This episode explains the entire basis for Geass: It’s actually a typo for “gears”. Show’s over guys, we can all go home now. Jokes aside, this episode is like one of those Evangelion episodes where the Angels take a break from world destruction and the main characters just talk and emo. It’s more interesting than it sounds, but only if you happen to care more about the life stories of a bunch of faux British chaps than giant robots engaging in asexual intercourse.
Spoiler alert.
Underground breeze
Geass is like a game of tag that lasts for eternity until you catch someone else. When a person masters his Geass, he is able to kill the one who gave him the power and gain eternal life himself. However, living forever is apparently a very painful thing, so those who gain eternal life then proceed to trick other people into mastering Geass so that they may be freed from an eternity of solitude.
Lelouch is a paedophile
Back when C.C. was young, she was a sex slave. One day, she escaped from the brothel and was taken in by a nun. The nun gave her the Geass power to charm anyone, thus granting her unlimited sexual power. She used this to great effect and became a very popular whore. At the peak of C.C.’s power, the nun revealed her real plan and made C.C. kill her, cursing C.C. to live forever.
Secondary entry point for reproductive organ is located at this position
C.C.’s original plan was thus to trick Lelouch into killing her. Unfortunately, she seems to have fallen in love with him and can’t bear to hurt him. Because of her Geass power, she had never known true love until now. Awww. Sho shweet.
Adult relationships are so complicated
Also, Viletta meets Ougi again but can’t decide whether to kill him or to make mad love.
C.C. has discarded her tsuntsun self and become a teredere young and innocent girl. This is rather disturbing, but will likely provide hours of fanservice and love comedy situations for the rest of the series. Awesome.
“Chiiii? Hideki!”
Also, I don’t see what’s so awful about living forever. Seriously, C.C. should try getting a real hobby beyond eating pizzas. It’s only been a few hundred years since she gained eternal life, which is way too short in my opinion for one to be truly sick of living, unless of course his/her sole pastimes are eating and sleeping.
C.C. has no sense of aesthetics
People don’t enjoy living because they may die one day, they enjoy living because there are things to do and goals to achieve.
“Your puny Geass is no match for my thick and curly mane”
C.C.’s motivations in life are now pretty clear, but Charles is still mostly shrouded in uncertainties. I still don’t understand what he plans to do with Lelouch and Nunnally and why he let Marianna die. Is he a misunderstood self-sacrificing philanthropist doing everything for some greater good, or will he turn out to be a generic supervillain trying to take over the world just for the lulz?
“Guys, we need a bigger body bag”
The King is dead! Long live the King!
He likes it
Is Kallen ever going to be the heroine again? :(
He dresses like a pimp and now he acts like one too
So what was V.V.’s Geass and how did he master it so young?
“Why did you save me?”
“I am a voyeur”
The power of Gears
Is she going to do anything soon?
One of those should’ve been Rollo…
There will be C.C. x Charles doujinshi
So can someone tell me how C.C.’s hair colour turned green?
zomg first?!
This episode was a bombshell right from the start. I loled when he just geassed the emperor and was like, “Pfft, yeah right.”
You guys called it right regarding CC’s wishes, as she wanted to die, yet she wanted to be loved. I think CC’s new found “mortality” means that they plan to kill her off at the end.
The whole thing seems a bit rushed though. In an instant, Lulu meets Charles, we discover Charles’ took VVs code (coughvirginitycough) and became immortal, to discovering VV fancied Marianne. @_@
Seriously though, how can Suzaku be so stupid? Why did he not do that to begin with? I guess the authors wanted to reinforce that Suzaku has an internal conflict, and like Nunnally says, he is not that different from Lulu.
For the next episode, I think Kallen might be making plans to escape by making use of Percival (he seems like a klutz), seriously though, Super United States of Japan? How does he get so many countries so fast?! @_@
The end was kinda sad, Lulu still lost CC in some way.
One word.
PS. Despite what the flag say’s, im actually an american staying there.
Wait…. Did Lelouch lose his Geass or something?? I don’t remember him putting in his contact in when he went freefalling to save C.C.
