This episode explains the entire basis for Geass: It’s actually a typo for “gears”. Show’s over guys, we can all go home now. Jokes aside, this episode is like one of those Evangelion episodes where the Angels take a break from world destruction and the main characters just talk and emo. It’s more interesting than it sounds, but only if you happen to care more about the life stories of a bunch of faux British chaps than giant robots engaging in asexual intercourse.
Spoiler alert.
Underground breeze
Geass is like a game of tag that lasts for eternity until you catch someone else. When a person masters his Geass, he is able to kill the one who gave him the power and gain eternal life himself. However, living forever is apparently a very painful thing, so those who gain eternal life then proceed to trick other people into mastering Geass so that they may be freed from an eternity of solitude.
Lelouch is a paedophile
Back when C.C. was young, she was a sex slave. One day, she escaped from the brothel and was taken in by a nun. The nun gave her the Geass power to charm anyone, thus granting her unlimited sexual power. She used this to great effect and became a very popular whore. At the peak of C.C.’s power, the nun revealed her real plan and made C.C. kill her, cursing C.C. to live forever.
Secondary entry point for reproductive organ is located at this position
C.C.’s original plan was thus to trick Lelouch into killing her. Unfortunately, she seems to have fallen in love with him and can’t bear to hurt him. Because of her Geass power, she had never known true love until now. Awww. Sho shweet.
Adult relationships are so complicated
Also, Viletta meets Ougi again but can’t decide whether to kill him or to make mad love.
C.C. has discarded her tsuntsun self and become a teredere young and innocent girl. This is rather disturbing, but will likely provide hours of fanservice and love comedy situations for the rest of the series. Awesome.
“Chiiii? Hideki!”
Also, I don’t see what’s so awful about living forever. Seriously, C.C. should try getting a real hobby beyond eating pizzas. It’s only been a few hundred years since she gained eternal life, which is way too short in my opinion for one to be truly sick of living, unless of course his/her sole pastimes are eating and sleeping.
C.C. has no sense of aesthetics
People don’t enjoy living because they may die one day, they enjoy living because there are things to do and goals to achieve.
“Your puny Geass is no match for my thick and curly mane”
C.C.’s motivations in life are now pretty clear, but Charles is still mostly shrouded in uncertainties. I still don’t understand what he plans to do with Lelouch and Nunnally and why he let Marianna die. Is he a misunderstood self-sacrificing philanthropist doing everything for some greater good, or will he turn out to be a generic supervillain trying to take over the world just for the lulz?
“Guys, we need a bigger body bag”
The King is dead! Long live the King!
He likes it
Is Kallen ever going to be the heroine again? :(
He dresses like a pimp and now he acts like one too
So what was V.V.’s Geass and how did he master it so young?
“Why did you save me?”
“I am a voyeur”
The power of Gears
Is she going to do anything soon?
One of those should’ve been Rollo…
There will be C.C. x Charles doujinshi
So can someone tell me how C.C.’s hair colour turned green?
…An idea about Lelouch not having his Geass at the end of the episode that I found on AnimeSuki: now that C.C. no longer has her Code, perhaps her contract with Lelouch was canceled and he lost his Geass?
Who knows, his wife knew about it if they were having an affair. Besides if the authorities knew she was half Japanese, she wouldn’t be able to live like she could, which means they only found out after she was discovered as a terrorist, notice Milly had to deliver her (grades was it? I dunno, don’t remember and don’t weanna rewatch anything, too busy playing Civ IV) because they found out she was half-japanese and didn’t want anyone else to know. As for Cornelia fearing Nonette that probably means they are gonna face off together on the battlefield later…who knows, maybe Cornelia joins the Black Knights, though I doubt that since her left arm is paralyzed after Darlton attacked her. As for the Chii C.C. I think people will grow to love her…besides, it’s the way to make her happy without killing her off.
I do have insider knowledge, it’s called “People who have read the canon novels.” Toss me a german copy and I’ll go to town, but Japanese isn’t my thing. I’m still skeptical about him being her brother or assassin (why would he be assassinated?), but I do not doubt he will be a major person in Kallen’s future story.
The reason you never saw the scar is because it’s above her breast, not under it. You couldn’t even see it when she stripped in front of Lelouch in episode 11, awesome as it was, nothing was shown, no scar, no nothing. However I don’t doubt that she isn’t immortal anymore so chances are the scar is gone. By the way, Cornelia is tied up. She probably still hates Zero for killing Euphie (her memories of Lelouch being Zero are gone), so she’s gonna have to go through the shocked sequence again. However know she knows a little bit more about her father and about geass and stuff, I personally think she’ll team up with Lelouch, whether she wants to or not.
That would also mean Rolo and Jeremiah would have no geass since V.V. lost his code and then died, so that wouldn’t be true unless they want to get rid of EVERYONE’s geass.
I don’t think so, I think C.C. might have transported them out or maybe Lelouch got himself out? All that happened is that Lelouch grabbed C.C. and they were teleported out. Also Lelouch thinks the emperor is trapped, don’t think about the minute details, we know what happened.
