A cute Valkyrie pilot you will never see again
Some episodes of Code Geass brings enlightenment, others bring fanservice. Some have intricate story telling, others help to bring characters to life. This episode does none of the above. However, it is easily one of the most awesome episodes ever. It takes the extravagant route and fulminates with the incandescence of a great gross luminous celestial plasma balls. Yes, it has tons of explosions.
Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.
Is that a kerosene lamp?
As far as I know, Gefjun Disturber prevents Sakuradite-powered devices from working. Apparently the concept of backup (hydrogen fuel?) generators and lithium ion batteries no longer exists, as the whole city is thrown into darkness by the Disturbers. I can’t believe that everything in Tokyo is powered by Sakuradite and that the power generators for the entire city also happen to be located inside the city. I digress.
Everyone’s here
Anyway what follows is a whirlwind of fight scenes that sort of resembles a fan fiction where all the important characters show up at the same place and engage in an orgy of destruction.
Why is he the only one not wearing a mask?
Meanwhile, Rolo is doing his best to locate Nunnally…to kill her! Dun Dun Dun! What a surprise. Lelouch is an idiot.
Pure ownage in red
The best part of course is that Kallen is back in action! Her Guren has been given a free upgrade courtesy of Lloyd (and Cecile) into Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements-Type. It’s sort of like Freedom: it has wings, it fires its hand like a funnel and it basically overpowers every existing Knightmare in the show. Woohoo.
My prediction has not come true yet
And some annoying and useless characters are finally put to rest.
Lelouch’s momentary acts of kindness always come to bite him in the ass. His latest screw up has totally triumphed his previous record of accidentally setting Euphie on a massacre. Good job. Anyway, I thought Geass are supposed to have a time limit? Or did I imagine that?
Guren is clearly a case of Sunrise’s Law of Robotics at work. It won’t be long before Lancelot gets an even better upgrade, after which after one else gets an upgrade, and we are all back at square one.
I foresee much speculations over what Freyja actually does. Maybe it’s just a portal to another dimension.
Also, look forward to domestic violence and child abuse in the next episode!
He doesn’t do much
Why is she blonde anyway
Dude, why would you pose in the cockpit where no one can see you?
I hope Sayoko survives >_<
Close one
So those glowing things on the wing tips, are they like safety strobe lights?
She has evolutionary advantage in the dark!
Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do
The new Guren OS
Sunrise blew this episode’s budget on drawing Guren
It’s about time…
That green thing comes out even when the weapon isn’t spinning?
Awww, and I thought she was going to pilot it in her dress
My other prediction comes true
Wind is always readily available in anime for dramatic poses
Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.
In general reference to almost everything you have said…if you really want me to shut up so badly you have to write that much, then fine. You’ve killed my interest in this blog anyways, although I would like to know why it is you think I’m such a horrible person, after all, basically all you’ve done is insult me but you haven’t actually given any direct quotes (apparently you read almost everything on this blog, so you say). Feel free to respond in any way…I won’t be posting anything else.
You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’m not gonna write anymore posts. You are right however, that the internet is not the place to look for an intelligent arguement. Most people just want to insult or degrade you, whether it’s justified or not.
Oh and if you care enough, I really did enjoy our arguements Amnestic. They were something to look forward to.
So I guess thats it and…goodbye.
hey mtp dude…maybe that was a bit too much man. I mean sandslayer just seemed like he talked alot, not that he was some sort of horrible guy, maybe you should lay off. Tho it doesnt look liek that matters, he says hes not gonan write anymore.
Sorry, but I will not censor myself when it comes to a true asshat. This is my… 6th post on this blog, yet I’ve been reading for quite a bit of time, mostly for Code Geass info and speculation. Yeah, I could go to animesuki, but for the most part, I find the people here to be far more “out of the box” when it comes to thinking about plot twists.
When it comes to you sandslayer, you don’t even give others opinions a decent shot, or hell… even a thought. Yeah, so what, maybe a hypothesis makes no sense, the least you could do with your “genius” brain is entertain the people you think lesser of.
It’s all about respect and to be honest, with the tone and demeanor of your writing, you currently deserve none. Hell, I probably deserve none as well, but you know what? At least the only person I’m calling out is you.
Harsh or not, someone has to spell out the truth, no matter how ugly it can get. I’m more than happy to be evil, if only to conquer a greater evil.
You crossed a line sir. And I gladly crossed it to confront you. Don’t think you’re the only one willing to speak up. Though, since you graciously decided to step away, we all can go about our happy business of reading with glee DM’s awesome blogs about the series, each others opinions and thoughts, without having to worry about backlash from you.