Nice ep. Espacially the nice touch preview from the next ep with CC wanting to undress… oh my they´ve taken Kallen and Shirley away, not they go full throttle and gives lots and lots of CC fanservice.
Not that I´m complaining though.
Suzaku is and will still be a idiot no matter what he does.
Why the hell is Nina still alive? Please someone kill her fast and painfully. So I won´t have to see her damn face anymore.
Oh well, of to waiting for the next ep :)
wow.. so now there will be less knightmare fights? I hope not..
But still the story is very interesting.,
By the way..
I’m first! Haha.. suxers.. just kidding.. i just enjoy reading your back and forth debate regarding that childish “first” thing.. anyway, were not losing anything with that right? so why bother? n_n
Edit: WTH.. i was just typing for like 2 minutes and there are already comments posted ahead of me.. :(
Snicker, i just think this episode had a lot of psychological impact. Besides, it really isn’t so bad to see C.C. so innocent XD.
Sorry, I had to make first post. :p
Now for more detailed things.
I went looking into wikipedia (based on gg subs), regarding Schneizel’s “Democles”. Damocles was part of a moral anecdote regarding the Sword of Damocles, which was suspended over the head of Damocles. I called it right last time when I said that the key to Schneizel’s plans laid with Nina’s “Gravity bomb” aka Prayer. That’s assuming gg translated right. I think the “space ship” we see in the opening belongs to Schneizel (Sword of Damocles), while the tower thing belongs to Charles (Sword of Akasha). As for the institution (in gg’s it was Toromo) it’s called after a city in Venezuela, so it seems a bit off the mark. ?_?
One thing that is very unclear is what happened to CC. Did her doujinshi moment with Charles get half way through and she lost her memories? She doesn’t have the mark on her forehead (which for some reason I don’t recall ever seeing so directly until this episode). I guess we can say that once you become immortal by killing your contractor, you don’t change anymore, which kinda sparks a big curiosity in me regarding VV’s story.
It’s a funny thing how in this episode you also get a push towards the meaning of the title of the series, Code Geass. Not that hard to figure out but nice to have clarified.
Oh, and Nunnally is so unbelievably adorable!
My main theory as of this point is that CC will die and Lelouch will be left to wander the Earth as an ever lasting zombie. I’ve found it a bit curious nobody has even mentioned it, but what about a GinoxKallen subplot? :O I am kinda scared regarding Kallen, as she likes Ougi and if she found out what happened she would not be happy. :(
I hope so. =(
Damn Kallen hit him so hard the red mark stayed through the whole episode. :p
Hmm, seems green to me even as Chibi CC, maybe not as green, but still green shaded.
So long as we get equal hours of fanservice and love comedy situations involving Kallen.
“After some Code Geass episodes, the world was divided into two: CCxLulu and KallenxLulu. This marked the beginning of the era known as the Fanboy War” ~_~
My timer says I posted 35 minutes before you, that’s some two minutes. @_@
I was basically lost during this episode. I couldn’t understand a thing. I think I should rewatch it a few hundred times.
Please read my next comment, accidentally clicked enter and posted, 5 minutes is too short to write my post.
Awesome review, as usual ;)
But I do also do not understand “Chalulu” … Anyway, I think he’ll keep the role of “MEAG VILAIIIN” to the end.
I was surprised DM. That you didn’t comment on the first cut in the preview with Cornelia tied up and Lelouch with Jeremiah about to rape her.
If there was any asexual intercourse I must’ve missed it.
Good post btw.
I love the picture of pimp suzaku, so funny.
So when Lelouch ordered Charles to die, and he shot himself, did he die and come back to life? If not, then why didn’t he keep trying to kill himself after the first fail? If he did, how did he resurrect himself? Maybe he can’t be geassed and just played along, shooting himself in his own kevlar vest to draw a bit of blood and fuck around with Lelouch.
Mike, maybe dying cancels out the effects of Geass.
I have a very good feeling this will be very long.
Personally I don’t think the ending was sad, it’s a new beginning for the new (mortal) tsundere C.C. She doesn’t have to go through the pain of being immortal anymore, and it worked out in such a way that Lulu didn’t go immortal and C.C. didn’t die. Sure he lost some of the C.C. he knew (and lusted for) but it’ll probably get a bit happier here on out, at least with C.C.