C.C.xLelouch finally has a chance in my eyes now…I used to think he’d end up with Kallen since C.C. was immortal, but now she’s mortal and doesn’t seem to be so sad (as well as memoryless) she’ll have to learn to love and trust Lelouch all over again, which will add a nice little element to the series. One thing is bugging me though…a more reliable source has popped up and said Kallen dies in episode 22, it seems rather sudden, but, I’m kinda worried.
I hope she at least has a kickass death sequence. Kinda hard to beat Shirley’s “I luvz u alwayz Lulu, lolz *dies*”, which was really touching imho.
Its strange about Cornelia´s arm… I mean its bean a year and I don´t know how many months since her injury in the Black Rebellion, it should be fine by know, if its broken it should be fixed, and then in R1 they kept telling about the advanced britania meds…
No Kallen!! Dont die, who cares a bout Lulu, you can end with whoever fits Gino or Suzaku I dont care, you just have to live, and make your mother happy…
Hope that rumor is false… The girls dont have to day, at least not the two favorites…
Not necessarily. I know I’m no Geass expert (I mean, none of us are; the only ones who are outside the series are the creators of the show. For that matter, the only ones who are, inside the series, are either dead, amnesiac, or bad guys), but my thoughts:
1) For now, there is no proof showing whether or not Rolo does still have his Geass. For all we know, it did indeed disappear. The only way for us to know for sure is for him to either state that he no longer has his Geass (and not be lying) or for him to use it once again.
2) Jeremiah doesn’t have a Geass; what he has is a Geass Canceler. note that the symbol that appears in his eye is an upside-down version of the Geass symbol, and the color associated with it is blue, not red(-orange). I’m thinking that this was an artificially implanted thing rather than part of a contract. (Could be wrong, though.)
3) Again, we don’t know the specifics of Geass. It could be that a Geass stays in existance as long as its lineage (in other words, the series of contractors of which one contracted with the Geass user) is in existance. Or, to be more precise, as long as the Code their contractor possessed continues to be passed on. In C.C.’s case, the process of “passing on” her Code was interrupted right in the middle, and even though she no longer has it, the Emperor might not either. (I don’t remember if there were any shots with good views of the Emperor’s forehead after Lelouch interrupted the event to tell whether or not the Geass symbol was present.) If that’s the case, it may be the existance of a contractor possessing the Code that allows a Geass to continue to exist, and if the Code is off in limbo or something, the Geass won’t work.
Of course, as always with this sort of thing, I could be completely wrong and Lelouch may just have put his contact back on.
…Speaking of Lelouch putting his contact back on, how exactly does he always put it back on so quickly? Don’t people usually have to position them just right so that they don’t irritate their eyes?
Just for you (and me ;p) I went back and looked. 20:25 on the gg subs version has a mid-close up of the Emperor after the lightshow was broken off and Lulu started firing Hadron balls. No code on his forehead, but does one code always appear in the same place on everyone? Anyone got any shots of V.V’s right hand for comparison?
As I have to remind myself in these kind of situations, suspension of disbelief. This is anime, with magic eyes and giant robots. They might have magic contact lenses which position themselves or something. Or Lelouch practises for an hour every night to make sure he can put it in and take it out quickly. Applying real world logic sometimes isn’t really viable, and I believe this is one such case.
I second the request for shots of V.V.’s right hand.
Quite true…*thinks of the MST3K motto*
And also, I think you might be right about the self-positioning, now that I think about it. If I remember correctly, when Lelouch’s contact lens was first introduced, it had some odd-looking stuff on the inner side, almost like circuitry or something. I’d take a look at earlier episodes to try to see if I could find it, but at the moment I’m at work and I won’t be home until 5:30 or 6:00pm. (It is currently 1:51pm where I am.)
I’ll probably take a look once I get home, while I’m waiting for the third Kara no Kyoukai movie to finish downloading (that is, assuming there is a sub/are subs out already, which I am assuming, because the person who assists with gg’s subs [that is, TakaJun] said that he had watched it last night).
Went back a few episodes to have a look-see. 20:28-20:30 of Eclipse’s R2, Ep 14 has shots of V.V’s right hand when he’s bleeding and crawling along the floor, I can’t be certain, but I don’t *think* he’d lost his code at that point. I could go searching for more pictures further back, but atm that’ll have to do. It’s late and I’m tired.
I could not stop laughing at the captions under those screenshots. ROFL!
There are no actual shots of the palm of V.V.’s right hand (or left), only shots of the back of his hand, notice the emperor had the code on his right hand palm. However heres a few tidbits of info to prove a few things. We know V.V. was immortal (Cornelia imbedded a knife in his head and he pulled it out), we know he gave his immortality to Charles (because he died and after Charles shot himself he got up) we KNOW Charles shot himself and that whole sequence actually happened because Charles has blood on his shirt when he’s holding C.C. That being said it’s fairly obvious what happened between V.V. and the emperor. The code obviously has to do with immortality and so C.C. not having it means she mortal and Charles having it means he’s immortal.
