This episode explains the entire basis for Geass: It’s actually a typo for “gears”. Show’s over guys, we can all go home now. Jokes aside, this episode is like one of those Evangelion episodes where the Angels take a break from world destruction and the main characters just talk and emo. It’s more interesting than it sounds, but only if you happen to care more about the life stories of a bunch of faux British chaps than giant robots engaging in asexual intercourse.
Spoiler alert.
Underground breeze
Geass is like a game of tag that lasts for eternity until you catch someone else. When a person masters his Geass, he is able to kill the one who gave him the power and gain eternal life himself. However, living forever is apparently a very painful thing, so those who gain eternal life then proceed to trick other people into mastering Geass so that they may be freed from an eternity of solitude.
Lelouch is a paedophile
Back when C.C. was young, she was a sex slave. One day, she escaped from the brothel and was taken in by a nun. The nun gave her the Geass power to charm anyone, thus granting her unlimited sexual power. She used this to great effect and became a very popular whore. At the peak of C.C.’s power, the nun revealed her real plan and made C.C. kill her, cursing C.C. to live forever.
Secondary entry point for reproductive organ is located at this position
C.C.’s original plan was thus to trick Lelouch into killing her. Unfortunately, she seems to have fallen in love with him and can’t bear to hurt him. Because of her Geass power, she had never known true love until now. Awww. Sho shweet.
Adult relationships are so complicated
Also, Viletta meets Ougi again but can’t decide whether to kill him or to make mad love.
C.C. has discarded her tsuntsun self and become a teredere young and innocent girl. This is rather disturbing, but will likely provide hours of fanservice and love comedy situations for the rest of the series. Awesome.
“Chiiii? Hideki!”
Also, I don’t see what’s so awful about living forever. Seriously, C.C. should try getting a real hobby beyond eating pizzas. It’s only been a few hundred years since she gained eternal life, which is way too short in my opinion for one to be truly sick of living, unless of course his/her sole pastimes are eating and sleeping.
C.C. has no sense of aesthetics
People don’t enjoy living because they may die one day, they enjoy living because there are things to do and goals to achieve.
“Your puny Geass is no match for my thick and curly mane”
C.C.’s motivations in life are now pretty clear, but Charles is still mostly shrouded in uncertainties. I still don’t understand what he plans to do with Lelouch and Nunnally and why he let Marianna die. Is he a misunderstood self-sacrificing philanthropist doing everything for some greater good, or will he turn out to be a generic supervillain trying to take over the world just for the lulz?
“Guys, we need a bigger body bag”
The King is dead! Long live the King!
He likes it
Is Kallen ever going to be the heroine again? :(
He dresses like a pimp and now he acts like one too
So what was V.V.’s Geass and how did he master it so young?
“Why did you save me?”
“I am a voyeur”
The power of Gears
Is she going to do anything soon?
One of those should’ve been Rollo…
There will be C.C. x Charles doujinshi
So can someone tell me how C.C.’s hair colour turned green?
Lmao “Guys, we need a bigger body bag.”
So, anyone want to venture a guess as to what will happen in these last 10 episodes?
I still say Euphemia is gonna be sunrised. There was no funeral.
Ppl just because CC doesnt have that geass like thing on her forehead doesnt mean that she lost her code. Also Lulu never took off his contacts cuz everything that happened in the sword of something happens in ur mind.
CC will become Lulu’s hoe just like tamaki said last season. 0.0
Sunrise always kills of the fat, old, and gay. but the leave the lolis and bishounen.
They really need to kill off nina and rolo, theyre annoying. plus rolo’s gay and nina has a table fetish.
Don’t forget Nina’s a Lesbo.
Not that there is anything wrong with that….
of course not
Darn it. They’re killing the possibility of a Season 3. Or rather, they probably already did. I feel so pissed on the possibility that they really did misspell gears…seriously, what the hell?