For that, I thank you. I only wish you would’ve chosen a different tone. If you had, I certainly wouldn’t have felt the need to step up. I dislike confrontation. My actions may not show that, but it is the truth. I just really hate when people are labeled as idiots.
If you feel like contributing with a level of decency, I’ll have no problem. The moment you denigrate someone is the moment I come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Haha, i’ve gotta say, your reviews are priceless. Yay Kallen’s back, boo Suzacry isn’t dead yet. Anyway though, Suza is getting to be more annoying then that supposably villainous character in Dragonauts. The emo one who gets heart broken because his mantoy chooses someone else. On top of that, next advancement in KMF robotics = babies replace the current cores as the power source. None can comprehend da power of da babeh!
So this is a bashing party now…>_> Glad it ended before I got back.
Anyways, back to the anime!
The whole idea of Suzaku being the one to carry the responsibility of Freyla still baffles me. Somehow the logic of him wanting to survive =>wanting to fire weapon of mass destruction, doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s practically Nina who pulls the trigger by telling him he’ll survive, but how Schneizel calculated for things to turn out, I really don’t understand. Did he really want Freyla to be fired at all? Like Suzaku says it’s best used as a threat rather than actually being used, after all they are fighting over Tokyo!!!
That smug look on Schneizel’s face is unsettling though. And with the “space transfer” line that’s been pointed out earlier, that might indeed be a hint that the people within the light didn’t die. What exactly happened to them is still a mystery though. The sword of Abrakadabra and the thought elevator stuff is more or less powered by magic so basically anything can happen in the next episodes…
Yup. That would have been best for her and everyone else, but then there would be too little massacre and pure insanity in this anime…
ROFL. When they showed that screen I just thought ZOMG kawaii! Is that a rabbit and a fox???
It would have been really difficult to get Jeremiah in a position to geass cancel Suzaku. Yeah, you’re right it’d make Suzaku easier(possible?) to kill, but it’d simply be, in my opinion, too difficult to get him up close and personal. The Geass canceller has an effective range, not sure what it is, but beyond a close encounter of the two, I’m not sure how else Lelouch would pull it off.
hey overessence, even though it was kinda harsh as you say about what MTP wrote. ( i couldnt be bothered to read it all so i dont know) At least we got what we want, sandslayer to shut up! i’ve been holding it in for a long time as well MTP
At least Tamaki is still alive. That was too close for comfort, I thought he was done for.
The one thing I don’t really understand is why that one pilot (I think Asashina was his name or something like that) told Toudou about those secret orders Zero was giving to other members. Does he really think Toudou will care? Toudou has always been the one who seems to be the most loyal to Zero, especially when Zero commits questionable actions that some of the Black Knights don’t agree with. Since that Asashina guy is dead, and Toudou is the only one who knows about it, it doesn’t seem to make any sense why they had Asashina tell him about it in the first place. Toudou probably doesn’t even care about it, and now that little “secret” is kind of buried. Maybe Toudou will have a change of heart, I dunno.
Did Sunrise just conveniently forget about Jeremiah’s Geass Canceller? It seemed like after he used it on Shirley, that was about it, and it hasn’t even been mentioned at all whatsoever.
Since Lelouch can only use his Geass once per person, and the Geass Canceller cancels the effect of it, does that mean that after the Geass is cancelled, that Lelouch could use his Geass to give another command to the same person? That would definately make things simpler.
Mm, Lelouch used it on Shirley when she was bleeding, though obviously it didn’t really work because you can’t hypnotise someone to stop bleeding from a bullet/knife wound to their torso. :( But as I said before, how often would Lelouch get the opportunity to use his geass lately? It’s all been mecha combat very recently. There was the Suzaku thing at the shrine, but he couldn’t bring Jeremiah with him, because he had to a) come alone to stay ‘faithful’ to Suzaku’s request and b) he needed Jeremiah to pilot the Sutherland-Sieg. Any ideas where he could have used his geass more effectively? I suppose Cornelia could be a possibility, but I’m not sure how willing Jeremiah would be to subjecting a Princess to it.
Jeremiah is there because of his sense of duty to Lelouch and Nunnally, he seems to have a sense of loyalty to the Royal family, so he might not be fine with using it on Cornelia. I’m willing to accept other ideas though.
Tohdoh’s always been loyal to Zero because they need him if nothing else. Until they retake Area 11 at least, Tohdoh won’t be going anywhere. He might consider breaking off once Japan is reclaimed, however, it’s unlikely because if they did, Area 11 could get thrown into turmoil which could cause Britannia to move on it again for a possible retaking straight away. Again, if only out of necessity, I think Tohdoh won’t be splintering off. I could be wrong, it has happened before ;P
And I just had another thought. Why didn’t the gefjun disturber affect Jeremiah in the first place? We saw that the trains screwed him over when he first pledged loyalty to Lelouch…he should have, strictly speaking, been buggered by the whole thing, but we saw him moving inside his cockpit (posing, in fact!)