Notice V.V. says to Charles that “He finally came.” Meaning he hasn’t lost his code because he hasn’t given it to Charles. Case Closed.
By the way, wouldn’t it be awesome if both C.C. and Lelouch were immortal in the end?
wtb more youtube poop of CG
but seriously, can’t wait for 16! and um
@sandslayer (comment 110)
“Notice V.V. says to Charles that “He finally came.†Meaning he hasn’t lost his code because he hasn’t given it to Charles. Case Closed.”
that doesn’t make any sense to me
and who is V.V. referring to? is that a direct quote? and i thought we deducted that Charles TOOK V.V.’s code… Case≠Closed
Ahem, Charles did take V.V.’s code,watch episode 15 for yourself and you’ll understand what I mean, V.V. is crawling all bloody and battered after Cornelia and Lelouch destroy the Siegfried and he goes to the thought elevator. Then he see’s Charles standing there in the entrance to the sword of akasha. That’s when Charles tells him that he’s lying again. He doesn’t lose his code until after that, meaning his code should still be somewhere on his body when they show him crawling (which is what Amnestic was looking for). I think the direct quote was actually “You finally came.” Must’ve been a typo.
Case Closed. (don’t give me that case≠closed crap)
sigh….. CLAMP must be having fun with Code Geass being Chobits in disguise…
C.C isnt immortal anymore however.. she lost the Geass sygil on her forehead
LOL….. Fun discription and I enjoyed it. ^.^
@Tkpenalty: The fact that C.C. is no longer immortal is not the issue; the question of where her Code went is, because Charles did not have a Geass symbol on his forehead after his “death by dancing” was interrupted by Lelouch.
Basically, we’re trying to determine whether or not the marking for an individual Code always appears on the same spot. That did happen with the nun and C.C., but as yet there is no evidence either way for V.V.. Until someone is able to find a good shot of his right hand palm before his Code was transferred to Charles, we won’t know.
I, however, am of the opinion that the Geass symbol for a specific Code does appear at the same location on a contractor’s body.
…Wait…I just realized something. You know those psychedelic flashback sequences of C.C.’s that showed a whole bunch of girls with Geass symbols on their foreheads? If having the Geass symbol on your body indicates that you have a Code, what if that means that all those girls had Codes? That would be a whole lot of immortals….
…Unless it was supposed to indicate the succession of contractors for the “C” code; that is, all the people who had been contractors for that lineage of Geass preceding the one we refer to as “C.C.”.
Argh…I understand why the following idea wouldn’t work, but I dearly wish that Sunrise had made this a twice-weekly show. >_< Each time I wait for the next episode, my mind gets filled with too many weird ideas and theories, etc., as I try to think of how all the different weird stuff that happens could be explained.
EDIT: w00t! Super martial artist Hisui ftw. X3 (The icon that appeared for me this time.)
gah sandslayer, relax relax, i see now it was a typo >.>
and yes, i did realize that Charles took V.V.’s Code where you pointed out
and you are correct (of course :O) in saying V.V. did NOT give his Code, Charles TOOK it
so..like you said, we don’t know where to look for C.C.’s missing Code until we find evidence of V.V.’s old Code actually on his hand
yeah i was wondering the same thing…what was with the crowd of girls with the Codes on their foreheads? and wtf with Jupiter being shown above the Sword of Akasha? is that supposed to be funny? the “Jupiter = King of the Gods” Roman mythology was so obvious i didn’t know whether or not to take it seriously
@invshika: Jupiter has appeared much more in Code Geass than simply being shown above the Sword of Akasha. If I’m not mistaken, an image of Jupiter has appeared every time a vision similar to the one C.C. gave Suzaku (and Lelouch, when he touched C.C. during that event) appears in the show. In fact, I’m pretty sure that, way back at the beginning of season 1, Jupiter appeared in the sequence of images viewed by Lelouch when he made his contract with C.C..
…So, if Charles is trying to “kill the gods”, and if the gods in question are, according to V.V., not literal gods…does that mean Charles is trying to destroy the other planets of the Solar System? (After all, every planet in our Solar System, except for Earth, is named after a god, and as I mentioned, the planet Jupiter has been featured in most, if not all, of the Geass-related vision sequences that have occurred so far.)
I think you’re misinterpreting. The way I took it was that Charles was trying to kill the ideas and reasons why people fight amongst themselves. The atheist in me is shouting that he was specifically talking aobut killing the Gods of religions, as religions have been the cause of a number of conflicts across history. The way I understood it, is that they’re not actually trying to destroy a physical thing, but rather the mental ideas. That’d keep on with Geass to do with the mind and hypnosis as opposed to affecting physical reality (see Rolo’s ‘timestop’). I may be mistaken here, but Charles’ cause actually seemed quite good. Unless I misunderstood, all he’s striving for is eventual peace because he’ll have destroyed any reason people have to fight.
