“Why don’t you love me? ;_;”
Wow, I don’t know what to say. This episode is like watching two bullet trains collide head on, burst into a huge flaming ball of destruction, and the “survivors crawling out of the wreckage with third-degree burns. Okay, so that was a lousy analogy made in poor taste, especially since none of us has seen that happen before, but my point is that it’s a train wreck. It’s like a roller coaster ride: it’s exciting, it makes you sick, and you don’t mind going on another.
Rollo admits that he did it in the first minute of the episode, thus putting an end to any conspiracy theories about the incident. In an alternate universe, Lelouch would’ve been an Oscar-winning actor instead of a supervillain with an outrageous fashion sense. I wonder if Hollywood exists.
“Good job Rollo. Good job…”
Instead of taking responsibility and reflect on his past actions which led up to this tragic moment, Lelouch blames everything on the existence of Geass. He discards his previous plans and, with the help of Jeremiah, launches an all-out attack on the Temple in a bid to erase all traces of Geass. Except, of course, his own.
The state of modern animation: untextured 3DSM primitives
Apparently the Temple is full of women, old people and little children, so the attack looks more like a massacre than a battle. Despite some initial reservations, the Black Knight pilots carry out their orders anyway, because, you know, those children may just be terrorists in disguise! This is how the Holocaust happened, folks. (See: the Milgram experiment.)
Attaching the gun to the arm: makes more sense than giant handheld rifles
The researchers working at the Temple look quite happy to see C.C. again, right up to the point when they get blown up. From what I gather, C.C. used to be their boss and the BFF of Marianne, Lelouch’s mother, but those of you who scour the Internet for spoilers and rumours probably already know that. Judging by V.V.’s words, it seems like Marianne was quite involved with this whole Geass business, so her assassination was probably related.
C.C. back when she was young(er)
So anyway a fight breaks out between Lelouch and V.V., with Cornelia joining the fray on Lelouch’s side, which is certainly somewhat ironic considering that everything she is doing is supposed to help her avenge Euphie’s death, and Lelouch is at least partially, if not mostly, to be blamed for it.
They didn’t want to pay for another mecha design
Meanwhile, Suzaku believes that Lelouch is responsible for Shirley’s death and decides that it is the last straw: he’s going to rape Kallen and force her to confess under the influence of Refrain. Okay, so only half of that is true. Poor Kallen in any case. :(
Wait… Isn’t it too early for the climax?
The episode ends with a bit of a sci-fi “Luke, I am your father!” moment.
My brain blew up during this episode.
Kallen with her hair down <3
I want to say that it’s an awesome episode, but that’s not exactly true. It certainly is thrilling, but I am somewhat disturbed by the whole thing, especially since I don’t know which character I should empathize with now. Lelouch has clearly jumped the shark and gone bonkers due to the events in episode 13, Suzaku is still a self-righteous bastard, and Kallen is currently incapacitated and will soon undergo intense brainwashing.
I guess that leaves C.C. relatively untouched. Speaking of which, C.C. used to live in the Temple, right? Does Pizza Hut make deliveries to secret military underground research facilities?
“Hi, is this Pizza Hut? Please make a delivery to the United States of Japan.”
And considering that we’re only 14 episodes into the season, the story feels oddly close to end game, which by mecha-anime logic means that some kind of force-balancing reset must take place soon. My guess is that Lelouch will get his memories wiped again and a brainwashed Kallen will be sent undercover to capture C.C. by seducing Lelouch and using him as bait. It makes no sense but it will be awesome.
Guess who?
Greek/Roman ruins are everywhere in America
“Don’t worry Rollo, it won’t hurt…much”
Get a hair cut you hippie
Just so you know she’s gone for good
Surprise sex
This week’s Naruto
The Temple is seriously badly-lit for a research facility
No longer an important character
What the hell is that suit?
Why are the two of them eating apples in a hotel room with a double bed?
Why is she so cool?
Geass suffers from severe inflation
Lelouch’s mother O_O
How convenient
All CG girls should do away with weird hairdos and go straight
The cockpit is blown off but somehow the rest of it still works
Hmmm, maybe I’ll start rooting for Cornelia instead.
Looks like it really is her arm if you compare it to other scenes with her, looks like its bandaged or something.
She has feelings for him now but that wasnt the case when they made the contract. Back then she had died alot cruel deaths over and over again and got abused in those Experiments and didnt even remember how to spell love. I still think she wanted someone to kill her so she can finally rest in peace(and my source says only someone who got the “Power of the King” can kill her).
Like i said saying anything more would be a spoiler but if you want that. Marianne didnt want to get Lulu and Nunally involved with the Cult/Geass so she removed the Guards to let them escape to Japan but she got assassinated (most likely by Schneizel)while trying to do so.
oh and Charles doesnt need to justify anthing.. hes the damn Emperor you smartass! and while were at it, yes Charles want someone strong enough to succeed him.
Her past life has no influence in anyas current behaviour, if you get reincarnated without any memories your just like another person. Theres actually rumors out there that she is Mariannes reincarnation but that cant be because shes seen in the vision when C.C. came in contact with her and you wouldnt see yourself in your own memories.
Lelouchs memories beeing manipulated about Anya makes no sense at all, for what reason should the Emperor have done that?
anyway i said myself that the chance for this are very small so im not surprised if it doesnt turn out like that.
No one said something about actually bringing him back as a real charakter in the show, if he shows up then only once in the next ep. When she killed him in S1 she told him to wait for her in the “Shii no Sekai” (hope thats spelled right) which is the title and place where the next episode plays. Maybe that World is actually the method she talks to Marianne so it wouldnt be unlikely if she could talk to Mao too.
P.S. dont sound so high and mighty when you post so much theories without solid proof yourself.
again what would be the reason for Charles to alter their Childhood memories? It would actually make more sense if it was from her previous life.
I wouldnt be surprised if he is actually Lelouchs cousin! ^^
GOSH Geez!! Kallen’s been raped!
Poor her.