That’s so true! Didn’t think about it. But was the Gefjun disturbers completed at that time, or was Lelouch just testing them for further improvements? Can’t remember what was said during the episode. But since Lelouch wants Jeremiah to work, it’s not improbable that he already made changes to the original design so they wouldn’t mess with Jeremiah. It’s always these kinds of details that Sunrise leaves unclear…
I wonder about Jeremiah’s loyalty towards Cornelia though. After all, the constant feuding within the royal family demands one to take sides, and now he’s chosen Lelouch (who now has his own terminator as well as super ninja maid). And he had no problem with going berserk at the underground research facility (which really surprised me).
I can just see it, Lelouch demanding team janitors to go liberate Japan! lolz
The Black Knights have many problems facing them now. The threat from the Britannians who might use Freyla again, meaning Lelouch will have trouble making his moves under these conditions. Then there’s the leak of information that puts Lelouch in a bad light (whatever that is). And the fact that most of the forces got wiped out (that’s how it appeared to me…). On the plus side is the overpowering might of the new Guren…wonder if that will be enough…
Guess what, I’m back after a very short hiatus. Guess I just decided to sleep. No I won’t be shutting up for awhile, get used to it. By the way, this is the last thing I’m saying to you MTP, don’t brag about your own life on the internet. Saying your “worth a million” only makes you sound like a pathetic liar who’s just trying to make himself feel important.
It’s apparent that Tohdoh won’t betray Zero, he didn’t even think badly of him when he decided to cut off and leave the Black Knights in s1 finale. I personally think that he’s gonna side with Zero, however I’m not about to stop believing that the testimonial data from Kinoshita is going to make Tohdoh uneasy.
Jeremiah could have easily gotten the adjustments to make himself immune to the gefjun disturber just like his knightmare frame. When you think about it that way it’s fairly obvious, but you are right about Sunrise’s little details…they do leave alot out.
About his loyalty to Marianne, note that he thinks her assassination is his first failure so chances are he’s more loyal to Lelouch than to any other prince of princess. Chances are that he will remain loyal to Lelouch however (as he had said) he probably won’t be able to kill any of the royal family.
About the black knights, hopefully next episode will give us more insight into what happened.
Like I said, feel free to come to Seattle to dispute my claim. I have no reason to lie. Hell, maybe you can even catch one of my shows, I’m a pretty popular DJ round these parts.
But alas, the chances of you putting your money where your mouth is is… next to nothing. You talk shit to people, you call them names, and you expect none of the same to happen to yourself?
Empty noise son. Look in the mirror before you decide to spout off. Seriously, the moment you feel like you need to call someone an idiot, gay, whatever, take a good look in the mirror. “How would I feel if I was being badgered by some asshole?”
And the fact you say you just had to sleep and weren’t actually leaving, sure. How early exactly do you sleep? I guess you needed a nap.
This episode is quite tragedy but sunrise is always have a mysterious ways to create a story, isn’t it? A pity that we cannot get our hope fulfilled for happily ever after story but it is also a relieved that the story is so thrilling the way we cannot predict what happen next as easy as reading a book.
Nice modification from Cecile that upgrade Guren Nishiki into the Guren Seiten. And Lloyd just die already you greedy creature. Lakshata get angry because her masterpiece gets messed. And the Guren once again turn into most powerful Knightmare (I think and it seems).
What is the name of Vampire of Britannia’s Knightmare? Don’t tell me it was destroyed before being named.
:( Don’t kill Lloyd, he’s too funny. I loved his scream of horror when the Guren flight-type hit the Lancelot in the face with a slash harken. Made me grin.
amusing, or apt perhaps, that you, KingBradley should ask. The Vampire of Britannia’s name was Lord Luc(c)iano Bradley :P
@sandslayer: So what about his loyalty to Nunnally? I always thought of Jeremiah as very similar to Sayoko in this respect, being loyal to their family as a whole. With Marianne gone that leaves Lelouch and Nunnally. But, when it comes to individuals I wonder…As long as there is one person left of Marianne’s children I think Jeremiah would be satisfied. It could be my imagination though, but I keep getting this feeling that he’s on Lelouch’s side -as long as he confirms to his beliefs of what is best for the family (getting revenge! Yes please! ^^).
