A cute Valkyrie pilot you will never see again
Some episodes of Code Geass brings enlightenment, others bring fanservice. Some have intricate story telling, others help to bring characters to life. This episode does none of the above. However, it is easily one of the most awesome episodes ever. It takes the extravagant route and fulminates with the incandescence of a great gross luminous celestial plasma balls. Yes, it has tons of explosions.
Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.
Is that a kerosene lamp?
As far as I know, Gefjun Disturber prevents Sakuradite-powered devices from working. Apparently the concept of backup (hydrogen fuel?) generators and lithium ion batteries no longer exists, as the whole city is thrown into darkness by the Disturbers. I can’t believe that everything in Tokyo is powered by Sakuradite and that the power generators for the entire city also happen to be located inside the city. I digress.
Everyone’s here
Anyway what follows is a whirlwind of fight scenes that sort of resembles a fan fiction where all the important characters show up at the same place and engage in an orgy of destruction.
Why is he the only one not wearing a mask?
Meanwhile, Rolo is doing his best to locate Nunnally…to kill her! Dun Dun Dun! What a surprise. Lelouch is an idiot.
Pure ownage in red
The best part of course is that Kallen is back in action! Her Guren has been given a free upgrade courtesy of Lloyd (and Cecile) into Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements-Type. It’s sort of like Freedom: it has wings, it fires its hand like a funnel and it basically overpowers every existing Knightmare in the show. Woohoo.
My prediction has not come true yet
And some annoying and useless characters are finally put to rest.
Lelouch’s momentary acts of kindness always come to bite him in the ass. His latest screw up has totally triumphed his previous record of accidentally setting Euphie on a massacre. Good job. Anyway, I thought Geass are supposed to have a time limit? Or did I imagine that?
Guren is clearly a case of Sunrise’s Law of Robotics at work. It won’t be long before Lancelot gets an even better upgrade, after which after one else gets an upgrade, and we are all back at square one.
I foresee much speculations over what Freyja actually does. Maybe it’s just a portal to another dimension.
Also, look forward to domestic violence and child abuse in the next episode!
He doesn’t do much
Why is she blonde anyway
Dude, why would you pose in the cockpit where no one can see you?
I hope Sayoko survives >_<
Close one
So those glowing things on the wing tips, are they like safety strobe lights?
She has evolutionary advantage in the dark!
Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do
The new Guren OS
Sunrise blew this episode’s budget on drawing Guren
It’s about time…
That green thing comes out even when the weapon isn’t spinning?
Awww, and I thought she was going to pilot it in her dress
My other prediction comes true
Wind is always readily available in anime for dramatic poses
Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.
“Who said anyone asked me, I do it cause I’m bored. I also have little tolerance for people like overessence. It’s just how I am, he says stupid crap with absolutely no thought whatsoever and I decide whether I view it as a crappy statement or not. It’s my own opinion. Also, who asked you to rate what I say about another persons comments (a statement formulated directly from you).”
you are the stupid one sandslayer. i already told you to stfu so stfu already
your my dog GBABH, we both know sandslayer sucks at writing stuff like this
Actually really old telephones need electricity to work too. Telephones don’t work by magic! The phone lines are powered, and the power is of course supplied by the grid. There are even ways to run other appliances off phone lines, but the phone company won’t be very happy about it because it degrades the network.
I’m surprised to see you commenting here. o_o
sandslayer how do you make those quote boxes?
Guren is clearly a case of Sunrise’s Law of Robotics at work. It won’t be long before Lancelot gets an even better upgrade, after which after one else gets an upgrade, and we are all back at square one.
It wont be long before Rakisha makes a Super-Duper-Uber-Nuber Upgrade that makes the freyia look like a “toy gun” in comparison
Followed by Lloyd making a Triple-Duper-Deluxe-Supreme Upgrade that can wipe out an entire COUNTRY, jessee dude the scientists are looking more dangerious than the rest of the cast, i can already see the carnage, 86,764,750 people dead entire cities turned into a pile of dust.
Well… Who’s left in Lelouch’s harem now anyway?
For Lelouchie we have:
For Suzu we have:
Gino (Hahaha)
Just write blockquote with ,. around it (you gotta uppercase it though, apparently those bent brakets don’t show up here) around it at the beginning of the segment of writing your quoting (hallelujah for copy/paste) and then /blockquote with the same brackets around it to end it.
sandslayer, stfu. Everyone else wants to read the comments in peace.
