Code Geass R2 — Episode 21

Code Geass R2
Loli’er Anya

The Big Revelation episode. I can’t say that it comes as a surprise considering how much the story has hinted at it, especially since I was never really convinced that Charles was evil. He lacks Schneizel’s eyes, and that hairdo is just begging to be not taken seriously.

I’m sure everyone has already watched the episode by now, so I will not try to work around the spoilers this time, since the entire episode is basically one huge spoiler.


Code Geass R2
The Central Dogma

Enclosed within the enigmatic Central Dogma that lies deep beneath the surface of reality, Gendou and Shinji Ikari have a father-to-son chat over the future of humanity. Gendou is trying to activate the final stage of the Human Instrumentality Project, widely known as the Third Impact.

Code Geass R2
She was in EVA-01 all along

They are soon joined by the physical manifestation of Yui Ikari‘s spirit, who has long been hidden in the body of another after her mysterious death. It turns out that Gendou, despite his self-scripted cold-hearted nature, has never stopped loving Yui. Shinji is shocked to discover that his long-dead mother has been so close to him all these years, and that the father he so despised turns out to be merely misunderstood.

Code Geass R2
Yggdrasil, the World Tree

With Rei Ayanami, the immortal Lilith, as the catalyst of the final stage, and Gendou at the controls, the Human Instrumentality Project is about to reach completion. Although the original plan calls for the unity of Adam and EVA-01 in achieving this, circumstances have changed and the improvisation will be sufficient for Gendou’s intention. Absolute Territory Field, the invisible metaphysical barrier that separates the collective consciousness of mankind into unique independent individuals is about to be destroyed, and all evils will be removed from the world. Gendou is about to create a kind world where tragedies such as the one his family went through will never again happen.

Code Geass R2
Asuka in EVA-02 surveys the fallen bodies of the mass production EVAs

But the very desire for peace and kindness will be erased by the removal of individuality. Hatred will disappear, but so will love. Shinji, though temporarily overwhelmed by the futility of his past actions, realizes that this is not the kind of world he wished for when he fought for peace. He declares his intention to stop his father’s actions, which he sees as a selfish desire that Gendou is trying to force upon the world.

Code Geass R2
“Sorry Gendou, I like them young”

Rei, though she has an emotionless exterior, is deeply in love with Shinji, the son of the woman who gave her life. She betrays the trust of Gendou and helps hand the keys to humanity’s future to Shinji.

Real Summary

Replace Shinji with Lelouch, Gendou with Charles, Rei with C.C. and Yui with Marianne. I guess Kallen is Asuka, but I’m not comfortable with it because I hate Asuka. The analogy kind of falls apart when it comes to Suzaku, the extra guy. Oh well. Maybe he’s Gendou’s former bitch, Ritsuko.


Code Geass R2
Kallen is crying T_T

Code Geass R2
Who wrote those books?

Code Geass R2
Anya is cuter when she has Marianne’s personality

Code Geass R2
Brotherly love

Code Geass R2
V.V.’s love rival

Code Geass R2
“Mr. Wizard. Get me out of here”

Code Geass R2
She lucked out

Code Geass R2
Family reunion

Code Geass R2
She’s totally regretting not seducing Lelouch

Code Geass R2
“I mustn’t run away! I mustn’t run away!”

Code Geass R2
Love triangle

Code Geass R2
They are huge…

Code Geass R2
What happens if Marianne “dies” again?

Code Geass R2
Charles’ special attack

Code Geass R2
Useless characters

Code Geass R2
Vilette is totally a Black Knight member now…

Code Geass R2
Lelouch vi Britannia (what does vi mean?)

Code Geass R2
Who’s that on the left?

Code Geass R2
A civil union

Code Geass R2
Diethard is totally Schneizel’s henchman now

I should be studying Chemistry now.

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163 Responses to Code Geass R2 — Episode 21

  1. WOWZER says:


  2. ShiroNoKishidan says:


  3. arpe says:

    oh well oct 5

  4. Koji says:

    “Who’s that on the left?”