Of course, that’s a ridiculous goal, as people will always fight. He’s fairly naive if I’ve got my views and interpretations right. As for Jupiter being shown repeatedly, as someone already mentioned, he was King of the Gods, and Geass is the power of Kings. Simple connection, but I’ve stopped expecting vastly convoluted references to mythology from Sunrise, that’d just be *elegant*! And we can’t have that.
My belief about the code is divided into 2 theories. The first is that C.C. interrupting her death was not supposed to happen, and chances are has never happened before since all the people who get immortal want to die. If the code was lost during the transfer tha also means something to me, perhaps the origin of geass can only be stopped if the immortal people decide there is more to lfie than death? and theory #2: Charles already had a code (from V.V.) so the new one didn’t show up. Personally I prefer my first theory.
Stop agreeing with me. My reason for being here is to be proven wrong, completely and soundfully, so argue, don’t agree.
Yet to be explained.
Duh, that means Jupiter is important. Related to geass maybe?
Although Amnestic already said something about this…two things: 1) Earth is named after a god, she’s named after Mother Earth or Gaia, mother of the titans. 2) The agreement to destroy the gods meant people who make men fight amongst themselves (i.e. Zero), this has already been explained.
It’s not a ridiculous goal, note that people such as Lelouch and Charles have power and abilities to make such a dream possible. However, you are half right, making people fight would be so hard it borders on impossibility. Lelouch though, aims to fight so he can get a better tommorrow, and that he doesn’t lose anyone else (which probably means he’s gonna gaurd C.C. with his life). Charles though, wants to destroy those who make men fight, but listen to what Charles said in the show “There is only one person in this world, both in the past, present and future” thinking in that way, making one man not fight is much easier than roughly 6.3 billion. Anyways, it’s anime, people have their crazy goals and such.
…I’d forgotten that he said that. Just what exactly did he mean by it, anyway? I doubt he was being literal with that…Code Geass would get really, really weird if he was being literal.
Just watch the next episode and find out.
The emperor is referring to ur self and that you should only care about urself
lol…maybe the hair is because of the lights…
i like the “Chiiii? Hideki!” thing…
How does C.C. not get fat from eating all those pizzas? is it immortality or something else?
She doesnt appear to exercise.
With C.C.’s mind of a 10 year old slave girl, it’s unlikely the there will be a Lulu x C.C. relationship at this point because Lelouch was attracted to the old C.C. the Witch.
Personally, I would rather see Lelouch with one of the female characters. And if Shirley is any indication, Milly Ashford will be the one to remain at Lelouch’s side. If the Order of the Black Knights decides to leave Zero, Kallen will likely to follow them. But she’ll still believe in Zero, no matter what. So that leaves the door wide open for Milly Ashford to enter into Lelouch’s life. And she will not take no for an answer.
At least those are my opinions. Only the upcoming episodes will tell if my theories are true or not. But it would give the chance for Milly’s character get some serious screen time than in past episodes. And in order for that to happen, Shirley, Kallen, and C.C. would have to be removed from Lelouch’s life because there wasn’t any time to develop her character at the time. Too many women around one guy is very hard to give equal screen time development. So, reducing that number down allows lesser female characters greater screen time to develop increase interactions with Lelouch.I do hope to see some increased screen time between Milly Ashford and Lelouch before the series ends because it is long overdue.
How does Sayoko, a middle aged maid ninja, pull off incredible feats of speed, agility and accuracy?
How does Geass, a magical hypnosis eye with different powers for different people, connected to immortality, exist?
How haven’t you peopled worked out that this is an anime, and as such questions like the one you posed are of the utmost retardation?
That is a very, very big if. Do you want to back up that with any evidence, besides the fact that one pilot was crying about how it was a massacre? We didn’t see Todo, his 2 remaining lieutenants or the original Black Knights (those two who are basically cannon fodder) complaining. Most of them are loyal enough to Zero to know that if they’re attacking a position, it’s for a strategical purpose and even if he doesn’t tell them the truth the whole time, it will be for the best in the end. They *know* that, they don’t just think it. Also bullshit on Kallen leaving Zero if the Black Knights defected. Kallen wants to get lovey dovey with Lelouch/Zero, she’d be upset, but it’s highly unlikely she’d leave.
And I like who you completely skipped over Kaguya. Yeah, she’s a loli, but going by things I read, she’s 15 or so? Lelouch is only 18, three year difference is nothing. Kaguya’s stuck by Lelouch for the whole time, if Kallen and C.C. really were abandoned as love interests (I still don’t agree with you on that by the way, it’s a toss up between the two on which will win out at the moment for me.), Kaguya would be taking the crown as Lulu’s queen, not Milly. Plus Milly’s never actually shown any real interest in Lelouch, romantically. Rivalz and Milly is a far more likely pairup than Lelouch and Milly.
