Loli’er Anya
The Big Revelation episode. I can’t say that it comes as a surprise considering how much the story has hinted at it, especially since I was never really convinced that Charles was evil. He lacks Schneizel’s eyes, and that hairdo is just begging to be not taken seriously.
I’m sure everyone has already watched the episode by now, so I will not try to work around the spoilers this time, since the entire episode is basically one huge spoiler.
The Central Dogma
Enclosed within the enigmatic Central Dogma that lies deep beneath the surface of reality, Gendou and Shinji Ikari have a father-to-son chat over the future of humanity. Gendou is trying to activate the final stage of the Human Instrumentality Project, widely known as the Third Impact.
She was in EVA-01 all along
They are soon joined by the physical manifestation of Yui Ikari‘s spirit, who has long been hidden in the body of another after her mysterious death. It turns out that Gendou, despite his self-scripted cold-hearted nature, has never stopped loving Yui. Shinji is shocked to discover that his long-dead mother has been so close to him all these years, and that the father he so despised turns out to be merely misunderstood.
Yggdrasil, the World Tree
With Rei Ayanami, the immortal Lilith, as the catalyst of the final stage, and Gendou at the controls, the Human Instrumentality Project is about to reach completion. Although the original plan calls for the unity of Adam and EVA-01 in achieving this, circumstances have changed and the improvisation will be sufficient for Gendou’s intention. Absolute Territory Field, the invisible metaphysical barrier that separates the collective consciousness of mankind into unique independent individuals is about to be destroyed, and all evils will be removed from the world. Gendou is about to create a kind world where tragedies such as the one his family went through will never again happen.
Asuka in EVA-02 surveys the fallen bodies of the mass production EVAs
But the very desire for peace and kindness will be erased by the removal of individuality. Hatred will disappear, but so will love. Shinji, though temporarily overwhelmed by the futility of his past actions, realizes that this is not the kind of world he wished for when he fought for peace. He declares his intention to stop his father’s actions, which he sees as a selfish desire that Gendou is trying to force upon the world.
“Sorry Gendou, I like them young”
Rei, though she has an emotionless exterior, is deeply in love with Shinji, the son of the woman who gave her life. She betrays the trust of Gendou and helps hand the keys to humanity’s future to Shinji.
Real Summary
Replace Shinji with Lelouch, Gendou with Charles, Rei with C.C. and Yui with Marianne. I guess Kallen is Asuka, but I’m not comfortable with it because I hate Asuka. The analogy kind of falls apart when it comes to Suzaku, the extra guy. Oh well. Maybe he’s Gendou’s former bitch, Ritsuko.
Kallen is crying T_T
Who wrote those books?
Anya is cuter when she has Marianne’s personality
Brotherly love
V.V.’s love rival
“Mr. Wizard. Get me out of here”
She lucked out
Family reunion
She’s totally regretting not seducing Lelouch
“I mustn’t run away! I mustn’t run away!”
Love triangle
They are huge…
What happens if Marianne “dies” again?
Charles’ special attack
Useless characters
Vilette is totally a Black Knight member now…
Lelouch vi Britannia (what does vi mean?)
Who’s that on the left?
A civil union
Diethard is totally Schneizel’s henchman now
I should be studying Chemistry now.
Claudio is going to die in the next episode.
by the way Lulu is the one that is escorting Kallen to the dorm.
What kind of idiot would post his own picture in a anime blog?
ANyways Suzuka is going to die cuz he is now close to Lulu again. They are going to have a LuluXCC or LuluXno one or LelouchXsome random brittainan hoe or Kaguya.
What does KTHXBAI mean?
you know i just though about it and i think Lelouch is going to dieand they are going to have a SpinzakuXAnya ending.
I dont care since Code Geass is probably to be one the best animes of all time.(Until anime becomes obsolete and everything is going to be fckin 3d)
Yes she got told there is a scene where they say that they plan to do so.
Bismarck didnt call the meeting he only reported the emperor to be missing.
first of all, the tag on their name (Li, Vi, Di) shows which mother they had
Lelouch and Nunnally are both Vi
Cornelia and Euphemia are both Li
it shows which mother they had
and second, KTHXBAI means ok, thanks, bye!
like… she didn’t do anything, just showed up and died
Fairly sure the hair colour is brown. Last time I checked, Lelouch’s hair is black.
Fine, I’ll concede the point. It *looked* brown on the video though.
Actually, Nunnally may be alive.