Yeah, I thought about how they would reveal C.C.’s name now that she lost her memories. Maybe so, maybe not. Personally i can’t wait till they reveal C.C.’s name but I must realize they may never do so. As for Kallen, get over it, I bet she’s joining the Brits.
But I don’t, they occupy my time.
Yeah darkmirage really called it.
Eh? I said that first. Just to elaborate a little on what you said, C.C. was originally planning to use Lelouch to grant her wish (we all know that), but she fell in love with Lelouch (again, we all know that) I think the whole failure with Mao was more like, she didn’t want him to be immortal either, he was about to kill her (i.e. chainsaw) but he didn’t know what he was doing (and crazy and immortal isn’t exactly the greatest thing to be). I think that sums up why she was worried. Notice the connection between Mao and C.C. and the nun and C.C. is the same? Both times, the holder of the geass only seemed to trust the giver, and notice that was the same way between V.V. and Charles, they only trusted each other. Lelouch didn’t think the same way, rather, he didn’t trust C.C. at first.
The whole god destroying tool actually manipulated thoughts, and she only became normal because Charles was about to kill her, when she stopped the process apparently she erased her own memories and lost her immortality, we don’t know how it happened, we just know it happened.
Thats what I said.
It’s fairly obvious that he just put the contact back on, I doubt they made Lelouch immortal, without his geass he can’t do some of the things he can do.
Have I ever failed to supply my own theories? What I think is gonna happen (summarized), Kallen is gonna join Britannia and somehow ties that in with Luciano Brandli. Lelouch falls in love with the new C.C. while the new C.C. falls in love with him. Charles doesn’t escape the Sword of akasha until like the last episode. Suzaku will either die, or join the Black Knights in episode 17 when Lelouch confronts him. Although since the title is “the tast of dirt” I’m not so sure. I’m slightly doubting my previous theories about Anya, merely because I don’t know how they would fit a complicated side story for her in the next few episodes, which are obviously battle episodes (since he attacks Japan in episode 17). Kallen is either gonna die or rejoin the Black Knights (personally I think her shot at Lelouch is officially gone now), Gino, Luciano, Bismarcke, Nonnette and Monica will maybe die in the course of the next few battle episodes and Milly and Rivalz will find out Zero is Lelouch. Blah blah blah. Btw, that bomb is gonna really mess up the Black Knights.
Euphie is dead, get over your obsessions.
Ahem, Rolo ain’t dead yet, and although Bartley was fat, he was awesome.
There won’t be a season 3. There never was supposed to be one.
Three thoughts:
i) C.C. and random nakedness. Why was C.C naked in the church?? Because all love and sex addicts are also nudist? I’m obviously missing something here.
ii) Rolo the master of massacre. Scary how he gave the orders to gather the bodies… O_o I see Zero’s popularity falling in the near future. Either that, or the Black Knights might just as well change their outfits for the same type of clothing as that samurai from that other series, Blade of the Immortal.
iii) C.C.xCharles fanservice. That was just a little bit too much spice for me, thank you…Was that even suppose to be fanservice?!? Or was it just to give us a scare about what Charles was going to do…something I’d rather not think any further about! >_< Gah, I can’t wipe out that image…
Wasn’t C.C’s hair always green?
Looks like the destruction of the temple-thingymabob had some sort of affect on C.C, I’m gussing Charles must have slipped his Geass on her right before she fell, or the structure was somehow linked with her mind causing her to forget her Geass, thus ending up just like Lelouch in the beggining of R2. Apparently just forgetting you had Geass is the equivalent to it not exsisting, untill you remember it. Or she may have lost it completely somehow, if that’s the case then Charles stole her Code or maybe when Lelouch grabbed her arm it transferred to him.
But man, that was one hell of an episode, my favourite part was when Lelouch opened the thought elevator screaming “I’ll make you smile dammit!” I got all giddy cause I’m a big Lelouch X C.C fan.