This is so totally Gundam 00 S1 ep 25. Guil dies, Bradley dies, Bradley’s harem of cute girls die(pity we only saw 2 of their faces. :3). That recurring BK pilot dies, Asahina dies(probably), the Glaston Knights die… You get the idea. On a separate note, go Kallen! Go kick some Brit butt now that they’ve pimped up Guren!
I’m surprised Rolo didn’t kill Nunnaly there and then when he was so near the shuttle though, he was near enough to activate his Geass. On the preview for the next ep, do you think Rolo is masochistic enough to enjoy Lelouch spanking him?
Okay, this is gonna be a long one.
I reckon the writers are suffering from a severe case of amnesia here. The Lancelot (the original, debuting in R1) was affected by the gefjun-disturber technology, as we saw just before they got blasted to kamenejima (sp?) island. However, the Lancelot is also the first Seventh generation knightmare frame. If gefjun doesn’t affect 6+ generation, the Lancelot shouldn’t have been affected the two times in R1. I SIGH AT YOU WRITING STAFF.
A) You have horrible taste in characters
B) God hates you
C) Because your thoughts clash with the writing staff
Or D) All of the above? ;D
Well Shirley got offed, so I think he’s left with Kallen, Kaguya, C.C. (sort of…?), those three tactics girls who are still alive, the Tianzi if Xingke is up for a threesome, Milly (probably). I might have missed one or two. Oh! Chiba, if Tohdoh was up for a threesome.
Could you share those? From where I’m sitting, giant light of vaporising heat engulfs their lightly armoured aircraft sounds like it’s pretty cut and dry. If it could vaporise the ground beneath them, the armoured command tower, and at range, an armoured knightmare frame (Guilford’s Vincent) then it really does look like no escape route. Well, unless Sayoko pulls a Naruto trick and they teleport out at super-light speed.
But that would just be silly.
Eh, I didn’t think so. I’d equate it more to a bowl full of the debut of Strike Freedom with a scoop of G.00 ep 24 on top. New Mecha+Character deaths+Not quite the end of the series.
Haha! My post is longer than yours! *Indugles in self-pride and admiration, may develop grandiosity soon*
I reserve the right to post whatever comments I want to. I also reserve the right to argue and insult anyone I choose as well. However I don’t just do it randomly, notice that overessence started this for no apparent reason, I just returned in kind. Also, if people think my comments are “offensive” or “cruel” or “homo-erotic” then they can simply choose not to read it. Simple. Now excuse me I have Amnestic to argue with. Also, you aren’t worth my time so I won’t respond to the rest of what you said.
Also note that anti-gefjun technology wasn’t developed back then, which means it had NO defense. It’s highly likely that 6th+ generation frames merely are standardly outfitted with anti-gefjun. Also, if they explained every little thing like this wouldn’t the series get boring?
Most likely D. A: I do have bad taste in characters, I ALWAYS sympathize with the wrong one. B: I’m an Athiest so…yeah. C: I did send them a few bomb threats after all…
Your mind never ceases to amaze me…crap now I have dirty pictures in my head…AHH! EROTIC GINOXSUZAKU SCENE! AHH! IT BURNS!!!
I for one see many reasons why Nunnaly SHOULD be dead. 1: It’s a great twist and I doubt anyone expected NUNNALLY of all people to be killed off. 2: It makes use of the infamous law of killing off main characters to improve the series. 3: It killed off alot of characters at one time, so less payment for Seiyu. That basically sums it up. By the way, I’m entirely serious, if they bring back Nunnaly I will drop the series. Even if its in the last 5 minutes of the series finale and Nunnaly rolls in on her wheelchair going “Onii-san” I will immediately pause the show, turn off Internet Explorer and go cry in my bed thinking about how I wasted my life with Code Geass where it didn’t even end properly.
Damn straight…DEATH TO NUNNALLY!
I think you just lost me there.
Anyways, off to bed (yay) and to have some nightmares about those very naughty SuzakuxGino images that are currently residing in my brain and eating away slowly at what little sanity I have left.
I was using an ice cream metaphor, to show a mix of other themes that had been used previously in other shows/series. Debut of the Strike Freedom (Seed Destiny) is equated to the Guren SEITEN, in that it completely dominates the battlefield and owns everything, along with Gundam 00 Ep 24 which had a number of character deaths, some sadder than others, while not quite being the end of the series, just as Episode 18 isn’t the end of CG: R2.