But, if Lelouch, and this is just hypothetically speaking, ever would turn against Nunnally (which he obviously won’t, but for the sake of the argument), I really can’t see Jeremiah still siding with him. And not for the reason of not being able to kill of other people of the royal family, but because of his double loyalty. Well, it still boils down to him being more loyal to Lelouch than any other right now, just as you say, because of his own failures in the past, but what happens next is an open question.
Another interesting thing is, and has already been pointed out, is why Lelouch isn’t finding any use for the Geass Canceller? Shouldn’t there be plenty of people who got geassed by Charles who could be turned against Britannia if they where aware of how they were tricked? *ahem ahem* Anya *ahem*, but that’s just me I guess.
Just for kicks I’ll also post this simple work of art inspired by this ep showing the striking resemblance between father n son, enjoy! ^^’ http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z188/Hikouseki/FathernSon.jpg
Lelouch has no idea about that though, nor do any of his subordinates to my knowledge. Suzaku, one of the people closest to the introvert loli that is Anya, isn’t even 100% sure that she was geassed by the Emperor. For all he knows she has a long standing medical condition which fuzzles her memories up. From our more objective point of view, we can assume that it *was* the Emperor’s geass, but Suzaku might not know that for sure.
True enough! But you don’t need exact knowledge to start implementing a plan of uncovering what you don’t know. You might just suspect that the inner circle of the emperor, just as Lelouche’s own is, in some part affected by geass. Well, this is assuming Lelouch hadn’t his drop in intelligence in making Rolo lead the Nunnally resque mission! In the end Lulu is such an unevenly intelligent, somewhat emotionally caught up person (making decisions that might not beneficial for him in the end).
“:( Don’t kill Lloyd, he’s too funny. I loved his scream of horror when the Guren flight-type hit the Lancelot in the face with a slash harken. Made me grin.”
Hahahaha, me too. I don’t mean it to literally die anyway.
“amusing, or apt perhaps, that you, KingBradley should ask. The Vampire of Britannia’s name was Lord Luc(c)iano Bradley :P”
I don’t quite get what amusing that you referring to. Is it because the similarities of our name but I still asking about his name? But I was asking about his Knightmare.
@KingBradley: His KMF was the Percival.
That’ll teach me to speed read :(
Ahhah well that was fun, the watching the brutal flamewar with a side of popcorn was a treat, but dam, that is the most Scary, Harsh, Brutal, Enraging, post from MTP so far.
This is becoming less and less of an anime review or whatever you want to call it to an all out war between Sandslayer and everyone else. I thought you came here to discuss anime not criticize each other.
Let’s all hope that….
The Black Knights won’t initiate a mutiny during Lelouche’s freak out period, causing him to be thrown out and put at Britannia’s mercy. Let’s hope that at Lelouche’s darkest moment, his friends (Kallen, SUZAKU, Euphy back from the dead, Nanally transported back from Freya’s dimension, Cornelia coming for Euphy, Suzaku’s friends coming with him, etc etc) will suddenly group around him and lift him out of his heroic BSOD, and form a Euphy Faction to stop the war between Britannia and The United What’s Its Name.
Let’s HOPE TO GOD THAT WON’T HAPPEN. (I have a bad feeling it will, or at least something along these lines)
Your self-gratifying, over-indulgent, assnine comments have forced me to say a few words to you. Please note these are reasons as to why everything you’ve said bad about me has no bearing and is totally and completely retarded:
1) You talk ALOT about yourself as if your some sort of insecure 16 year odl girl who’s worried about that pimple on her face. I don’t care where you live or where you work or how much your “worth” because in my belief, your just trying to make yourslef feel better by sayign somethign about a life you’ve never had.
2) You just rant and rant and rant ona nd on and on, I mean, every post you’ve written is completely about how much of a horrible person I am. Screw that, you say I’m negative and an “asshat”? I at least talk about anime while I’m here.
3) I really, REALLY don’t care what you think about me, I only care about what those who have proven themselves to think intellectually about things have thought of me, or how you think I have no life, after all you keep coming back and insulting me.
Also, I don’t know about you but saying that someone who says “Nina will get raped and die” and “Nina should get stabbed in the face a million times” is thinking outside of the box just doesn’t seem right to me.
Now move on with your life and talk about anime because I grow tired of you and your self-loving talk.
I agree, sandslayer does criticize us too much especially me… ignore that…
Anyways i bet sunrise is going to have suzaku defect from england on the last episode and sacrifice himself to shave lulu chan. den dey r going 2 hab a gundam or debunote((fatnote)jk) ending.
purposeful misspelling
Let the flames burn… NOT. Even DM is bored with it already.
its called Percival, and the new Gawain mass-production model is called Gareth(the one David&Co piloted).