Ahhh, nothing like insanity from Lelouch to kill off innocent civilians and chldren.
Cornelia totally kicked ass in here! Me thinks Cornelia’s gonna save Lelouch’s butt in the Sword of Akasha or maybe C.C….
Anyways, more Pizza for the United States to Japan, please=D
Awesome, I wake up and theres over a hundred posts and I know how to argue with all of them! I love my life.
It isn’t the Knight of One’s knightmare, because his knightmare has a giant sword on it’s back, not two small swords.
Aww, I won an arguement.
Hmm, now that you mention it, no one says she doesn’t remember everything, but it does say she doesn’t remember ever being at the Imperial Villa where she took the pictures of the Ganymede and Lelouch, and nobody knows why she cried in the Ganymede. Also the reason she hasn’t put the peices together about Lelouch is because she isn’t motivated enough. Notice she always has a bored expression on her face? (the whole motivation was directly from wikipedia…yay?)
It’s in the canon novels about the knights of rounds. It talks about some stuff that happened between the two seasons.
Easy, she did that voluntarily. The thing with Anya wasn’t. And the thing with Lelouch (restoring memories) was totally different (and voluntary). Also, when Lelouch touched her while she was doing that she accidentally showed him her memories.
All this info abut Anya is from the canon novels. Very little of it is from the anime. The whole thing about crying in the Ganymede, knowing her way around lelouch’s house despite never being there before and not remembering a bunch of pictures she’s taken. I think maybe she ties in somehow with Marrianne, and I doubt she’s a reincarnated Euphie.
Kallen fighting back would be nice little way to stop from getting drugged and if it isn’t the type of refrain that makes you relive happy memories then maybe when suzaku gets injected he’s gonna go insane with the images of his father? as for C.C. losing her memories, I don’t think that’ll happen. A twist like that is too late in the series.
And I still don’t. Look, this arguement over what C.C. wants is purely an opinion now, there’s no way for us to know what she wants.
I don’t care about spoilers, it’s the same fun (maybe more) to watch and episode knowing a bit about what will happen as going in blind. An it was Lulu’s choice to go to Japan! Remember that! And maybe he can justify anything but Schniezel doesn’t strike me as the type of person that would kill Lelouch’s mother. After all he wants to clear Euphie’s name too.
This idea is just so blatantly “out there” It’s hard for me to want to reply…she’s no one’s reincarnation, get over it.
Really? She said that? I was under the impression she said “wait for me in the next life”. It’s entirely possible to show a flashback of Mao or something, but no reintroducing.
I have all the proof I need, and I can often pick out the flaws in someones statement and bend that to my own will, it’s a trait we lawyers have. But yes I admit, I think I’m high and mighty, mostly because I like to challenge myself…and nobody seems worthy most of the time (though Amnestic is doing well).
Maybe it’s like Marianne’s murder, the reason hasn’t been revealed yet.
Not yet, but if she cries when Lelouch rescues her, then I will say she’s been raped.
That was…long…but enjoyable, plenty of places for me to prove my linguistic dominance and compliment myself!
And bloody backwater Britain, the bane of all beneficial…okay, I have to stop the alliteration, no word for ‘information/canon’ beginning with B according to thesaurus.com /sigh, bane of all beneficial information, I can’t get access to the extra books. -_-
Fair enough. Another Knight of Round’s then? I’m just throwing ideas out here since I don’t know. Either that or it’s Jeremiah’s new frame courtesy of Miss crack addicted genius scientist.
Changing your theory? :P You need to define it better at first or I’ll pick holes in it. And again, if she can use her powers voluntarily on others…why doesn’t she? For an immortal witch she seems awfully eager to sit around and do bugger all besides eat Pizza Hut.
And whoever made that rumour is so full of utter crap that they need to check whether some comes out when they speak. Anya was 7-9 (I think) years old when Marianne was killed. Reincarnation generally occurs at birth, not halfway through the childhood.
Again, not read the novels so I don’t know the details, but is it possible she did know but she just didn’t feel like sharing? Anya’s not a terribly open and accesible person as it is, recalling a traumatic experience would either turn her more into a recluse or reach out to people. Assuming she does remember, she may have just not felt like sharing with other people. I know she’s “close” to Gino and Suzaku due primarily to age proximity, but it doesn’t surprise me that she doesn’t share much about her personal feelings.
Huh…not really much else to say.
Well neither can I…I can’t read Japanese, but I get my info from others who read the book mixed with stuff from random searches on google and wikipedia articles.
I don’t think it’s another knight of rounds. The only knight of rounds knightmare’s are Tristan (Gino), Mordred (Anya), Lancelot Conquista/Albion (Suzaku), Galahad (Bismarcke) and Percival (Knight of Ten, don’t remember his name, and the new knightmare isn’t his because it apparently uses drills.
I don’t remember ever changing my theory. You might want to elaborate, I don’t know how I’m sounding different.
Thats one thing I’m glad to agree with.
Again, not read the novels so I don’t know the details, but is it possible she did know but she just didn’t feel like sharing? Anya’s not a terribly open and accesible person as it is, recalling a traumatic experience would either turn her more into a recluse or reach out to people. Assuming she does remember, she may have just not felt like sharing with other people. I know she’s “close†to Gino and Suzaku due primarily to age proximity, but it doesn’t surprise me that she doesn’t share much about her personal feelings.
It can’t be. The story was told from Anya’s point of veiw apparently. She didn’t even know why she was crying (damn I wish it was inthe anime, she woulda looked sooo cute!!!)
Pity. Back to watching TV.
I just came up with a strange idea about Kallen. After reading somewhere on Veoh that apparently theres a rumour/leak that Kallen dies in the last episode, I might as well bring up another theory.
Kallen is in love with Lelouch/Zero, but she doesn’t like that she is. Sunrise tried to incorporate it in the beginning when he meets Kallen at school but I think they dropped that element later. Notice there was a lot of interaction with Kallen in episode 3 and 4, and later he even kissed her to stop her from seeing C.C. and Shirley suspected they were going out because they were absent on the same day.
