“Why don’t you love me? ;_;”
Wow, I don’t know what to say. This episode is like watching two bullet trains collide head on, burst into a huge flaming ball of destruction, and the “survivors crawling out of the wreckage with third-degree burns. Okay, so that was a lousy analogy made in poor taste, especially since none of us has seen that happen before, but my point is that it’s a train wreck. It’s like a roller coaster ride: it’s exciting, it makes you sick, and you don’t mind going on another.
Rollo admits that he did it in the first minute of the episode, thus putting an end to any conspiracy theories about the incident. In an alternate universe, Lelouch would’ve been an Oscar-winning actor instead of a supervillain with an outrageous fashion sense. I wonder if Hollywood exists.
“Good job Rollo. Good job…”
Instead of taking responsibility and reflect on his past actions which led up to this tragic moment, Lelouch blames everything on the existence of Geass. He discards his previous plans and, with the help of Jeremiah, launches an all-out attack on the Temple in a bid to erase all traces of Geass. Except, of course, his own.
The state of modern animation: untextured 3DSM primitives
Apparently the Temple is full of women, old people and little children, so the attack looks more like a massacre than a battle. Despite some initial reservations, the Black Knight pilots carry out their orders anyway, because, you know, those children may just be terrorists in disguise! This is how the Holocaust happened, folks. (See: the Milgram experiment.)
Attaching the gun to the arm: makes more sense than giant handheld rifles
The researchers working at the Temple look quite happy to see C.C. again, right up to the point when they get blown up. From what I gather, C.C. used to be their boss and the BFF of Marianne, Lelouch’s mother, but those of you who scour the Internet for spoilers and rumours probably already know that. Judging by V.V.’s words, it seems like Marianne was quite involved with this whole Geass business, so her assassination was probably related.
C.C. back when she was young(er)
So anyway a fight breaks out between Lelouch and V.V., with Cornelia joining the fray on Lelouch’s side, which is certainly somewhat ironic considering that everything she is doing is supposed to help her avenge Euphie’s death, and Lelouch is at least partially, if not mostly, to be blamed for it.
They didn’t want to pay for another mecha design
Meanwhile, Suzaku believes that Lelouch is responsible for Shirley’s death and decides that it is the last straw: he’s going to rape Kallen and force her to confess under the influence of Refrain. Okay, so only half of that is true. Poor Kallen in any case. :(
Wait… Isn’t it too early for the climax?
The episode ends with a bit of a sci-fi “Luke, I am your father!” moment.
My brain blew up during this episode.
Kallen with her hair down <3
I want to say that it’s an awesome episode, but that’s not exactly true. It certainly is thrilling, but I am somewhat disturbed by the whole thing, especially since I don’t know which character I should empathize with now. Lelouch has clearly jumped the shark and gone bonkers due to the events in episode 13, Suzaku is still a self-righteous bastard, and Kallen is currently incapacitated and will soon undergo intense brainwashing.
I guess that leaves C.C. relatively untouched. Speaking of which, C.C. used to live in the Temple, right? Does Pizza Hut make deliveries to secret military underground research facilities?
“Hi, is this Pizza Hut? Please make a delivery to the United States of Japan.”
And considering that we’re only 14 episodes into the season, the story feels oddly close to end game, which by mecha-anime logic means that some kind of force-balancing reset must take place soon. My guess is that Lelouch will get his memories wiped again and a brainwashed Kallen will be sent undercover to capture C.C. by seducing Lelouch and using him as bait. It makes no sense but it will be awesome.
Guess who?
Greek/Roman ruins are everywhere in America
“Don’t worry Rollo, it won’t hurt…much”
Get a hair cut you hippie
Just so you know she’s gone for good
Surprise sex
This week’s Naruto
The Temple is seriously badly-lit for a research facility
No longer an important character
What the hell is that suit?
Why are the two of them eating apples in a hotel room with a double bed?
Why is she so cool?
Geass suffers from severe inflation
Lelouch’s mother O_O
How convenient
All CG girls should do away with weird hairdos and go straight
The cockpit is blown off but somehow the rest of it still works
Hmmm, maybe I’ll start rooting for Cornelia instead.
I have to admit…
Perhaps Marianne had the same geass as Lelouch, which when it came down to it. Someone with links to ALL who control a nation easily, wouldn’t that Geass be the most effective of them all?
Suzaku has good reason to think that Lelouch is involved. He know Lelouch was in that area at the time of the incident. He also know about the Geass that Lelouch has. He also know that Lelouch killed Euphy. In Suzaku’s view, Lelouch in Zero role is someone that can kill a friend,
For this case, I don’t think Suzaku as evil but more of someone who want to find out about the cause of the death of a good friend and maybe avenge her. He is going to use the drug because that is a better option than the alternative like torture.
“As for the rape…I don’t think that’ll happen, remember this isn’t cg hentai.”
In the origins of theatre in Greece, action or death scenes were never shown on stage. They always occured off stage, and they then had the chorus or a ‘messenger’ character come in and tell everyone how it went down. Carry that forward to now and we get censorship obviously. There could be a raping, or an implied rape, but it won’t be on screen. Suzaku’s probably not had any since Euphy, if he slept with her at all. Man’s got urges :P Besides, we can be sure that someone, somewhere will draw a little hentai of that scene -_-; Rules 34+35 of the internet my friend.
And something I forgot to note, Shinkirou/DM’s capabilities were somewhat expanded upon. Hadron…balls from the hands and it can fire the laser repeatedly, though probably not the crystal.
“Perhaps Marianne had the same geass as Lelouch, which when it came down to it.”
Do we have any proof for that? She was a ‘nice person’, an Empress, an expert pilot and apparently Lelouch learnt his poses from her (see DM’s screencap). But there’s no proof she had a geass of her own, as far as I know.
“For this case, I don’t think Suzaku as evil but more of someone who want to find out about the cause of the death of a good friend and maybe avenge her. He is going to use the drug because that is a better option than the alternative like torture.”
There are other ways to get information besides torture and drugs.
I think i would root for Kallen and Cornelia both.
With Lelouch being shown as more irrational and inhumane in this episode, it seems like the veil of justice has fallen (at least for us viewers). Somehow I have a feeling this is gonna end with a “Fallen / Misguided Hero” ending, as all we’ve seen are the wrongdoings of both the Black Knights and the Britannian Government.
