Everything is just fine
Shit hits the fan. Big time. This is not your usual run-of-the-mill rotary cooling device-feces collision; it’s more like if Godzilla takes the mother of all dump on an Airbus A380’s Engine Alliance GP7000 turbofan jet engine, while you, the unfortunate witness, are standing literally five metres away minding your own business one moment and covered with radioactive lizard waste the next.
That said, it is a pretty good episode. The emo level is higher than 9000 pale teenagers simultaneously slitting their wrists the wrong way.
There’s actually nothing much to summarize in this episode. I mean, nothing of great importance really happens.
Except maybe for the tiny unimportant fact that everyone in the Black Knights now knows that Lelouch is a Britannian prince who had been using them as pawns in a giant game of chess, and that Lelouch is is clearly cheating because no one, not even the king of Britannia who invented the damn game, is allowed to have that many pawns in chess.
And oh yes, Rolo finally dies. But now that he is dead, I sort of miss him. I mean, he was the most annoying character in the entire show, but he did save Lelouch. Also he killed Shirley, which is a job well done in my book. Now that C.C. is somewhat out of the picture with her memory loss and Nunnally has apparently bitten the dust, Kallen is home free! You go girl!
Kallen, it’s your turn to shine!
I digress. Yeah, Rolo is dead. Oh well. The way he died sort of makes up for all his past annoyance, so I do feel kind of sad now. But it’s okay. He will live on in our memories and yaoi doujinshi.
He lived pretty long for a character introduced to die
This episode is seriously good. Lelouch has finally fulfilled the prophecy of the power of Geass and lost everything that is important to him. As I’ve said before, Lelouch loses the most when he tries to be good. If he were completely ruthless and evil, he’d have taken over the world three times over by now with his Geass. It’s this alternating between heartless bastard and self-sacrificing nice guy that messes up all his plans.
Let’s see what he has lost so far…
Nunnally is either dead or trapped in an alternate universe where she is probably being thoroughly violated by sixth dimensional tentacle beings.
Lelouch can take C.C. and open up a maid cafe
C.C. has lost her tsundere personality and is more like a submissive pet now. Lelouch is deeply masochistic and therefore cannot possibly love someone who doesn’t spend all her time putting him down.
Shirley is dead and given a proper burial so that she cannot ever rise from the dead Sunrise style. Good grief.
Don’t be pussies, guys. This guy sounds legit
The Black Knights, a bunch of mindless drones who will believe anything, have turned against Zero in a blink of an eye without much serious consideration.
What Lelouch has left:
His life. This is an important thing because without it he pretty much can’t survive.
His campy outfit. It gives him stat boosts, which will be crucial when he has to both tank and heal while fighting the final instance boss.
Jeremiah and maybe Suzaku if he doesn’t turn batshit crazy. Woot yaoi fan fiction.
“I will protect Zero with my bosoms”
Kallen’s undying love. He should just elope with her and raise a family in some faraway land, like Hokkaido.
And Milly! Yes I can see it now. This is so going to be the final ending!
“People die from black-hole bombs? Oh noz!”
She’s not so cool anymore now that she’s joined the dark side
He should die
Dude, pyramids are totally Chinese
Oyashiro mode
She has some humanity left in her
“Thank you for watching BBC evening news”
“I did NOT have sexual relationship with that woman!”
Rape victim
Jump his bones!
Another shot of Kallen, just because
Lelouch is praying that Rolo won’t wreck his ride
It’s not fun to get caught in a Singaporean tropical rainstorm. Also, I will probably be late in my postings for the next three months or so due to real-life situations that must be attended to.
I think it is a pretty good ep but Nunnally should have survived.
Korean spoillers!
☆ Nunally and Sayoko were saved from the blast by Charles. Saving Nunally was intentional, Sayoko just happened to be there.
☆ Suzaku goes insane after he realizes what he has done. He prepares a strike against Britannia with the Lancelot and eliminates many of the lesser-important Knights. He is stopped by a mysterious Knightmare who identifies themselves as Knight of Zero. He is then captured and brought to Charles.
☆ Anya confronts Jeremiah and says that she believes she is under the influence of a Geass. Jeremiah takes her to Lelouch who confines her and then permits Jeremiah to use his Geass Canceler. It is then revealed that Anya is Lelouch’s true sister, and not Nunally. Lelouch does not believe it, but Jeremiah attempts to focus on Charles’ type of Geass within Lelouch’s mind, and finds it deeply hidden. His true past memories have no knowledge of Nunally.