My Idea of an ending would be for Lelouch to kill his father, thus giving him his fathers code, making him Immortal, and then Lelouch and C.C live happily ever after reproducing like rabbits for all of eternity.
Ok, well obviously thats not going to happen, I can just tell 1 of my two favourite characters are going to die, likely C.C, if that’s the case then I boycott Sunrise anime forever.
Gears? More like Unlimited Blade Works to me …
I think Lelouch had to put back the contact, they just didn’t show it. Now that C.C’s lost her immortality, that would also make her vulnerable to his Geass…unless I’m mistaken.
Idiots… read my entry, he never took it off.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Ppl CC did not lose her code idiots.
Rolo, to answer ur question watch the episode again. the suicidal nun made CC give away all her possesions k? thats why shes f***** naked
Ppl, that gay gigalo king lost his geass(and sexuality)when he stole VV’s code.
Haruhi commands u all to make a CCxCharles(gay gigalo) doushijin
Sunrise should use DM’s idea of CCxKallen fanservice cuz they name Shinkiro after this blog
This post is dedicated to omega knighx, who has officially proved that there is still a lack of intelligence in this world.
He did take it off, the way he reappeared in the knightmare is the same way as when he was taken out, if the system can take someone out of the knightmare, it can put them back in. As for his contact, it would make absolutely no sense in the plot right now for Lelouch to lose his geass and become immortal, so that being said, he put his contact back on. Also, it makes no sense for the whole event with Charles shooting himself to not have happened. That was the event that proved his immortality, duh.
I believe saying it once then providing a reason why would be more effctive in getting people to agree with you rather than repeating it 17 times. By the way, she DID lose her code, thats why she didn’t have the sign on her forehead, it’s fairly obvious.
Who gives a damn why she’s naked, it’s anime, they don’t need a reason. Overthinking minor points in a story will just cause you to look too far and eventually lead yourself away from the whole purpose of that point in the plot.
Now why in the hell would you post something as retarded as that, for one thing, he wasn’t sexually assaulting C.C. (which would also make him straight) he was killing her. Get that through your thick head, and he didn’t steal his code, V.V. gave it to him.
No, just…no.
I’m personally more interested in the progression of the story rather than fanservice. By the way why did you post six short times in a row when it would be much easier to put them in one? Unless you think so slowly that you post something, take 5 minutes to think of another sentence, post that sentence, take 5 minutes to think of another sentence, post that sentence, cycling six times in a row.
You make America look bad.
“Ok, well obviously thats not going to happen, I can just tell 1 of my two favourite characters are going to die, likely C.C, if that’s the case then I boycott Sunrise anime foreve”
After watching Gundam 00 and occasionally some parts of R2, I have to say that is not a massive loss…
screw what i said before. Lulu put his contact back on during the commercial.
Who cares of i make americans look bad. America sucks!
by the way i write one entry and look at the blog and write another one or write what ever pops into my head.
“You make America look bad.”
Short attention spans and a lack of interest in details in exchange for something that looks nice and flashy on the outside?
Ok enough politics. Thinking about how ignorant the average american is politically is depressing enough.
This is what I get for bloody turning up late to the party. 75 goddamn comments. Either way, the 2 Eyes=Able to kill doesn’t entirely make sense, Mao had two geass eyes, and shot C.C. 3(?) times before pulling the unused chainsaw on her in the amusement park. 3 shots, even to the body, would have been close to enough to kill her or at least put her into shock, but she shrugged them off like she would any other wound. And then I read on and see you’ve ‘revised’ that thought. Wonderful -_-
I’d like to know her real name, but then I’d also be quite happy if they kept it to themselves.
Don’t suppose you have any theories as to whether the name (Prayer) has any significance? Could just be another name for a new weapon, but then in an anime with a subplot concerning slaying Gods, anything related to religion has a possible dual meaning.
I had a gg subs version, during which she remarks “I gave up all the gifts like you told me to.”, or so their translation was. Basically I took from that that her clothes/accesories had been gifts which the nun told her to give up.