Can I recommend you download Firefox and then proceed to turn off internet explorer forever?
Oh please, Gino is far more interested in Kallen. Besides, Suzaku’s only love since Euphie got shot is Nunnally. Suzaku’s really a little pervert, wanting the crippled loli who’s basically as close as a sister would be. At best Suzaku would settle for Anya as his alternate Loli.
It probably gets explained elsewhere, in magazines and the like as opposed to taking up airtime, but sometimes little discrepancies in continuity does really annoy me. I don’t want to feel like I’m smarter than the writing staff, I want them to continuously outdo me and impress me with their skill. Little errors like that make me feel like they’re forgetful of what went on in R1 and for a series like this, you can’t really do that.
I do you want another Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet ending?(I there so icky and complicated and messed up ex:Macbeth’s wife gets possessed and urges Macbeth to kill.)
Is there anything wrong with a nice Happy ending?
Kira Yamato escaped being killed in Gundam seed/Gsd like erm twice! surely cg characters can survive too :)!
Now how could Britannia possibly have a counter for it before the Order actually used the gefjun disturber? They implemented it afterwards in all 6+ generation frames its that easy..
Just as silly as in S1 when Lelouch&Co got teleported away from sure death when Schneizel blasted them with the Garwain? ^^
We dont even know where the Shuttle was to begin with at the time of the detonation since we only got to see the interior and in the scene before Rolo was next to it so if he made it out they could have too.
So they could have even gotten away on their own, or someone ported them just like in S1, or anya/gino saved them(anya had another vision and we didnt get to see its content), or nunnally opened her eyes and revealed her geass or sayoko put out her slave/child (or however they called that) out of her mai-otome costume. ok the last few were obviously jokes :P but this is an anime after all and this wouldnt be the first time sunrise brings believed to be dead characters back.
I dont really care about nunnally herself but if she is indeed dead this show will have a sad ending for sure and thats not really what i want to see :|
I agree with DM, this is the best ep of CG R2 so far, i hated the fact 6 gd characters died in this ep (Tho Knight of Ten only appeared in 3 eps lol). I bet every1 hates Nina and Suzaku after watching this ep xDDD
I found a rumor that Suzaku will kill most of the Black knights in episode 21 with his Brand new Lancelot Albion, Also Suzaku will no longer fear killing his enemies now (an even bigger reason to hate him -_-).
It’s true that GS/GSD was extremely cheesy since Athrun and Kira always survived death.
It does look like Gino is more interested in Kallen then Suzaku.
Also, how did Rolo even survive FLEIA? All the other Brittanian Knightmares were retreating and wasn’t Rolo supposed to be protecting the carrier that Nunnally was in?
Yep, the episode description says all:
21 “The Ragnarök Connectionâ€
August 31, 2008
Area 11 is in chaos, and Suzaku looks for a fight in his new Lancelot Albion, no longer the gentle person he once was.
WTF!!!! How the hell did Rollo escape in an a KMF and get enough distance to escape when he was suppose to be backing up Sayako?
In which case why only add the anti-gefjun technology to 6+ generation frames? Why not the entirety of the army? Especially if it’s the defence force for such a strategically important point such as the Tokyo settlement. I can understand not fitting the anti-gefjun technology to say the Police force Glasgows, but you’ve got Gloucesters, only recently replaced as the primary Britannian frame, which have nary a spark of anti gefjun technology in them.
I don’t buy teleportation, but it’s obvious Sunrise aren’t going to give us an explanation, so I’ll just say “meh”.
If they made it out, they’d be flying. Nevermind that the sucking effect of the explosion would likely cause the plane to crash, but if they made it out, why would they be engulfed in light? The shuttle didn’t have any viewports facing backwards, at most they had them facing to the side, in which case the light (and thus, the vaporising explosion) would have caught up with them and thus vaporised them along with everything else. Plus we know Rolo wanted Nunnally dead, he could have easily grabbed a knightmare and run out. He was probably going to shoot them down himself, but didn’t get the chance because the explosion did it for him.