Damn this episode was somewhat weird, but last two episodes were awsome, hmmmm It’s most probably that there’s like another being or Geass users who have multiple codes.. There must be something like a root for the geass power, they might wanna destroy that.
The only person who knows lelouches real identity from who’s on his side is only orange-kun and rolo.. Lelouch i loosing trustfull alies by the minute. I bet that cornelia will join in with lelouch, it’s obviously that lelouch will become king at the end.
It seems its gonna be lelouch x kallen at the end.
The question isn’t whether cornelia joins. Its how she joins.
Well, people have their own viewpoints, personally, as I’ve said many times before, this was the only way they could make C.C. happy without killing her, erasing her memories. Code Geass is a surprisingly deep series once you get past the massacres and angry Suzaku scenes. Lelouch isn’t a heartless person and I bet he never will be, the Black knights (at least his inner circle) realized this (I think) when he allowed the Empress to choose her own future, as well as Xingke.
No duh he’s gonna end up with one of the chicks. This isn’t Yaoi.
Well, personally and logically, I’d say that Milly won’t end up with Lelouch, although I do think it’s possible she might find out he’s Zero.
Personally…I say that because I’m a big C.C.xLelouch fan and even if that’s not gonna be it then I’d prefer a KallenxLelouch.
Logically…well…Milly has had SO little screentime with Lelouch, he doesn’t see her in any romantic sense at all (we all know he loved Shirley, he had some feelings for Kallen, i.e. the scene where he asks her to go back to Ashford with him when it was all over) and he cares deeply about C.C. (which nobody realized till this episode I guess, I didn’t really). His thoughts havent gone back to Milly, she hasn’t shown affection for him (though I admit, one of the picture dramas said Milly loved Lelouch), he thinks of her more as a slavedriver than a love interest. Besides, she was the comedic relief.
Also, the Black Knights, there is no way they’d make them desert him, it wouldn’t make any sense plot-wise AT ALL. I’m serious. Things like that only happen when the evil character goes too evil and his people realize he’s nuts, but Kallen would kill herself for Lelouch and so would Tohdoh. As for the cannon fodder (i.e. Minami and Kento), they are the only ones slightly disillusioned about Zero but they are still loyal (although Kento has a reason since it was hinted he loved Inoue, and blames her death on Zero, btw, Kento is the minor character with blue hair). I just don’t see any reason why they would make the Black Knights desert him.
Well said. *claps* Your starting to sound like me.
Hey, remember Kallen might join Brittannia, she may be loyal to Lelouch but anything can happen. But seriously people would making the black knights defect do ANYTHING except FUCK UP the series? I’ve said this before and I’ll say it a hundred times if neccesary, it makes NO SENSE PLOT WISE. Think about it. How in hell can they continue the series without the Black Knights, BESIDES, he attacks Japan in episode 17, why would they suddenly push in a retarded plot twist that would kill the series after the big fights start to happen.
R2 was just an average series till just recently (episodes 9 and up I guess, with the exception of episode 10), I’m starting to get really interested in this series, and I like how the plot developement is going in a different direction than the first series. Instead of building up on Lelouch’s strategic power and ability to lead, they are starting to develope his personal relationships and how they influence him as well as the nature and purpose of C.C. and geass. It’s kind of becoming another series except in an awesome way.
Ahem, more people know his identity than you think. Kallen, Jeremiah, Sayoko, Rolo, Cornelia, Suzaku, C.C., the emperor and V.V. (though he’s dead). As for on his side I think thats more like 6 or 7 (cornelia is iffy) rather than 2. Also why do you people call him Orange, even Lelouch recognizes him now, he isn’t Orange, hes Jeremiah, but whatever. Lelouch isn’t losing trusted allies though, the ideas of a few minor soldiers don’t mean much.
That is currently unknown, I’m still rooting for C.C.xLelouch so I can go ahead and say: “It seems its gonna be lelouch x C.C. at the end.”
Looks like someone can think, I congratulate you for understanding Cornelia’s situation.
@Amnestic: I must disagree with your accessment. Milly is in love with Lelouch. Most of the viewers has not seen the hints that the producers provided about Milly Ashford’s interest in Lelouch. We will see more of her in the upcoming episodes. The death of Shirley will keep Milly around. That’s all for now!!!
Please give me a reason as to why you think Milly is gonna get more screentime. LISTEN TO THIS!!!!
Episode 16: “Super United Nations Resolution Number 1”
Summary: Forty-seven countries rally under the banner of the new Super United Nations, splitting the world into two factions. In order to liberate Japan, war is declared on Britannia.
Milly? Nope, sorry, this is Black Knights stuff.
Episode 17: “The Taste of Dirt”
Summary: The battle for Japan is about to begin, but Lelouch must first confront Suzaku.
Milly? Nah, more like Suzaku and Lelouch, maybe she dies? Hehe.