☆ Nunally is the Knight of Zero, a special-ops Knight. She was (willingly) under Charles’ Geass to help advance his plans. She also has a Geass, identical to the one in the Nightmare of Nunally manga.
☆ The Black Knights initially betray Lelouch, after they see him going insane after the “death†of Nunally. After it is revealed that they are all key pawns in Charles’ plans, they agree to fight alongside Lelouch again
☆ Every major character, aside from Charles and Nunally, ally with Lulu to take down Britannia. They willingly accept Geass from Lulu, to help him launch a sneak attack against Charles, which ends up in failure, and the death of C.C. at the hands of Nunally.
☆ Before her death, C.C.’s inner soul speaks to Lulu with the mentality of her previous self. She encourages Lulu to continue on, and grants him her Code (immortality) and through a loophole, allows him to retain his Geass.
☆ Lelouch launches an immediate second attack on Britannia, and begins to be defeated again. However, his Geass overloads, and the effects of his Geass spread across the entire planet, affecting everyone he has never Geassed, telling them to “Destroy Britannia†– the world begins a full frontal assault on Charles and Nunally.
☆ Charles and Nunally’s primary goal is to “kill the godsâ€, by using a powerful cannon known as Loginus, to break through the dimensional barrier separating the two realms of life and afterlife. The Loginus is powered by human souls, and the power of Geass is able to amplify the charge for each soul. Those who die by the power of Geass, only further Charles’ plan.
☆ By killing the gods, Charles will be able to reform the world in a way that he sees fit. His vision of a new world? A world where no one has to suffer, and he can keep Nunally safe and happy, the same dream Lelouch had.
☆ The climax of the series ends with a battle between Lelouch, Anya, Suzaku and Kallen VS Charles and Nunally. Anya kills Nunally (with Suzaku and Kallen’s aid) and Lelouch forces Charles into the ray of the Loginus, utterly destroying him.
☆ After the series, Lelouch shuts himself off from the world, so he can no longer hurt anyone or see anyone be hurt. Suzaku, Anya and Kallen help reform the new world.
Three great things about this ep:
1) Rolo BANZAI!!! >o< I like how Rolo finally showed some progress in his personality, no longer the cold-blooded loli assassin, but someone with a human heart (even if only Lelouch has a place in it). Even Lelouch seemed affected by this show of brotherly affection…Schweet!
2) Betrayal. Lelouch is finally outed as being Zero and now no one, except his future wife Kallen, believes in Lelouch anymore. So who’s gonna take over Zero’s position in the Black Knight? Tamaki?! O_o Next ep should be just as interesting as this one.
3) Suzaku has finally snapped! And now being more on the same wavelength him and Lelouch should be able to get along just nicely…â€Let’s forget about Euphie and the destruction of Tokyo Settlement, in the end friends will be friends!â€
I think you forgot to list Rivalz among the things he has left. In the end of the series, he will probably reveal his Geass and go “Just as planned” on everyone, overthrow Wakamoto, rape Milly, bring Nunnaly and Sayoko back from the other dimension, and have a toast with his buddy Lelouch as they enjoy the view of the desertic wasteland that the world became due to his sheer awesomeness.
I almost teared when Rolo died… Until they showed Spinzaku going BAT-FXXXing insane, where I laughed so hard I fell off the chair.
very very good episode that made me sympathize with a character I really hate
Rollo Lamperouge
your sacrifice will not be in vain
those characters caught by FLEIA should be dead and should stay dead. Sunrise should learn to make dead characters as pure dead haha
This may be your best review yet.
Yeah…remember at the very beginning of Code Geass, where Suzaku was always talking about how he couldn’t ever bring himself to take a human life?
Well, now that everyone died because of him, his 50 IQ brain can’t handle it.
Poor Suza.
If Lelouch doesn’t power up after this (To over 9,000, preferably), I will be thoroughly disappointed.
Oh hell yeah. Kallen’s undying love FTW.
She totally should. She can jump me any time. <3
No waiz! Maybe they had never developed the hydrogen bomb in that timeline?
And even then its not enough!
I am ashamed I missed that when I saw it.