    That’s Nonnette, supposedly Cornelia’s sempai at military school…

  5. whathaveyou says:


  6. Ascaloth says:

    Suzaku = Kaoru? :o

  7. big_eye says:

    you hate Asuka? I liked you DM. yeah I really did but now I have to think it over… hate Asuka… you stupid Rei fanboy. ;_;

    anyways you’re entry spells out what I was thinking for the whole episode. and why can Suzaku destroy steel helbards with his kick? oO

  8. bagels says:

    knight of nine Nonette Enneagram

  9. stacy says:

    heck yes ALL HAIL LELOUCH!!! its about time!! This is by far my favorite episode through out the whole series

  10. Orange says:

    Go Lelouch !! Jump the shark !!! You’ve been geass’d since you started watching the show, fellas. ALL HAIL LELOUCH !!! KNIGHT OF ZERO POWAA !!! LelouchXSuzaku 4ever ? Enough crap.

    How come with Charles’ massive body and Marianne’s epic breasts, their children have such weak constitution ?

  11. THEorangePANDA says:

    All HAIL LELOUCH!!!!!

  12. Mister Q says:

    It’s getting ridiculous. But that doesn’t mean it sucks.

    I’m still watching this one till final episode 25, but just to see how it ends.

    Couldn’t care less about the characters anymore. Shirley’s gone (Shirley > Kallen btw) and Nunally & Sayako didn’t have a proper exit.

    Still, I hope it doesn’t end badly like Death Note, with the typical ‘bad’ protagonist meeting his end because he was a bad boy…

    Oh and screw you! Asuka FTW~~!!! Asuka > Rei!!!

  13. Amnestic says:

    And what the frack does Vi, Di and Li stand for in the royal family’s surname?

    I always just took it to mean “of”. So it was “Lelouch of Britannia” and “Charles of Britannia.” Made sense to me. They just made it di, li, vi etc. to make it sound fancy and upper class. I might be wrong though ;o


    Proof please, besides Odysseus saying “When we found Nunnally…” which could easily be a reference to her being ‘located’ by V.V. and instated as Governor-General of Area 11.

    i wonder why CC wears that restraining suit(however thats called) again, she likes bondage or what? O.o

    It’s probably symbolic of something, like returning to the beginnings or how it’s a new beginning or…something. I dunno. Either that or they lost her cool chinese-styling outfit in the wash.

    Why does Suzaku use a britannian bastard sword than a katana?

    Katana’s are overused and Galahad already cashed in on the two-handed greatsword shtick. I think a bastard sword suits the little…uh, bastard.

  14. Amnestic says:

    Sorry, typo’d. Bismarck, not Galahad. >_<

  15. zelknight says:

    schneizel couldn’t be in the palace since he started his own coup so lelouch could just calmly walk the stage, sit comfortably then declare that he killed his own father to take the throne.

    I could imagine him following the footsteps of his father (in dialogue only)

    “People are not created equal!”


  16. sandslayer says:


    NO! SHE’S NOT! I don’t believe it. I won’t. Proof please.


    Kallen apparently needs to know something from Lelouch (I’m guessing she wants to know what he really thinks of her and the Black Knights, but it isn’t explicitly shown, only that she wants to ask him a question). I believe the preview showing her walking beside him means she will once again join him, though I’m not sure how she’d like it now that Suzaku is his personal guardian and not her.

    I need more Kaguya…she’s so underused, just like Tianzi. Anya too, I was REALLY hoping and praying to the non-existant god that Anya had a deeper role…ah, dreams sometimes aren’t meant to be.

    Oh well, at least now we know that Korean spoiler posted by waffles was wrong, unless Sunrise wants to pull a “Fuck you! I’m not dead!” and revive Charles only to use that Longinus thing…haha, it’s just so ridiculous…haha.