Maybe Mariann and C.C were against the pact V.V and Charles made to destroy the gods (who/whatever that might be). That would make Charles ‘Everyone is a liar’ comment more understandable, but I still wonder what goal is he aiming for.
I’m expecting something more darker coming from C.C. The Temple has been this home for many GEASS users and researchers. She probably seen some bigger picture.. or at least something big to make her kill her past colleagues. That could also mean she had a clear insight of her future when she made a pact with Lelouch in CG R1.
For the best of this anime, ROLO MUST DIE! He’ll kill off the rest of the characters…
“In the origins of theatre in Greece, action or death scenes were never shown on stage. They always occured off stage, and they then had the chorus or a ‘messenger’ character come in and tell everyone how it went down. Carry that forward to now and we get censorship obviously. There could be a raping, or an implied rape, but it won’t be on screen. Suzaku’s probably not had any since Euphy, if he slept with her at all. Man’s got urges :P Besides, we can be sure that someone, somewhere will draw a little hentai of that scene -_-; Rules 34+35 of the internet my friend.”
Eh? True I guess, never did much research on Ancient Greek theatre but I’ll take your word for it. In either case the only possibility of an implied rape is if she starts crying when she next see’s Lelouch (and I’m serious if she does that when he resuces her I am totally gonna call it). As for men having urges…wait how the hell did I start talking about implied rape and Suzaku’s sex life on a cg blog?
Two choises in the Lulu will die or will live without his left eye. Why? Becous i think thet geass wont make to the end of sesone. Geass must desepier. CC i think wiil also die or bekome a normal human (dont foget thet immortal can also die(till exemple in the fire))
Another question which came up this episode: Who are the “gods” V2 and Charles are referring to – or is it just to make it more dramatic? Most things which jump to my mind point to the latter, but maybe I am overseeing things that were “hinted at” (Yeah, Sunrise subtlety. Sure thing.) in previous episodes.
And I don’t think there will be rape, even if just implied, in Code Geass in the nearer future. It just doesn’t fit the concept at all.
Maybe Suzaku merely bluffs with the Refrain and his (dumb-looking) “pokerface”. Maybe he isn’t corrupted yet. Maybe there still is hope. Maybe Kallen joins him to show Lulu his own faults, that he is no better than Britannia (And currently, his behavior resembles the Emperor’s a lot, I think)
“I’m expecting something more darker coming from C.C. The Temple has been this home for many GEASS users and researchers. She probably seen some bigger picture.. or at least something big to make her kill her past colleagues. That could also mean she had a clear insight of her future when she made a pact with Lelouch in CG R1.”
There is a possibility that her wish in her contract with Lelouch is the eliminate the source of Geass. She did say something like “Maybe this is what Lelouch and I …….”, the sentence was not continued.
“Kallen is currently incapacitated and will soon undergo intense brainwashing.”
There is something blur about this. As far as we know, drug distributions have been controlled tightly. So, the only drug existent in the series is Refrain and even Refrain do not brainwash. It does something more like making someone become a psycho and hallucinate.
If it is about the Emperor’s Geass, I doubt that he will waste time and effort with someone so insignificant to him. He rather do something else with Lelouch like what he just did.:)
ep14 so far.. made me think a lot of possibilities since the 2nd OP..
1st – the new wings of Kallen’s Guren and Lancelot might mean that those were made by Rakshata. (basis was the Glide Wings seen in EP 06, though they differ in the number of “feathers”Lancelot having 3 while Guren have 4 of each wing)
2nd – in the new OP, knightmare frames were shown, 1st was Shinkiro(Zero), then Shenhu(Xingke), then a new Tristan (new coz the horns on its head were colored red, and its float system was different than before, it was same as Rakshata’s Glide Wings, weapons became dual swords), then Akatsuki(Chiba Nagisa?[the girl with Todoh), then Zangetsu(Todoh), then Mordred(Anya), lastly Vincent(Rolo). My point here is.. the upgraded version of Tristan might mean that it was either captured(wrecked>found by BKs>remodeled by Rakshata) or Gino joined Zero’s side and have Tristan remodeled.
3rd – since Lelouch was brought to the Sword of Akasha, it may mean that Lelouch might be brainwashed yet again by Emperor Charles.
4th – combining the 1st and 2nd it may “also” mean, Gino, Anya, Suzaku joined the BK.
5th – contradicting on the possibility that gino, anya, suzaku joining BK. Lloyd might had copy the float system of the captured Guren. (though that won’t explain why at the new OP Guren and Lancelot having similar “new” Float System)
6th – as one stated the possibility of Kallen being brainwashed and thus joining Britanian Army, it may mean that Lloyd upgraded the Float System made by Rakshata and thus putting it on Lancelot and Guren.
7th – I think it will have season 3, coz of the fact that there are 12 knights of the Knights of Round. As seen in EP 12, Bismarck (Knight of One, the one-eyed grey haired man) having a talk with Charles. (This made me thought about this) what’s the need of having 12 Knights if only 3 of them have the most screen time, and yet 8 out 12 are named (I believe that they have a more interesting role than just cameo appearances)
just possibilities made inside my head while watching CGR2 halfway through.. ^^
EDIT: wow the random avatar pic matches.. (it looks like thinking)
Guys, try using the <blockquote></blockquote> tags when you want to quote people.
I really should get down to adding a quotation button…
From the intro, the Emperor looks a lot like Van Grants from Tales of the Abyss (same English dub act for both of them too).
It’s sad regardless of who dies, but in Lelouch’s mind this site is the equivalent of a factory that makes weapons of mass destruction (biological!). Plus, seeing how those kids controlled one of the Black Knights so easily, shows they’ve a simplistic idea of morality here.
Bartely dying here was so ironic, seeing how he survived everything else so far.
Jeremiah seems more trustworthy here, perhaps even Cornelia will join Lelouch.
From the intro, it looks like some type of space station/aerial fortress is in the works…perhaps with an amplifier for the Geass (eliminate conflict through removal of free will).
There seems to be some misunderstanding here.
There is no such thing as good people and evil people. Only evil people, but some of them are on different sides.
Suzaku thinks Lulu is responsible?
