A cute Valkyrie pilot you will never see again
Some episodes of Code Geass brings enlightenment, others bring fanservice. Some have intricate story telling, others help to bring characters to life. This episode does none of the above. However, it is easily one of the most awesome episodes ever. It takes the extravagant route and fulminates with the incandescence of a great gross luminous celestial plasma balls. Yes, it has tons of explosions.
Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.
Is that a kerosene lamp?
As far as I know, Gefjun Disturber prevents Sakuradite-powered devices from working. Apparently the concept of backup (hydrogen fuel?) generators and lithium ion batteries no longer exists, as the whole city is thrown into darkness by the Disturbers. I can’t believe that everything in Tokyo is powered by Sakuradite and that the power generators for the entire city also happen to be located inside the city. I digress.
Everyone’s here
Anyway what follows is a whirlwind of fight scenes that sort of resembles a fan fiction where all the important characters show up at the same place and engage in an orgy of destruction.
Why is he the only one not wearing a mask?
Meanwhile, Rolo is doing his best to locate Nunnally…to kill her! Dun Dun Dun! What a surprise. Lelouch is an idiot.
Pure ownage in red
The best part of course is that Kallen is back in action! Her Guren has been given a free upgrade courtesy of Lloyd (and Cecile) into Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements-Type. It’s sort of like Freedom: it has wings, it fires its hand like a funnel and it basically overpowers every existing Knightmare in the show. Woohoo.
My prediction has not come true yet
And some annoying and useless characters are finally put to rest.
Lelouch’s momentary acts of kindness always come to bite him in the ass. His latest screw up has totally triumphed his previous record of accidentally setting Euphie on a massacre. Good job. Anyway, I thought Geass are supposed to have a time limit? Or did I imagine that?
Guren is clearly a case of Sunrise’s Law of Robotics at work. It won’t be long before Lancelot gets an even better upgrade, after which after one else gets an upgrade, and we are all back at square one.
I foresee much speculations over what Freyja actually does. Maybe it’s just a portal to another dimension.
Also, look forward to domestic violence and child abuse in the next episode!
He doesn’t do much
Why is she blonde anyway
Dude, why would you pose in the cockpit where no one can see you?
I hope Sayoko survives >_<
Close one
So those glowing things on the wing tips, are they like safety strobe lights?
She has evolutionary advantage in the dark!
Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do
The new Guren OS
Sunrise blew this episode’s budget on drawing Guren
It’s about time…
That green thing comes out even when the weapon isn’t spinning?
Awww, and I thought she was going to pilot it in her dress
My other prediction comes true
Wind is always readily available in anime for dramatic poses
Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.
Hahahaaa, well written, DarkMirage.
There was an amusing abundance of funny dying faces in this episode. And an even funnier non-dying face, as show-cased by Lelouch in thoughts.
Another week of agony~
Makes me wonder, what the hell is he going to do now? I mean world domination is not exactly good when you don’t have an objective for it anymore LOL.
“Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.”
Sad episode over all. I’m rooting for a sad ending! Yay! Prediction: Rolo ain’t gonna die next episode, he’s at least gonna stay till episode 20 (due to Wikipedia spoilers). I think that if Nunnally really is dead (which would be awesome, sad, but awesome), then there is no turning back for Lelouch and I’ll happilly accept the deaths of many more named characters. As I’ve said before, I love tragic endings.
I kinda think Lelouch really fucked up with sending Rolo to capture Nunnally. I mean, if he knew he killed Shirley, then why would he send him to get Nunnally. Unless Lelouch actually believed that Shirley was trying to kill him (although he was sad she died anyways, though I doubt that because before she died, she told him she loved him).
I was hoping that instead of Claudio escaping, that David would escape. I mean, David is the most awesome looking of the glaston knights AND he’s the only one who’s been geassed, which makes him unique.
Also, I doubt anyone who got caught in the explosion radius survived, otherwise it would be a total Shakugan no Shana movie moment (Friagne: Wtf?! She ain’t dead? Alastor: NO! Time to die!), though I still thought that movie and both seasons were awesome. Besides, in Code Geass it would just make me get a corny feeling seeing a bunch of people who SHOULD have died, come back to life.