No he didn’t, Charles apparently took her immortality, Lelouch saved her and then got out of the Sword of Akasha, from what I read on the internet, Charles is stuck there now.
Yeah, C.C. is gonna have some slight comical relief time, it’s not like she has absolutely no memories (like Nyuu) but chances are the whole clothes thing is gonna serve as comical relief, I wonder how she’ll react when she gets some pizza. Also, why do people have death wishes for some characters, I mean, Nina may be a psycho, lesbian, table ****ing chick, but thats no reason to kill her off…
Indeed it did, it explained alot about the nature of geass, and improved the plot without killing someone (I personally think Ougi and Viletta will survive. Also C.C. is kinda nice being all innocent instead of detatched and lonely.
Lots of stuff to comment on…interesting view on the Sword of Damocles and Sword of Akasha…I havent begun any research, besides it makes my job easier if you do it for me. I think that the incomplete part with killing C.C. was the part when she lost her memories and immortality, though whether she’s mortal or not because of a lack of memories is yet to be seen (apparently the geass mark on their bodies is the key). My main theory is that C.C. will end up with Lelouch, it’s obvious that she loved him, and Lelouch obviously cares for her enough that he didn’t want her to die unhappily. As for the global war, I’m alligned with C.C.xLulu now, because now it’s feasable. Also I’m thinking that Luciano (knight of ten, pilot of the Percival) is going to have a major role in Kallen’s escape from prison/joining Britannia.
I watched it 3 times to get everything.
Ok now that I’m done replying to stuff, heres my theories.
C.C. is obviously gonna fall in love with Lelouch again, since Geass apparently is a reference to gears, I doubt its real-life meaning of “tragic flow” will come into play, so we can probably lose our thoughts of a tragic ending. If he does end up with C.C. I bet either one of two things will happen, either 1) they are both mortal and spend the rest of their lives together, blah blah blah, happy romantic ending, or 2) C.C. regains her memories and immortality, Lelouch becomes immortal after taking it from the emperor, and resigns himself to live out the rest of history with C.C. I’m betting my money on the first, it’s the happiest.
As for Kallen, I think that Luciano is gonna somehow play a role in Kallen’s turn to the dark side/escape from prison, which one happens, is yet to be seen.
Also this gravity bomb is really gonna fuck with the Black Knights, it apparently is nuclear based (that’s Nina’s speciality) with some added fictional elements, I don’t think it’s just a plain old Atom Bomb.
As for Viletta and Ougi, I think maybe Viletta will lose her memories again, or that Ougi is gonna rescue her. Apparently if they don’t die, they are gonna end up together.
This episode has also cast a light onto my own interest in Marianne and V.V. I think…maybe Marianne was a contractor of C.C.’s which would explain their closeness. Also to answer any questions on why people have geass in two eyes, thats how you know when they are ready to kill the person who gave them it, notice Charles had it when he geassed Lelouch, Mao had it (thats why she was freaked out when he pulled out the chainsaw), C.C. had it and Lelouch doesn’t. There is no “second geass” just one really powerful one.
Hopefully more questions are answered as time goes on, this one definetly answered my fair share of questions. I look forward to debating with everyone.
If Charles died, then was resurrected, then wouldnt he have lost his 1337 geass powers….
Marcell is a tool, lol
Also, anyone know how Charles canceled V.Vs code? Seems Charles is becoming pretty fucking powerful for someone who still has living, un-immortal children.
Hilarious captions as always! And yes, from the episode 16 preview alone it’s pretty clear C.C will (temporarily?) be the new source of fanservice. Oh Lelouch, you should have let her undress, instead you went and scared her. :))
Also, so the spoilers I read were true. Which partly sucks because I read a LOT of them from the same source. T_T
I like your neat summary of C.C’s ‘past’ life, haha. I hope she will get her memories back before the whole thing ends. :( She’s got to!…right?