    Suspense, suspense…damn it all. I bet that 13 weeks ago while we were watching episode 8 and going “Wow! A million Zero’s!” we never would have known that Shirley was destined to die, V.V. dies, Marrianne dies (again), Charles dies, Bartley dies, Nunnally dies, Sayoko dies, Rolo dies (Ok, we all were hoping for it anyways) and other major stuff. I can’t believe they pack so much complex stuff into these episodes every week, that’s why I love it, complicated, rigged with plenty of things to argue about, and twists in almost every episode!

    Last thoughts: Amnestic doesn’t argue as much (emo) and Marianne as Anya was pretty cute in the beginning when she was about to mark up Suzaku’s face while he was unconscious. Anyways…I NEED MORE ANYA/KAGUYA/TIANZI/CARLINE/HOWEVER MANY LARGELY UNUSED LOLI’S ARE STILL IN THIS SHOW SINCE APPARENTLY THEY GET BARELY AS MUCH SCREENTIME AS MOST CHARACTERS AND YET THEY ONLY KILLED OFF ONE. Whew, capitals wear me out…not really.

    I feel like rewatching the entire series…woohoo…that’s like…18 hours and 40 minutes of anime! I better get started.

    Oh by the way, I get ranted at like, whenever I post something…so do your worst!

  17. DarkMirage says:

    Anyway I thought the episode was okay. I didn’t think it was the best episode ever or anything since I expected the whole Charles-is-just-misunderstood thing to happen.

    I suppose the exciting part was the end of the episode.

    Also, Evangelion is way older than Code Geass, so I don’t feel very guilty spoiling it. It would’ve ruined the joke if I gave prior warning anyway.

  18. poisoned.insanity666 says:

    Long live the King! ^^

  19. Averre says:

    I’m kinda surprised (almost) no one here is criticizing the way the story developed with episode 21.

    We were all mostly thrilled and fascinated throughout the entire run of geass (including season one) until they decided it was okay to suddenly unveil the truth behind 2 of CG’s long-standing mysteries.

    1. The Marianne Fiasco
    2. Emperor Charles’ Plans

    I’m not particularly impressed by the backstory behind these 2, especially since it’s code geass. The first lacked ingenuity while the second should have been more original. I admit they were still rather suitable for the series.

    Code geass and Lelouch were most impressive when they kept to the confines of the power of the Geass and outcomes were borne out of pure ingenuity. I believe the backlash would not have been so great over at other sites had they kept to limits rather than blowing everything out of proportion. I’m not impressed with anything that reminds me of deus ex machina. Still, I hope the remaining episodes will be better.

  20. Laevanteinn says:

    everyone will die at the end of the season through the devastating powers of the CLOBBERSAURUS !!! HAIL EMPEROR CLOBBERSAURUS !!!(i don’t expect anyone to get this one) and wow if u thought english in animes is horrible check out how they raped german this time:
    the book in the middle was supposed to be “Kollektives Unbewusstsein” the german version of “collective unconsciousness” but well how bad an anime can fail in terms of german language was shown pretty well in Nanoha StrikerS already…

  21. Amnestic says:

    the book in the middle was supposed to be “Kollektives Unbewusstsein” the german version of “collective unconsciousness” but well how bad an anime can fail in terms of german language was shown pretty well in Nanoha StrikerS already…

    They knocked the last three letters off one word, in a shot which was perhaps 2-3 seconds long at most. Really, saying that they fail is a bit of an exaggeration. To be fair it was probably more of a font issue than anything else. To fit the full word of “unbewusstsein” they’d have had to shrink the font which would make it harder to read, and you can just guarantee that *someone* would bitch about it having tiny writing and therefore being unrealistic. Saying they “raped” the german language is a bit of a…well, I hate to say it but your standards are a bit crazy high.

  22. GNdynames says:

    Things are getting rediculous…so who’s with who now?

  23. Delrioth says:

    No puns about the familiar of zero?

  24. Kaus says:

    I smell a Suzaku betrays Lelouch and becomes emperor ending.