As for Marika, I was disappointed with her entrance and abrupt exit. I mean, she’s been known to exist EVER since Kewell died, she FINALLY makes an appearance and then she dies. She was cute nonetheless.
In any case, it was an awesome episode because it did my favourite thing, it created TRAGEDY! and it also blew stuff up.
Prediction for future episodes: Suzaku somehow finds a reason to blame things on Lelouch (probably because his geass forced him to kill Nunnally and co.) and then goes after him. I bet Lelouch is gonna survive till the end and like everyone else (Kallen and C.C. included) are gonna die because of him. After all, immortality isn’t the only way to make yourself lonely!
It’s an anime trope. Y’know, the dark-skinned/light-haired one.
Because he’s been taking lessons from Lelouch.
You aren’t the only person to come up with that speculation. >_> *whistles a little*
NO! THEY ARE DEAD! I would HATE Sunrise if they brought them back to life. I NEED TRAGEDY!!!
Nuff said.
Er, sunrise has a tradition of reviving DEAD people.
Mu la Flaga, Zechs Marquise, Lasse Aeon… etc.
Code Geass is no different. I mean Jeremiah Gottwald was supposed to be dead!!!
Jeremiah was only brought back because he was popular in the fanbase, however, that was in the beginning of the series. This is near the end, we have like what, 7 episodes left? I think it’s time to kill off main characters, but not all at once like Gundam 00, that would just be gay.
@ sandslayer – Yeah, there is wild speculation that the implosion merely transported those inside the radius somewhere else. Apparently, there is a shot of the bomb detonation sequence and Step 5 is Space Transfer?
But I think tragedy suits Code Geass more, so it’s probably a red herring.
Btw, did I mention how hard this episode rocked? It made episode 17 look like episode 16.
Alright, I’ll shut up since that went nowhere o.0
Do you also remember how people thought Suzaku killed Shirley? IT was WILDLY obvious that Rolo killed her. Trust me, people who don’t usually think shouldn’t overthink things, it leads the train of thought to a completely different location. Besides, do you imagine how GAY it would be if they suddenly went and said “Oh, damn, we forgot to mention that the Freya doesn’t actually kill people, my bad Lelouch!”
I feel I must say this…Shakugan no Shana is awesome.
I think that they’re going to go in the god world as we can see in the OP.
This wouldnt have happened if Orange used hes canceller on Suzaku
now i think yagami light jokes would be abmissible cause from a while ago, Lelouch has gone Napolean Bonaparte completely and will die by ep 23 like light died two chapters to the end of the manga. Go Kallen the first female ass-kiking mech devil
dude this episode kinda sucked… It starts out all awesome with all this fighting and shit. Then we find Kallen getting her guren (upgraded) back. Then she saves lelouch and pretty much beats up that vampire of britannia. And just when everything is goin well Nunnally dies… That just kills Lelouch’s motivation to defeat Britannia. its like most of the episode makes u so excited because of the knightmare battles and the return of Kallen and then ur excitement is gone when Nunnally dies.
@ sanslayer:
Stop being so cruel!! Of course tragedy will suit better since the protagonist is another gay Yagami (I had enough after he killed L, L was awesome in brains). But I think that Kallen and C.C.(I hope she dies of infatuation to Mr. Yagami2 although I liked her better than Kallen when she was all mean) Whatev.
I just think we should all be abit optimistic thats all.
I think they should have that apocalpyto of all the poor main characters to die not slowly like poison but mix it up: kill Rolo(please die you jealous psycho freak) and Sayako here and then Suzaku and Lelouch later. Fair enough!
For once I liked the action, compared to last week’s at least, and I also noticed that the Guren’s scenes ate up a good chunk of the animation budget. Which they deserved, admittedly, and I’m also glad to see Kallen back once again.