I think he eventually is going to also fall for Kallen but because his geass “will make him live in solitude” or whatever, she’s gonna die because of that. It’s either that or a happy ending and I think we all know that though sad endings are in fact, sad and some people don’t like seeing their favourite characters die off, it’s a much better ending than a happy one (I kinda came to terms with this when I watched Elfen Lied, kind of a mixture between sad and happy, who knows if Lucy is dead) anyways…back to Kallen.
Much to darkmirage’s disappointment I think she’s gonna die a dramatic death in the end, as for the whole “loving Lelouch” thing I read a theory somewhere (youtube I think) it says Kallen loves Lelouch but doesn’t like that she does. While this isn’t totally evident in the anime, a few hints have been dropped, i.e. season 1 episode 25, when Suzaku shoots his mask off, she looks in shock (some tears too) at him, suggesting that she thought more about him than just some person at school, in episode 2 when she pulls a gun on him and demands if her devotion to him is her own doing or the power of geass, but she can’t shoot him. Also, in episode 4 when Lelouch says “After all, I haven’t made our relationship public yet have I?” She says “Hey, don’t word things in a weird way!” As if trying to convince C.C. and herself that she doesn’t like Lelouch. Hmm, next example, episode 7, when Lelouch tries to kiss her, she does slap him and run off, but when she’s outside of the building she looks back and has a sad look on her face. Episode 9, she falls on top of Lelouch and blushes when he asks her to come back to Ashford Academy when it was all over (also suggesting Lelouch was attracted to her).
Put all this hastily gathered info together and you might just see something about the relationship between Kallen and Lelouch, I had to rewatch all 39 episodes curently out to confirm my suspicions. I look forward to discussion on this.
Egad, 3 posts in a row…sorry…but I got another episode of proof for my previous thought.
When Kallen is captured by Li Xinke he tells her not to give up hope and that he’s going to rescue her no matter what, she smiles and says “I guess Lelouch is…”
I always find I’m too late to edit. Bad luck? Or karma biting me in the ass for believing myself to be superior? Who knows.
I still haven’t seen the first series yet, which I am looking forward to doing when Bandai releases it. But, it looks like this “season” is great too.
I believe that Lelouch will probably end up with Milly at the end of the series. Otherwise, they would have killed her off already. The death of Shirley convinced me that Milly will play an important role in the series, which is long overdue. Most Kallen and C.C. fans don’t want to see a Milly/Lulu relationship. If that was the case, why did the writers mentioned that she was secretly in love with him if they had no plans to get them together? It would not make any sense at all. I believe that the writers are starting to develop her character. About time. I certainly want to see the real side of Milly Ashford to comeforth and claim what is hers: Lelouch.
So far, the writers have answered my prayers by killing off Shirley. I certainly hope that it gives Milly a second chance at a relationship with Lelouch. She lucked out the first time because of her family obligations to wed a Noble in order to reclaim her family’s status. Otherwise, she and Lelouch would have been a couple a long time ago. So I believed that the writers focus on Shirley character first. And once she and Lelouch were a couple, kill he off so it opens the door for Milly to step in.
Here’s a small theory as to the fake Lelouch memories theory
To Sand Slayer
Its possible that C.C. could only destroy/cancel the fake memories that were implanted after their contract. The only true measure of knowing whether Lelouch had any more fake memories is if the Geass canceler is used on him by Jeremiah.
I’ve also heard rumours that Anya might be the “real” Nunnaly (ergo they were switched after the attack which killed Marianne). After all, she does bear a striking resemblance to Marianne, and has flashbacks about Lelouch & Marianne but not Nunnally.
On another note.
This may just be a hunch but I believe Marianne will appear in the next episode. After all when C.C. was speaking to Marianne, she told her “she couldn’t go on much longer ….” I believe she meant to finish the sentence with “Hiding”. Furthermore someone is said to show up at the last minute to help Lelouch in the “world of C” episode.
Also, is anyone else bothered by what Charles said when he talked about Clovis. He said he was enjoying being on some beach at peace. Could it be Kaminejima? If so, I expect we might see the return of a few characters not at peace (a vengeful Euphie perhaps?). After all, if my theory about Marriane passes, who’s to say no one else can come back from the dead… (except maybe the story’s creator lol)
I got an interesting point to prove…nice.
Eh? I still don’t think so. For one, Lelouch thinks nothing of her and 2, she is his non-immediate cousin. Marrianne came from the Ashford family, so I doubt he’s gonna fall in love with her, chances are she isn’t an important character throughout the series because…she just wasn’t meant to be.
The first season is awesome, but I think it’s too good. The season ending with a massive cliffhanger that was absolutely perfect for the anime. That coupled with Euphie’s death made the last few episodes some of the best anime I’ve ever seen. The reason I think its almost too good is because people now compare the current season with the awesome ending that the end of season 1 is. Being someone who can hold multiple perspectives on something (a mental disorder? I don’t know but it’s useful) I find that season 2 is mostly the same as season 1 was before the climax.
First paragraph: That is perfectly reasonable. After all Jeremiah has never used his geass on Lelouch. I don’t disagree at all.
Second paragraph: Anyone who still doesn’t agree with me thinking Anya and Lelouch’s relationship has been modified by Charles should most likely read what jackthewise said. The theory about Anya being Lelouch’s actual sister could supply the reason for Anya’s memory change and explains all plot elements in the canon novels given so far as well as the anime ones. If this isn’t true I’d be shocked. Anya is, after all, the same age as Nunnally. However there are also some flaws. We don’t know the abilities of Charles geass, so we can’t make definite explanations as to what he did with it. Also, C.C. obviously was in contact with Marianne prior to the kids being born, while it is possible after he changed their memories he handed over C.C. to Code R but when she ran into Nunnally in episode…5? she knew that Nunnally was his sister and didn’t act weird around her at all.
That might happen… we have to watch the episode to find out.