I repeat myself here but… Lelouch did not know that Rolo killed Shirley because she mentioned Nunnally, he doesnt know at all that he hates her so there’s no reason for him to not assign him to the rescue mission.
Also just randomly using the Geass Canceler might end up canceling the wrong people which might end up disadvantageous. For example if he would have used it to cancel suzaku’s in the fight it would have hit Guilford too and he would have been an enemy again.
maybe suzaku will finally kill him off when he goes on a rampage in ep 21 ^^
I think if the black knights do betray zero they have every right to. but on the same token he did take ohgi’s tiny resistance group and turned it into and globally known group. But if he does get the boot who does he have left he could trust? probably only C.C, orange and Rolo (but he looks like he’s pretty pissed at him in the next episode).
Also we have no idea what the Freyja does it could be a nuke or a portal maker, but with sunrise anything goes
Speaking from a purely technological standpoint, a portal wouldn’t/shouldn’t operate as Freya does, starting with a massive explosion and then a powerful sucking motion after the light has dissipated. Someone with more expertise in the operations of bombs may be able to correct/add to this, but my understanding was that bombs work under the principle that it blows everything away from it, and then the air vaccuum that is left by the explosion sucks stuff back in, similar to Freya. If it was simply a portal, I’m not so sure a ‘sucking’ should have occured. Either it should have occured during the explosion (in which case the ‘portal world’ would have less air concentration), or it occured afterwards in which case it was a bomb. The sucking that occurs after+portal world doesn’t make sense to me. If both worlds have equal air concentration, then there shouldn’t have been any loss during the ‘portal’ shrinking.
Oh, also if you look at the giant command tower, you can see it breaking apart into little pieces (20:34). If it were a portal, surely it’d just kinda…warp through the blast, rather than break up. I don’t confess to have a massive knowledge of portals, but to break apart and then reform something on the other side seems…well then we get the interesting topic of cloning and brains being the same and it all becomes very very complex.
uhmm freya isnt modeled after rl bombs so you cant really compare that. Same with portals since those dont exist in rl, impossible to say how a completely fictional technology should work.
freya doesnt cause a massive explosion in the first place, that huge sphere wasnt a explosion only that smaller one in the beginning was a sakuradite explosion. Freya has three different effects depending on range and 5 steps of execution (check that freya status report).
About the Vacuum, since sakuradite is a fictional element we cant say if that explosion alone would create such a huge surge or not.
The possibility of the space getting warped somewhere else cant be ruled out however. You say it shouldnt create such a surge since air should get transfered back from the other place but that would only be the case if the transfer actually happens both ways. If it goes only one way it would leave a vacuum behind creating the surge and since we only have a freya detonation at the source point and nothing at the target point this should most likely be the case.
so we cant rule a transfer out especially since even the last step of the freya execution reads Space Transfer. so only thing we can do is wait for the next eps to see if they went boom or not.
Freya seems to work like a black hole. First it explodes with the sphere of light, then it pulls everything in to a point.
Will the energy wings be shared to all high and mighty Knightmare? Well, I don’t think even the Galahad will be able to stand up against Kallen now. :)
I have a niggling feeling that we really won’t know what Freya does until the last or second to last episode.
Hi all, my (so late) 2 cents:
Concerning the sandslayer drama, I too get bored of seeing him answer-bash-whatever almost every post in here. Don’t really agree with all the bashing, though I consider him a bit obnoxious in his way of speaking and I mostly agree with MTP. Sandslayer, if you really have that much to say, consider creating your own personal blog. Your world, your rules ^^.
Does anyone consider funny that Darkmirage (AKA ShinkirÅ), the owner of this blog, consider all of this drama boring and (almost) no one cares about his opinion? LOL.
Concerning the chapter, great episode as always. Seeing FLEIA evaporate Nunnally and Sayoko froze me on my chair. I’ll never forget my sister’s expression while covering her mouth in horror (she’s hooked up to this too).
Another thing that might be worth mentioning is that Sayoko found Nunnally first, actually. Lelouch stated at the beginning that once Nunnally is rescued, Rollo’s life has no worth anymore. Maybe his plan was to make Rollo enter the Settlement only to have him die when destroying it, while Sayoko rescues Karen and Nunnally. That sounds a bit more Lelouch-like.
I really, REALLY don’t know if I want Nunnally dead or not. Maybe it is really a simple teleportation, and that would be cheap. But Stripey said long ago that the mighty SUNRISE pen has always been humbled by the mightier Bandai pen that writes its paychecks, so Nunnally mught be still alive.