1. the episode was a little melodramatic in my opinion
2. i think that C.C. hair turned green b/c she was inject with a gene that contained green hair dye…( looks better when screwing men i guess)
3. are all those gears eyes of geass holders? cause they look like eves with those white droplet things
This episode was great and I was dying at your picture of Charles and C.C. with the O_O cause i was going wtf at that moment too. I thought he was going to kill her not try to sexually assault her. You forgot to mention how Lelouch conveniently has a mirror bomb on his suit and I wonder what he said he would possibly use it for when he got it installed.
@ mike, lol, i love you too
We were talking about the wish of her contract though, not what she wished for a few hundert years ago before she got her Geass(to be loved by someone is a wish that almost everyone has anyway).
I said that her wish is to die but i didnt wanna see it actually happen so im very happy Lulu saved her :D Sad thing that she lost her memories but hell she looked so cute in that state. Now that shes a innocent mortal girl Lulu better takes good care of her or im gonna get very angry at him >_>
I dont think/hope they kill her off unless they go for a unhappy ending in which Lulu might die too. gogo LuluxC.C. ending!
From what we could see so far Sword of Akasha is the core of that “thought elevator system” which is the temple where Lulu and Charles met. I got the impression that the tower like thing with the floaters from the opening is schneizels bomb, kinda like a nuclear missile. The space thingy looks more like a mecha or mobile armor to me, if you look closely you can see it firing slash harkens like the one from the siegfried, some smaller missiles and what looks like a hadron blast.
I think schneizel gonna turn out to be the biggest villian and he just took nina in to build him that bomb.
He just played a show, Lulu didnt succeed in Geassing him because hes immortal and immune to Geass now.
First Ftw!
Besides that, I found this episode review particularly hilarious. Geass=Gears.
Her power of geass was to be loved, geass apparently manifests itself differently in every person as to best compliment that person, C.C. wanted to be loved, she got the power. That aside, apparently everyone’s contract (except V.V. and Charles) was to die. I’d be crushed if they killed off C.C. so this made me very happy, and I agree she’s very cute.
Yes, indeed, all the thought elevators are linked to the Sword of Akasha, but it looks like it’s history now with Lulu destroying it. As for my own impression of the tower, it might be a space base, maybe the final staging area between Lelouch and Schniezerl? Whatever it is, it looks interesting. I read some stuff about the sword of Damocles, apparently the space station may be a comparison to it, the sword was apparently a sign of constant fear looming over our heads, the space station and bomb may represent that.
Apparently Charles is different from others, he wanted the immortality, he wanted the power, he wanted to RULE FOR ALL ETERNITY! He doesn’t have his geass anymore though, so Lelouch can confront him without giving up his memories, although C.C. losing her memories also makes me think that it ties in with Charles, maybe it’s because of his previous geass that she lost her memories and apparently her immortality too. One question arises, why did she lose her immortality?
Also, woot for Viletta and Ogi! I hope to god you don’t die…
There is a typo in your post, under the Kallen related entry, it’s “ever” not “every”. Overall, an enjoyable episode.
Now the King’s got the Geass power & is invincible. & now C.C. lost her memories of the current world (while gaining her old ones).
& what will (not have) happen to V.V., I wonder. Looks very much that he left the front AND the backstage of the series.
Eh, what do you know, I found something interesting online. It says that C.C.’s true wish wasn’t to die, as mentioned by Lelouch as she was falling (though he didn’t elaborate) apparently that wish is (*SPOILER* and guess what I was right) to have someone that truly loved her. Apparently, Lelouch was the one she fell in love with and because of that she didn’t want him to become immortal, so she offered herself to Charles instead, however after Lelouch told her that if she was going to die she was going to die with a smile on her face, and that he would make her smile. After he said that she realized what her true wish was, which was hidden away in her memories. Interesting, I knew C.C. couldn’t bring herself to die, especially not with Lulu around. I’m still corssing my fingers for a LelouchxC.C. ending, which seems very possible now.
Knowing that I was right makes me tired so I’m going to bed for now. No more posts from me for at least another 10 hours.
Btw, Charles doesn’t have geass anymore, he’s just immortal, as for V.V. he’s dead. He died from the wounds he recieved when the Siegfried was destroyed since he gave his immortality to Charles.