At the same time, the characters looked pretty off-model in other scenes. Maybe this will be corrected later, in the dvd video release? Not talking about the facial distortions, which have always been weird and will probably stay that way, but actually poorly drawn parts.
The plot…is moving, even if it wasn’t really the focus of the episode. Tragedy is nice for that, even if not so in context, but I’m still hoping that the ending won’t be too tragic. In fact, I would once again bet on its being happier than many people believe, after Lelouch goes through lots of pain and suffering. Including the internal “betrayal” that had a little more build-up in this ep and is practically a given next time.
This is a leap, but like others I almost “know” Nunnally isn’t dead. The question is if she’ll return before things get too bad for Lelouch and Suzaku, and if the explanation will be reasonable or not. It could be, it could not.
Glad that Rolo didn’t get a chance to touch one hair on Nunnally’s head, which would have given him even more reasons to be hated. Even if Lelouch was dumb to overlook that possibility, that would have been more of a problem in other circumstances.
“Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.”
Correction (or so it seems, forgive me if otherwise): It conveniently doesn’t affect machines of the “sixth generation and up”, on both sides, due to said “plot magic hocus pocus”. Not just those of the Black Knights.
On the less “magical” side…I would speculate that it’s somehow related to the Lancelot’s resistance to the disturber on the previous version of the Guren, back on episode 6 or so, but it’s not really important.
sandslayer:”As for Marika, I was disappointed with her entrance and abrupt exit. I mean, she’s been known to exist EVER since Kewell died, she FINALLY makes an appearance and then she dies. She was cute nonetheless.”
I didn’t know who you were talking about until I googled it up…she’s a character in a japanese Code Geass novel, no? Good for trivia, but nothing else.
Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.
That’s so F’ True dude xD
Lelouch not asking Orange to de-geass Suzaku: Oversight of the century.
Wasn’t it already proven that there were no gods? Didn’t they already say that the gods they wished to destroy were in fact people who made men fight? I dunno about you but I doubt their existence.
True, however, what provocation was there to make him use his geass cancellor on Jeremiah?
That was manga, this is anime…if he is going to die, then he will die in the last episode. I just don’t see how they could fit in his demise before then…though him dying would make a good ending, probably better than Death Note (although most anime endings beat Death Note).
Omfg, this episode has basically started to fuck with his emotions (again, I know) but they included Nunnally (I love anime’s that mess with the main characters emotions, it’s too bad they stopped doing it to Shana after the first story arc, it would’ve made Shakugan no Shana 10x better, after all, they bascially stooped her feelings and their impact on her from almost getting killed because she refused to think about anything to just teenage angst…still, I liked the show). Imagine how fucked up Lelouch will be without Nunnally. Personally, It think this sets stage for an awesome tragic ending.
Cruelty? Haha..hahahaha….AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hardly! This is anime, anything goes. Elfenlied was cruel, but that was awesome, and so was the first part of Death Note (before L died). You have to differenciate between cruelty towards something that doesn’t exist and cruelty towards something that does, it’s two different things.
Haha, optimism…anyways, I didn’t like how Death Note killed off L either, but otherwise it would have just been back and forth, back and forth mindgames. Besides, I don’t think code geass will have a Death Note-esque ending, in my mind I’ve already formulated a perfect tragic ending that would leave all the fans satisfied. However I doubt that Sunrise could do things my way, but still, it’s pretty hard to mess up at this point, tragedy will carry through till the end.
I have a nagging feeling Suzaku won’t die.
Don’t say that, Nunnally is dead. If they bring her back, I’m dropping this series.
Grr, and I liked Marika too.
Hmm, I think DM should get ready to hold a contest for the best anime of the season, since most series are coming to a close within 2 months. I vote for Macross Frontier prematurely because of its pwnage awesomeness ^^
I am a very extreme person…I like anime that range from happy-go-lucky stuff like Shuffle! and Starwberry Panic all the way to dark stuff like Elfenlied, but even then, I don’t really like the Macross series’, just like I didn’t like Gundam series. I have…strange perspectives of anime…besides, I always want the endings to either be really happy or horrifyingly tragic. I won’t answer as to what’s my favourite (I can’t decide) but just know what I’ve said.