…are there not Chinese “pyramids”? :p
That should be the first sentence in its wikipedia page. ;)
Aren’t we catty?
the black knights are complete idiots for selling out zero. I mean how retarded can you be for ousting the creator and leader of black knights. It was through his genius level tactics and strategies they were able to make a superpower such as Britannia tremble. Plus before anyone joined the black knights most were apart of resistance groups that had little to no effect on the military presence of Britannia in Japan. Even seasoned officers like Todou and the four swords didnt even put a dent in the Britannian war machine, and here comes a teenager who not only forms an army to challenge Britannia but was also scoring decisive victories.Plus without zero there is no black knights, i mean during the first rebellion, when zero left momentarily, the knights started to fall apart without his strategies and none of the commanders couldnt compensate for this. In season two zero even formed the UFN the second superpower in the world and made the black knights its army. Now with the head gone the body is going to fall apart. So what if zero used them as pawns, its war somebody has to go sooner or later, plus the japanese were going to get their country back, so i dont see why all of them were complaining for.
Also hats of to Rolo for redeeming himself somewhat for rescuing zero.
NEED MORE KALLEN SHOTS (Hell, it’s a top tier animaton quality episode). Anyway the fact that Lelouch and Kallen are unable to have a proper discussion without any kind of interference is now an official running gag. Aah, Rolo, just love him when he is not in psychotic selfish mode : nice death, nothing like the Trinity-refuses-to-die-in-Matrix-Revolutions Shirley get (with extra Bleach lines). I digress, so let’s talk about Awesome Princess Cornelia, she has every right to hate Lelouch now since he is the one responsible for the fall of her little sister and her two knights (all of them geassed, two used as pawns against Britannia). The girl now needs to chill a bit, and the only thing that could work at this point would be her having incestuous intercourse with Fabulous Prince Schneizel (she seems to have the hot for him, All Hail Britannia Family). Now Lelouch need a big big gun to kill daddy because he is evil.
I don’t think Nina should be allowed human emotion anymore, only last episode was she so willing to fire FLEIA (or whatever).
I think Suzaku going mad at the end was good, and I wonder what was happening with Gino in the preview
lol spinzaku turns to crazaku
damn i was thinking c.c will be made a sex slave by the black knights but after reading spoilers above it was not to be :P
I really do think the Black Knights are plain stupid now. The way Schneizel bends the truth to make the Japanese submit to his will is so annoying. And I thought Toudou and Ougi were smart…
Tamaki was just plain surprising. I bet he’ll come through in the end and help Zero finish off the Emperor with a janitorial rebellion squad. Draw your mops!
My favorite joke had to be the “OBJECTION!”. Phoenix Wrong is hilarious beyond belief.
so…does ‘handing him over’ = shooting him to death? >
unless I’m missing something of course…
Ougi : oh… heres an idea. lets sell out our fabolous leader even though he saved my ass at least two times in the beginning of season 1 and saved me from being executed in season 2. no, we rather listen to a woman who shot me, captured me and turned me over to the brittanians so they can execute me. lets not forget that the other woman was a former governor who started her office by attacking a ghetto and then go off to attack toudou’s group which she would prolly wipe out if it wasn’t for our fabulous leader. we listen to 10 sec audio and gasp over that our leader is responsible for the death of a couple of 1000’s japanese while talking to people who have killed japanese by the millions. My name is ougi, and im a retarded stupid dumbfuck, whats your game…
I found this page by coincidence while searching for CG episodes and man, when I red this previews I couldn’t stop laughing. Your sense of humor is brilliant. I hope you keep on writing ^^
Yeah and Kallen really is the best anime women character ever, she kicks as… I mean Geass.
PS. Are there similar previews for other anime series as well?
I think you threw up the wrong pic there. Could be wrong, but I think you meant that to be a Kallen pic, as opposed to the dupe of Rolo killing himself with his own geass.
Hey, at least he gets to bone a Britannian, right? That’s what’s important. Don’t forget that anime characters get selective amnesia ALL THE TIME and forget anything important unless they have flashbacks, in which case they remember it in crazy vivid detail from a third person perspective.
My guess is they’d only shoot him if he didn’t agree to come quietly, and even then they’d only shoot him in the leg or something.
Ougi’s been a dumbass since minute one. Diethard said as such when he was all “You’re entirely normal.” And Toudou for some reason fluctuates between “It’s okay, Zero can do whatever he wants as long as we still need him.” and “ZERO IS TEH EVILZZZZZZ” Maybe it’s cos they’re on the verge of getting Japan back, but Toudou was a surprisingly large twat in that meeting.