I do not know Japanese, nor will I even attempt to translate what is on that page, but if that person’s translation of the episode 23 spoiler is correct… well, the show certainly took a turn for the worse.
And before you dismiss this, I suggest checking it out.
i heard that Lelouch will announce that Britannia will join the UFN.
According to Wiki
I smell someone wanting to drop the series now if this is really true since he always says it ahehe
if this is true, this really IS FOR THE WORSE… if only nunally and those in the plane survived because FLEIA was actually a spatial transfer bomb… then this turning point will prove to be really absurd.
they were caught by the fleia’s light for god’s sake…
actually, FLEIA being a spatial transfer bomb is really really absurd! what’s the use of all the testing and nina having a conscience after killing so many people when they know that the result is just a spatial transfer.
If ever it is a spatial transfer bomb, then where were they transferred? in the middle of the pacific ocean that’s why no one reported/noticed it right away???
and the people transferred could use their cellphones right away to contact their loved ones right?
but still, they were testing fleia’s capabilities and all. ahhhh… i think that they didn’t know it was just spatial transfer bomb since they were testing it on a forest haha… no one to report that they were transferred.
so is this spatial transfer bomb, FLEIA, transfers everyone randomly or only to a certain place here on earth or if ever, in the parallel dimension’s earth (if ever there is one in cg world) haha.
THIS IS SO SUNRISE… I think that taniguchi would have originally wanted nunally to be dead and many more other characters not involved in the real story. I really am believing that cg r2 is really not what taniguchi wanted if fleia was a spatial transfer bomb.
I can believe it. Unless an important character is on the ground in a pool of blood you can’t assume they’re dead. And as we saw with Mao and Marianne you can’t even count on that half the time.
That little tidbit of info about Nunnally pissed me off. I hope shes dead…PLEASE BE DEAD NUNNALLY!! Though I will drop the series if she’s alive, it’s kinda silly to bring her back now…
Did anyone notice that V.V.’s jealousy resembled Rolo so much? I mean, what’s with Code Geass and jealous brothers that are related to geass? They cause more trouble then they are worth…luckily they are both dead.
Not too much else to say, since it’s obvious it’s Lelouch that Kallen is talking to next episode, I’m guessing she joins him. Kaguya might as well, since apparently she knows he’s Zero…though maybe not since the Black Knight leaders probably made Zero seem like the worst possible person…but then look at Kallen, C.C. and, Shirley…most of the women that fall in love with Lelouch do crazy things. He’s a real ladies man. I’m jealous (kidding).
Hmm? I read all the wikipedia articles about Code Geass and it doesn’t mention anywhere about that. Maybe it was deleted? Please supply me a link or something.
Just looked at wikipedia, hopefully this is just a rip off of what that banner or whatever was that was just mentioned “Schneizel uses Nunnally, thought to be killed by F.L.E.I.J.A., against Lelouch. Schneizel and Lelouch clash in the sky above Mount Fuji.”
My god, I hated Nunnally so badly…I seriously will drop the series if they bring her back…
Marianne(killed by jealous V.V.)=Shirley(killed by jealous Rolo)
Kallen(who is Lelouch?)=Suzaku in season one(who is zero?)
Schneizel = Zero
Tried to post real quick and managed to somehow post under wrong ep! >_< lolz, well here goes again:
I’m trying to figure out what that quotation from Dante’s Divina Commedia was about. Just as Charles starts the Ragnarök Conjunction you see the line “lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate†in red. So what Charles and Marianne was doing was actually equivalent to opening the gates of Hell?!? That’s what it seems to imply, but doesn’t make much sense. Maybe it’s more general, as in the opening the gates to the world of the dead (trying to bring everyone scattered back together or whatever they called it…)…Hmm, needs more thinking though…
Can’t WAIT till this coming Sunday :D
Unless we get Hannah to blow shit up…..
@SheerBoredom: That would be unlikely and unnecessary; unlikely because both sides will resist this movement (they have built a sense of mistrust over conflict before and will continue to do so) and unnecessary because it would harbor mistrust and more conflict later on.
@zelknight: For plot’s and viewers’ sanity’s sakes I sure hope she stays dead (not that I have anything against Nunnally, mind you). But seeing as Sunrise has done the ridiculous more often than we’d like it’s still possible. I myself am curious if she has some omgwthbbq kind of power…
Found what it says on wikipedia…of course, I have no way of knowing if it is just some random editing or not. I don’t care one way or the other, as long as they do it right.