Episode 18: “The Second Decisive Battle of Tokyo”
Summary: Schenizel learns Zero’s identity as the decisive battle in Tokyo Settlement begins. The battle for Japan intensifies when the new Guren Ganesha’s Eight Extremities-Type enters the fray.
Milly? No, more plot development with Schniezel, maybe thsi is why he doesn’t use the nuke? Or maybe Schniezel becomes the bad guy?
Episode 19: “Betrayal and Brothers”
Summary: Amidst the carnage in the battle of Tokyo Settlement, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga.
Milly? Nah, judging from the title it’s gonna be Suzaku stuff.
Episode 20: “Emperor Assassination”
Summary: Lelouch escapes a dilemma thanks to Rolo, but the world is changing and he has only one path he can take.
Milly? Honestly, look at the title and ask yourself, will Milly even tie in to this AT ALL?
Ok so it looks like no Milly from episode 16~20, what about 21~25? Hardly, 5 episode is too short to create a romance and make it ladt, especially in a complex series like this.
I agree with sandslayer, I know you don´t like people agreeing, but this is so obvious, that its hard to deny it unless you´re a Milly fan…
Milly is out, give up… If they wanted to develope her character, they wouldnt have taken her out of Ashford…
Theres too little time and more characters to develope, and they will be fighters, Milly is no fighter… so the only character introductions we´ll get are the others knights of rounds and maybe the “gods”…
I give up!!!!!
To be honest, until we can see some increased interactions between Milly and Lelouch in the upcoming episodes, I will not post any more comments about her character. I’ll let the upcoming future episodes reveal that. Otherwise, my theories about a possible Milly X Lelouch relationship will be nothing more than wishful thinking, as most of the fans have stated.
Ay beibei, remember when you said CC’s memories getting erased made no sense so late in the series? ;)
On who’s side? DUN DUN DUN! :p
I never said that. If I did probably what I meant was that I was originally confused that they erased her memories because I remember distinctly after watching that part I thought about what I just saw for a bit then I jumped up and said “Genius! Thats the perfect way to make her happy without killing her off!”
The reason I remember that is because 1) I have a good memory and 2) because when I jumped up I spilled a glass of cranberry juice on my cat.
…Now that I think about it, I don’t think I ever said that making her lose her memories made no sense…
Ahem, more people know his identity than you think. Kallen, Jeremiah, Sayoko, Rolo, Cornelia, Suzaku, C.C., the emperor and V.V. (though he’s dead). As for on his side I think thats more like 6 or 7 (cornelia is iffy) rather than 2. Also why do you people call him Orange, even Lelouch recognizes him now, he isn’t Orange, hes Jeremiah, but whatever. Lelouch isn’t losing trusted allies though, the ideas of a few minor soldiers don’t mean much.
uhmmm i said on lelouches side on the moment, kallen isn’t there, Cornelia lost her memories because of the geass. Suzaku,V.V. and the emperor are on the enemy’s side and i’m not sure if Sayako reqognizes lelouch as the first prince. Lol i called him orange because i like that name :P Well C.c. loosing her memories and kallen getting captured, i wouldn’t call that minor soldiers.
Ok so it looks like no Milly from episode 16~20, what about 21~25? Hardly, 5 episode is too short to create a romance and make it ladt, especially in a complex series like this.
Unless there will be a season 3 comming, I can’t see lelouche like defeating brittania in 3-4 episodes, there are 12 princes/princes or so over, all the knights of rounds are still alive. 1 of them was strong enough to defeat a whole country. And so i can go on. But I don’t think milly will take that kind of place in lelouches heart, I think it will be kallen because he wanted to go togheter with her back to ashford after all of this.
Freelance! She just wants to blow shit up ;D
She’s gonna need a reason to join Britannia, so far it’s been connected to Lucciano and/or her brother. But that debates been done, I just said it was bullshit about her leaving Zero with the Black Knights, but it’s also stupid that the Black Knights would leave zero in the first place. The whole massacre “OMG WE KILLED WOMEN AND CHILDREN” was just to make Zero appear as a more ambiguous force, in my opinion. They were looking too much like the good guys. Though, obviously from the standpoint of the viewer we could accept that this was for the greater good.
If most other viewers have missed it, but you have not, please, share your views and observations with us. If you have some real evidence that Lelouch should end up with Milly instead of Kallen, C.C. or on a longshot, Kaguya (my Kaguya fanboi won’t let that go ;o), then present it so I can look at it myself instead of saying “Other people haven’t seen the hints I have.”
No Geass used on her, even though he could thanks to Jeremiah’s Geass Canceller. She’ll join begrudgingly, accepting that she needs him to get her goal and he needs her to get his. Alliance of mutual interest until such a time they can stab each other in the back. My prediction, anyway.
Don’t suppose this has been mentioned, but Jeremiah is meant to be a pretty good pilot, (debut of the Guren Air type, Suzaku: “Careful, she even beat Lord Jeremiah.”, is saying that he’s good, just not as good as Kallen.) Why is he still using a crappy modified sutherland? Fairly sure the new Black Knights models are superior in design and specs, so why not give him one of those? Heck, now that C.C’s not piloting anymore, they could give him her pink one.