What I want to know is how Britannia found out about the different people Lelouch geassed, like the old man who was Lelouch’s assistant and the JLF general who got geassed for about three seconds before he got ordered to commit suicide. Who worked *that* one out?
Suzaku should have asked Jeremiah to geass cancel him so he could finally commit suicide. :(
Good Episode, nice review.. =)
where do get all of these fckn spoilers that are only right 101%(jk i mean 60%) of the time!!!
Anyways Suzaku goes insane cuz he know that all of his hoes are dead and that he can’t be a pimp without any hoes…( Orange kun wins the pimp war:))
Anyways the ending sucks alot.
Rolo redeemed himself but he didnt need to use the geass so many times. just use the hydron blaster and the druid system!! Sunrise just wants to make Rolo heroic.
If that prediction about the ending comes true i bet there are going to be deaththreats sent to sunrise like they did in the end of evangelion
by the way those pyramids are from india and the other countries.
China also has pyramids(though much smaller)
why does anime hair always defy the laws of physics?
Who is dark mirage? (i know he/she is the creator of this blog)
He was using the hadron blaster, and they made it clear Rolo couldn’t handle the controls. It’s got a completely different way of piloting to every other knightmare frame, utilising a multiple keyboards instead of the normal control setup you see. While he may not have *needed* to use his geass so many times, he probably wouldn’t have made it out without using it. Yeah, they had him die saving Lelouch to redeem his character, but equally the fact that Shinkirou has crazy complex controls made it difficult for Rolo to operate.
Personally I’d have just moved over and let Lelouch pilot, but then we wouldn’t get the Redemption Death and the episode would have sucked more :(
This whole social obsession of death threats is silly. How many times do people back them up, really? Especially if we’re considerign the audience majority for this show is mid teens. If Sunrise do get into trouble, I’m sure they could just hire Aya Hirano to stand there and look pretty for them as a distraction. That’s how I’d solve it anyway, plus it has the added bonus in that you can say “I paid Haruhi to look pretty for me.”
Because defying physics makes it look better. Gravity is oppressing people from looking good.
Do you really need to know more than that? Some guy from Singapore (?) who is still studying, though that hardly narrows it down.
>> waffles54
If all that’s true, this may very well be the most complicated anime ever.
I want the old CC back :(
I loved how quickly Ohgi had betrayed him.
He wasn’t even there for half the meeting, but he just knew that this
woman whom is a loyal soldier of Brittania, is telling the truth about his magical eye that can bend people to his will.
That must have been some great sex.
I liked the episode and I liked these latest ramblings, but…
@waffles54: Because obviously 4CHAN’s /a/ NEVER LIES.
Give me a break. What a load of…”flowers and sunshine”.
Just another bunch of crappy spoilers posted for lulz, guys.
Not that the show doesn’t have crappy and lulz-worthy stuff, but even so…too many fake spoilers from 4chan flooding the net lately. And the greatest thing is that they all contradict each other….and ignore the stuff that’s actually real, from Newtype and other mags.
Holy crap…I’m utterly stunned.
It really doesn’t matter if the spoilers are real or not. Seeing as the show has now switched to high gear with high tension episodes week after week, the good stuff has yet to come.
She’s pretty stacked… ^_~
Don’t believe everything you see in hentai! I’ve got it on good authority that Ougi is crap in bed.
And this is why I refuse to read spoilers. Well, that and I like to be surprised when stuff happens, like Rolo dying. I don’t wanna know something like that will happen before I see it, I find it ruins the effect.
wow,i said wow,waffles54… if what you’ve told us here were meant to be true..i m totally at loss now.you see i’ve been following the story up ’til now and continuosly,still i found out that nobody’s guessing it right when i get to read their comments and thoughts here.well,only few of them were right.everything had completely gone wild and so unpredictable.~SCAAAARY!
Gotta miss Rolo now that he died. He was one of the most interesting characters of the series – being an assassin and all that killings.
This is the 2nd time Kallen abandoned Lulu. And she chose to abandon him. *Sighs* Yes Lulu did that to save her but she can never be like Rolo loving Lulu that way. i am not sure that i like Kallen now as i did at the start of the series.
(She said I want an answer now from u lulu what am i to you?
Not like Shirley who basically loves him no matter whether he loves her back.)
Okay feel free to argue my argument here. i do need to know whether i am wrong about Kallen and her character here.
If everyone stops moving when Rolo uses his Geass. Why didn’t Anya fall into the sea just like the other KMFs? -.-
This might be a bit long, I don’t want any complaints about it.