The concept of death in this story is different apparently as Charles and C.C. apparently can talk to the dead, but only certain people. We can’t neccessarily assume that they are coming back, I doubt that, ressurection just doesn’t seem like a very sunrise thing in my eyes.
Also this might be somewhat off a spoiler so…(spoiler)(spoiler) I’ve been reading alot of things on the internet about Kallen dying (spoiler)(spoiler) this supports my earlier theory, though it will be really freaking sad…after all I am a huge fanboy of her and want to see her with Lelouch in the end.
Sorry for the double post (I seem to be doing this alot lately) but did anyone else notice that Jeremiah got out of his knightmare to rescue Cornelia, then there was a gigantic explosion, how the hell could they have survived that!?
Jeremiah has a cyborg body and cyborgs are cyborgs are known to surpass normal human physically, that means he got the speed and strength to catch her and high jump off in time from the explosion caused by the Siegfeld crushing there.
A simple theory that I thought:
Gino may be a battle maniac like Zaraki Kenpachi in Bleach. He seems to have fun battling and regretted that he had not gone all out.
If the above statement is correct, this could lead to another theory:
Gino will stop Suzaku from drugging Kallen and then make her fight him in her Guren. Then, Suzaku uses his Lancelot to attack his Tristan, damaging it until Tristan lost its head. Gino realises that Britania does not value him and joins the The Order of the Black Knights.
Although I think that something really unpredictable will happen and will make me really impressed with the way the plot is twisted.
/wiki Mu La Flaga
Edit: Sure, he wasn’t technically shown dying, so he didn’t ressurect, but how the hell did he survive?
Regarding Gino, I agree somewhat with the previous comment, however I think he’s just more evil than he lets on. I think he will stay with Britannia, but will be pissed that Anya will switch sides.
~_~ So tired. :p
Interesting theory, while I have been avidly negotiating Anya’s origins I have failed to think of how Gino would tie in to the plot. It makes sense, but from what I read, Kallen resists and Suzaku gets injected in the leg (unproven internet theory). Who knows what will happen, but I forsee a great plot twist coming up.
However I don’t think it’s likely Kallen will free her only to make her fight him, sure he attacked the Parliament in Japan in one episode but this is different…I think. I am sticking to the idea that the new model is an updraded Tristan as the Tristan isn’t shown anywhere in the opening. As for losing the head in a fight, it would explain why it’s head is different. it seems like we think the same for ends, but with means, it seems like there will be a pretty good plot twist somewhere up ahead…maybe episode 16 or 17.
Not a bad thing at all, Suzaku gets some nice treatment and goes back to the good-old-days.
However, I have been thinking about how impossible it is for Kallen to beat Suzaku in physical hand to hand combat. She was easily defeated at the waterfalls in Kaminejina Island by Suzaku. Another thing is that the space she is locked up is so small. But, sometimes miracles or accidents do occur, she did throw a Refrain before.(Lelouch’s)
She appears to be skilled in hand-to-hand combat, after all she did kick the Black King’s ass as well as his body gaurds in episode 1. She might have a chance in resisting Suzaku. But hey, it’s anime, anything can happen. Euphemia could drop out of the sky and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash (though I wouldn’t be too happy as I see Euphie’s death as the reason theere was a second season).
It was Charles decision to send Lulu to Japan not his own. And Schneizel almost killed Euphie himself in S1. Sometimes he seems to care and at other times hes acting totaly cold blooded.
I never insisted that its true, i said its a very low possibility and in an anime that has 25feet mecha, immortal people and people talking to the dead this is sure not unrealistic. really learn to read and dont act like a kid that got his loli stolen.
anyway other theorie so you can get over it: she’s Marianne’s illegitimate child.
You dont have any proof at all since the anime is not based on the novels so anything in there doesnt count as proof at all.
It was probably because she thought he would follow her, silly Kallen. =)
I don’t remember and unlike most of you *coughsandslayercough* I am not gonna go look at the episode to check just to prove a point but, did he even know she was there?
Charles decided where he went, thats true, but Lelouch decided to go. Remember that. Also, where’d you get the thing about Schniezel almost killing her? I never got that impression at all, Schnizel seems to me like someone who doesn’t like killing and actually believed in Euphemia after her disgraceful death, which was one of the reasons Nina is one of his scientists! (though after episode 14 I think Kanon’s got some feelings for Nina, interesting side story)
Just because you admit it’s a low possibility doesn’t mean I can’t destroy the theory regardless. Don’t get mixed up between your perception of things and mine. As for being Marianne’s illegitimate child, whooh, another uselsss theory in the trash, I prefer to believe that Anya is Marianne’s real daughter. Makes more sense than reincarnations. By the way, I prefer candy bars over lolipops.
Egad man! Get with ze program! Ze canon novels are authentic and have been it’s been verified by ze writers thats it’s official. They provide a bit of back story to things in the anime. Widen your field of perception already! Stop being a sheep! Although I doubt you won’t get what that means if you haven’t read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair) or if you have in fact read it but don’t get the allegory. Just as a tip, sheep represent the manipulated masses of the Soviet Union. It’s a good book, it may raise your I.Q. a bit if you read and understand it, then you may actually be fun to argue with!
*cries* Another double post, I’m cursed with finding out new stuff then being unable to edit my posts.
*tears up* People know me *smiles*, but yes I am like that, I’ve rewatched Code Geass around 3 times, the most recent being to check the season 1 relationship between Lelouch and Kallen. As for your thoughts on whether they knew if they were there or not, they did, but they thought they were dead.