Unfortunately, I think you’re going to be disappointed ^^
Planes take longer to take off, knightmares fly faster, he was going ahead to ‘clear a path’, he wanted them to die and was leaving them for Britannia to shoot down…there are numerous possible reasons. Rolo could have frozen their perception in the hangar while he flew out to get a headstart for all we know. I doubt it’ll get explained though.
actually i never rated you on what you say about another persons comment, i bascially said that you don’t have to answer to every comment including the stupid ones. anyways i dont think stupid comments do any harm here as maybe funny like the blog itself.
”Who said anyone asked me”
exactly my point… on one
@Blue Even if you say that, I have a distinct memory of the wall with the x-markings, where the girl had left one as a single /. At the time I interpreted it as there was a time limit, why else show the outcome of the experiment like that. But, this is just another of the inconsistencies of this series (like the Gefjun Disturbers issue DM mentioned).
Great ep. We finally got rid of some annoying characters, the Vampire for one. Too bad Nina survived. T_T She wants mass destruction so bad, you start to think she’s in that time of the month. Someone please put her out of her misery…
Next ep, both Suzaku and Lelouch goes emo, becoming refraim addict partners! >_< Let’s remember the good ol’ days BFF!
I wonder if the information about Lelouch being unreliable, mentioned to Toudou, was really the recording of Lelouch admitting ordering the massacre of the Japanese…?
It kinda distubrs me how happy Schneizel looked when Suzaku fired Freija (or similar). Either he knows that Nunnaly is safe (along with Sayako :p) or he’s not as much of a nice guy as he pretends to be….
Wasn’t it just the guys testimony about what they did at the Cult of Geass underground fortress place?
Schneizel’s always been a bastard. He’s just good at hiding it.
I read this part on your screencaps “Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do”, I think you forgot about what does the Gefion Disturber can do… it can only disable all sakuradite powered technology and i think telephones there is not one of those technologies powered by sakuradite….
That could also be it, but somehow I think that alone wouldn’t discourage them from following Zero. They’ve already come this far, it’s not like they can become honorary Britannians anymore. >_> But, the info of Zero being a complete liar, and an air to the Britannian throne, would probably break their fighting spirit. Only Karen is swayed by Lelouch’s good looks and charming personality…or not. ^^’
What I thought was that since Schneizel have the recording, all he has to do is leak the info into the Black Knights, much like how Zero leaked his conversation with the Chinese eunuchs to the people of China causing the rebellion…once the stone is set in motion the rest will follow…
@Rololita: A lot of Ashford students left the school by Season 2, she was one of them. I suppose the fact that they didn’t show the outcome is problematic, but then again the concept of a time limit on Lelouch’s geass was never actually implied.
NUNNALLY COULD BE ALIVE. Possible proof here. I’m amazed at the way things are turning out, plot might be majorly flawed but this stuff is still awesome.
Amnestic: “In which case why only add the anti-gefjun technology to 6+ generation frames? Why not the entirety of the army?”
Because that would take more time and would be more expensive than simply implementing it on the newer models from the ground up? Retro-fitting thousands of grunt units is less effective and less efficient. Area 11 may be important, but after Zero’s defeat there wasn’t really any significant opposition remaining, so it’s not like they needed to urgently upgrade their entire defense force to modern standards. Even in real life, that kind of upgrades is costly and takes time, as opposed to just rolling out new stuff.
The Lancelot is 7th Gen, but like someone else mentioned, it was obviously NOT going to have any defenses against the Disturber in season one when it first appeared. But precisely, it makes sense for Britannia to develop countermeasures against them (which we saw in Turn 6 of R2) from that point forward, and that’s what they did: because the Lancelot, in its initial incarnation, was vulnerable to it.
Rololita: “Even if you say that, I have a distinct memory of the wall with the x-markings, where the girl had left one as a single /. At the time I interpreted it as there was a time limit, why else show the outcome of the experiment like that. But, this is just another of the inconsistencies of this series (like the Gefjun Disturbers issue DM mentioned).”
I think you’re wrong on both counts, though I already addressed the other one.
Everyone else except the Student Council members was no longer at Ashford by the time R2 came around, including the wall-carving girl.
They mention this in an earlier episode (everyone else went back to the “momerland”, to use that hilarious spelling mistake) and in the e-magazine #7 it’s confirmed that she (Carve-tan, as she is nicknamed) is in Britannia now but the Geass is still in effect.
It’s not that the series doesn’t have inconsistencies, but sometimes people just don’t even try.