That’s the kind of lightshow I want around me when I embrace my woman :(
Correct. Her code was protecting her before, but if that’s been taken then she is vulnerable to any and all geass once more.
By cutting out the complicated side story they have lined up for someone else of course. My refusal to go looking for spoilers may be shooting myself in the foot somewhat here, but as far as I can tell(again, may be mistaken here)you overlooked that the transition of Anya->BK could occur in episodes 18-21. Those technically aren’t the closing episodes, but also have yet to be commented on by you. Would it be so crippling for the story or characters if it took until episode 19 for Anya to move rather than episode 17? From where I’m sitting, not terribly, but again, I refuse to look at spoilers so you probably know more than I. I’d have thought a battle episode would be the best place for a fighter such as Gino and a screwed up semi-loli such as Anya to reassess their belief systems. Having it during combat (Like they had Anya/C.C’s flashback sequence during combat), assuming it’s done well, could pace the episode much better than just mecha combat sequences on its own.
Part of me thinks Milly already knows(And has known for a period of time)tbh, or I’d like to think that anyway. Or she possibly did know before she got geassed by the Emperor for R2. Her “I like knowing secrets, even if I don’t tell them to other people” line just made me think that. Very tenuous I know, but hey, this is a sunrise anime, it’s just tenuous enough to be true.
I’ve always been opposed to that, but now that I think about it, double agent? I’d assume she’s been trained on how to lie well. You may have already considered this, but it just popped into my head so I thought I’d write it down. She plays Britannia for fools and then pops back over to the BK when she gets the first opportunity. Not terribly different from what you’ve said, but the way you phrased it made me think that she *wanted* to side with Britannia, as opposed to just using them.
I swear Charles and CC should have break-danced instead
I always liked C.C anyway, so this episode was tailored to my liking. Pity about the memory loss part, wonder if that killed off the connection with Marianna…that was always interesting to see.
Also, I find it ironic that a Geass user will be unable to use his/her Geass when they got converted into the ‘immortals’.
The cool part is the success of the nuke though. Again I wonder where they will use it. After all, the weapon has got to level a city.
Ah, I was watching the Eclipse sub, so that probably explains some of my confusion. Now it actually makes sense. But I could go watch the ep a third time as well ^^. BTW: Is gg a better sub?
Because it’s so much more natural to have pink or purple hair! ^^
Rololita: Yes, gg’s subs are usually much better. IMO of course. :D
And C.C’s hair has been baffling me for some time. I always have to remind myself that Euphy had pink hair, and Cornelia had purple hair. I guess green is simply the most alien hair color, haha. Unless they bring in someone with bright BLUE hair maybe.
Also, in the extended preview the to-be-introduced Knight of Rounds has a pretty psychedelic hue of orange on his head, lol.
What do you know, Amnestic finally showed up.
America sucks? What the hell man, America is awesome, but people only look at what’s bad, and at what was just made up. Every country has it’s faults, every country has some form of corruption and every country has it’s bad people. What do you think saying America sucks makes you look cool? Or that it makes people think your smart? Hell, this comes from the person who posts like a retard, six incredibly short times in a row, and on top of that, they were stupid comments. I don’t want to get into any political arguements here (the purpose of this post is Code Geass R2 episode 15 not what goes on in America). Hell, I’m German and I love America, so go shove your “america sucks” comments up your ass.
Well, everyone has their own tastes.
I wonder what order Lelouch would give C.C….chances are he doesn’t want to make her unhappy, so that might form a basis.
Ok lets make one thing clear, the reason i never mentioned episode 18+ is because I don’t know anything about whats gonna happen in those episodes. I only have info on episodes 16 and 17. The reason i don’t think they would have a complicated Anya backstory (i.e. Anya being Lulu’s real sister, not that she’d join the black knights) is because it’s too late in the series to shove such an important role on an apparently minor character. As for spoilers, I basically know everything thats gonna happen in episode 16 and a vague idea of episode 17. Fear not Ougi and Villetta fans, both of them live. As for episode 17, That’s when Lelouch tells Suzaku that Euphemia was an accident (or so I’m told), exactly what Suzaku does after that is unknown. Also, we can count out anymore C.C. and Anya stuff because C.C. apparently doesn’t have any powers anymore, and has the mind of a ten year old former slave.