Wtf. It should be the other way around. He was in charge of taking care of Shirley even though he entrusted it some random officer. Good job, Knight of Seven…
Speaking of which, how did she outrun an officer and into a blockade entrance anyway?
finally shirley is dead now only rolo and v.v. plus the psycho lebian are still annoying me
the episode was alot better then the ones for a while cause they didn’t put in the 20 new people like the whole season as done and they need to kill off more main characters cause its getting to crowded for character growth
but it looks like everything is going up to awesome from here on
also no new mechs so this kicks gundams ass for hell of alot better story this most mech anime
but lelouch should chill he’s become more like the bad guys now but is cool but who am i suppose root for sazaku looked cool until about the fourth episode of first season
“but lelouch should chill he’s become more like the bad guys now but is cool but who am i suppose root for sazaku looked cool until about the fourth episode of first season”
So when Lelouch killed his own allies (the JLF), geassed and then later killed Euphemia (and of course he was responsible for the japanese being slaughtered there), manipulated his soldiers, and abandoned them to die in the last episode of season 1, he wasn’t “more like the bad guys” then?
Lelouch has been an evil character since the start.
Aye aye, sir!
But I still thought it was sad…am I like the only person who thought Bartley dying was sad?! I mean come on!
There won’t be a season three, look back on these comments somewhere and find a link where the writer is saying he finished the story for the final episode.
I still don’t have much of an opinion on what her wish is gonna be but I boubt there is an evil, murderous side to her. Remember in the last episode she kissed Lelouch after their memories were shared and when he said “If your a witch, I will become a warlock.” Of course everyone was going OMG OMG C.C. KISSED HIM! Chances are she just wants someone to care about her after all this time.
Yes, I am much for this idea. I have no clue why they would betray, but I like it just so Suzaku gets pissed off.
Anyways, I skimmed through the episode a second time and here’s some interesting things to note:
– When Siegfried falls out of the sky, who saves Cornelia? Orange-kun? Gilford?
– In the beginning, Charles talks out everyone being a liar. And in the end, he says that V.V. is lying again. Lying about Lelouch is Zero? Lying about lying to Nunally? Or lying to himself?
– Pause at 4:30, and you will see an intricately designed mask. Resembles Jeremiah’s mask, so it probably has the same designer. Now there has to be some reason to show the mask.
– Ohgi and Viletta? Is it truly love? Or is Viletta trying to deceive him once again? And what will Sayoko and Diethard do?
– During the chat between V.V. and Jeremiah, V.V. seems to despise Marianne’s name. Why?
– At the end, Charles proclaims that the time has come for redemption. It seems it will become another mindwipe/brainwash. But we will see.
Yeah, lots of unanswered questions, lots of episodes to go.
Considering Lelouch is afk at the moment, wouldn’t someone be able to find the bomb on the Vincent when it goes in for the repairs it needs?
Seems like the series is setting it up so that eventually everyone is going to say “enough” and just drop out.
Cool. Was wondering how you did that. So many different systems with so many different quote tags ;p
Just went back to double check, it’s Jeremiah.
I was under the impression that it was lying about sending Jeremiah to kill Lelouch. The Eclipse subs I got had charles question about it just before he accused V.V. of lying.
Prediction: Viletta, after hearing Ougi is alive and seeing Jeremiah joining Lelouch, will attempt to join the Black Knights officially. However, Diethard and Sayoko will percieve this as a Britannian threat and will (try to?) kill Villetta or Ougi. All speculation, but possible.
Lelouch is no mechanic. He’s smart, but he’s not engineering smart as far as I can tell. I highly doubt he placed the bomb himself. In all likelihood the person who placed the bomb is also (at least) one person who does maintenance on the Knightmare frames, and therefore under Lelouch’s thumb.
I really hope not. “Complete resets” annoy me. They do so in videogames (Megaman loses every single ability from the last game? -_-) and they do so in anime.
If she really wants to get Lelouch to care about her, kill off Nunally, Kallen and Kaguya and DON’T TELL HIM ONE MINUTE INTO THE NEXT EPISODE. That’s a sure fire way to do it. Nothing says love like murdering off any potential opponents.
The bomb…Lelouch is obviously smart enough to make a mechanic hide the bomb…
I doubt that would happen, the soldiers know that even though Zero is a sadistic, psychopathic maniac killer they also know 2 things.
1) Zero is Zero, he gets results, he knows wtf to do, and howtf to do things.
2) They all know he has compassion, after all he did make them fight the Chinese Federation head on when Kallen got captured, and he apparently “fights for the weak” so…yeah…nobody is just gonna up and leave.
I shall now answer all those questions one at a time.
1) Jeremiah (orange) does, Guilford was never at the battle.
2) It is uncertain but chances are the reason is yet to be explained.
3) Who knows, it is yet to be introduced.
4) Ougi and Viletta…a misunderstood relationship, Ougi for one, loved Chigusa and is probably wanting to meet her, especially after she joined the Black Knights, he want’s to know who she was for real probably. As for Villetta, they’ve been dropping hints that she still held some love towards Ougi for the entire second season. This is obvious when she triple crossed Jeremiah when he went to the school. As for Sayoko and Diethard, they are probably gonna try to assassinate Ougi or something because they might think he’s supplying information to Brittania (after all Villetta is a member of the Brittanian secret intelligence agency, but I think Diethard is gonna give the order since Sayoko knows who Villetta is.
5) Jealous? I dunno, it’s probably a hint as to why Marianne was murdered, and why the emperor didn’t care.
6) No, for the thousandth time NO! V.V. Is gonna take him to the world of C! Read the summary in wikipedia damn it! It says exactly this:
Suzaku thinks Lulu murdered her, it would be different if he though someone else killed her and he thought Lulu was responsible but no he thinks Lulu actually, physically, murdered her. As for the whole his job thing…he’s not exactly the type of person to rationally think things through and put the blame on himself if neccessary (kinda like Lulu). As for why she outran the officer, most officers in America are out of shape (mostly fat) so…I dunno about Japan but it’s probably a reference to how lazy Police Officers are?
IMO I think what Charles pertaining about V.V. lying again is about the death of Marianne. Well its just another possible turn-out. We all know that C.C. and Marianne was close before until now. It might be that the said “Terrorist” were people controlled by one of V.V. underlings who has access with Geass (same as Lelouch). V.V. lying to Charles that he has nothing to do with Marianne’s death.