Maybe the entire purpose of the bomb is to create a vacuum where the old place is. Although I really don’t want Nunnally back, I can’t deny that there is a whole thing about “space transfer” and that’s really ticking me off.
Your right about not being able to compare it to real life bombs, it is entirely fictional, but you also have to think in their universe style. IF they have infact created a space transfer bomb, that would be a huge leap away from normal knightmare technology.
Also note that Schniezel developed this on his own, so chances are the emperor didn’t give him any funky geass technology. That being said, thinking in-universe style, it’s entirely possible and not-possible to have created a space transfer-bomb. However evidence weighs heavier on the former.
I know a little about bombs, and your right, they do push things away primarily (though the massive heat from the explosion sometimes vaporizes things). However, as cor has stated, a bomb that leaves a vacuum (space transfer) would indeed suck air into the space that was currently empty, notice after the light faded away, the Ikaruga and everything around it were pushed towards it (not by much, but they were) which is something that doesn’t happen with a normal explosion.
Also, the building breaking apart may or may not be that. It’s possible that the building merely was either: 1) being broken apart for easier space transfer (it is anime after all) or 2) it wasn’t actualy being broken apart, it just was drawn to look that way to make us think like everything was being destroyed.
A black hole never actually explodes. Although scientists even today don’t know exactly what a black hole is, we do know that black holes start off as stars that have imploded, and it’s also to my knowledge that they are so powerful light cannot even escape, which is why they have no color. The bomb however was purple, which makes me believe that if Sunrise knew anything about black holes and modeled it after one then they wouldn’t make it purple.
Also note that black holes suck in everything around it (via gravity fyi), the bomb didn’t suck things in until after, and the after effect was merely air being sucked into the vacuum left after the explosion. This makes me think that the bomb doesn’t work as a “gravity bomb” or a “black hole” merely just more evidence of space transfer.
From what I’ve seen, the new Guren is just so powerful, I doubt anyone other than Suzaku’s Lancelot will get one. Besides, if everyone gets them, they won’t be so special anymore. I agree though, that the Knight of One may not stand a chance.
Sherman, the Ramni:
Don’t worry, I’ll try not to answer-bash as much as I can. Besides, I’m bored of getting ranted at by MTP, he just isn’t worth my time. As for making my own blog…I like darkmirage’s too much.
dudes, thsi sandslayer and mtp thing is like over now, mtp was just being stupid, i mean, sandslayer is cool and all when he’s not ranting at someone and i like reading what he has to say. besides i dont think stuff like nina gettign raped and stuff is thinking outside of the box either…maybe your just messed up mtp.
my thoughts on the episode…i think that nunaly is gonna show up like in the last episode right before lelouch is gonna do something stupid.
To troll, or not to troll… That is a question.
So let’s start with the ball rolling, shall we?
1. I don’t care about the intricacies or the little trivia that is the crazy world of Gay-Ass. I like my characters well-cooked. Medium-rare is for Neanderthals.
2. Epic “I’m the Bringer of Justice” -turned- “OMFG I TOTALLY LOST IT1111!!!” failure that is Lelou. Never read manga, but I don’t bother, because we all know this show’s gonna end with the death of Lelou. (Unless Sunrise decides to pwn the whole anime community. I’m betting on it.)
3. I like how this series is starting to break apart at it seams. Probably for the better. Definitely needs to end with a huge bang. And not some “jiggly CG fireworks” epic failure.
4. Oh, well, where’s those Macross Frontier reviews, DM?
Ckckkck. You all wrong. Its Gilgamesh who’s going to show up to annihilate Arturia Pendragon but in the nick of time Arturia can turn the tables on her favors and win. Ups. That was another anime.
Move on about Freya, I think it was a sphere of light that annihilate all within its radius just like MIDAS in Front Mission 3 so if Nanaly is going to be alive it will be because Sayoko has taken her to save place with the teleportation jutsu. Hey, a ninja or kunoichi is supposed to be able to do that kind of moves don’t you think? But why she doesn’t do that earlier? Because it is don’t serves any purpose before. And why I am arguing with myself? That was supposed to be your jobs.
“Batman please shares us your wings to fight the injustice…â€
Surely the real question is “To troll WELL, or not to troll.” No one cares for bad trolling, it’s just embarassing to watch.
I’ll take that bet. I seriously don’t think Lelouch will die.
This show can end in only 2 ways: Lelouch fails and dies, and nothing is changed, or Lelouch wins, kills Charles, but assumes as the new IMMORTAL Emperor of Britannia. 2nd choice seems more win to me.