I serverely doubt that much of what you said is true. For one thing, if there is going to be 25 episodes and a 1-hour 26th episode then they would have to get the next arc of the story going by episode 22. Please look at the next few episodes summaries.
Episode 20:
“Lelouch has lost his army, brother, and all those close to him. The only thing that remains is for him to drag the Emperor with him to the depths of hell.” (However the original summary was something like ‘Lelouch escapes a dilemma thanks to Rolo, but the world is changing aroudn he and he has only one path to choose’)
Most likely a setup episode for 21, chances are it will explain what the Black Knights are now and how Schniezel reacts to giving up Japan.
Episode 21:
“Area 11 is in chaos, and Suzaku looks for a fight in his new Lancelot Albion, no longer the gentle person he once was.”
Chaos = fighting. The Black Knights were most likely betrayed by Schniezel (in my thoughts) and the new Albion is meant to counter the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. The Black Knights just might think they were conned and accept Zero back (though I doubt that it is going to happen so simply).
Episode 22:
“Lelouch uses the balance between the forces that separates the world into two: the UFN and Britannia. The stage in his consideration is the place which was made into the neutral zone of the two countries, and a place of his memories.”
This episode makes me think that Zero is still out of touch with the Black Knights because apparently…they dumped him…remember? The reason is because the summary makes it seem like he isn’t participating in the fighting yet, who knows, maybe the Black Knights have already been semi-destroyed and/or Japan has been forced into a Neutral Zone (like the zone of land between North and South Korea) so they are going to come crawling back to him?
Then we have episodes 23-26, thats hardly enough for a “Knight of Zero” (an obvious play on the Knights of Rounds, very unconvincing). Also note that when you look at waffles’ statements, it’s partly a rip-off of what I said about Anya being his sister and her memories being altered. True it’s fairly obiovus that Jeremiah’s lack of screentime and Geass-time means that his true purpose in the story was most likely to get Anya’s true memories back, but also look at how waffles writes things.
Killing the gods has ALREADY been disproven by V.V. He said that the “gods” they were meaning were actually people who made men fight amongst themselves, not fictional fucks with long beards and wings who live in your so-called “afterlife”. Also, Loginus, though it sounds mithy, like Ragnarok and Geass, actually has no bearing in mythology whatsoever and if you google it, it pops up with a game website.
I really don’t need to explian more because your “spoilers” are all peices of crap. I admit, it’s clever how you played with your words and you made it sound very convincing, but not to me.
I renew my vow of dropping the series if they bring back Nunnally, I DON’T CARE HOW AWESOME SAYOKO IS.
By the way, just a small tidbit of info…Nunnaly is officially listed as dead on the website…sorry, she’s not coming back.
Wow, sandslayer…I never wouldve thought about what waffles said that way…but it makes sense I guess, after all code geass always used a bunch of mythological names so making up a new one now wouldn’t make much sense.
It’s good to see your back to normal sand.
Man I love this blog, it’s halarious!
Lets hope that Ragnarok isnt a ripoff of the Human Instrumentality Project. (Imagine a giant green C.C. emerging from the GeoFront, who is rejected by Lelouch inside his Shinkirou, and then she takes the form of Nunnally, and she embraces it, and all become one.)
i think the waffle is rite about the spoilrs, he does sound legit and i havnt seen anyone write a spoiler like that, it sounds like sunrise.
i wish nina would die.
When she fires the Stark Hadron cannon, she stays in place (generally, over Tokyo was an exception). My guess is the float system is auto programmed to just float in the same place so aiming doesn’t become impossible, it looks like it can be overridden (see Tokyo) but if she’s got the float system on auto pilot, she wouldn’t sink when her perception gets frozen, unlike the Black Knights pilots, I guess.
Oh, and ‘Dramatic effect’ is important too :P
From Tv magazine 20 episode:
– Lelouch, persued by the Black Knights, heads to Kaminejima for a final showdown with the Emperor.
-Schneizel, believing his father to be unfit to be Emperor, orders Suzaku to assasinate him
So that means Suzaku is going to fight the knight of one in 21 episode.
man, the black knights have really screwed themselves, by reacting with fear and paranoia to only one side of carefully selected evidence, and some other unsubtansiated bullshit, they got suckered in like Today Tonight’s viewers and pulled a mutiny without thinking things through, for that they have proven that they are mindless idiots, and deserve the screw over they are likely to recieve from schneizel.
as for lelouch, i hope he goes into hiding for a few years then emerges with the intention to see the world burn
Some of waffles’s “spoilers” might come true. Though I doubt about Lelouch only having to contend with Charles. The OP clearly put Charles and Schneizel on equal footing.(The inverted lighting)
So chances are, he’s gonna be one of the two final bosses.