I was thinking what mask..?! xD you mean the mask in 4:29 that is same with the mask on 0:45. I think since it has something to do with the geass, it might be the ultimate power of the geass? or since in the OP it was shown Lelouch>activates geass>white mask>zero’s mask. I think it would be shown Lelouch wearing it.
well I think he’s angry to Marianne coz he hate’s her for being the emperor’s wife? xD On that note, in 16:14 Marianne was shown riding on the hand of a Ganymade, w/c Marianne was known to be the best pilot of Ganemade that time and was known as “Marianne the Flash” (Ganymade is slow but when Marianne pilot it, it is fast in mobility though it has its limits)
on Side Note, Charles was handsome 20 years before the time line of CGR2.. XD Kallen’s dress given by Nunally was sexy.. (drool) but Sayoko’s Ninja Mode seen in 1:52 of the OP (IMO) is sexier than Kallen’s new dress.
MY Top 5 Most Sexy/Cute CG Girl’s are:
– C.C.
– Sayoko
– Kallen
– Anya
– Cornelia
Nothing to counter, nothing to argue about…without being able to prove my dominance over others linguistically I just can’t seem to find something to do…Civilization IV isn’t what it used to be.
Ah well…I might as well introduce some more theories to occupy about 5 minutes of my time (yay?).
Theory #1?…yeah 1…or was it 10? whatever theory #1/10: Anya and Gino might join the Black Knights over the course of the next few episode (due to their odd areas of appearance in the OP) but I’m not exactly sure how they are going to fit that in, after all next episode is the World of C meaning he’s not even on Earth any more. Then after that (episode after) he establishes his army to fight Brittannia, then after that he goes and attacks Japan…so if they are going to input Anya and Gino into the BK it’s gonna be in either episode 16/17 or some episode further into the future that is yet unforseen.
Theory 2/11: Sayoko or Diethard are gonna investigate into the Ougi and Villetta thing and possibly kill off Ougi.
Theory 3/12: Lelouch is gonna realize what he did to the Geass Directorate in episode 15 while he’s in the world of C, because unless he has a change of heart soon he’s going to become the evil character and thus won’t develop the relationships between him and Kallen and him and C.C.
*Side note:
Why does nobody else think Bartley dying was sad!?!?!
Theory 4/13: Bartley coming back as a cyborg!~ Just kidding. Rolo is gonna find out about the bomb Lelouch planted on the Vincent and wonder why it was there and question Lelouch’s devotion to Rolo.
Theory 5/14: Rivalz and Milly? Chances are…no. The school characters are going to be out of the picture for the next few episodes due to the lack of Lelouch in the school. Duh.
Theory 6/15: Grrr…must rack my brain harder my ideas aren’t coming that fast anymore…Oh, oh I got one!! I GOT ONE!!! Ok listen to this badass theory. The emperor is gonna reveal the true origins about Marianne’s death and then reveal his true good intentions, undermining everything that Lelouch did:, the death of Euphie, the death of Clovis, the death of Shirley, the death of Bartley *sob*, and the possible death of Schniezel near the end. This is also a possible path to a good ending with Lelouch and Kallen/C.C.
Theory 7/16: This is my last one my brain hurts from overusing the perception part of my brain that gives me insight into the future of anime. Kallen is gonna fall in love with Lelouch, (it’s obvious that she hasn’t yet) this portion of the story will only happen if Lelouch is a good guy again. Unless Sunrise uses this as the motivation for Lelouch to become a good person, and either she is going to love Lelouch no matter what (like Shirley did) or she’s gonna die.
Theory 8/17: Ok, ok I know I said that 7/16 was my last one but I came up with another while I was writing 7/16. Suzaku is gonna use the Refrain drug on Kallen and then do one of two things. 1: Realize that it was neccessary to avenge Euphie and Shirley and he seriously damages her with the drug. or 2: Realize how inhumane it was and how he was contradicting his beleif on “the right things done with the wrong methods only bring sadness” and go into shock.
Theory 9/18: I GOT ANOTHER ON KALLEN. My mind wanders so I thought this one up wile I was writing 8/17. Kallen is gonna get killed by Suzaku like in the last episode and he’s gonna see Lelouch holding her and crying while she died. Then Suzaku is going to realize what he did and disappear. I believe this scenario is what most likely will happen (much to the dismay of the Kallen fanboys and the awesome Kallen fangirls).
Theory 10/19: Psyche! There isn’t a theory 10/19!
I laughed at the irony too. :(
Taking into account the commentary remarks by C.C. during the episode intros, I believe that “Lelouch fights an enemy born from his own karma” (Extremely paraphrased) explains what V.V. and Charles refer to as “slaying the Gods that make men struggle”.
I agree with mixed, I believe the Emperor was calling V.V. a liar over the Marianne incident. Perhaps Charles knew that Marianne would survive or would return to life, which is why he had Schneizel retrieve the body.
I think that Charles believes that by oppressing every country under the fist of Britannia, he can mold the world into a world where liars do not exist. It might also be related more to societal concepts such as “equality”, meaning Charles really means what he says and its not a facade to mask some noble intention.
Currently, Charles is the black box character for me, and by far the most intriguing of the cast, followed by Schneizel of course…like father like son.
On a completely different note to those who argued that what Lelouch did in the episode was worse than what Suzaku was about to do to Kallen.
Geass Research Facility: Old people, little kids, Bartley…
Kallen: has boobs…
Even Li Xingke (in a parody CG comic) would agree who to side with.
Therefore, damn you Suzaku.
This is the rest of the story, according to my genius level predictions. Next episode Lelouch will mount Shinkirou, kill Charles. And episodes 16-25 will be epilogue and celebration.
Did anyone notice Lelouch was putting himself at a lot of risk when he revealed his face in the middle of nowhere? Yes the middle of nowhere, not the side of nowhere, nor in between the middle and the side of nowhere.
At the last scene when Lelouch met the Emperor, I was thinking: “And the Charles ending has been unlocked.”
And then there will be cake.
Technically a bunch of the researchers had boobs too. I think the first ‘close up’ shot of researchers getting gunned down was of a bunch of young-ish women.
I liked Charles’ character since his first speech scene where he said that men are not created equal. I <3 that.
Speculation on episode summaries or do you have evidence to back it up? I refuse to go looking because I like to go into episodes blind barring the end-of-previous episode previews, so I wouldn’t know. They might dedicate an episode or half an episode to Anya and Gino at school for all we know :P
Well, she’s not technically a ‘school character’ anymore, but yeah, see above. If they dedicate an episode to the school for Anya and Gino, Rivalz and possibly Milly will participate too.
Grooming the next Emperor? I’d considered it. Would mean Lelouch’s entire existence up to this point would have been manipulated by him. It’d also explain why Charles (might be) annoyed with V.V. for sending Jeremiah to kill Lelouch. Can’t have a dead Emperor.