But does he need to defeat all of them? I was under the impression that the further up the Knights of Rounds went, the better they were, meaning Knight of One is the best. As long as Lelouch defeats him, or rather, his Ace does (whoever that might be at the time), then he’s effectively ‘won’ that battle. Similarly, to defeat the royalty of Britannia, he just has to outwit the best strategist, who at the moment appears to be Schneizel. After that he’s beaten the best of the best, and everyone else, while a challenge maybe, is knowingly beatable, not to mention if Knight of One(Bismarck, I think?) and Schneizel got royally owned, the Britannian morale would plummet. We already know that Kallen could take on Gino and Anya simultaneously. That’s…Knight of Three and Knight of Six. Fairly good to say the least. Should Kallen return to the Black Knights soon (fingers crossed) then I’d say she would stand a fairly good chance of beating Bismarck.
Further proof that cranberry juice is bad for felines! I’ll call New Scientist.
But does he need to defeat all of them? I was under the impression that the further up the Knights of Rounds went, the better they were, meaning Knight of One is the best. As long as Lelouch defeats him, or rather, his Ace does (whoever that might be at the time), then he’s effectively ‘won’ that battle. Similarly, to defeat the royalty of Britannia, he just has to outwit the best strategist, who at the moment appears to be Schneizel. After that he’s beaten the best of the best, and everyone else, while a challenge maybe, is knowingly beatable, not to mention if Knight of One(Bismarck, I think?) and Schneizel got royally owned, the Britannian morale would plummet. We already know that Kallen could take on Gino and Anya simultaneously. That’s…Knight of Three and Knight of Six. Fairly good to say the least. Should Kallen return to the Black Knights soon (fingers crossed) then I’d say she would stand a fairly good chance of beating Bismarck.
If lelouch manages to beat him (but he won’t because he can’t even defeat suzaku so far) then there are still 11 other knights of rounds, he might be the strongest but you can’t compare one against the other 11 cuz he might be just a little stronger then the 2nd and the 2nd abit stronger 3rd. Yes but we aren’t sure that sneizel is the strongest of them plus aren’t you forgetting the king itself.
u say kallen can beat them both Gino and Anya, i don’t think so. Gino appeared just to be playing around, if that were his strongest then Suzaku would be higher up. I don’t think kallen can beat gino and let stand beating the knight of one. Kallen hasn’t ever beaten suzaku before, you’re overestimating her.
btw how do you quote what someone says.
For quoting, it’s blockquote and /blockquote wrapped in the triangle brackets.
I never said she could beat, or did, beat Anya and Gino at the same time, I said she took them on, and if I recall, came out of it without a scratch, conversely, both Gino and Anya were hit a number of times, with the Mordred getting stood on. I did say she has a chance of beating Bismarck, which is true, I think, especially with fancy Gurren Mk. Eleventy Billion and One. (That’s my name for it ;D) Gino may have been playing around, but Anya doesn’t seem the type to do that, so we can assume that Anya was at least putting some proper effort into it, meaning she can take on the Knight of Six at least.
Suzaku is the Knight of Seven, and last time Kallen+Suzaku went one on one, both were distracted by the fact that the ship containing Nunally and Zero were in was falling into the sea. We don’t know if Kallen can beat Suzaku in a fair fight yet, they were fairly equal in R1, we don’t know how much they’re skills have increased since then, comparatively.
And no, I didn’t forget the Emperor, as sandslayer mentioned previously, he’s stuck on the Sword of Akasha and as such has no influence in the Britannian war machine anymore. If Schneizel isn’t the strongest at tactics it’d be a case of bringing in a suddenly new strategist, completely unheard of, during the closing episodes. It’d be a ridiculous story move without having the prospect of an R3 for Code Geass, something that, while I’d like, doesn’t appear to be a likely prospect. A strategist which Lelouch conveniently ‘forgot’ about. “Oh, Schneizel was the only one who could beat me…EXCEPT THIS OTHER GUY!” Shenanigans. They’re not bringing in a new genius strategist to take Schneizel’s place at the head of the Britannian army.
Ah, my bad, just went and read the wiki, apparently the rankings don’t have any point EXCEPT the Knight of One. So I was wrong to assume Knight of Three>Knight of Six>Knight of Seven (Gino>Anya>Suzaku), but I was right to assume Knight of One>All other Knights, so my point, somewhat, still stands. I suppose we’ll have to wait for more mecha combat scenes with Kallen Vs. Knights before we can really decide, but I reckon she can beat at least a few of them. She’ll make Gino go full force, still beat him, somewhat trash the Tristan, and convince him that the Black Knights are worth joining. He joins, gets his Tristan refitted (as we can see in the OP), and continues on his merry way fighting the rest of the Knights of Rounds….possibly. We’ll see.
just finished the raw for episode 16
I don’t like what’s happening… are the spoilers really coming true?!?!?! waaaahhhhh!!!!!