P.S. I’m always bored, and I love proving my points. So excuse me if I’m being rude alot, because I really just want people to get angry at me so that they want to prove me wrong on a deeper level. It’s a pretty useful way to alleviate boredom, problem is…not too many people try. So come on people! Prove me wrong!~
I hate to triple post again but I must mention something I just noticed. Anya pilots the heavy artillery unit “Mordred”, Gino in the “Tristan”, Bismarcke in the “Galahad”, Suzaku in the “Lancelot” and Luciano in the “Percival”. These are all names of the Knight’s of the Round table in Arthurian myths, however, one stands out among them. Mordred. Mordred is the mighty knight that betrays Arthur and later dies in a fight against him. Originally I didn’t think this would affect Code Geass until I recently found out Euphemia shared the name as the GreatMartyr Euphemia, the Christian saint who died for her faith in Chalcedon. Euphie was killed in a similar fashion. So going on this train of thought, there’s another reason Anya could possibly betray Brittannia, because if Sunrise is thinking along Arthurian legends with their knights this could be highly likely. Also I noticed they used…alot of names from Arthurian legends. It’s almost as if everything in this series is based off something, even Geass is(Norse legend/tragedy) as well as the Siegfried (dragon hunter in Norse Mythology). Whats next! Nunnally representing the devil?
Debut of the Hadron cannons and the gefjun(sp?) disturber. Lelouch had trapped Suzaku in the circle, Euphie rushed to rescue Suzaku (lol?) Schneizel turns up in his flying ship and proceeds to blast the area with the as yet unfinished Gawain’s Hadron Cannons.
I’ll move on to individual criticisms of this in a second, but first and foremost: Arthur is a cat. Unless Arthur is actually a person and has a geass which allows him to assume the form of a cat (sounds farfetched but…who knows?), sticking to arthurian legend isn’t going to be entirely true.
As for the Knights link, if we’re sticking to Arthurian legend then Suzaku needs to steal the King’s wife/lover, as that’s what Lancelot did. The only problem being we already have a Guinevere(King Arthur’s wife), she’s one of the psycho Britannian princesses (First princess, I think). So that gets tossed out of the window. Bringing Guinevere in as a primary love interest for Suzaku this late into the show would be both crazy and ridiculous. Of course, we could ignore the name thing and have him steal Kallen(Lelouch’s ‘woman’), but that might cause a fanboy backlash that would tear the universe in half.
As for Gino+Tristan, his legend is to do with Iseult/Isolde, a love potion and a lot of adultery. What d’you reckon, his love/interest in Kallen pulls him over to the Black Knights?
Oh, explains why I didn’t know how he almost killed her, I guess subconsciously I was dismissing that, didn’t he say later to Euphie that he was gambling that she could get out alive?
First off, Knightmare frames can’t love. I was putting more thought into the combat/allegiances of the knights of the round table….so thinking that way would mean, no love between the Lancelot and Guinevere, and I doubt he’s gonna steal kallen since he’s already going psycho and drugging her. As for Tristan and Isolde, thats one of my favourite legends. I even have the movie. But I was thinking more along the Mordred lines when it came to the show, because just because it was in a legend doesn’t mean it’s all in the show, because if it did that would mean that Luciano is sealed to die off (Percival died after finding the holy grail) and Guinevere is gonna sleep with a knightmare. I just think they used their names in some instances, but when it comes to Anya, I’ve been trying to prove reasons that she’d join the black knights and I was using her name as another legend. Gino’s fate is hard to predict, although he was intorduced just like Anya I think he’s gonna have a completely different role.
Going beyond names, if you decide to make Kallen represent people from the story, you gotta remember they have to be a fighter, Guinevere was quite capable in fighting, Isolde was…less so. However I highly doubt that Suzaku is gonna steal Kallen away from Lelouch merely because of the drugging.
Well, I’m off to reasearch the Tragedy of Geass. Norse Mythology is awesome.
*Edit* I can’t find it anywhere, wtf?
Haha! I found something, but apparently geis is Celtic mythology, more Irish than I thought, sweet. Apparently only Ragnarok and Yggdrasil was the Norse elements. Gotta find out how it ties in though, I don’t know anything of what happened with geis.
“In Irish mythology and folklore, a geis (plural geasa) is an idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or spell” All Hail, Wikipedia. Heres some of the article.
“A geis can be compared with a curse or, paradoxically, a gift. If someone under a geis violates the associated taboo, the infractor will suffer dishonour or even death. On the other hand, the observing of one’s geasa is believed to bring power and good fortune. Often it is women who place geasa upon men. In some cases the woman turns out to be goddess or other sovereignty figure.
The geis is often a key device in hero tales, such as that of Cúchulainn in Irish mythology. Traditionally, the doom of the hero comes about due to their violation of their geis, either by accident, or by having multiple geasa and then being placed in a position where they have no option but to violate one geis in order to maintain another. For instance, Cúchulainn has a geis to never eat dog meat, and he is also bound by a geis to eat any food offered to him by a woman. When a hag offers him dog meat, he has no way to emerge from the situation unscathed; this leads to his death.
A beneficial geis might involve a prophecy that a person would die in a particular way; the particulars of their death in the vision might be so bizarre that the person could then avoid their fate for many years.”
Heres some more:
“There is a considerable similarity between geasa (which are a phenomenon of Gaelic mythology) and the foretold deaths of heroes in Welsh mythology. This is not surprising given the close origins of many of the variants of Celtic mythology.
For example, the Welsh hero Lleu Llaw Gyffes (in one version of his story) was destined to die neither “during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, neither riding nor walking, not clothed and not naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made.” He was safe until his wife, Blodeuwedd, learning of these foretold conditions, convinced him to show her how he could theoretically be stepping out of a river onto a riverbank sheltered by a roof and put one foot on a goat, and so on, thus enabling the conditions that allowed him to be killed.”
I am not exactly sure how this could tie in, maybe Lelouch should stay away from rivers and goats?
“Prohibitions and taboos that fit the patterns of geasa are also found in more recent English literature, though they are not described as geasa in those texts. For example, in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth believes himself safe because ‘no man of woman born shall harm Macbeth.'”
Uh oh, Lelouch is gonna have someone who was born via c-section come kill him!
And holy crap there was a reference to Code Geass in here!
“In the anime Code Geass, a power known as “Geass” is obtained by the major characters from a race of immortal beings through a contract. In the case of the main character Lelouch, the power ‘Geass’ allows him to give orders and commands to other humans and have them absolutely follow them; his contract fulfillment with C.C. is unknown.”