Preferably suicidal shock.
And finally…
Are you talking about this episode? The only time he revealed his face as far as I could tell was: Rolo at the start, C.C’s communications, V.V’s communications, and at the end when he is forcibly dismounted from the Shinkirou). That’s not really the ‘middle of nowhere’.
>Amnestic, the “box” room he was in collapsed. And his face was in full view of whoever was in that desert place, no?
He was shown to be alone there, barring Rolo and Jeremiah who already know who he is. The other Black Knights had already begun the attack on the cult citadel or were back on their floating island capital. It’s not as if he took off his mask in downtown Tokyo, he’s in the middle of a desert. Lelouch has been known to take some risks for theatric effect anyway, revealing your face in the middle of a desert isn’t *that* risky.
They still didn’t need to kill off Bartley…
So far my sources have been proving to be right. they aren’t leaks or anything, (so far as I know) but they’ve given me an idea of whats gonna happen next so I can mold my theories, but it doesn’t give exact details or cliff hangers, etc. it basicley tells what is gonna happen in the begginning of the episode. So no I haven’t given out any spoilers…yet…
Oooohh, Lulu will be pissed, but it makes sense. The emperor may just be the type of person to manipulate someones entire life for his own purpose, from Nunally getting injured to sending them to Japan to EVEN getting Geass and meeting with C.C. and forming the Black Knights, who knows he might’ve puppeteered it all!
Egad, a school episode. I don’t think I can handle another, they are funny and all but I prefer suspence and drama (with a little bit of fanservice) over light hearted comedy. I only liked the school episodes before because they gave a chance for Lulu to develope his relationships with Shirley and Kallen. WELL GUESS WHAT! Shirleys dead and Kallen is a drugged POW!
He’s basically the perfect villain. A mysterious, Social Darwinist that manipulates peoples lives and can erase and implant memories.
*Side note: There is a difference between my thories and knowledge. My theories are melded off the very short episode summaries that I have from next episode to episode 17. That doesn’t mean they will actually happen, but as for the World of C, the United Nations of 47 countries to fight against Brittania and the attac on Japan in episode 17 is all true. But they ain’t spoilers.
Here are two brief silly theories that I have cooked up just half an hour ago since I feel like commenting right now: >:3
1. Marianna was directly involved with geass and incurred the wrath of V.V.(the insane shota character who maintained his calm facade throughout the entire battle until Orange-kun mentioned Marianna. Yes, that one). V.V. ordered the assassination of Marianna(perhaps for the same reason why Rolo killed Shirley when she uttered Nunnally’s name) and erased all evidences with the power of geass. In fear of the safety of Marianna’s children, Charles sent Lelouch and Nunnally to Japan using diplomatic hostage as an excuse. When war was brought upon Japan, Charles ensured that Lelouch and Nunnally survived the war, hampered all Britannian search efforts and arranged the Ashfords to go to Japan so that Marianna’s children can live in peace and be liberated from political struggles as his last favor to his dead lover.
2. Evangelion level mind crush – Some (if not all) of Lelouch’s childhood memories are fake. The reason that he failed to recognize Jeremiah and Anya is the due to that all of his memories have been tampered with by the Emperor’s geass. A lot of us have questioned ourselves just what is the purpose of creating a Geass Canceler and then place its wielder right next to Lelouch’s side unless it is plot relevant. Well, here is the punch line. Also, Anya was directly involved with Lelouch’s family and Marianna’s assassination. Her memories were likewise erased. According to the latest novels of “The Knight of Rounds” (which is canon) and official information, Anya’s past is surrounded in mystery. Her cellphone contains pictures of Ganymede, among other things, while she has no recollection of ever taking those pictures. Perhaps the reason why Anya has such a huge obsession with her cellphone is because she doesn’t want to lose her memories ever again.
Also, I *think* that I know why Charles has so many offspring. In order to rally the support of the noble families and succeed the throne, he made a deal number of engagement promises to the nobles. After all, parents think after their children. In order to raise the social status of their children and themselves from mere nobility to royalty, the nobles families gave their support to Charles and made him the Emperor (perhaps with a little help from geass as well). Thus, all of his marriages are due to political reasoning, not romance…except for one – Charles’ love affair with the commoner who goes by the name of Marianna.
My friend, you…are a bloody genius. I never even dared to think of such things. I beleive you may have explained the whole plot…oh wait now there isn’t anything to look forward to? DAMN YOU!
But seriously, those are some pretty good theories.
I’ve put a little more thought into this, since it’s way too late to edit my last comment…well here I go.
A good theory overall, you have a nice process of thinking but there’s a few flaws. Charles constantly tests his children to see who would be most proper for the throne. Taking into account he has a memory erasing geass and working with the theory he didn’t modify their memories here’s what I think happened.
It’s entirely possible to me that V.V. killed Marianne out of jealousy, after all he was rather attached to Charles, but if Charles really loved Marianne (and working with the theory Lelouch resembles his father, V.V. said that) wouldn’t you think he would act the same way, more or less? It seems like he doesn’t hold any anger towards V.V. As for sending Lulu and Nunally to Japan, Lelouch did that himself. Lelouch made it so he himself renounced his title, also they lost contact with Lelouch and Nanally and they were presumed dead. Last favours to Marianne didn’t seem like an incredibly Charles thing to do.
This form of modification of people’s memories seems a more proper plot element than your first theory. After all, Lelouch is a genius so chances are his memory is rather top-notch as well so, that in context, it makes sense to assume the emperor changed his memories to make him not remember Anya and Jeremiah. HOWEVER, C.C. has the power to restore his memories, so when he made him regain his memories in season 2, wouldn’t you think his father’s first geass on him (if there was one) would be removed? I think so. As for Anya, who knows how she is related to Marianne. It makes more sense for him to have used his Geass on Anya. The canon novels of the Knights of Rounds is official enough, as well as C.C.’s reaction to Anya AND when Anya cried when she got in the Ganymede suggests there is more to her than meets the eye…I think that if she does join Lelouch, the reason is because she gets her memories back. To me it makes sense plot-wise.
