since they seemed to trust CC a lot. Whatever.
I actually liked this episode. I didn’t say anything to the contrary if you read my post carefully.
Anyway, the Temple has thus far been portrayed as some kind of evil plan, but one of the things that this episode did is to humanize the organization and the people involved, and in doing so question Lelouch’s self-righteous quest to exterminate Geass.
That was the point of my Holocaust comparison. It doesn’t matter if the Temple is actually “evil” because the Black Knight foot soldiers know nothing about Geass. Therefore their justifying the apparent massacre of children is simply based on the fact that their supreme god-like leader, Zero, tells them that it’s the right thing to do.
It doesn’t matter if the massacre is actually justified from an overall perspective, since those are not the same justifications used by the people who actually carry out the executions. In that sense, a Nazi infantryman and a Black Knight pilot are pretty much acting under the same kind of mentality, even if Hitler and Zero may have different reasons for their decisions.
In any case, I think Lelouch’s decision will ultimately turn out to be a mistake, based on the fact that story chose to humanize the inhabitants of the Temple, suggesting than the purpose of Geass research may be more benign than purely world domination.
“The CCxMarianne thing – does it mean Marianne had a Geass? Just thinking loud.
And I still think it was stupid to kill the scientists, they could have been easily seduced to work with the Black Knights, since they seemed to trust CC a lot. Whatever.”
The C.C. and Marianne thing is likely not that she had Geass (it’s too late in the series) more like C.C. was a friend of hers I don’t know, it’s yet unexplained. As for the scientists, everyone except for Bartley and his men was necessary, as for Bartley dying….I liked him to a degree and was slightly saddened by his death, he was the one most likely to turn to Lulu’s side.
“The fact that Suzaku’s moved to drugging (and raeping!?) a pretty much defenseless girl at this point leads me to the conclusion they’re building him up to be a properly ‘evil’ character as opposed to someone who you thought was misguided.”
Yeah they are grooming Suzaku for evil, but then again who wouldn’t be messed up if the person you loved was murdered (because someone forced her to kill her and then shot because of it, remember he didn’t know it was an accident) and then a good friend of yours is killed (Suicide! I don’t think so!). As for the rape…I don’t think that’ll happen, remember this isn’t cg hentai.
“I think Kallen will end up getting brainwashed and then Lulu will be used as bait … but I wonder, if Suzaku asks for CC in exchange for Kallen, what would Lulu do?”
No, hardly…NO! NOT AT ALL!!!! NO!!!!!!!
Kallen is not going to be used as bait! Nyah, all my money is on he’s going to rescue her in episode 17! So I shall prove you wrong in 3 weeks!
“In all actuality, who thinks Suzaku will die?? Who hopes he will-
Okay, stupid question, EVERYONE WANTS HIM TO, AND HE WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!â€
I don’t want him to die…and here’s a reason (prepare to be mind blown) Suzaku is the main enemy in the series, he has been since episode 2 when he got the Lancelot, if by any chance he dies he’s going to die in episode 25.
“I actually liked this episode. I didn’t say anything to the contrary if you read my post carefully.
Anyway, the Temple has thus far been portrayed as some kind of evil plan, but one of the things that this episode did is to humanize the organization and the people involved, and in doing so question Lelouch’s self-righteous quest to exterminate Geass.
That was the point of my Holocaust comparison. It doesn’t matter if the Temple is actually “evil†because the Black Knight foot soldiers know nothing about Geass. Therefore their justifying the apparent massacre of children is simply based on the fact that their supreme god-like leader, Zero, tells them that it’s the right thing to do.
It doesn’t matter if the massacre is actually justified from an overall perspective, since those are not the same justifications used by the people who actually carry out the executions. In that sense, a Nazi infantryman and a Black Knight pilot are pretty much acting under the same kind of mentality, even if Hitler and Zero may have different reasons for their decisions.
In any case, I think Lelouch’s decision will ultimately turn out to be a mistake, based on the fact that story chose to humanize the inhabitants of the Temple, suggesting than the purpose of Geass research may be more benign than purely world domination.”
Masterfully said, as usual. I knew you didn’t say you didn’t like it, I, for one also enjoyed it, much better than episode 10 tyvm….don’t really have much else to say, I gotta say you’re one of the few people who can explain things so throughly I can’t think of a way to counter them…
Holy mother of “religious figure deleted”, this is my longest comment on this site yet! Though half of it is quotes…
“(because someone forced her to kill her and then shot because of it, remember he didn’t know it was an accident)”
I gotta pay more attention to small details in my typing, what that sentence is supposed to be is this.
“(because someone forced her to kill all Japanese and then got shot by the guy who ordered her to do it in the first place, remember he didn’t know it was an accident)”
“The CCxMarianne thing – does it mean Marianne had a Geass? Just thinking loud.”
Most likely not