Who knows…who knows…It’s just speculation over future episodes. Ah well.
i bet that when dey bring back nanaly lelouch is gunna rape her hard since hes so glad shes back.
i really hate it wen u say useless crap sand so just stop postin alridy. your getin old and you dont need to say anythin. seriusly nobody wants u to post anymor, we all hate u.
Im pretty sure that the one dressed in the white cloak is Lulu cuz suzaku’s hair doesnt fan out on the back. Why would suzaku escort kallen after she score a 100hit combo on him.
Rololita ur Arthur wearing a zero mask pic looks better.
One on the left, Nonette Enneagram, Knight of nine :]
Shes from Lost Colors ^-^
All hail lelouch!!!
The person with Kallen at Ashford IS LELOUCH!
GOD you guys look at his damn hair! It’s BLACK! It fans out! ><
I posted this over at Kurogane’s but I felt I needed more opinions.
Why did CC refrained from telling Lelouch the truth behind his mother and by extension, everything else for the whole of the show up until now? Especially since she has already reviewed her priorities about her objectives?
Has anyone thought about this?
I watched the great-revelations-scene from episode 21 and it gave me the impression that CC had already given up on that plan for quite awhile already.
Remember episode 15?
When CC disengaged from relinquishing her code to Charles after hearing Lelouch’s words about him being determined to make her smile? My opinion is that although she had, at that time, just wanted to die to be freed from the agony of living, she wanted to be genuinely loved even before that. She believed that being loved would make her happy.
Shifting back to R2, having spent so much time with Lelouch, she gradually begins to understand that being loved wasn’t what she was looking for- it was to love someone. I thought that this new-found objective of the heart was one of the biggest factors behind her decision to abandon Marianne and Charles’ plans. And I so do not believe that she had simply decided within that short period of time in “C no sekaiâ€.
Also, if she had really been on the emperor’s side, why would she be so elusive (she was on the run since the beginning of season one)? The fact that the emperor was trying to lure her out is testimony to her being uncooperative with the Ragnarok plan.
Thinking about it further, the Ragnarok Connection/Junction grand master plan was decided upon between Charles, Marianne, CC even before season one began. I found it very contradicting that they didn’t had time to enact the plan then. It could be because the Ragnarok ruins around the world have not been discovered or secured yet though.
Another thing I do not understand. Was the events in Season one Stage one staged by the Emperor? Did the Emperor knew Lelouch could bring him CC? Or was it accidental? I kinda forgot what happened.
Do correct me on whatever I’m wrong about.
Great stuff to talk about, I can provide some input, though I can’t spend too much time on it. I’m just going to lump it all together since you bring up multiple points and answer your own questions.
To me, C.C. apparently wasn’t cooperating. She left Brittannia after Marianne was killed, Charles probably thought he didn’t need her since they said they only needed one code. Apparently she was captured as well, but most likely Clovis didn’t have knowledge of his fathers plans and all that, so he didn’t return her to Charles. Charles also might have just not cared.
Also, Japan wasn’t under Brittannian control during the time Marianne was killed and Lelouch was sent there as a political hostage. He couldn’t set the plan into motion without all the thought elevators, thatb also explains the big time difference between the capture of Japan and the activation of Ragnarok, he had to conquer other thought elevators.
It is also quite possible he didn’t feel like the world needed to be rewritten, as if he was waiting until the fighting and the lying became so great, it would send the world into chaos (which Lelouch did).
I think Charles knew Lelouch was Zero, or at least V.V. did, because they knew Zero had geass. Whether that was because of his stunts on national television using it, or because they found out, is yet to be known.
Back to the original topic, C.C. I think she just wanted to die, because she didn’t want to cooperate, and she didn’t want to keep on living. She probably didn’t care about Charles and his plans and just wanted to get her wish fulfilled, or maybe she figured Lelouch could contribute to it once he got her code. You can also bring up the fact that the original storyline was drastically changed in season 2. While I do think the director managed to get the same ending he wanted, he did it through different means, so some of the storyline doesn’t add up.
I have to go now, I’ll try to answer a bit more later, but now, it’s off to school for me.
Thanks for filling me in.
I just rewatched the first 10 episodes of S1 and although some things have become clearer, other questions have sprung up. I’ll try to organise them in points.
1. It looked perfectly coincidental- but I refuse to believe Lelouch first encountered CC by chance. Was it really chance?
2. Even if it was really by chance, how did CC, in her slumbering state, become aware that Lelouch was in close vicinity? I do not think it was Marianne that recognized her son’s presence, since episode 21 revealed that her geass is some sort of memory+soul parasite. I can only surmise that it was CC who had this perception. But how? Did I miss out yet another code bearer ability?