The political reasoning makes sense. However the emperor succeeded the throne because of his hereditary status, also if you say he used his geass to ascend it would go against his belief that the world is full of liars (he’d be a liar). The reason he has so many children is because he wants the perfect person to ascend to the throne. He urges his children to prove their worth. So far it seems Charles preferred Cornelia, Schniezel and Lelouch, and now that Lelouch’s identity is known to Charles it seems to me that he is gonna test Lelouch to see if he can carry out his plans to destroy Britannia. As for his “lover”, it’s possible he loved Marianne but so far it’s only evident he married her because of her abilities with the Ganymede. Besides what man doesn’t want another wife.
In conclusion, I believe that Charles is in fact manipulating his children because he wants the strongest to take the throne…apparently he believed Lelouch was a prime candidate which explains why he got so angry when Lulu told him that he renounced his title, as well as when he said Nunnally was weak. However I doubt he used his geass on anyone other than Anya when it comes to Marianne. Perhaps Anya is related to Marriane? It explains the reaction C.C. had since we all know now that C.C. was tied in with Marianne. Also, during the time in between seasons, when she was Nunally’s knight she knew her way around Marriane’s estate perfectly, and she cried in the Ganymede. Her character will most likely be further explored over the next 11 episodes. Also I think maybe Lelouch is gonna find out about her in episode 15, My belief is that the “World of C” is inside C.C.’s mind since in the picture of the next episode it shows a hall with many pictures (or memories in my belief) and it shows Lelouch standing by C.C. That in account if Anya is related to Marianne and C.C. is too, he might figure out her relation in the next episode. It’s a perfect plot development in my eyes.
I await your responses to what I wrote. I believe this is perhaps some of the best material I’ve ever produced related to Code Geass.
Now you made it sound as if the Emperor is such a good guy….
Also, do you all think that there is a possibility that the next episode which is “The World of C” is a recap episode?
There has not been a recap episode in Code Geass R2, as for the tradition of Sunrise that has recap episodes for their anime.
If it’s a recap episode I will be pissed. Personally I was hoping it would shed more light on the many unanswered questions of this series. However it is the wrong time for a recap episode, after all, all the other recaps were .5 episodes. Another reason it isn’t a recap is because it’s the perfect scenario if my theory that “The World of C” is actually inside C.C.’s mind. For more information read my above comment, and PLEASE try to deny and obliterate my comments I love it when people try to disprove me (although it must be original and well thought out for me to truly accept and enjoy it).
I’m almost (99%) positive that it’s C.C’s memories. Top right picture in the episode preview is of the WW1 soldier shooting her, and from the angle it’s fair to say it’s C.C’s perspective.
“Charles di Britannia (シャルル・ジ・ブリタニア, Sharuru ji Buritania?) is Lelouch’s father and the 98th Emperor of the Britannian Empire.”
/wiki. He, or rather his family, ascended the throne generations ago, and as we’ve seen with the relationship between Charles and Schneizel, the ‘strongest’ child gets to become the next Emperor.
I hope not. Recap episodes piss me off. I generally skip them. I think(read: I hope) it’s more going to be a flashback episode, but the flashback’s primarily of things we haven’t seen before, so it’s still something new.
And in the Emperor’s eyes he probably is a good guy, after all if I follow my train of thoughts, everything he’s done is just so his empire and his legacy will have a smart, powerful ruler to succeed him (Lelouch or Schneizel).
Not seen/heard of this before, but I am intrigued. Don’t suppose it’s released in merry old England, is it? As far as anime/manga releases go we’re a bit of a backwater country -_-
Haha that was quick Amnestic. C’mon your one of the few people that seems to think at the same level as me, investigate and counter my theories!
So we agree. Damn.
I also agree…damn. Also the flashbakcs thing corresponds to my idea of what the episode will contain. So chances are high it will happen.
Holy mother of (religous entity relieved due to poor work ethic). We seem to be thinking the same…this is getting annoying…come on counter my beliefs, make me think!
Oh it’s offical enough, they provide a litle bit of side story and apparently it’s deemed as “real” according to the CG people.
One last chance. Keep this blog going and create a powerful arguement transcending time and space and causing the almighty power of the mind to be used!
Well I have a little time left before I have to go make sweet sweet love to a team of swedish models (disclaimer: may not be true), so I may as well. Problem is I generally agree with your latest batch of crazy theories.
I dunno. He bothered to send the second prince, Schneizel (highlighting second prince to make it seem more important) to collect the body himself, not to mention having the *wiki’s…* second princess on (dismissed for the day) guard detail. I’m not sure about Charles’ other wives/lovers because they never get mentioned, but Marianne was referred to as Empress which leads us to think she’s quite important. Even Charles, the prime social darwinist, has some heart in him. Having Schneizel pick up the body himself as opposed to just having mindless grunts #1 and #2 pick it up shows that he cares. I think a few last favours may have been done out of respect/care/love. Lelouch’s move to Japan probably wasn’t one of them, but special care/training/whatever for Anya (leading her to be a Knight of Round eventually) may be a possibility. If we take it to be an assumption that V.V. killed Marianne out of jealousy, then obviously it shows that Charles did care for her enough to ignore his Social Darwinist views on the rest of the world. After all, if she was just another lover for political gain, then V.V. would have no reason to kill her.
We have no idea how Charles’ geass really works. Can it be used more than once? Did/does C.C’s memory reversal remove the effect of the geass and revert it like the Geass converter, allowing for it to be used again? C.C’s memory reversal may only work on the most recent case of Geass used against him, which would only revert the most recent memory wipe. We can’t make any assumptions about what C.C’s or Charles powers on memory are, because thus far we simply haven’t had it explained to us. We need to wait for the flashback of Charles at 18 sitting in his school testing geass on the other pupils to work out it’s abilities and restrictions :P After all, if C.C. can remove Geass effects on people, why wouldn’t she remove it from others so Lelouch could use it again? It probably doesn’t require a kiss, that seems more like a thing between Lelouch and C.C, a touch would likely suffice. She remarks during one of the school episodes that Lelouch needs to be “more careful” when using his geass on people. If she could remove the effects with a touch (or kiss!) then there’d be no real need for that warning.
I’d disagree with this. Lelouch was just a kid when the shooting occured, ten years old apparently. I know I remember, at 18, very little from that age. Literally just flashes and pictures. Anya would have been 7-9 at that point, at that age if Anya was connected to Lelouch’s immediate family, she’d likely be closer to Nunnally than Lelouch. I don’t mean to rain on Lelouch’s siscon (much), but he probably wasn’t that close to Nunnally before the shooting either. Oh, they probably got on well enough and cared about each other, but I highly doubt they were close to the extent they were at the start of R1. Anya probably had very little contact with Lelouch, it’d make sense if he didn’t remember her. Likewise Jeremiah would just be another security guard, he had no reason to remember the face/name and commit it to memory. I dont think there was a geass on Lelouch to forget the memory of Anya and Jeremiah, for one thing, why would Charles do that? What purpose would it serve at that point in time?