If she never got her memories altered I’d agree but since she did, unless she gets Geass Cancelled by Jeremiah, I don’t think she’s gonna put the peices together, unless of course, Suzaku tells her.
From what my sources say, Luciano is gonna be the key point with Kallen and the Britannians, I haven’t been told what or how things happen, or if she joins the Brits but I was told Luciano is a key person in that (one source even went so far as to say it’s her brother, but I doubt that).
Yeah, I’m an 100% C.C.x Lelouch fan. As for the connection with Marianne, yeah thats probably gone. C.C. is apparently completely cut off from her code and her geass. As for immortals it seems they gain other powers as well (like C.C.’s shock sequence) in place of the geass, and since they are immune to all geass it actually makes them more powerful. As for the nuke, I doubt it is gonna come into focus in episodes 16 or 17 since none of my sources say anything about it.
Well, who knows, maybe odd hair colors is a sign that their special? I dunno. Personally black hair would suit me better than pink, purple, orange, flaming red, green or blue.
I need some sleep, yet I’m not tired…woohoo? Back to Civilization IV.
@Blue He’ll be introduced as the REAL Orange-kun! lol.
Actually, I’m blond in real life, and at one point it started getting greenish, because of all the swimming I did during one summer in the local lakes. >_> It can happen, for real, but perhaps not becoming really green. That’s only for mermaids. And C.C. of course! (just for the record, there wasn’t a local waste dump nearby, just algae I guess).
More like, I wonder when Japan will start making the master/slave doujins. :)) Okay that was a bit crude. Ahem, what I mean is that in the state C.C is in now, Lelouch will hardly have to use Geass to make her do anything. Heh.
I generally don’t watch episodes with two different subbers (eg. watch episode 15 of both Eclipse AND gg) but in general I’ve found gg subs more agreeable, plus they generally seem to release the subbed episode quicker than eclipse, though by all means not always.
Black Knights attack Area 11-> Jeremiah uses the geass canceller on Suzaku so Lelouch could geass him again (or just to remove the SURVIVE! geass in the first place->Milly gets caught in the canceller field? Possible, maybe not likely, but possible.
That doesn’t work. Lulu, Kallen, Suzaku and Schneizel have the four most ‘realistic’ hair colours of the series, and they’re some of the most major characters. Obviously C.C is important too, but when the main character has normal hair colour, we can rule out crazy hair equalling special.
“Remember”? “Survive”? Those are the only two I could think of. Are C.C’s memories locked away a la Charles’ geass or are they wiped and her brain is quite physically back where it was when she was a loli? Not sure, but if they’re locked a ‘remember’ command could (possibly) bring them back. Then again, it could be like it was with Suzaku where he didn’t *want* to geass them and wouldn’t out of principle…well, until they were going to die.
I’m still trying to work out what took him so long to mention it. I mean, he could have done that at the end of R1 in the temple after V.V. captured Nunnally. It was all “YOU KILLED EUPHY!” and Lelouch could have replied “That was an accident, wasn’t meant to happen, I’ll explain later but can we go rescue my sister first?” But no, he had to be all angry, dramatic and end up almost killing them all.
“Her brother, Naoto KÅzuki (紅月ナオト, KÅzuki Naoto?), with whom she had a deep connection, was a former leader of the resistance organization before his death.” (Wiki). Doesn’t say how he died, and I don’t think we ever saw a funeral, so it’s possible knowing sunrise :P I’ll go looking for comparison pictures in a bit, when I get access to my R1 archive.
Never could get into Civ4, which is crazy cos I loved Civ1, Civ2 and Alpha Centauri as a kid.