    Edit: Of course this happens while they both wear their school clothes. (seriously, wtf is up with that?)

  25. Fate says:

    Im wat confuse….
    Who the baddy now. I thought it was charles.
    Now izzit Lelouch or Schneizel

  26. Machdude says:

    Y’know, the way Charles was flying at Lelouch, it suddenly made me think of Gundam and how they stream GN particles LOL.

  27. Amnestic says:

    Im wat confuse….
    Who the baddy now. I thought it was charles.
    Now izzit Lelouch or Schneizel

    Lelouch has always been a bit of an antihero. Schneizel, in my opinion has always been more villainous than Lelouch ever was. As far as backing the “good” side goes…well, it remains to be seen where the Black Knights stand on the whole issue, but from what I could see Kallen and Suzaku were walking side-by-side in the Ep. 22 preview, so they may side with Lelouch and the Empire as opposed to Schneizel’s separatist forces.

  28. Rololita says:

    ZOMGROFL! ^v^That was one roller coaster towards the end. Lelouch announcing things like that really cracked me up. Well, Lelouch becoming emperor was something I figured would happen eventually (after all creating world peace seems easier if you control the big bad empire from within). But, Spinzaku’s entrance at the end made it hilarious. BFF indeed

    I’m also happy about Lelouch finally putting his geass to some good use ->use it on everyone!!! But, that was also fairly predictable.

    So what’s left: the battle between Schneizel EL Britannia vs Lelouch VI Britannia (are they really of the same family??? Still beats me how the names are different).

  29. Dragoon says:

    Bloody hell, it just now makes sense and i totally understand why C.C. appeared to be talking to herself all through series 1! I think a rewatch is in order just to hear half the conversation she was having with Marianne!

    As for the rest of it, it kinda made sense but is twisting in the wind a little at this point isn’t it!?

  30. Quex says:

    LOLZ! Good review,and I like the Evangelion humor in the beginning. I like the ending to ep. 21, really sets up the beginnings of the final act to CG-R2. The series has been pretty good so far, and I believe that if the creators wanted too, they could have this show last another two season; they do have enough plot and characters to do so. I just hope it does get ruined due to very creative minds reaching a creative limit (Writer’s Block for Animators).

  31. NelZone says:

    Hmm… i’m guessing C.C will be helping Lelouch, but what knightmare will she be piloting? If Kallen joined Lelouch wouldn’t it be unfair? He’d have like the 2 best pilots using the 2 new uber mechas… and what about Jeremiah… he was cool. ^_^

  32. Kuro says:

    Do you think the Guren and Lancelot comparison in the OP hints that Schneizel will get raped badly?

  33. zelknight says:

    if suzaku and kallen combine forces, I just hope that it wouldn’t be against a colony laser like gundam seed (the sword of damocles by schneizel – we still don’t know what this sword actually is) – just realized this now lolz.

    they’d be like kira and athrun working together if that happens (what i mean by if that happens is: both of them working together to defeat the sword of damocles which is actually a big colony laser like those in gundam) oh noez! XD

    or to be innovative, they made the sword of damocles fleia powered or have effects just like those of fleia? oh noez! XD

    if ever that’s the case, then i’m sure that this is sunrise’s doing… dun dun dun dun….

  34. Omega Knighx says:

    No Nunnaly is not alive cuz when that fat prince said they found Nunnally was reffering to 1 year ago not one month ago.

    Kallen=Athrun always piloting red
    Spinzaku=Kira always pilots somthing white,red,gold,blue(and their both pimps)

  35. Rololita says:

    Am I the only one who finds it weird he attended his coronation in his school uniform?

    Yup, it is! And way funny. Lelouch can be as casual as he wants since no one can oppose him…Also, Lelouch now has double contact lenses to remove before geassing someone. And he’s quick about it too! ^^

    I hope Lelouch starts a war against the black knights and judging from the preview of the next ep, Kallen joins Britannia :D.