Interesting no? Take a look at the similarities in all these legends…the hero dies. Now I know this isn’t exactly a good/evil anime so I wouldn’t call Lelouch a hero but here are some heroic possibilities. Kallen, Schniezel, Suzaku, Cornelia. Trouble is, who would they have to kill off to make the storyline progress, here’s my theory, start with Cornelia, then Schniezel then in the last episode Suzaku and Kallen.
Nah, Cúchulainn was under a geis, and I believe he was male. LANCERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
And… who is the hero? There are no heroes! XD
Is it plausible to assume that Anya was the daughter of yet another estranged concubine in Charles’ harem that was a playmate to Nunnally?
She might have been geassed because she was traumatized when she whitnessed the attack on Marianne maybe?
We have seen Geass used for this purpose on Shirley before and with a new name and 9 years after the fact, it is hard to identify her for Lelouch and Nunnally.
50 bucks on the giant tower in the opening being called Yggdrassil! Go go betters!
(I like to keep my line of thought very simplistic ;))
“Just so you know she’s gone for good”
pffffffft. With Sunrise, they are never “gone for good”.
From Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Scholars have puzzled over the Green Knight’s symbolism since the discovery of the poem. He could be a version of the Green Man, a mythological being connected with nature in medieval art, a Christian symbol, or the Devil himself. British medieval scholar C. S. Lewis said the character was “as vivid and concrete as any image in literature” and J. R. R. Tolkien said he was the “most difficult character” to interpret in Sir Gawain. His major role in Arthurian literature is that of a judge and tester of knights, thus he is at once terrifying, friendly, and mysterious. He appears in only two other poems: The Greene Knight and King Arthur and King Cornwall.Scholars have attempted to connect him to other mythical characters, such as Jack in the Green of British tradition but no definitive connection has yet been established.
Green knight = Gino weinberg?
“Of course, we could ignore the name thing and have him steal Kallen(Lelouch’s ‘woman’), but that might cause a fanboy backlash that would tear the universe in half.”
oh damn straight
to sandslayer: keep it up! reading your theories and analyses of countertheories is mind-boggling but fun! keep us all entertained till the next episode :D
Yeah, Cúchulainn was a dude, but so far I haven’t found any other name in relation to Aruthurian/Geis legends that could be C.C. besides Cúchulainn seems kinda girly to me. As for there being no hero, there used to be one, Suzaku, but he’s a dick now.
Playmate to Nunnally yet has no pictures of her? Unlikely. And the emperor doesn’t seem like the type that would change someone’s memories so they aren’t traumatized, more like change their memories in order to hide something. However since V.V. said lelouch was like his father it’s possible there might be compassion in Charles, but we have yet to see.
I’ll take that bet.
Btw the Yggdrasil drive is what powers the knightmares. PAY UP!
So far everyone in the series that died hasn’t come back (except Mao, but he died soon after anyways, and that was Lelouch’s mistake). I mean Euphie died, Kewell, Darlton, Inoue, Yoshida, Shirley…and there are no hints any of them are coming back.
Haven’t done much research on Sir Gawain since the Gawain was destroyed in the kamikaze against the Siegfried, so I’m not familiar with the green knight (yes I researched a lot of real life shit in order to predict this series). I guess I can go and look up some stuff abotu the green knight and see if Gino somehow he relates, but when you take a look at it it says “terrifying, friendly, and mysterious” that could easily represent Zero/Lelouch who piloted the Gawain.
First off, your awesome. Secondly, Suzaku isn’t gonna get Kallen, she’s gonna be freaked out and angry at him for trying to drug her, that beign said I don’t think we have to worry about the armaggeddon. Also I appreciate how you like to read my comments, but in truth I do it as much out of boredom as you read them. Lucky for you since I really don’t have anything but time on my hands.
ALSO, I would like to put an overview of what I think is gonna happen in the next few episodes.
I would like to get rid of my previous theory about Kallen dying, since my source has been found to be fake. Also, Guinevere (who I believe may be who Kallen represents, despite a character named Guinevere) didn’t die…or did she, well correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think she died. However Guinevere also was having an affair with Lancelot (Suzaku) so my thoughts of Kallen representing Guinevere might be wrong since Suzaku is gonna drug her and as far as I know that isn’t a turn-on. So being that I revised my theory of Kallen dying, new sources have popped up in my eternal search for anime knowledge, Code Geass might not have a tragic ending, I read soemwhere that season 2 was going to focus on his relationships with the women in his life, and how that influences his decisions. This was announced before the first season started so he may just mean Shirley and how he destroyed the Geass Directorate after she dies. Also, apparently, there was mention that some of the new characters will be more than they first appear, also he may have meant Rolo but Anya is also a new character to the season so he might mean her. He also said, allegiences (or however you spell it) aren’t set in stone and there may be a few betrayals. It could mean how Jeremiah, Rolo and Villetta switched sides but there may be more.
Okay thats all for now. Tiem to go play Civilization IV and rule the world.
The poet of the Sir gaiwan and Green knight highlights number symbolism to add symmetry and meaning to the poem. For example, three kisses are exchanged between Gawain and Bertilak’s wife; Gawain is tempted by her on three separate days; Bertilak goes hunting three times, and the Green Knight swings at Gawain three times with his axe. The number two also appears repeatedly, as in the two beheading scenes, two confession scenes, and two castles.The five points of the pentangle, the poet adds, represent Gawain’s virtues, for he is “faithful five ways and five times each”.[50] The poet goes on to list the ways in which Gawain is virtuous: all five of his senses are without fault; his five fingers never fail him, and he always remembers the five wounds of Christ, as well as the five joys of the Virgin Mary. The fifth five is Gawain himself, who embodies the five moral virtues of the code of chivalry: “friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety”. All of these virtues reside, as the poet says, in the “Endless Knot” of the pentangle, which forever interlinks and is never broken. Thus, the poet makes Gawain the epitome of perfection in knighthood through number symbolism.