I’m suprised no one is grieving the fact that these gundams now kill the tactics part of the battles. I mean… you don’t really need tactics when your omgwtfbbqsauce machine can “warp” (Fly for anal people) arround and anhilate everything.
The remaining episodes will probaly be awesome :P
Ah, I see, but the scene I was thinking of was from season one. Just to clear that up. And the implying of a time limit was more from the fact that Lelouch was trying to find that out by doing the experiment in the first place. I accept that I still could be wrong. >v< but the whole idea of a time limit isn’t that off. Rolo has one, why not Lelouch even if the reasons for the limit would be different for Rolo and Lulu. Well that was what I thought. But, it’s kind of annoying for the answer to this to come from some magazine article…>_<
@Camario: Just curious as to what you meant…^^
Why doesn’t Lelouch just use Jeremiah’s Geass canceler on Suzaku? Did it break or something?
The problem is, sandslayer, that no one gives a damn if you’re bored or not. No one gives a damn about you. Your fruitless attempts at making yourself relevant are nothing but a thinly disguised veil of the bullshit that perpetuates your ignorant and asinine self-being.
No one cares if you called it first, or about your sources, or about other anime. Do you not understand this? This is the problem with the internet, it gives useless asshats like yourself a forum to denigrate others and act completely like a tool.
Seriously kid, and I do say kid due to your age and your demeanor, grow the hell up. There’s no reason why an asshat like you should have the ego you have. Do you really honestly think you’re that smart, or are you just oblivious to the world around you?
It’s funny, for someone who’s “so bored,” don’t you think you’d actually get a life and spend it somewhere other than arguing your mindless points to people who don’t give a damn?
And before you ask, I’m very content at not being known online. I’m very well known in life. I DJ, I own my own business, and I’m under 25. I have friends in life. That’s why I respect the people here who actually think outside the box. Who actually use their brains for purpose. There’s a reason it’s called a discussion and speculation. It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about the interactions we have with each other. We don’t know what exactly what will happen in this series and that’s the beauty of this blog. We can debate it, but there’s no need to perpetuate ignorance.
/end rant.
Great episode. It’ll be quite interesting to see how the progression goes from Japan to Outer Space… seems like there might be quite a few plot holes in that progression… Guess we’ll just have to wait and sit tight.
Gee, man, it’s kinda hard to post after that…
Anyways, I suppose the only reason he hasn’t canceled the live command, is because it’s not top priority. If anything, he’d sort out those guys he left doing mundane things back in episode seven?
Anyone else worried about them?
The problem is, sandslayer, that no one gives a damn if you’re bored or not. No one gives a damn about you. Your fruitless attempts at making yourself relevant are nothing but a thinly disguised veil of the bullshit that perpetuates your ignorant and asinine self-being.
Why the fuck is everyone ganging up on slayer? did a bitter feud happen afew blogs back that i dont know about?
For the answer to your question Meocross, I will turn to the movie Ghost Busters.
Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, “biblical”?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!
In other words, people finally snapped, such as myself. We’re tired of his harsh tone. Every week it’s the same gibberish, the same higher than mighty, egotistical, neurotic crap that he spews from his fingers. It really disgusts me how someone could let their ego ruin a blog like this for others.
So what if their opinions or speculations aren’t on par with yours? There’s no need to basically call them idiots over it. They are using their minds. Yes, they aren’t on the same wavelengths, but you have to respect them for being willing to post their thoughts where everyone in the whole world with the internet and some feint interest can see.
We are all watching the same show. We all are coming up with opinions. Can’t you just respect that? Why the need to tear people’s opinions and hell, their intelligence down? Because you’re bored? That’s a sad, pathetic attempt at relevance in life.
I respect the imaginative mind. I disrespect the closed minded, egotistical approach. I’d rather have an intelligent conversation with you all, instead of someone basically thinking their way of thought is absolute.
Hell, sandslayer hasn’t even “dissed” me yet I feel the need to speak up. There’s a reason for that.
And as much as sandslayer says he doesn’t care what people think, he obviously does, or else he wouldn’t post here. (You know, the whole point of a blog, to get your thoughts/opinions out?) Why post something online when you don’t care what others think? It seems to me like that’s just a facade. If you honestly don’t care, keep your comments to yourself.