Dude…sandslayer just go stfu. nobody wants to hear what you say and you dont have to be so negative all the time. and who cares about shakgan no shana so stop talkign about it
I mean all you do is spam here so just stop. seriously.
> sandslayer
Remember, Lelouch had a plan to kill Rolo off as soon as Rolo secures Nunnally as reported by Asahina, he never trusted Rolo and always wanted him dead, regardless of the Shirley incident. In terms of ability, Rolo with his rutherless mindset, assinsination skills plus the Stop Geass ability along with kunoichi Sayako *is* the best stealth rescure team that you can have. Lelocuh, as always, is just playing dangerous close to the fire because of his over-confidence in his ability to “see” and “predict” everything on the “chessboard”, always thinking he has completel control over the “pieces” on the board, he still hasn’t quite realise that the “pieces” he’s playing with has its own thoughts.
I am aware of that. However, it still seems like a risky idea, and notice that Sayoko held her own perfectly fine in there, so why bother with Rolo? I still think it was an inelegant move on his part.
Your right, Lelouch is a bit overconfidant, it’s a burden that comes with genius. Overconfidance can kill after all.
I find I get alot of these…really? Over negativity? When your the one being an ass? Go jump off a cliff hippy. By the way, I’d consider your message spam, not mine. Also, you obviously don’t have the mental capacity to enjoy a subtle romance like Shakugan no Shana, although the action was sick too! Go change your name from overessence to overgayness.
“I find I get alot of these…really? Over negativity? When your the one being an ass? Go jump off a cliff hippy. By the way, I’d consider your message spam, not mine. Also, you obviously don’t have the mental capacity to enjoy a subtle romance like Shakugan no Shana, although the action was sick too! Go change your name from overessence to overgayness.”
wow, u suck at insulting ppl. i mean, you act all smart and cool and all but your prolly jst a fat nerd who loves star trek and pornos of your mom. so go suck it you fag. so like don’t talk at all kay?
Is it just me or is this Gundam SEED Episode 40 (or was it 41) converted into the Geass Universe. Especially with the Chiba near Chiba death and the Zero Save? still great review mirage.
I think the best part of this situation is who do you really blame?
Lelouch for casting geass on suzaku?
Suzaku for blowing up tokyo?
Karen for triggering his geass?
Man I was apt to blame lelu at first, but if lelouch hadnt of casted the guess back in season one they’d all be dead. And kallen obviously had no idea. Some more possibilites:
Schenzeil for being the quietest evil bastard ever (reminds me of Aizen)
Nina (my choice) for being insane and devoloping a doomsday weapon AND putting it on lancelot.
And why in gods name would lelouch send ROLLO?! Even if freya wasnt used, nunally would have still died due to his brother complex. I have to admit, I really enjoyed this episode. Its about time things got reallly f’ed up. And when the serious gets all f’ed up the ending is usually a good one. Here’s hoping.
No one’s commenting on Guilford? I thought his death seemed really sad. Poor Cornelia. ;_;
And Suzaku’s Live Geass works again! I hope Nina will think about what she’s done. Lloyd will be right when he said her contradictions will hurt her. I love Nina, and I hope there will be a good end for her, but I still wish she’d think about her ideals compared to Euphemia’s. I wonder about Kanon, too. What’s his significance?
Poor Rollo. He’ll die knowing his Nii-san never loved him. ;_;
..Until next episode.
Apparently the “Freya” is actually FLEIA, some sort of Engrish acronym that was shown in the episode. Or at least that’s what gg’s subs say.
And no, Lelouch’s Geass has no time limit. It was mentioned in an article in Newtype or somewhere similar that the girl in season 1 who Lelouch commanded to carve on the wall at Ashford everyday never stopped doing it. She was eventually confined in a ward or something.
Personally, this episode left me speechless.