Green knight=3
Interesting…the gawain was destroyed so I don’t think his part of the legend may come into play, but how can we relate Gino, the number 3 and the green knight together? Even I fail to see a resemblance…chances are the influence of the legend of Gawain and the Green Knight cut off from Code Geass when the Gawain was destroyed, but who knows. Anything can happen.
In the poem Bertilak is the green knight.
I read what I could about the green knight and Gawain, but I still don’t see how it could tie in to the story without introducing another character. Sorry.
Some Gino sentences:
I’ve came to test you. Come, try and stop me.Yeah, bring it on seriously. Thanks!(Gino arrives at Japan)
In the 11 episode he acts in the same manner to.
” J. R. R. Tolkien said he was the “most difficult character†to interpret in Sir Gawain. His major role in Arthurian literature is that of a judge and tester of knights”
And about new character:
I agree that there will be introduced a new character when we will touch Gino past(the reason why he is in the KoR or who made and gave Tristan to him). I can bet we will see a girl from Gino past.
HAVE JUST noticed:
Shirley has green eyes;
C.C. has green hairs;
Suzaku has green eyes.
Now we really need a Green man.
Gino is the Knight of Three for the Knights of Rounds and wears a green cloak. Sure, no relevance to the story, but it does link them all.
It’s true the testing part of the green knight resembles Gino, but Gino had no contact with the Gawain in the first season, chances are there is no relation between that legend and Code Geass, unless Gino’s position as Knight of Three (and the green cloak) have somethign to do with it, but I think thats more of a guide to how they came up with the character than whats going to happen to him.
On another note, I’d like to point out something. According to a spoiler I read, the romantic part of the storyline was planned for the second season, since they wanted to have it seperate from the first season. However, I don’t know if they meant only Shirley or others (Shirley’s time was awefully short), because it seemed like the only person he had feelings for was Shirley, the writers are REALLY gonna have to make Lelouch’s current character turn around, which makes me ponder the purpose of being in “The World of C”, I’ve been podering this for awhile, but I think it’s gonna be an episode like episode 7, a rehumanization episode. The reason being, it’ll be difficult to advance the stroy with Lelouch being a psychopath unless they want to end it like Death Note. What I mean by rehumanization, I mean, it’s going to make him “rerealize” what he’s fighting for, possibly grief, or a revelation. Being that the setting of The World of C is believed to be inside C.C.’s memories, it presents a good opportunity for them to make Lelouch snap out of angry grief. Also I’m pondering Rolo’s current role in the story, apparently since Lelouch voluntarily revealed his identity to V.V. and that Rolo betrayed them probably means that the Secret Intelligence agency is probably going to be dismantled. Thus, they got Viletta out of Area 11 as fast as they could (they made her go on the airplane in episode 14, also Sayoko is in the Chinese Federation, meaning the school part of the series is over. So they are going to be integrating quite a few people into the Black Knights (i.e. Rolo, Sayoko, and Villetta) which gives Ougi a perfect chance to familiarize himself with Villetta (their relationship was one of my favourite parts believe it or not, so I hope Diethard doesn’t kill off Ougi). This kinda makes Rolo’s role unstable since most Black Knights don’t know him, and it’ll be kinda strange when he calls him Nii-san (also with Jeremiah calling him Your Majesty), I hope the writers are smart enough to be careful about that, unless they plan on Lelouch revealing himself to the Black Knights. My theory is that he probably won’t reveal it, and that the only one that will find out is maybe Ougi (he has an interesting role, being that he figured out alot of things about Zero in the first season, such as Zero using them as pawns and how he destroyed the JLF ship), most likely he will find out in the last episode when Lelouch confronts Charles. One more thing, Lelouch wanted to eliminate all geass except his own, he mentions Rolo as “deserving to die for what he’s done” but he doesn’t mention Jeremiah, possibly because it’ll be really hard to kill him/Jermiah seems to be extremely loyal to his mother, making Lelouch trust him? A few more things before I wrap this comment up, Diethard seems to know Zero has an inhuman power, since in the season finale he wonders how he managed to cause the support blocks to purge and then thinks to himself that “Is it possible Jeremiah and Villetta’s theory is possible? If so then thats excellant, this world is nothing to Zero, it’s people just pawns.” Another thing, my spoiler source for Kallen dying proved untrustworthy so I present a new theory about her fate. Also, in light of the new evidence of romantic interests in the second season I think Kallen is going to realizer she loves Lelouch somewhere in the future (another possiblity of Lelouch snapping out of his psychoticness). Oh damn, that was alot, I should organize my thoughts more. Hopefully more questions will be answered in the next episode…gah, it’s almost 40 hours from now till the average time for the subbed episode to come out…I wish I could speed up time or something.
Its nice to read your theories and all the things you post about related things with geass like arthur and his knights of rounds and geas…
Personally I don´t think Kallen will die, my bet its in Lulu or Suzakus death, Im one of the people that thinks that CC desire is to die or become mortal..