Ok I know this is probably an example of bad dubbing but listen to what I found, my friend is watching the code geass episodes dubbed because he’s waiting for season 2 to end but back to the point in the episode when C.C. kills Mao she tells him that she’ll see him in the world of C so does this mean that when people die they go to the world of C? So that would mean that, if this is really what she said, that Sunrise wil probably bring her back this way through the world of C? ahhhhhh My head hurts maybe someone can look more into it I’m too lazy.
The World of C is more or less her memories, so she’ll talk to Mao in her memories.
Hi there,sandslayer. Shall i join ur club?^^ What i mean is,i am bored too. And also,…EEWWWWW to shakugan no shana!!!XD
For the answer to your question Meocross, I will turn to the movie Ghost Busters.
In other words, people finally snapped, such as myself. We’re tired of his harsh tone. Every week it’s the same gibberish, the same higher than mighty, egotistical, neurotic crap that he spews from his fingers. It really disgusts me how someone could let their ego ruin a blog like this for others.
I respect the imaginative mind. I disrespect the closed minded, egotistical approach. I’d rather have an intelligent conversation with you all, instead of someone basically thinking their way of thought is absolute.
Hell, sandslayer hasn’t even “dissed†me yet I feel the need to speak up. There’s a reason for that.
Uhoh o_O when you putt it that way i can understand why many people may start to gang up on a poster, a similar user called “dann thursday” on the Animesuki forums, is such a irritating negative poster that keeps bashing the some of the CG characters, and coming up with sad excuses when the truth is right in his face, makes me want to reach into the computer and strangle the idiot
According to wikipedia “leak” of the next episode a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga. It’s a long shot but I can’t help but wonder if that “special envoy” is the plane Nunnally and Sayoko were in. And perhaps then when Nunnally is there people find out Zero is Britannian which could be the “wedge” that they said drives in between the Black Knights.
It could be totally off but I refuse to accept Nunnally and Sayoko are dead! I’m rooting for a happy ending. Lulu better keep his promise to C.C. though!
Schneidel knew about geass and it’s effect on suzaku(ep 17), it was certain that he was going to fire Freja that’s why he was choosen to carry it. Schneidel is also in the list of responsibles of the explosion =(, lelouch should have ordered jeremiah to remove suzaku’s order to live before so that it would be easier to kill him -.-. nina should have suicided after euphie’s death
i don’t care how you guys predict your views.all i want to know is the latest torrents that DM told and showed us here.that’s more than enough.and to DM,thanx for funny line so far.you really make my day. ;)
If you don’t care then why are you posting about it? People are entitled to their predictions just like DM, I personally enjoy reading others predictions.
@Magni what i mean to say is i don’t bother by your predictions but only minding what DM had shown or told us here.i just want to post whenever i feel like i want to.can’t i?
People should learn the relationship between economy and warfare, not just cosplays -.-
Yeah you can post if you want of course, but whats the point of saying “I don’t care about others predictions”? It’s not exactly that constructive. Instead of coming off in a negative tone, you could have just simply said “I agree with DM and his predictions.”
yeah MTP! tell sandslayer how it’s done!
So shut up already you stupid bitch, nobody cares about u at all sandslayer.
I’m not entirely sure how to respond to this…I guess I can work my way from the top down. Although I do want you to realize I am not ranting at you.
First things first, I’m not trying to make myself relevant (I do notice these days people on the internet like to call others irrevelant like they think it makes them sound cool), I do this because I’m bored. If you don’t care, then fine. I personally prefer that you argue with me about the actual anime itself rather than about how much you hate me and how much you think I’m just here because I don’t have a life.
Note: I like putting in little things in my posts, usually because I like coming off sarcastically. If I say “I called it first” I’m most likely to be joking around. I mean honestly you need to cool yourself down, I hate emotional arguements.
Two more common insults from the common era. “Kid” and “Ignorant”, two things I hear people calling each other all the time over the internet as if thats the only thing they can think of. Also, I think you called me an asshat before. By the way, yes I do think I’m smart, hell I know it and I’m not afraid to point it out. I don’t think I’m the smartest one here though, and I quite enjoy argueing with Amnestic (though it seems there is less to argue about as the series wears on).
Another common insult (you have no life). I argue here because I’m bored and I feel like doing it, I occasionally check in to reply to a few comments and then go on my way. Just because I frequent the code geass parts of this blog doesn’t mean I have no life, it just means I care enough about the series to talk about it. As for people not giving a damn…who cares, I’m here to say what I want, whether people listen or not is their own choice.