I’m more worried about C.C. being left behind with the Black Knights, what will they do to her? ;_;
Thanks for the info, it doesn’t serve to support Waffle much though, if Suzaku really was going to kill the emperor (a VERY significant plot twist) then that would have been spoiler-worthy. Good info. Also I noticed that Lelouch no longer needs to change the world to get what he wants, his sister is dead, everything he had left is gone…that basically sets the stage for a emperor and Lelouch battle, he doesn’t NEED the OotBK anymore.
-random hero
Unfounded fear and paranoia makes up the responses to the most unknown with the masses of the world. Ougi was the most average person there, thus, he reacts in a normal, predictable manner. However, Diethard is supposed to be a smart person, so why couldn’t he figure out what Schniezel was trying to do and try to dissuade the others? After all, he did say he would have rather recorded the destruction of an empire rather than the death of a hero.
It was still an awesome scene.
I have a feeling they won’t want to be killing off Anya any time soon, so it wouldn’t do to have her fall into the ocean now would it? It’s mostly dramatic effect though.
C.C. should be fine, thats why I think the scene with Kallen, C.C. and Lelouch was mildly important, at least this way Kallen will be able to make them think that C.C. was suckered into Zero’s plans just like the rest of them.
Well…I wasn’t expecting much out of you anyways, it makes sense how someone like you is so easily suckered in to a Korean spoiler like that, even though it’s fairly obvious how it’s fake.
Back to normal eh?
Where did you hear of a 26th episode? Gundam 00 takes over the Geass timeslot on 5. October so that would leave us with 25 eps.
We apparently get some Anya development next ep since she’s seen with Geass effect on her in the ext. preview, though its not seen if that is from Lulu or a flashback from Charles geassing her in the past.
About Nunnally, Charles teleporting her could be true since he took V.V.’s code who possessed such power.
Also its still possible that Fleia didnt actually kill her. They told us the casualties for the first two stages but didnt mention the third, just like they didnt show us the effect of the third stage in the Status report of the last ep. coincidence or on purpose…? :o
I dont want to defend those spoilers but your wrong here:
1. yes they dont mean real gods and what you said is basically right but they still called it “Slaying the Gods” themselfs.
2. you fail at searching the web:
The Spear or Lance of Longinus is the legendary/apocryphal name given to the weapon that pierced the side of Christ, Longinus being supposed to be the name of the legionary who did the piercing. This same Longinus is often supposed to be the legionary who cried at Jesus’ death, “Surely this is the Son of God!”, and as such he has been raised to the status of saint, though St. Longinus is not one of the well known saints.
Oh I agree. I was just giving a realistic idea as to why the Mordred wouldn’t be sinking, besides her necessity in the story and dramatic effect.
He may have sensed where the general feel of the meeting was going (ZERO IS BAD!) and run with it. Diethard’s an opportunist, who goes where the best story is. If he sees that his preferred story (Zero rules the world!) is going to pot, he’d jump ship. It’s unlikely he could persuade Toudou and Ougi to stick by Zero anyway.
1) Unless Charles can teleport off his flagship and make it back before anyone notices his throne is empty, I doubt it. He was chatting with one of the Knights of Rounds, wasn’t he?
2) Show me an official/backed up source which definetively says V.V. and now Charles have teleportation. Until you can do that I’m not buying it. If V.V. can teleport, than so could C.C, as she appeared in a number of places without having a proper way there (See: R1, first battle in the ghetto vs. Cornelia when she appears on top of the building). Again, Dramatic effect>Explanations. That’s not a problem until people start giving people powers they don’t have. If V.V had teleportation he could have teleported out of the Siegfried before it crashed, he could have avoided a number of confrontations. V.V. does not have teleport and until you provide me with ample evidence otherwise, I won’t believe it.
Link to preview/screenshot of this please? Can’t see anything of the sort in the Ep. 20 preview at the end of 19.
wow. Now that is DM talking! Keep it up dude and take care olweiz! ;P
Yes, Anya is interesting.
Look at the extended preview Amnestic
The Sarcastic Blog comments where pure win. and yes The Shit has hit the fan and exploded in a epic collision.