Yep, Lulu also said it in the preview that he hopes for the Emperor to be stuck inside.
Think so too, dont see a reason to kill either one of them off.
i hope for that one!
dont think that she lose her memories again that would be a lame plot twist. Her feelings should have finally gained the upper hand over her britannian pride with this inncident so if they both survive they gonna end up lovey dovey and make little Ougi’s for sure ^^
Im not sure about this one, i thought about it too but there are some things that make me unsure. 1)Mao having Geass in both eyes but not fulfilling his contract with her can be easily explained because he loved her so ofc he didnt want to kill her, but then again why would he try to make her “compact” knowing that? And at that point in the series C.C. hadnt fallen in love with Lulu yet so she should have welcomed it but instead she was scared which implies that he didnt have the abillity to kill her after all.
2)Lulu’s Geass is already that strong that he cant turn it off and C.C. tells him he should kill her if he wants to fight the Emperor on equal ground. If his Geass wasnt actually strong enough to kill her why would C.C. lie about that?
Well the Code is the immortality and ability to give Geass power. And as said in this episode once the Geass gets strong enough you gain the ability to take the Code away from the giver and get it yourself.
LOL @ C.C. x Charles doujinshi.
I have nothing much to say except to nick a line from your previous post…
Shokku! Ii shokku!!!!
Lol@ “I like voyeur”
Crappiest-animation-in-a-Code-Geass-episode-ever. Crappy execution as well, from Lelouch tricking the emperor to look in his eye with an instant magic mirrors thing (plus taking the pose when doing it), Charles taking V.V.’s immortality by dying, Ougi and Viletta’s stupid confrontation in the woods (can’t believe they resort to the most simple and convolute way to confront their past relationship), C.C.’s wish is revealed to be the most evident guess (Ah poor me, as I was starting to fall in love with Cheese-kun but it appeared he was already married now I wanna be dead), Suzaku’s own stupidity for waiting the very last minute to realize he is doing something he doesn’t want to (You can guess he will realizes at the very last moment that being a Knight of Rounds wasn’t a good move from the start), C.C’s past was rushed and beyond the revelations about immortality it was plain (still the mad nun is priceless “OMG I’ve been tricked!!!”), then C.C.’s mind switched place with Tchii leaving her trapped into the Chobits’s world,
actually there was yet no comment while I was typing that my first comment and even refreshed to make sure I would be the first one but sadly it fall into 5th place as i posted it.. >_<
I think C.C. lost her memories while lulu is blowing that place apart(since that place is something that interferes with thought that malfunctioned and caused the loss of C.C.’s memories) but her immortality is still there, and now Charles is the only one that can kill her.
That killing immortal part is very confusing, if Charles already succeeded V.V. then he must have lost the capability to kill C.C. as he now have no geass and therefore do not have the requisite of having a certain level of geass to kill an immortal. Because if the state of Charles now is the same as that of C.C. then why she didn’t just asked V.V. to kill her as their state should be able to kill each other?
P.S. Charles actually bluffed lulu by shooting himself. That was a good gag. XD
I think CCxLulu is not feasible as the fate of the power of the king is solitude. Which means that nothing would allow lulu to be happy >_<
leaving you to wonder own dangerous the world of C can be… wait a minute, by the end you don’t even know what the world of C is! holy crap, they could have called this episode The Emperor’s Backyard it would have made a lot more sense…
Still hurray for Nunnally showing some resolve and Nina for creating Shneizel’s trump card.
Yes correct, but still Geass power != contract wish :>
In the opening it looks like the “tower” is on what might be a launch pad on solid ground and i doubt normal knightmares were build for space combat
Well for her to die the immortality has to disapear first so i guess he was “half way through”. Dunno about her memories though, it doesnt seem to be linked to the immortality taken away since apparently V.V. didnt lose his memories when Charles took his Code.
Yes, but still the wish of the contract we were discussing was to die so i was right after all :P We saw that she wished to be loved and got that power as Geass but in the end never attained true love because she couldnt differ from the Geass power and real love anymore, its not a spoiler we saw it in this episode ;)
Like sandslayer said the Emperor lost his Geass in exchange for the Code and V.V. is dead.