After being bored and rewatching the episode (again) and reading some wikipedia stuff, I’m rather curious about something. Wikipedia says for episode 22 (Emperor Lelouch) “Lelouch uses the balance between the forces that separates the world into two: UFN and Britannia. The stage in his consideration is the place which was made into the neutral zone of the two countries, and a place of his memories.”
The grammar errors and the like is mostly translation errors but if most of this is correct then that’s solid evidence that Nunnally IS dead. I doubt that with a title like that, things haven’t already been worked out, unless they plan on doing some revelation-like stuff for episode 23 to 25 (if they even exist).
My interpretation of this is that the “balance” and “neutral zone” is Japan, this also adds up if you take into consideration of the people from Japan possibly leaving the Black Knights (Damn you Asahina!) which would make it neutral instead of part of the UFN. As for the place of his memories, as I said before, that is strong evidence that Nunnally actually died (this is also further proven by the episode 21 summary “Area 11 is in chaos, and Suzaku looks for a fight in his new Lancelot Albion, no longer the gentle person he once was.” Please note Suzaku is on Brittannia’s side and possibly knows the full extent of the bomb and thus is pissed Nunnaly is dead), unless episode 23~25 (which we don’t even know if they exist, correct me if I’m wrong) turn out to be the actual conclusion (Anya maybe?).
However, it seems rather sudden, Suzaku apparently gets the Albion in episode 21, so one episode to utilize it doesn’t seem that much, and four episodes doesn’t seem like much to wrap up an Anya storyline and the whole series. Well, who knows, but I’m really thinking Nunnally is dead.
Alot has happened it seems, Nunally is possibly dead, which would shatter Lelouche’s will to continue, if he doesn’t go insane.
More or less I’m betting that Nunally lived, however, I’m also willing to bet Lelouch won’t find out until he’s done something horribly wrong.
Suzaku isn’t in to great of a situation either, especially seeing as how he was asked to protect her, regardless that the situation still turned bad and it seemed like Lelouch was betrayed, I still felt like he would try to do it anyway, and when he realizes that not only did he NOT protect her, he actually KILLED her (if it happens that way, or, he thinks he did, even if she didn’t die) he’s probably going to become the uncaring/emotionless person in episode 21 that he’ll be.
I’ll admit that I do not know if Code Geass was only intended to be two seasons, but if it wasn’t, you can’t throw out the possibility of a third season that could answer all the questions. Though it would seem unlikely, as they’d have to stretch it out, or make it somewhat of a half season. Either way, there;s about 7 more episodes to wrap up this series if they want it done with season 2.
Someone posted a link to a picture of the
FLEIA status report screencap before somewhere.
Ah yes Comment #73. Seems like Step 5 of FLEIA execution includes a “Space Transfer” sequence.
Yeah, I noticed that, which is why I’m thinking she’s alive.
i kinda agree with sand about nunaly about her being dead, by the way, there will be 25 episodes from what i hear. theres also enough stuff to show that lelouch still will think nunaly is dead by ep 22 and if they bring back nunaly like when the last ep rolls around it will seem corny.
so yeah sand makes sense when he says that, oh and didnt sand and some other guy say that there will be no third season? like was it announced?
I’ve been going to Dark Mirage’s forum, blog, or what ever you wish to call it as long as R2 has been aired. I’ve never taken the time to read the comments of others on Geass, I just enjoyed the humor of the pictures and captions and perhaps some thoughts about the over all production of the Geass Series. But after reading some long…lengthy…and over-all moronic comments by MTP I must say sandslayer I do enjoy your mind set on “arguing”.
“Arguing is an intellectual process that shows who can out-think another, it was common and acceptable process back in Ancient Greece.”
Very well said and I couldn’t agree more. That is how I try to learn and understand my world. Anyways back to the point of this forum, I would like to say, Dark Mirage keep up the great work. It’s always fun to read your comments and your sense of humor.
I just wanna share this insight to you guys that I have read on a forum somewhere out there.. :D
Credit goes to Kaioshin Sama
Guile mentioned that there was something odd about the whole ship set-up with Rohmeyer and Nunally when he watched it, and from looking at the scenes again, I think she pulled a decoy maneuver and Nunally’s ship was actually just outside the area of the explosion. Here’s why:
Sayoko’s team had gone in ahead of Rolo’s by the 3:58 time count and he was planning to rendevouz with Sayoko after finding Nunally
-By the 7:00 time count Rolo had still not located Nunally
-At the 7:30 mark Rohmeyer is having Nunally forcibly evacuated
When Rohmeyer is having Nunally loaded on to the ship despite her protests she mentions something about sending Nunally on ahead of her as per an order by Schneizel in one of those general evacuations of high ranking officials. She also mentions something about a lack of KF escorts so as to not draw any attention to the ship. We never see Rohmeyer board the ship Nunally’s on and she mentions that as soon as the Gefujion disturbers are taken care of that Nunally’s ship will leave the area. This happens at 9:30.