Possibly, I’d like to think the Charles x Marianne thing was more than just her abilities with a Knightmare. The scene at the lake with Marianne, Charles, V.V. and C.C. shows that she was at least more than just a lover for her piloting abilities in my eyes.
But again, at that time what purpose would it serve to geass her? She was less than ten years old at the time, he had no idea how she would turn out in her teenage/adult life. Geassing the memories of Marianne away seems…I dunno, a bit tenuous. It’s possible he did it just because he likes using geass, but I dunno, until I see evidence for it I think the only reason Anya doesn’t remember is that many people forget their younger years. The fact that she cried in the Ganymede (which episode was this? I don’t remember that, but I’ll take your word for it) means that she remembers something of Marianne, again, if only flashes. Charles’ geass would erase/block out all of that, so it leads me to believe he didn’t geass her, just that she was a young kid and has grown up and lost some memories along the way.
*sigh* well that was half an hour’s worth of typing. Probably not much disagreement but as I said, I generally agree with you =/ Also, book shops need to stock more (read: any at all) Code Geass manga.
You provided enough suff for me to work on so here I go.
That it does…(thinks) I don’t really have much info to work with about Schniezel and the relationship between Marianne and Charles so I don’t have much to say on this. Having Schniezel pick up the body may mean Schniezel knew something about the murder (something also shown in the anime), but he knows nothing about Geass or V.V. (this was also shown in the anime). How could Charles justify to Schniezel that she needed to go? He most likely can’t. Which would lead me to believe that Schniezel didn’t have much influence in the murder, he probably thought it was a terrorist incident. Marianne making the gaurds leave meant she knew the attack was coming and that she didn’t want anyone else to get hurt (Nunnally’s injuries were most likely an accident. Of course you should know all this by know, I’m just clarifying. This is one of the main questions in the series so chances are the answer will not be expected or easy to find, so I end my investigation here due to lack of evidence. As for Charles loving Marianne, it will be explained later.
Very true. Hard to argue with but I found a few things to work with. It’s true we don’t know how Charles’ geass works so I’ll dismiss that as unexplained. As for C.C.’s powers they are also yet unexplained but some hints have been dropped. For one thing, she seems to have a connection with Marianne as well as people related to Marianne. That being said she may only be able to counter Charles’ Geass on people like Lelouch because of the connection with Marianne. I concede the point of the “first” geass Charles possibly used because we don’t know the extent of his power. But I deny you the right to say she can’t undo geass’s affect on Lelouch merely because she can’t do the same to others. Lelouch is related to Marianne, Marianne is special. Case closed.
I would like to believe there was more to them and that there is a softer side to Charles as well. It would make a good plot twist, but we need to more information to continue most of these arguements, it’s hard to pinpoint faults in statements withou the proper info.
I’ll give you this arguement, my statement about Lelouch having a good memory was a bit unfounded (probably because I have an incredible memory). I assumed he had a good memory.
Now this is something I have enough info to counter. True, Anya was less than 10 years old but she definetly didn’t not tie in with Lelouch and Marianne. She obviously encountered Lelouch often, she knew her way around his house, she cried in the Ganymede and she had a picture of Lelouch in her phone. Also, she had multiple pictures she didn’t remember taking and your memory arguement isn’t gonna help you here because that wouldn’t tie in to the plot, CG wouldn’t even mention it if they thought that people would think she would just forget over the years, no there is something deeper. As for the whole crying in the Ganymede, I took that off wikipedia and was under the assumption it was in the canon novels about the Knights of Rounds, (I wish it was in the anime, she woulda looked so cute). Also, she didn’t remember in flashes, she only remembered in flashes when she came into contact with C.C. (also supporting my previous theory about C.C. only being able to use her power on those related to Marianne). But in the Ganymede she suddenly broke down and cried, for no reason. A person remembering their early years would remember some important stuff and I’m sure being in contact with Lulu and Marianne was important, why wouldn’t she remember at least a little of it, she doesn’t remember *anything*.
Hopefully you can counter some of that, please try not to agree, it makes writing this stuff so hard.
Alas, I don’t have time to reply in counter at the moment. Just a few things I noted in a quick rewatch of the episode before I go out, and was wondering what your thoughts/input was on them.
01:17. Giant tower with a float system attached, along with what appears to be a ‘ring’ at the top. Possibly a new space station?
01:32. Old point perhaps, but why would they refit the Tristan with a new look and equipment if they weren’t going to refit the Mordred, assuming both Gino and Anya go over to the Black Knights? I can’t really tell, but I’m fairly sure the Mordred is identical to the one we’ve seen from the start. Seems odd to refit one but not the other.
04:21. What the hell is on Cornelia’s stomach? They doesn’t look like an arm (going by the appearance of her right arm) and I don’t think she had any sort of pouch. I dunno, it just looks really weird to me.
04:49. How often do Knights of Rounds attend funerals, that they have a special black cloak for it? :s Minor point, but seriously, you’d think they’d get out of uniform for a bloody funeral.
Jump to 19:55-20:00. “All the evidence…and the testimonies say Lelouch is innocent. But my hear has always believed Lelouch is the suspect.” And then the subsequent drugging. I know Suzaku is a Knight of Rounds and therefore has a fairly large authority, but they’d have security cameras in that room. It doesn’t look like her normal cell, more made set up for the conversation with Nunnally, but there’d still be monitoring equipment. He *can’t* get away with that without someone saying “Hang on, I think this is bordering on illegal treatment of POWs.”
And finally before I bid adieu, do we have any idea(even just a rough one)of what C.C’s goal is yet?
I’ll be back to write a counter later. Muse on that for me.
Oh my (religious entity removed because apparently he doesn’t deserve to be in my comment)!! Thank you Amnestic I have some questions to answer, after this I’m going to bed as well, might watch episode 14 again.
Totally unknown, my sources from hell and beyond have given me nothing on the origin or purpose of this station, my rational guess is it’s gonna be one of the final staging areas. However it does look ominously important.