@Amnestic I’m definitely going for gg from now on.
I really don’t see a reason for Charles to have geassed C.C. I mean, what would he gain from that? And would it even be possible? Even if he has the level of geass to kill her, that doesn’t necessarily mean he can geass her, and furthermore doesn’t the fact that he became immortal mean he doesn’t have a geass anymore?! He can just bestow the gift on someone else. I think this means C.C. somehow became her younger self so as to be able to have her real wish granted, to really be loved as she is/was…I’m also a fan of LelouchxC.C. fan so I’m loving where this is going…^^
Another random thought, sooo, when you gain immortality you cease to age, but your hair continues to grow (example V.V.?) Now imagine Charles with the double amount of curly mane to match his growing beard. ^^
Yeah I go with gg mostly because they sound more realistic and because they are out first.
Knowing sunrise…
Crazy hair could mean anything.
Nah, he won’t make her remember, mostly because he knows if he does, she’d continue suffering, notice the immortal people all want to die, so if she regained her memories it would be the exact same thing as before (immortal or not), she’d just be tired of living. Also, Lelouch said if she was going to die, she’d die smiling, so I doubt he’s gonna purposefuly make her suffer by giving her memories back. Losing her memories and immortality is the closest thing to making C.C. happy next to dying, most likely happier because now she can wind up with Lelouch.
Lelouch didn’t know that Suzaku loved Euphie, he probably didn’t know what to say to appease Suzaku, so he strapped a bomb to his chest.
Remember that unnamed guy that died in episode 1 of season 1? Theres a few flaws to this statement but some believe that was her brother. Although, one, he didn’t have the right hair color (apparently her brother had light gray/reddish hair), two: she didn’t go through a mourning phase even though she knew he was dead. The rumours that said Luciano was her brother also said he dyed his hair, though personally I’m having trouble believing it.
Hehe, I love the game, currently working on beating it in immortal level, I tried Deity once and got my ass owned. I have the original (Civ IV), the first expansion (warlords) and the new one (beyond the sword). I love playing as either Joao II (Portugal) or Catherine the Great (Russia). Favourite maps: Archipelago, high sea level, temperate climate, standard game speed. The game is awesome, albiet hard and causes major graphics lag but awesome. Much better than Call to Power and Civ III (the only other ones I’ve played).
But enough of Civilization IV for now…conquering the world will have to wait till tommorrow I got to sleep.
I possibly should have been clearer when I said “a la Charles’ geass.” I meant similar to, though I didn’t mean necessarily due to it. It could have been a side effect from the Sword of Akasha. After all, V.V. kept his memories after losing his code, just losing her code to Charles shouldn’t have removed C.C’s memories.
Yeah yeah yeah, revisions, revisions…just admit it YOU WERE WRONG! Just kidding…now I really gotta get some sleep…though…I’m tempted to start another game of Civ IV.
Aw hell, a teenager needs his sleep…but a teenager needs to conquer the world more…back to Civ IV
It’s still very vague isn’t it, being a “side effectâ€. But I think you’re probably right. Since the removal of her code doesn’t remove memories as well, the case of V.V. shows us that.
So the open question is how all those gears and that flying Acropolis actually relates to C.C. and Geass, since messing with it (Lelouche running wild with his Knightmare) means she lost her memories. And not all her memories, but all memories from the point she got her geass to the present (at least that’s how I interpreted it).
That’s why I like Code Geass. A teenager with a genius intellect, snappy wardrobe and a magical eye can conquer most of east Asia! Inspiration to all of us.
No, because he was unnamed and therefore ‘expendable’. ;p I wouldn’t put much stock in the unnamed guy being the brother, otherwise she would mention it when Kallen said she lost him “He died at Shinjuku” or something similar to that. Well, maybe not, but she *probably* would. As for whether the Knight of Rounds is her brother…well I suppose it’s possible, but a bit twisted. I’d love to hear the logic behind why a resistance member performing terrorist acts against Britannia, presumed dead, actually became one of the top twelve Knightmare pilots in the entirety of the empire. That’s not even sarcasm, if it was logical I would love to hear it. It’d be hella entertaining!