    Indeed. That would just top it all! Somehow my love for CG deepens as the show gets more and more absurd. CG is now like NGE+DN on crack! lolz Good review there DM!

    How come with Charles’ massive body and Marianne’s epic breasts, their children have such weak constitution ?

    *ha ha* nuff said.

    BUT, seriously. I find Marianne’s geass way to convenient for the story…deus ex machina indeed. And it’s not very satisfying how she appears and then immediately disappears again, making her being there kind of pointless. It’s scary how she conforms to Charles’ ideology as well. It’s like she doesn’t have a personality of her own. >_< Well, that’s my thoughts on it…

  36. Amnestic says:

    Do you think the Guren and Lancelot comparison in the OP hints that Schneizel will get raped badly?

    It’s not confirmed Kallen, and ostensibly the Black Knights, will side with Lelouch. It’s likely, but not confirmed I don’t think. Plus there’s always the likelihood of a split in BK. And there’s also the Knights of Rounds left unaccounted for don’t forget. Bismarck is/was the best knightmare pilot in the realm. If Galahad gets an upgrade (Cecil and Lloyd, last time I checked, were still working for Schneizel), then it could be a match for the Albion/SEITEN. There’s Gino as well, who didn’t seem too happy about Lelouch being emperor. That said, it’s likely that Xingke will stick with Lelouch, if only because of Tianzi and Kaguya. Let’s hope Xingke has a memory which spans more than the last 3 episodes, ey?

  37. holyknight says:

    the ending was so awesome, so unexpecting.
    freaking awesome!
    It’s too bad Cornerlia is probably gonig to be a bad guy… after Lelouch saved her and stuff…
    and in those “useless” loyal family members, some of them are hot :P
    Can’t wait to see what happens.

  38. Quex says:

    BTW, what is Lelouch going to do now? Think a bout it, the Three Biggest motivations for him throughout the series was:
    *To find out who killed his mother and avenge her murder
    *To create a world without injustice and a place where
    him and Nunnally can live in peace.
    and finally:
    *To either dethrone or kill his father Charles for his possible
    role in Marianne’s murder and for abandoning him and Nunnally.

    As all who have watched the series up to this point know, Lelouch no longer has all of these motivations; Nunnally’s mostly likely dead, and he killed both Charles and Marianne for their misunderstood, selfish, yet un-evil actions toward making their “dream” world. . . so, now what? I think he will still take up the weight of making the world better, but now that Nunnally, his mother and even Shirley’s gone( who were some, if not the only people capable of keeping him from completely falling into corruption of power and the geass), will Lelouch follow in his fathers footsteps or will be crushed by Schneizel? Or will he become the Superman-like, champion of the weak type of character and save the world? I prefer the latter. But with the end of this episode who knows. All I know is that his is my “new gundam”. BTzJM

  39. C.I. says:

    Quite sad really, I preferred Anya when she was…er, Marianne.

  40. Omega Knighx says:

    (pun on Zero no Tsukaima) Well we all know that Suzaku is probably wep since his spinzaku’s every with is fckin power.

    I know i cant make puns so ignore that.

    Suzaku is going to kill Bismark cuz Lancelot kills Galahad in the story(or is it Gawain and Gareth) anyways everyone with a geass is going to die and the world will return to normal.maybe except Lulu bouzu.

  41. Omega Knighx says:

    Why are all the random avatars from the fate/**** series

  42. sandslayer says:

    I keep thinking about how C.C.’s role is gonna turn out…I mean, she didn’t want to die right? Right? I hope not, but they reiterated that she wanted to die in this episode so that kinda concerns me. I want a happy C.C. ending!

    I’m not sure if it’s Suzaku or Lelouch Kallen is walking next to in the preview…judging from Suzaku’s outfit inside the Albion’s cockpit, it’s probably him.