Maybe it isn’t the Tristan? Or maybe it’s a different pilot? I asked myself the same question but my sources from hell tell me it’s an upgraded Tristan and the pilot is in fact Gino. We have yet to know. As for the Mordred, assuming the other knightmare isn’t the Tristan there is little reason that it should be upgraded.
Agreed, it looks like she’s a bit pudgy…hmm…maybe she’s pregant? Who knows. It might just be lazy animation.
Well, technically it is a mourning uniform. U.S. soldiers wear stuff like that at funerals, where it looks like a normal uniform but actually it’s darker colored.
Who said it was illegal? According to darkmirage in his summary of episode…10 was it? The Geneva convent never happened. So chances are he’s perfectly allowed to do that, besides it’s a terrorist, who cares about terrorists, despite their incredible looks and stuff (I still believe if she cries when she is rescued by Lelouch, she’s been raped).
I have a rough idea. In episode 25 when Lelouch read her memories and told her “If you were a witch, then I will become a warlock” and she looked at him in surprise, then later kissed him after declaring she was worried, maybe she wants someone to care about her, after all she has lived a long time…maybe her connection with Marianne has to do with this. Also if you read Marianne’s side of their conversation, it seems like Marianne thinks (and jokes) that C.C. is love with Lelouch.
Thanks for the stuff to do…I await your criticisms of my previous post!
You couldnt be off more. Marianne wanted to get Lelouch and Nunnaly out of there for certain other reasons but got assassinated before she could do it. Thats all i can write without spoiling but according to my source most of what you wrote is wrong :F
Now thats just a very thin theorie on my part and chances are small but maybe she might not remember because she wasnt Anya back then?
If Lelouchs memories arent still altered he should know her but he doesnt.. now we know that the Emperor does some kinky things with those royal corpses and that he and C.C. are able to talk to dead people(Marianne talking to C.C. frequently and Charles stated to someone that he just had a chat with Clovis in one episode of S1).
Now add the fact that Euphie played alot with Lulu and Nunnally in the royal garden(where anya’s vision and the photo are from)when they were kids and Anya looks more and more like a young version of Euphie to me :S
P.S. I wonder if we get to see Mao in the next episode :D (remember what she said to Mao when she shot him ^^)
*Laughs hysterically* You can do better than that…come on, if you really want to deny what I say you need to start spouting some proof. I’ll be all the happier if someone can prove me wrong (it’s a thrill, similar to cocaine) but when you pull a 3-sentencer on me, it just doesn’t do the trick.
I am…still unimpressed with you, however it will get me something to do. It is possible she wasn’t Anya back then, assuming her memories are altered she could be anyone, also who’s to say Lelouch’s memories aren’t altered. If Anya’s true memories are gone, why wouldn’t he also get rid of the memories of her that others had? Thats what they did with the student council with Nunally…as for Anya being a reincarnated version of Euphie…wtf? Anya acts nothing like Euphie, Anya exectured someone (episode 8) like it was no big deal, Euphie would never do that. Get your facts straight. If she was a reincarnation of anyone she’d be someone close to Marianne (explains why she cried in the Ganymede), but I highly doubt reincarnation is a factor. As for people talking to the dead, the reason that happens is yet unknown to us. Unless you can pull a reason out your ass, I’m leaving that to unexplained.
I don’t. Reintroducing Mao into the series just wouldn’t work. If you were such a hardcore thinker you’d realize this.
Ahem. I meant to say “Anya executed someone” not Anya exectured someone.
other than that what im worried is whether nunnally will be alive in the next 6 episodes
Eh? Why’d you post this twice? Whatever…I’m going to bed, sorry for the useless comment.
Edit: Was his post deleted? Geez, that was just like five seconds.
Nah they won’t kill off Nunnally…if they did Lelouch would be officially in the “insane” zone.
Sorry. Just upgraded to WordPress 2.6. Some accidents happened in the process.
I return, Diet coke in hand and ready to address the new posts. Away we go!
I did think the other one looked too little like the Tristan to be it, looked more like a Lancelot/Tristan hybrid frame than a refit of the original. Dunno if it’s been revealed yet, but possibly the Knight of One’s knightmare? He had a short scene and has been suspiciously absent since. I dunno, I just thought it was weird that if it was Tristan it would get an upgrade and Mordred wouldn’t.
Goddamn alternate universes. Technically she’s not a terrorist, she’s a free citizen of the United states of Japan ;p But still, *someone* must think it’s kinda unethical treatment, even if they don’t have the geneva convention. Though I concede that thus far most Brittanian sub characters have been shown to be fairly mindless.
Seriously? Besides the fact that they both have pink hair they have no other similarities in my eyes, appearance wise. Besides, Euphie is truly, truly dead. On the topic of Anya once more, is there any evidence that she doesn’t remember her time at the Marianne household perfectly? I’m asking this honestly because I don’t know/can’t remember. I mean, she hasn’t confronted Lelouch about the fact that he’s a Britannian prince who is meant to be dead, but she may know about it. He’s not been at school for god knows how long so she hasn’t really had a chance. Can someone show me evidence that she doesn’t remember, cos I honestly don’t know/can’t remember it.
Okay, on to the criticism debates.
I was debating possibilities, I’m of the opinion there was only one geass to undo, which was done so at the start of R2. I was pointing out that if Charles had geassed Lelouch twice, C.C. would have removed both and we wouldn’t be having this debate. The choices were either it was one geass or two and C.C. couldn’t remove both. I prefer the former of the two choices.
This was bugging me when I was out, can you show me where it says she doesn’t remember? I’m willing to believe you, I just can’t remember where this was stated.
What about when she used them on Suzaku on the mountain during the fight between the BK and Cornelia during the Guren Mk.II’s debut? He’s not related to Marianne.
Again, show me where it says that and I’ll think up a counter argument, if only to play Devil’s Advocate for kicks and giggles.
Gonna tag onto the end a “thank God!” Forgot to put my name+email in, and was worried I’d just lost all that. Glad to see word press doesn’t get rid of stuff when you click ‘back’ like some forums *coughWorldofWarcraftcough*
Wow. Looks like a long discussion going on. I just wanted to add that I loved C.C in this episode, looks like she lounges around all day complaining about her assigned duty but perks up whenever Lelouch calls. Rather adorable :D I’ve read spoilers (not sure if they’re reliable) ******Kallen fights back and Suzaku is injected in the leg. C.C loses her memories at some point, and starts to call Lelouch her King or something.****** I don’t know if either of these have been mentioned in the comments yet, I was too tired to read through them all.