At 10:00 Sayoko has released Karen and is moving on to rendevouz with Rolo
-At 10:30 the distubers are disabled which means Nunally’s ship should be taking off like a rocket]
No later then 8 minutes afterward at 18:10 “Nunally’s ship†with Rohmeyer “on it†appears to â€STILL†be in the docking bay as Rolo approaches it, and there also appears to be a complement of KF’s ready to take of to escort it, which Rohmeyer said was not going to happen with Nunally’s ship. Rohmeyer is also sitting in the right hand seat. How could Britannia screw things up this bad and appear to take so long?
At 19:20 Sayoko barges in on Nunally with a complement of men. Rohmeyer doesn’t appear to respond to any sort of intrusion if she were there and one has to wonder why Sayoko didn’t rendevouz with Rolo as they should have passed each other on the way to the ship by this point and met up in the hangar. No recognition that they met up at all.
At 20:20 Rolo’s in one of the KF’s for gods sake. What’s he doing in that. Ready to shoot at the ship Rohmeyer’s in? How did he and Sayoko not see each other. Anyway it’s at this point the kid definitely makes a run for it.
– At 20:37 Sayoko is standing beside Nunally. Rohmeyer still appears to not have responded and…..she isn’t even in the right hand seat…
spoiler[- At 20:41 Rohmeyer is in the right hand seat, still hasn’t responded to any sort of intrusion and looks toast.
– At 21:40 Rolo claims to Lelouch that Nunally is dead.
So what the fudge eh? How does this make sense when there’s so much contradictions. Well my theory is simple actually. After Sayoko rescued Karen she went on ahead to find Nunally and to try and Rendevouz with Rolo and found the ship Nunally was on. Around the same time the Gefujion disturbers were disabled and Nunally’s ship left with Sayoko and her men aboard. She never passed Rolo because he hadn’t even reached the hangard yet. Eight minutes later Rohmeyer is on a decoy ship with KF’s to make it look like the governor general is aboard and Rolo walks in to find the ship, assuming reasonably that Nunally is on it he commandeers a KF to try and blow up the ship and kill her. Meanwhile Sayoko barges in on Nunally in the ship she’s really on and Rohmeyer doesn’t respond at all because she’s actually on the decoy back in the hangar. Nunally’s ship is probably just outside the area by this point. When the bomb goes off Rohmeyer is caught in it in her decoy ship and goes up in a ball of flames. Rolo has run away once he thinks he knows what’s going on with Fleija (whatever it’s called) and somehow made it to safety. How I’m not sure as that thing had a pretty big blast radius. So when he reports to Rolo he talks about the ship Rohmeyer is on and really isn’t lying when he says Nunally is dead, because he honestly thinks she is. In reality I think she’s okay and with Sayoko elsewhere.
My thoughts..
I adhere to this one. This certainly defeated the logic that the writers tried to imply to hide the truth. I also felt something was wrong with the scene when Sayoko found nunnally and this affirms to it. Well, whether you believe in it or not is your problem and the next episode will reveal it anyway. :D Keep on cracking your nuts guys, your comments are truly entertaining.
More power to this blog, though it is sad that DM seems to be busy nowadays giving him less time to bust the episodes a lot lessening the joy it brings every time I read it compared to the time when I first found this.
I’m curious as to what Rolo is going to do about this whole mess. He intended on killing Nunnaly, but now that she is potentially dead, what will he do? If he assumes she is dead, but she is in fact alive, how will he respond to this without arising any suspicion from Lelouch? Does Lelouch still intend on getting rid of Rolo in some way or another, and what if Lelouch were to find out of Rolo’s intent to kill Nunnaly?
I had a fun time re-watching Lord Bradley’s death. During that explosion, that whiting-out effect sort of made him look like an actual vampire.
Did anyone else notice that on that one Valkyrie pilot, she had some kind of orange bat-shaped thing in her hair? I guess you can kind of associate bats with vampires.
@wapak, your overly-long account on how Nunnally might have survived is applaudable. But this is a show. You don’t expect them to show things happening side by side do you? Besides, there was no indication of the time in the Code Geass universe at that time. You can’t take the video’s timer as an estimate. Wtf trusts that measurement anyway? >_>
@overessence, according to ANN, Code Geass will have 26 episodes, with Episode 26 as a 1-hour special. So technically 27.