The first part may be true the second part isnt, C.C.’s Code was clearly gone from her forehead after they came out.
Maybe V.V. never had a Geass himself, the Geass lineage must have originated somewhere after all and Cornelia and Lelouch called him the Source of Geass when they shot him down. Now where they would know that from is another question…
Damn it all I can’t sleep. Well whatver.
Who knows what will happen to them at this point, rock+hit+head=brain damage, but we don’t know if they hit the rock though. I have high hopes for them though, apparently Viletta loved him too.
I’m just offering an explanation, maybe I should revise what I said though, Geass in two eyes may be like, the most powerful it can go, however, during the Mao thing although she may not have fallen in love with him yet, she still wanted to protect him from Mao and she did show signs of jealousy when Shirley asked him out. Maybe, the cut off point for killing the giver varies?
You have no taste. This was an awesome episode.
The contract was “to grant her greatest wish”. Not to kill her. Currently I’m betting on her greatest wish being for someone to truly love her, not to die. It is kinda mentioned in the episode when Lelouch shouts that he knows her greatest wish but he doesn’t elaborate.
Yet to be introduced.
From what I heard, her immortality is gone, thats why she doesn’t have the symbol on her forehead, it doesn’t mean it’s because of her memories, more like, the same as her memories. I never said that the memories and immortality are related, more like she just lost both. I think.
Agh, the terms of the contract was to grant her greatest wish, I don’t think her greatest wish was to die, otherwise she would’ve made Lelouch kill her. Also, Lelouch only said that he knew her true wish (note the true part, implying the wish to die wasn’t her real greatest wish), he never actually said what it was, although it is fairly obvious what it is, it is still a guess (still rooting for LelouchxC.C.).
Can’t wait till the next episode…well now I have to go play Civilization IV to entertain myself till morning, or at least till I can get some sleep.
C.C.’s code is not always visible. But I figured out that killing C.C. is not the only way to take the code. There is somehow a process that would transfer the power. But I do not know how and when Charles and V.V. transfered the code. Apparently, V.V. didn’t lose his memories and he does not need to die to transfer the power. And I doubt that V.V.’s powers originated from something or someone else. Another thing is that Charles was worried when C.C. break away since if he had already taken C.C.’s immortality then he shouldn’t have worried that much. So it is still not confirmed if C.C.’s code has been taken away.
I guess when we don’t get mechs, we get reason…
Also, once you get the code, you lose the Geass, so now he can just look pretty.
I remember someone saying last time that the reason nobody would find th Rolo bomb was because Lelouch would have someone on stand-by. So who the hell installed a capsule full of mirrors on that thing?
After awhile they might go;
“Wait, none of this adds up.”
He’s used that button for so many things…
Ok i took a look at that scene and while its hard to say anything about her feelings at that point its entirely possible that she atleast wanted to protect him so i guess its a possibility.
Yes i mean the same, maybe i worded it a bit bad, i basically wanted to say that she didnt lose her memories because she lost the immortality.
That might just happen just like in episode six with the air docking thing. “Rakshata: Oh you need to go to space? Ive got that system here for the 0,1% that might have happend!!” xD
No the contract was to grant “one wish of her” not her greatest wish, i even checked ep 1 again to make sure.
Yes her greatest wish is to be truely loved but she could never attain it in her long life so she contracted people with the Geass Power with the wish to die to end her miserable existence.
But when she finally found one that could fulfill her wish to die she fell into true love… oh my now i want to see a happy end between the two so bad i gonna be really pissed if sunrise fucks that up!!
The subs I watched said greatest wish, I don’t remember what was in the dub. I should probably go watch that.
Yeah, I figured that it must’ve been the same way that V.V. transferred his immortality as when C.C. lost hers. Though wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of dying (unless they were just tired of living, not just being immortal). After all V.V. died from the wounds he got after the Siegfried was destroyed, C.C. wasn’t hurt, so she didn’t die.
Your right, Code Geass doesn’t need a reason. As for the mirrors, maybe they aren’t from the Shinkiro? For all we know all he did was launch the prism into the ceiling and when it shattered he used his geass? I just hope he kills Rolo soon…Shirley was my second favourite female character (my first was C.C. and third was Kallen).