will the spoiler of suzaku dropping the freya on japan really come true??? wahhhh!!
and the other spoilers as well like lelouch being removed by the united nations?? wahhh
/blockquote\I never said she could beat, or did, beat Anya and Gino at the same time, I said she took them on, and if I recall, came out of it without a scratch, conversely, both Gino and Anya were hit a number of times, with the Mordred getting stood on. I did say she has a chance of beating Bismarck, which is true, I think, especially with fancy Gurren Mk. Eleventy Billion and One. (That’s my name for it ;D) Gino may have been playing around, but Anya doesn’t seem the type to do that, so we can assume that Anya was at least putting some proper effort into it, meaning she can take on the Knight of Six at least.
Suzaku is the Knight of Seven, and last time Kallen+Suzaku went one on one, both were distracted by the fact that the ship containing Nunally and Zero were in was falling into the sea. We don’t know if Kallen can beat Suzaku in a fair fight yet, they were fairly equal in R1, we don’t know how much they’re skills have increased since then, comparatively.
And no, I didn’t forget the Emperor, as sandslayer mentioned previously, he’s stuck on the Sword of Akasha and as such has no influence in the Britannian war machine anymore. If Schneizel isn’t the strongest at tactics it’d be a case of bringing in a suddenly new strategist, completely unheard of, during the closing episodes. It’d be a ridiculous story move without having the prospect of an R3 for Code Geass, something that, while I’d like, doesn’t appear to be a likely prospect. A strategist which Lelouch conveniently ‘forgot’ about. “Oh, Schneizel was the only one who could beat me…EXCEPT THIS OTHER GUY!†Shenanigans. They’re not bringing in a new genius strategist to take Schneizel’s place at the head of the Britannian army.
Ah, my bad, just went and read the wiki, apparently the rankings don’t have any point EXCEPT the Knight of One. So I was wrong to assume Knight of Three>Knight of Six>Knight of Seven (Gino>Anya>Suzaku), but I was right to assume Knight of One>All other Knights, so my point, somewhat, still stands. I suppose we’ll have to wait for more mecha combat scenes with Kallen Vs. Knights before we can really decide, but I reckon she can beat at least a few of them. She’ll make Gino go full force, still beat him, somewhat trash the Tristan, and convince him that the Black Knights are worth joining. He joins, gets his Tristan refitted (as we can see in the OP), and continues on his merry way fighting the rest of the Knights of Rounds….possibly. We’ll see./blockquote\
They underestimated her, don’t think it will go like that next time, btw both gino and anya were hit that one single time by kallen and that again was because they underestimated her. btw knight of six didn’t fight at full capacity either because of the risk of hitting nunally’s ship, she wasn’t permitted to use her main weaponry. Another thing, guren isn’t the only one getting an upgrade.
In the first season they were almost equal but suzaku had the higher ground. Suzaku beat kallen two times in the first season and kallen beat suzaku 0 times. btw it’s more likely for suzaku to have become stronger then kallen because while that year lelouch had his memorie lost suzaku fought the whole time against the E.U. and etc.
Lelouch hoped that the emperor will be stuck in the sword of Akasha it isn’t sure that he really is and he might be able to send command through the sword of akasha aswell. Btw it doesn’t have to say that there isn’t a better tactician out there because no one else presented himself in that way, maybe a smarter prince/princess thought that he could leave it to his other brothers/sisters or there might be a tactician smarter who isn’t a prince. btw just as lelouch says, a battle isn’t determined by live tactics but by strategy. Another thing, Sneizel being the only one to beat lelouch in chess doesn’t say shit. After all Chess has nothing to do with tactics, thats been proven in history.
As wikipedia said it “doesn’t seem” to have any particular bearing on their skill level or dominance over other Knights. Another thing, wikipedia can’t be counted for as 100% reliable since anyone can edit it. It wouldn’t make sense if it isn’t based on skill, It’s called a ranking list afterall and why else would suzaku get the number 7 while he came in as last, why didn’t he get no. 12 then.
I think that your proficy’s aren’t going to go that way
You know, i never quite got the reason for CC’s memory to be erased…what was the posing between the King and CC?!?(basically pedofelia)think about it she is lik 500 years old but her body is lik that of a 17 year old. Anyway, basically I didnt get half of the info on episode 15. Someone please explain cause im lost from episode 15 & up. Would really help if you did, thanx :D
Nice review, and lolsworthy comments on the ScreenShots but I have to say that in terms of the topic of immortality the Plot(C.C) is correct(kinda) and your opinion is a bit misguided by the prefixes of “living” of our society and a clearly mortal outlook on life.
Philosophy aside, great review for great show.
I thought c.c. s hair was always green? Also I doubt there will be any defectors.
Also I think Nunnaly is cute.
…… i want shirley be in this episode….
i want her back.,.,.,
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Is this a joke? They never said anytin about her being a sex slave or a prostitute!