I never said I wanted to be known in life. You obviosuly came up with that on your own. Dude, I couldn’t care less about who knows me and who doesn’t, I watch anime to pass time and I respond casually to this site. Like you have said to me earlier, I don’t give a damn about your life and what you do in it.
First things first…you just called me ignorant just a little while ago and now your defending it? Be consistant in your writing. Back to the point: I don’t regard thinking outside the box as someone posting a comment saying “I bet nina’s gonna get raped and killed” (by the way that IS a quote). I only respond negatively to those types of comments and when they say something that goes against what has already been proving and is just making them sound stupid. I argue here because nobody knows how it will end, I enjy sharing my theories. I hate emotional argueing with people like you, who obviously just wanna measure how big their dick is (thats a metaphor for you comparing your “awesome” life towards my “virtually non-existant” one).
Harsh tone? Gibberish? Higher than mighty, egotistical neurotic crap? I’m just starting to realize you’ve dedicated almost two whole medium length posts just towards making me feel bad.
I will respect them perfectly fine, as long as it isn’t shit
like “Nina should get stabbed a million times in the face”, just because I decide to post something in response to theirs and I argue with it, doesn’t mean I’m being disrespectful, I’m just argueing and posting my counter-thoughts towards his.
I’m *not* trying to achieve relevance in life by posting on a blog, If I wanted to, I’d find the cure for cancer or AIDS. I’m in high school, I don’t need to make myself famous, besides, thats basically impossible on the internet anyways. As for your comment about respect, same thign I worte in the last tidbit applys there too.
I wouldn’t have planned on dissing you unless you posted something retarded, and when I say retarded I mean the people who post crap that has no meaning, and no sign of intelligent thought. At least if they speak an idea that shows they at least thought about it before writing it, I wouldn’t disrespect that, but that wouldn’t stop me from picking the theory apart and showing evidence of why it could possibly be wrong.
I do care, but I only care about what people who actually have shown me to be intelligent thinkers think about me. So unless someone like Amnestic decides to rant at me, I’ll be around here for awhile.
Just a few things before I get back to my life (oh wait, your so self-absorbed you think everyone who argues with you online doesn’t have a life), I don’t believe people shouldn’t be exposed to people like me. People should realize they should take what another person says and take it apart and find it’s flaws. It’s a simple science of argueing. Argueing is an intellectual process that shows who can out-think another, it was common and acceptable process back in Ancient Greece. One of the main things I’m disappointed about are the oversensitive parents who think argueing is wrong, even if it’s for your own beliefs and ideas, I mean after all, fighting is wrong, right kids? You shouldn’t fight at all, you should just lay your head back and let ignorance take the planet over and consume the human mind. So don’t say to others, “Oh wait, that’s not right”, just make sure you say “Nah, who cares what I think, I’ll do it anyways.”
Sarcasm aside, I think you need to find the difference between simple insults and rants (which I find you did alot towards me) and realize that arguing is more than two kids fighting over who’s red truck it is.
@Magni and i thought you understood.. but nevermind that.there’s no need for us to argue over that small matter.and like i said i only want to know what had happened to the latest post and so on.i didn’t say anything bad about what you guys thought of at CG R2 coming episodes.it just,let’s say…i hope it doesn’t bother me.that’s all.is that,ok? =)
The sad thing is, I realize the relevancy, yet I see nothing in your writing worth contemplating. You perpetuate your own bullshit which I will never agree to. Maybe if you actually present your argument in a way people can actually attest to instead of you claiming you’re right in each case, you’d get somewhere.
It’s your ignorance that really makes people cringe. Don’t turn this on me. You’re damn pathetic. I see you attempt at a logical retort towards my posts, but in actuality, you’re just a child trying to make his way in life. There’s nothing more pathetic in a know-it-all ignorant child such as yourself, trying to prove the people wrong. You strive to believe you are correct and you believe you’re correct in all of your thinking. Sorry to break the news to you, but you hardly understand whether or not you’re a faggot. You might want to work on that.
I suggest you check http://www.dictionary.com. You may actually understand the words that are typed here a lot better if you reference that site. For you to think that you’re high and mighty, only tells others that you truly have no life and your only sense of joy is your infatuation with believing you are correct. You’re nothing but a puppet, Kid. You can say whatever you want, but anyone and everyone can see that you’re a pile of bullshit waiting to implode on itself. I have never been one to use age as a gauge for intelligence and maturity, but if I had to gauge you, you’d be on the bottom near the toddler zone.