Lol, I don’t think he can enjoy his harem, seeing that the girls close to him are dropping dead, first Euphy, then Shirley, not sure about Nunally and Sayoko… Now there’s only C.C and Karen left, not much of a harem I think…
I really enjoyed this episode and finally Kallen is back! I was really worried that we wouldn’t get enough of her. I’m happy.
Should we consider the Guren as the first 8th generation knightmare? I mean is too powerful >_>.
BTW old phones really old phones work without electricity.
Lelouch’s face was like “OHH SHIIIIIIIIIIT! NUNNA—” *boom* gone, nada, next episode Suzaku completely snaps and everybody goes down.
Odd, I would’ve thought in the future, humanity’d have multiple power sources. Guess not.
Now all thats left is for Orenji-kun to Geass Cancel Anya and have Lelouch live happily ever after with his new sister.
Someone said there was a gundam 00 season 2 trailer before/after this episode. can anyone confirm and share screencaps plz?
ANIMEGASM! Kallen was pure ownage in this episode. Pretty sure everyone who died in the episode died. Cuz you see everything break down like a atomic bomb. Gah, Sunrise would make an episode where Japan gets hit by a nuke…. Well I’m going to try and not explode from anticipation for next episode. I like comments in this blog, it’s actually more of a forum if u think about it, lol.
What the hell was that!! No one has a chance in this show seriously lets kill all the cool characters and keep the people that should die. Lelouch was stupid to trust Rollo with a mission to get his sister. He probably thought Rollo wouldn’t dare kill Nunnelly but hey u have to remember he killed the girl that could have been ur girlfriend. I would have killed rollo before this mission. I hope the plz in the building survives and are just some where else but in that struggle somehow Nina dies a painful death. Lelouch is so going to go officially insane. C.C is no help, but there is Kallen but i don’t see nothing happening there. Now the king is coming with the big guns.
and someone please, stab Nina in the face a million times please. She’s such an annoyance, I would like to personally shove Freija up her butt and blow it up.
BTW, I can’t believe no one has said anything of the Knight in Shining Armor, Guilford. I mean, he saved Zero’s ass twice and killed himself in the process. That’s just too sad…
Not. Great move on Zero.
And, Sutherland Siege kicks ass… I think that’s the knightmare shown at the end of the opening sequence just before the characters fly out and stuff, the space-ship looking thing above the Earth. Hmm…
Sayoko better be alive. She’s a kickass maid-ninja.
nina should die like a million times, shes so dumb
also suzaku should just liek kill himself he sucks so bad
also for the ppl who think that lulu should use his harem i agree he needs to blow off steam and theres like no weed in code geass is there
Ironic how Lelouch’s geass on Suzaku indirectly killed Nunnally. I Lol’d at that momment.
Jesus…dude I just met you so buzz off. I honestly don’t give a damn how you think of me…I only write stuff here because I’m bored most of the time, and because Amnestic usually can put up a good fight.
Oh dear lord, I don’t feel like responding to every single comment I missed from last page..so I’m gonna skip on my job and only do the oens on this page!
This episode rocked, though mostly because it utilized the age old rule of killing off main characters to get better reviews. Also, I guess you could consider it a 8th generation frame, I mean, the first 7th generation frame was introduced in episode 2 of season one after all. However, I guess we can’t call it that until it’s actually “announced” as one.
From my sources, next episode is a break in the fighting, apparently after the bomb went off Brittannian forces are scattered and the Black Knights get a break, however, there is supposed to be something important that happens.
It is anime after all, besides, overthinking small details that have no meaning is why people go insane.
We don’t know if she is his sister yet, however with the death of Nunnally, I’m guessing that she might just be, if after all, they want to have a semi-happy ending.
Ewww, gundam 00. Don’t ask why, but I just don’t like the Gundam series very much.
Science be damned! I agree with every fricken thing you just said! It’s the apocalypse! AHHH! Nah, I just somehow agree with everything in that short paragraph of awesomeness you wrote.