C.C.’s Code is normaly not visible because her hair is in the way but it wasnt in the scene after they came out of there. Charles took the Code from V.V. after he talked to him in the last episode, we didnt get to see it but it clearly happend then. Also V.V. didnt die right away since C.C. still got to talk to him afterwards and then died from the wounds from the fight so taking away the Code does not automatically kill the owner too. And Charles didnt really look worried about C.C., rather surprised that she changed her mind. The only thing he worried about and got pissed is that Lulu shot his precious Sword of Akasha ^^.
And i wondered when someone would come trying to make up stupid plotholes again. What makes you think that stick does only have one button? There might be more to configure what it does you know?!
imo most stupid made up plothole after the zero costume one in the submarine ep(as if he had only one costume.. we even saw that he has one extra in season 1…).
i haven’t seen anyone comment about finding what C.C.’s REAL NAME IS!!! now that technically “C.C.” is “dead”…meaning her memories of her life after the geass are gone…i’m willing to bet sometime in the next 1-2 episodes, Lelouch tries to call her C.C. but she acts all confused, so he calls her by her real name.
Also, Kallen will NEVER join Brittania. Nevar evar.
they made it glaringly obvious that her Code was gone when they had the shot of her listing her skills to Lelouch with her hair out of the way, showing her blank forehead. (Edit: cor got this right before me)
Also also, they sure didn’t show Lelouch putting his contact back in…but Sunrise *probably* wouldn’t make it so Lelouch got her Code. Besides, from what we saw, the whole “incomplete takeover” scene pretty much tells us that Charles took her Code, and somehow she lost her memories, and i guess they just skipped over him putting the contact back in. I hope.
I wonder if the power of gears is greater than that of drills…
Yes, i do try to avoid thos ass-long and in-the-end-completely-meaningless discussins you do here…
OMG! seems like i just figure out something. What CC wish is not to die but to be loved by someone. guess that’s what lulu figured it out after a trip down memory lane
I just realised that it all makes sense now that in the opening, C.C.’s expression seemed to be a more happy and innocent one. Especially the last scene for the opening that DarkMirage said
“Who is this person and what has she done to C.C.?”
actually, Lelouch said CC’s greatest and true wish but phrased it not in blatant terms. he said, “I know it, CC! Your geass, your true wish!” – subs by eclipse and the translation is correct. yep, CC’s greatest wish is her geass, “to be loved.” while talking with the subconscious of CC or whatever she is (the CC in the world of C – this episode is CC focused and explores her world), she even said to lelouch that “deep in my heart i wanted to be loved.” being her first and original wish, I think that this really is her greatest and truest wish.
the wish of death/immortality-loss (loss of immortality also means death in some ways as one’s self is now in the mercy of time, sickness and accidents) only came about when she felt that immortality brings forth solitude and all that she loved/will love passes away with the never ending flow of time.
her greatest wish of being loved is also supported by the fact that he didn’t want to be killed by mao when he got the power of the uncontrollable geass. she felt that mao’s love was just pure obsession and madness.
This whole god destroying tool thing is awfully confusing. It looks like a bunch of rocks…and somehow in the explosion, C.C. becomes normal again, but why is Lelouch the same? Maybe Charles is different and we just aren’t seeing it yet…
Hmm, duh guys, Shinkiro has that “mirror bomb” for use of its prismatic laser.
Personally I think the power of screws works best. ;P
i noticed that some of the ppl here are debating about lelouchs geass not showing and his contact lens and all. i think he actually never took it off as he said that the entire space interferes with thoughts. like when he apparently ‘dismounted’ his shinkiro at the end of last episode. but it turns out that he was still in the knightmare towards the end of this episode.
The other way around, thoughts directly manipulate the system, Lulu said it when he came back. And we do see Lulu taking his contact lens of at the beginning of the episode. At the end when he came out with C.C. we werent shown it but that doesnt mean it didnt happen, its not like we saw them come out of there without a cut so there was enough time to put it back which we didnt get shown.