    Last time I checked, Kaguya had no clue of Lelouch’s importance, which comes as odd since she’s shocked that Suzaku and Lelouch are working together. Has she been told of what happened by the OotBK members? Or does she remember he was the runaway prince of Brittannia that she met years before…in that case why would she be shocked Suzaku was on his side? After all, back then they were best friends.

    I need more Anya.

    I find the last scene absolutely hilarious, the school uniform was probably because that’s his signature uniform other than the gay red jacket and Zero’s tuxedo (which I doubt he would wear to something like that), and it also made him look stunningly casual. I also find it hilarious how dense Odysseus is.

    I think Diethard has thrown in with Schniezel, after all it’s been a month and alot of things can happen. Also, why did Bismarck call the meeting yet Schniezel and his group never show up? Did they foresee that Lelouch was going to geass the crowd? Also what happened to Claudio (last Glaston Knight)…I forsee his death in a few episodes.

    Next episode doesn’t seem like too much fighting…just a bunch of plot developement and character stuff to deal with. I hope Kallen joins Lelouch, but they’d have to explain a bunch of stuff if she does. After all she fights to liberate Japan, so it’s unlikely she would side with the Brittannians.

    Last thing: I think the Black Knights will split. Most of the older Knights like Ougi, Tohdoh, Chiba and Tamaki will side with Schniezel, while Li Xingke, Tianzi and Kaguya will side with Lelouch, after all, if Xingke is smart at all, then he will remember the massive favour Lelouch gave him in episode 11, though Xingke made it very clear that he would not become his subordinate.

    Oh well, can’t wait till next episode!

  43. Rololita says:

    @Quex: Lelouch will become his father: the legend begins anew!

  44. Seguun says:

    Schniezel must have known Lelouch was alive and Charles dead the whole time because Bismarck told him when the Emperor died. But I wonder who the bag guys are now because Schniezel looks like a good guy when compared to Lelouch and Spinzaku.

  45. keithmaxx says:

    Well at the very least it looks like we’re going to see considerable change of sides in terms of the cast of characters… I don’t see the United Federation of Nations (or whatever it’s called) siding with Lelouch because they only know that Zero was the CEO of the Black Knights, not Lelouch. After all, why are they going to side with a Britannian prince (or now, emperor) whose nation they’ve been aiming to resist right from the start?

    I think Lelouch will go all-out evil and dominate the world now, though I can’t yet imagine what will be happening in the last 5(?) episodes. I hope we’re in for a blast of an ending.

  46. keithmaxx says:

    @Quex, C.I: I agree with you guys.

    I liked how the episode went in general, but Marianne making a sudden appearance only to vanish in an instant and Suzaku becoming the new emperor Lelouch’s “Knight of Zero” made me go LOL.

    Anyhow, here’s my obligatory…


  47. Yes, I fail at quotes.

    >>How does Lelouch fckin take off both contacts so fast?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    cause he’s FABULOUS!

    >>Proof please, besides Odysseus saying “When we found Nunnally…” which could easily be a reference to her being ‘located’ by V.V. and instated as Governor-General of Area 11.

    Argh, that was my fanboy taking over the keyboard. That’s mostly the case… but I do want her to be alive. Fits well with the Lelouch-happy-ending (CONGRATULATIONS LELOUCH) route, and gives one more chance to screw with Lulu’s mind.

    >>As all who have watched the series up to this point know, Lelouch no longer has all of these motivations

    He still hasn’t created the world Nunnally desired. Yes, she might be dead, but Lulu already realized the he’s not fighting this war for her sake, but for all his loved ones. And knowing Nunnally, she would’ve desired such a world for the sake of those other girls that would be victims of similar intrigue.


    P.D.: Monica <3

  48. san says:

    Now that you mention it, the plot for this episode really smells like Evangelion..

  49. Ding says:

    T.T Kallen is crying

  50. Kaus says:

    and why can Suzaku destroy steel helbards with his kick? oO

    Not to mention he knocked all three guards as well.

    More Anya please.

    Marianne’s roll in CG can be summerized in one leet word: KTHXBAI!

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