It’s all plot development, the people who should die’s time will come. In due time…in due time…
HEY! I mentioned it was sad about Guilford, why don’t you look back a few posts of mine and look.
Oh, you were joking…well…GO TO HELL! I LIKED GUILFORD! Similar to how I liked Darlton and Bartley…fuck…why do all my favourite bit characters die?
I haven’t yet decided who is to blame yet, however knowing Suzaku, he’s gonna link everything back to Lelouch and then he’s gonan get pissed off and try to kill him.
Oh god…stupid comments hurt my head…honestly…do you REALLY think that comments like that are even remotely funny? Retard…as Amnestic stated before (though to a different person) stick a gun in your mouth and paint the wall red. From now on, I’m completely ignoring your comments, your just too stupid.
All the Black Knights Knightmares are 7th Generation which is why they’re not affected.It was mentioned in the episode that Only 5th generation and below are affected by the Gefjun Disturber.
Sakuradite is the equivalent of petoroleum in the Geassworld I think as the primary source of energy for civilisation.Most of the electricity is out cause the generator(Which is probably powered by sakuradite I think)is down,at least that’s what I’m guessing.Even the cars in the series use Sakuradite.GeassWorld is an alternate history world(Which takes places around perhaps a few decades later if you count the years,though the real number is unknown some say 50 years ahead of our own time) where some things are invented and some haven’t.For exameple:nuclear weapons don’t exist in the GeassWorld and the FLEIA is probably the first and closest to a nuclear warhead(Though.we’re still not sure what it does exactly),also gunpoweder was never used to power guns instead they’ve always use electromagnets them(I don’t know how they came to use that in the first place though).Perhaps they’re so focus on Sakuradite that they didn’t bother to create an alternate source of energy.
They should have done that though since 70% of Sakuradite comes from Japan,so who controls Japan pretty much controls the world.
Well… Who’s left in Lelouch’s harem now anyway?
There goes the writing ;_;.
Atleast Mirage and Sand are here to provide entertainment for the series.
Gah sunrise.
“Oh god…stupid comments hurt my head…honestly…do you REALLY think that comments like that are even remotely funny? Retard…as Amnestic stated before (though to a different person) stick a gun in your mouth and paint the wall red. From now on, I’m completely ignoring your comments, your just too stupid.”
no one asked you to reply to almost every comment on this blog… retard
and who are you to say that overessence is stupid?
Who said anyone asked me, I do it cause I’m bored. I also have little tolerance for people like overessence. It’s just how I am, he says stupid crap with absolutely no thought whatsoever and I decide whether I view it as a crappy statement or not. It’s my own opinion. Also, who asked you to rate what I say about another persons comments (a statement formulated directly from you).
Oh yes Kallen is BACK!
Nope has nothing to do with sakuradite, in S1 the Guren got stopped by it too and the second time they captured Suzaku with it Rakshata told that guy in the Sutherland that he shouldnt get into the field because it would stop him too.
Yes you imagined that, remember that girl he made making a mark each day on a wall to test it in S1?
aye its getting ridiculous now with that speed it can move at..
thats the floatsystem…
your overlooking an important thing, Lelouch doesnt know that Rolo hates Nunnally and killed Shirley because she mentioned her. Sure he doesnt believe Shirley wanted to kill him but theres no reason for him to think that Rolo killed her for other reasons than her regaining her memories and beeing a security risk to them.
We dont know for sure yet and theres no need to revive Nunnally and Sayako since we didnt see them actually die. All we saw was the shine from the explosion we didnt actually see the shuttle caught up in it.
I can see numerous ways how they could have been rescued the only question is does sunrise want them really dead or not.
correct suzaku always does that, also he seems to go mad just like Lulu since he seemed to be laughing like crazy in the ext. preview.
your not gonna do that even if it happens^^
just a nameless sacrificial char in the anime too bad for you :P
*Sieg, yeah its the one from the opening
GURREN LAGANN! SPIN ON! lolol I swear that torso of Guren’s is a mimick of Gurren Lagann’s. And lol@Tamaki, please check right above you!