He knew that Suzaku was her knight, and from what I can tell that’s not a position for people you’re not at least fairly close to (Cornelia x Guilford!), though you are right, he was unaware of their relationship. Mr. Genius-Intellect could have probably guessed though.
You’re probably right. I was working under the assumption that Lelouch wanted ‘his’ C.C. back. I mean, she’s probably gonna be happier now that she can grow old with him, but nevertheless Lelouch…desired(?) the C.C. he’d known and become (dare I say it) friends with. Were I in his shoes, the conflicting happiness for her happiness and sadness at ‘losing’ her would be mind boggling. :P
Cecile has blue hair……………………………………………
American ppl are just racist bastards who think being black is a good thing when the color of ur skin doesnt matter
No, seriously, what? What on Cthulu’s black Earth are you on about? You paint America as sucking, America as being racist, and then you just perpetuate that same idea with your own actions. I hate to stray from the topic of CG, R2, EP 15, but your idiocy is astounding. Honestly, are you victim of a self-lobotomy or does your mother give you far too much unrestricted internet access? Because you’re either clinically retarded or twelve. Either way, your opinions are far too ridiculous for words. Even now I’m only replying out of boredom.
Please Kallen come back soon, Lulu needs a shoulder to cry… and a nanny for mentally ten year olds CC or should I say CC, Chii mode? Im gonna miss the old CC… why they did this to her, shes funnier bothering Tamaki and Kalen, and eating pizza!! Cheese-kun
Im a Kallen/ Lulu fan, and CC too, but with the way things are going I say: LELOUCH PLEASE DONT GET NEAR KALLEN!! YOURE CURSED AND BRING BAD LUCK!! Since every hint of romance that they have given us has been screwed… Do I have to number them? Euphies dead (ok it was romance with Suzaku, but Lulu had a crush on her) Shirleys dead and CCs memory lost, even Kallen got herself captured (it was her fault… and hints of romance for them were more for friendship, not like Shirley and CC with whom we saw more development of his feelings and that wasnt one sided) you get the point no??
I think that CC will die in the end, but as Lulu said with a smile on her face, being loved as woman, but not only by Lelouch but by friends like Marianne? (she loved her right?) Kallen? Kaguya?… that would be cute ending for her… she won´t be forget
About Kallens brother, the man that its with her in the first episode it´s called Nagato, and he had a wife a child, when he blew himself up he was watching the picture of his family… Naoto was the leader of the resistance group, when he died Ougi became the leader, in episode 1 and 2 ougi is the leader…
As for Lucciano its interesting his relation with Kallen, why would a knight of round other than Suzaku and Gino, would want to visit her? Maybe he wants to meet personally the Ace of the Black Knights… I doubt he is her brother, we dn´t knw if Naoto was her half-brother or her brother, he was several years older than her, like 9 or ten… there´s a rumor that says that Lucciano is Naoto´s assasin, and that he knows Kallen… who knows, we´ll see next chap…
Shenanigans for this rumour. Naoto was leader of a small time, meager resistance force in the backwater that was Area 11, barely a blip on the radar for the Empire, why would the Knight of Ten be dispatched to assassinate him? Much less then cover it up. If they’d eradicated the leader of a resistance force, a smart politician (which both the Emperor and Schneizel are) would hold it up as a show of what happens if you resist the Empire, to intimidate any other resistances. Lucciano would have no reason to assassinate Naoto. Do we even have proof he was assassinated? I was under the impression he was just killed in combat, before the beginning of R1.
Yay, I’m awake…and I still feel like crap. Damn construction outside…can’t a German get his sleep?
Oh, he’s going off about me saying that he makes America look bad, I like my country damn it! Although I never brought anything up about racism…or did I? Let me check…Nope, no racist comments.