Somehow the fact that the characters have a wish (personal)after the war makes me think that theyll survive, in this I mean Kallen that wants to live a happy life with her mother and free Japan too, since I havent heard that any of the black knights have a personal wish, well maybe tamaki (being a burocrat) makes me thing that theyll probably die…
About Lulu or Suzaku´s death, I think Suzaku will die, with euphies death the only thing for him is the revenge, when he knows about the accident with the geass making him unable to kill Lulu (because he still somehow cares for him) hes free of hes duty and can die… sort of… I hope my point it´s clear, but I guess its a bit tangled… ex: If Kallens mother dies, Kallen is free to do it too unless she gets another personal wish, like coming back with Lulu to Ashford…
My head is a mess (Damn med school that just rejected me) but I f you can explain what I mean Ill be grateful…
I dont recall any other people wish so Ill leave it at that
I can understand what you mean perfectly, but thats probably because I have the same problem, I usually think up new theories while I’m typing up stuff (that’s why my posts are usually so long,being unable to stop thinking is such a drag)but it also makes my post seem kinda messy. Personally I want Suzaku to die off, he really doesn’t have anything left, and yeah the whole thing about having a wish makes perfect sense, Tamaki wanting to be a Beaurocrat, Kallen wanting to creater a better world for her mother, lelouch wanting to create a peaceful world for Nunnally, Rolo wanting to live happily with his “brother”, Tohdoh, Ougi, Minami, Chiba, Asahina and Kaguya wanting to live to see Japan freed (though I think they might kill off a few of them). Suzaku just wants revenge for Euphies death, he doesn’t seem to want to know why he killed Euphie anymore after Shirley died, which makes me think they might also kill off Suzaku (he is unable to commit suicide due to Lelouch’s geass), after all that will most likely be whats popular with the fanbase. Personally my hopes are that Kallen will realize she loves Lelouch, C.C. will become happy, Rolo will die, Suzaku will die, Cornelia/Schniezel/Carline/Guinevere/Charles/V.V. will die, Minami/Asahina and Diethard will die (a good ending is never without killing off alot of people). My theories kinda resemble this, maybe a few less deaths.
I think this covers explaining it, but in short, nearly everyong thats improtant in this series has a reason to live and to fight and in Kallen’s case, someone to love.
From the spoilers I assume that Lelouch psychosis ends in 15 and 16 episode, because if the spoiler is right in the 17 episode he is going to meet with Suzaku in the Kurrugi shrine.
I’ve searched more and found:
Tristan becomes a Knight of the Round Table and close friend to Lancelot. Though he fits in at court and has many exploits similar to other knights, he is different than them in his versatility and varied skills; he is a linguist, master harper, hunter and hawksman as well as an accomplished chess player. His abilities as a knight and warrior are great but the overriding factor of his existence is his love for Iseult and this is one of the earliest literary instances of an all consuming passion that denies all other concerns and justifies almost any action.
When the lovers are laid to rest side by side, a vine growing from Tristan’s grave intertwines with a rose growing from Iseult’s.
Weinberg means the field of vine.
The boy’s name Gino \gi-no\ is pronounced JEE-no. It is of Italian origin. Short form of Ambrogino (Greek) “ever-living” or Luigino or Eugenio, from Eugene (Greek) “well-born”.
Can someone imagine that Gino is an accomplished chess player?
Very good, this answers a few of my questions. Lelouch isn’t gonna stay evil. I already knew about Tristans skill with a bow and his love for Iseult (Isolde) and him standing out among the Knights of the Round Table. However, I’m still holding firm to the belief that these references to the Green Knight and Tristan were actually used when designing the character more than influencing his choices. Also, we don’t know much about Gino’s ability with Chess, he might be a really smart guy. One last thing, Maybe they will introduce someone based off of Isolde sometime? Maybe when they start developing Gino’s character.
P.S. I noticed someone added on to the Wikipedia page for Knightmare Frames that someone edited it so that the reason’s for some of the knightmare frames name’s were shown. Obviously someone listened to me. I also noticed the origin for the name of Jeremiah’s frame Siegfried wasn’t up there so I might as well say it here since I don’t feel like editing Wikipedia atm. Siegfried is another name for Sigurd the dragon slayer in Norse Mythology, he was called Siegfried in the German story Nibelungenlied.
P.S.S. I noticed nearly everything in Code geass is named after something so I encourage people to look up some of the names in this anime.
The boy’s name Gino \gi-no\ is pronounced JEE-no. It is of Italian origin. Short form of Ambrogino (Greek) “ever-living†or Luigino or Eugenio, from Eugene (Greek) “well-bornâ€
The city of Eugene s the county seat of Lane County, Oregon, United States. Eugene’s motto is “The World’s Greatest City of the Arts and Outdoors.” It is also referred to as “The Emerald Empire,” “The Emerald City,” “The People’s Republic of Eugene,” and “Track Town, USA”.
I need to stop.
No it wasnt Lelouchs decision at all, go check S1 yourself if you dont believe it. And like Amnestic already said Schneizel almost killed her together with Lelouch, Suzaku and Kallen knowing very well that she was there.
half of your theories are just as trash in that case, just because you want to believe in it doesnt make anything else trash. you act like those kiddies in online games that cant lose, grow up already.
Nunnally IS seen in Anyas vision, also the switch would had to take place before the assassination and not after since otherwise Anya (the one we see now as Anya ofc) wouldve been the one getting shot. But like sandslayer would say this theorie is trash anyway :D
I don’t have time for you…but I’ll explain why everything you just wrote is flawed. Lelouch renounced his title, Charles didn’t kick him out, get that through your thick head. Also, read some previous posts of mine, I already agreed with Amnestic about Schniezel trying to kill her with Zero and Suzaku, however I did mention that he said later to Euphemia that he gambled she could get out (which apparently everyone did).
No, just believing in my own theories doesn’t make other theories trash, but it’s not that I just deny other people’s theories I also give reasons for why I think it’s wrong and I back it up, unlike you who flames for no reason. As for being a kid, I’m 13, so I won’t say I’m not a kid, however I will say that my age has nothing to do with it, it doesn’t matter how old someone is, I’ve seen child prodigies who can argue with me and win easily at half my age and I’ve seen idiots that are 40 years old who can’t hold their own at anything. In my eyes it’s your intelligence, not your age, that defines your maturity (while that is not a proven fact, there are scientific facts about why people act certain ways) but in simple cases, you usually don’t see smart people insulting others for no reason (like you).
You assume too much, I wouldn’t just say it’s trash, I’d say that Charles’ geass can be used to manipulate any memories that anyone has, it’s also possible he fabricated ther memories after the attack too, or even did it before the attack like you said, either way could make sense, we don’t know everything there is possible to know about these things, we have to make do. Of course after explaining my point to you, then I’d say your theory is trash. By the way, you should check over your grammar, it isn’t that great (13 year olds have better grammar then you).