I can see you tried to respond to me in a “sane” manner, but the fact is, your opinions, are exactly that, your opinions. To the majority of the people here, we really don’t give a damn. Feel free to keep being the egotistical piece of shit you are, but know this:
It is very easy to see through you. You are about as transparent as Light Yagami. Yes, he may have fooled those dumber than him, but certainly, intelligence prevails.
You’re nothing but talking lips. And no, I’m not talking about the lips above your chin.
Say whatever you want. Really. It’s become apparent to the masses here that you’re really nothing but a wannabe teenage punk who believes everything he writes is the truth. It’s really disgusting.
Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who has read almost every blog on the site and has kept his mouth shut until this point. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Or are you really that oblivious?
Out of respect for this site, I will not post anymore bullshit that relates to you, as:
A) You’re really not worth the time. You’re about as useless as an asshole on the elbow.
B) You’re an egotistical, self-centered son of a bitch.
C) You’re wrong about people in general.
D) If you’re really as smart as you like to think you are, you wouldn’t have the time to bicker with “lower brained” individuals, now would you?
Sorry, but I’m more successful in life than you’ll ever be. Hell, I’m almost worth a million as is. I didn’t make my money by labeling others as stupid.
So sandslayer, what have you got to show for yourself? This so-called understanding of Code Geass? Big whoop. Who does that make you? Maybe if you weren’t such an egotistical ass, people would take you seriously and maybe actually respect you. Instead, you get posts like this which basically call you out for the piece of shit, hack-meat, crap writer/theorist that you are.
It’s quite funny how you tried to be “PC” with your response to me. If you don’t understand what I mean by “PC,” I mean politically correct. I mean really, your bullshit needs to stop. Realize that the other posters here actually can think for themselves.
Again, the only reason you are posting is for self-relevance. That’s all you are. That’s all you’ll ever be. I already knew what you would say before you said it. You’re so predictable that it doesn’t even make this fun. I knew you’d try to play it off. I knew you’d try to make yourself seem “OK.” I knew that’d you try it. You’re transparent kid. And I’m not the only one who can see through your bullshit.
Want to be relevant? Do something that actually matters. Don’t talk from your pussy lips. I mean really, who gives a fuck what you have to say? You’re still commenting here right? I’m not a mind-reader, but that sure tells me that you care.
So please, feel free to stop bullshitting everyone. If not, feel free to come to Seattle and we’ll settle this difference.
Yer Sandslayer dude tone down the size of ur replies. Don’t quote everyone because you have a reply to their comments. honestly I just read through a few pages and ur posts are far too big. And about people making stupid comments, if ur expecting decent people to come in on the net, then your obviously in the wrong area. By the amount of typing you do, id thought u would know better and move on.
back to gode geass. probably the first intense episode ever on season 2. i wish sunrise would stop making suzaku look like a bad guy, but thats my impression ive been getting from him. i like suzaku.
To prove my point, ANY OF THE POSTERS HERE COULD TELL OFF SANDSLAYER. So what if he thinks he’s a genius? It doesn’t make him right, nor does it make you right, or myself right.
This blog, in it’s entirety, is to express one’s opinions. It’s not to force ideals and/or ideas on other people. It’s not to consistently tell people they are wrong. It’s an open forum for discussion. What you perpetuate is not discussion, it’s “I’m right, I’ve always been right, and you’re wrong.”
The moment sandslayer realizes this is the moment he becomes a man. When that happens, who knows? Maybe he’ll post something relevant to us all? Maybe he becomes slicker with words than Bill Clinton could ever be.
I’m sorry to say, but at this point, you’re just background noise. You know, that fuzzy white noise that happens when you have a television that can’t recept the cable television programs? You know, the TV that you need those “bunny ears” for? That is exactly what you are sandslayer, and until you realize that you can’t treat everyone like shit, you will be treated like shit. Plain and simple. Bring something worthwhile to the table and people will actually care and take you seriously. Again, until that happens, you’re nothing but static.
Who cares how idiotic someone’s hypothesis is? I think it’s awesome someone could come up with a crazy hatched up plan or theory. I wish I had the imagination to come up with something so brilliant. AND THAT my friends is the beauty of this blog. It’s not about right or wrong. If you believe that, you’re truly missing the complete point.
This is all rather boring.