Then what provoked this? I wonder.
You talking about me? Or Americans in general? By the way, I doubt I would call myself ignorant, I’m spouting all this crap about Arthurian legends and geis and incredibly deep and complex plots (which probably means it isn’t true), what average person in any part of the world would know about the sword of damocles, or the legend of Gawain and the Green Knight? There are average and below average (and retarded) people all over the world, I won’t deny there are idiots in America, but there are idiots in Brazil, and in Germany, and even idiots in Japan (even though they say Asians are smart). Just because someone lives somewhere, that doesn’t make them stupid, it’s the person that defines whether they are stupid or not.
Why does everyone think C.C. losing her memories was a bad thing? I gives her a chance to be happy without dying (although I’ve said this before I am SAYING IT AGAIN). She was unhappy being immortal, and even being mortal with her memories was too much because she was already tired of living, you could say the only thing keeping her here was Lelouch (which she showed by stopping the process of killing herself after Lelouch said he would make hr die smiling), now that she doesn’t have any memories she doesn’t have to suffer anymore. Besides, Lelouch knows her true wish so he’s gonna make sure this new C.C. is happy, although she won’t be able to take Zero’s place anymore, or act badass to Tamaki, she now can be HAPPY and possibly BE LOVED by the time to series is over (which is what I’m rooting for) Go C.C.xLelouch!
Look dude, knowing sunrise, anything goes. Besides they gave the details on how Naoto was killed…we just know Kallen adored him and that he lead a small resistance unit that Ougi took over after he died. Besides Luciano will finally be introduced, we have no idea what the dude is like, maybe he’ll surprise us.
Back to Civ IV, damn construction is keeping me from going back to sleep.
Since a few episodes back i’ve been astounded with how crazy this series is. I’m so happy i found ur journal, so after every episode i get to read ur ideas and stuff and then i get satisfied with the release of one episode a week.
I wonder if C.C. still has that scar in her abdomen, I didn’t notice it in the previews.
Also, why is Charles stuck but CC/Lulu managed to escape the Sword of Akasha?
Regarding Luciano being Kallen’s brother. I was wonder about that, and sandslayers pointed it out as well, but if Kallen is half-britannian, is her brother britannian too?
96 comments already, jeez guys. ;)
Woops, just noticed something.
What I meant to say was “Look dude, knowing Sunrise, anything goes. However we don’t know the details on how Naoto was killed…we”
Yeah, thats something I´ve been wondering for a while, Naoto was a britanian or a japanese? Is Kallen just the product of an affair? Which one is her real last name? and for Mr Stadfeld, involving with a japanese makes you lose your status right?? I konw it was before the war but it still causes a stigma right??
Not only Lucciano but Nonette will be and interesting character, her profile says shes the only one who Cornelia fears…
With CC it´s not like I dont want her to be happy, but I like more her old person… after all it wasnt just her looks that makes her so popular… I wont like the Chii mode, but I guess we´ll have to live with it…
Ahhh… I said, theres a rumor I didnt even said it was right, its just something that was posted and I pated it here after the word rumor…
I thought that’s what you meant. Either that or you had some insider knowledge (like the canon books) I didn’t have access to. You’re right, it is Sunrise, but atm I have no reason to believe that Lucciano is Naoto’s killer. Kallen’s brother…possibly…maybe? I dunno, kinda 50/50 on that point for me.
I couldn’t see the scar, but I did see Cornelia (begrudgingly perhaps) hatching a plan with Lelouch, and Kaguya getting more airtime. I know that’s not what you were talking about, but I just rechecked the preview and I wanted to point it out :D Anyway, no scar visible, and I think it used to come down far enough for it to be visible with the amount of clothing she had on(or off, depending on how you look at things ;p)
As for Charles..couldn’t say. Maybe it’s cos Lelouch and C.C. fell from the ‘Sword’ while Charles remained on the platform.