3. In episode 7 of S1 at about 12:54 of the dvd, we have our first(?) instance of a CC monologue. Was she speaking to herself or was it Marianne’s fleeting presence? If so, where was Marianne’s host Anya at that point? Could she converse with CC across vast distances?
4. In relation to points 2 and 3, can CC host Marianne in her transient form? I ask because CC is supposedly unaffected by Geass.
the lady on the left is knight of rounds Nonnette Enneagram she is knight of nine.
for those dissapointed with the spoilers for the very much possible return of nunnaly and company, I suggest watching macross frontier now! XD really great episode 22 in terms of character and plot development
very great preparation for the last 3 epic episodes of the mf series ^_^
i hope cg does the same as well but if nunally’s revival is due to fleia being a spatial transfer bomb, i would be really SHOCKED and saddened at the same time that they decided for such a plot device to be a joke (fleia)
@zelknight: I had thought Macross Frontier would be 26 episodes. Is it 25, same as Code Geass?
I need more Anya, hopefully she’s on Lelouch’s side.
I wouldn’t think so. I think C.C. was watching over him/looking for him prior to her capture, and since there was an outside force involved in getting her out of Brittannian hands, I doubt Charles minipulated everything so perfectly though. Most likely if Lelouch was anyone else, she might have not given them geass, thus, they would be dead.
This is where I think your starting to overthink things. Marianne was able to talk with C.C., we knew that much. Note that C.C. gave Marianne geass, which means they are bonded in a way, which would most likely explain why they were able to talk. As for C.C. knowing he was there…she already knew he was, even though she got shot in the head, they have been shown to recover quite quickly (like in V.V.’s case getting hit in the head with a knife, he immediately stood up). In either case, it was probably just our best friend, Dramatic Effect.
I think they reveal that in lost colors, sadly I never played it. Most likely Anya hadn’t even been designed yet so the idea of what Marrianne was planned to be at the time, was probably different from what she turned out to be in episode 21. After seeing that episode, I’d think she’s talking to Marrianne.
Definite no. C.C. has been shown to be immune to geass, so I doubt Marrianne is any different.
The Mastermind L-
Alot of people have already said that. I suggest reading the comments before posting, at the very least to avoid redundancy.
I am still hoping Nunnally is dead and I really am hoping that they are going to fuck up a good series by bringing her back.
I know this is random. The clip showing Lulu in girl’s clothes was so funny and the one on shirley’s thoughts – let’s all marry Lulu! xD
What is C.C. special ability?
I’m unsure bout that. :(
JB – What?
I know this is random too. May someone be kind enough to tell me where i can find the english subs for the clips.
1) Suzaku X Sayoko and what Suzaku was saying to Sayoko
2) Lelouch stripped naked at the beach and what did he say?
3) Kallen topless and what she was saying at the bath she had with the other girls.
I don’t know what they are saying so someone please help if you have the links to the english subs and let me know where i can find and watch them. Thanks in advance.
Picture Book, right? Dunno about the other two. Another one of the picture books has Suzaku x Cecil undertones, and yet another with Lelouch in just a pair or Speedos. Out of boredom I did a transcript of the bath scene (Yeah…it was *just* boredom.) so if you pop me your email I can email that to you. Couldn’t tell you where to find the english translations. :/ can’t remember where I got mine.
May you do a translation of what Lelouch said in just a pair of Speedos for me too => the one whereby Lulu and Cornelia appeared if that is the right clip. I will like to know what he said. Sorry and thanks. My e-mail is
yes and thanks for the translation for the bath scene as well.
Thanks in advance.
Have em done in an hour or so. It’s gg’s translation, I’m just transcripting :P
@Cat Megex
yes it’s 25 episodes – mf
it will finish earlier by 3 days compared to cg XD
uh… you guys COULD just BUY THE DVDS!!!
they have all three of those in english… someone has subbed them though, since I saw them on YouTube n stoof
I read the e-mail. Thanks a lot for giving me the translations. I enjoyed every single bit of the conversations. This is random too. Rolo has such a beautiful voice when he sings. *faints* Does Lelouch ever sing?
you can find YouTube vids of Lelouch singing certain songs such as Hare Hare Yukai and stuff :D
Just watched the english dub for season 1 episode 19 of Code Geass. Every time I watch those english dubs I am saddened at the fact that they didn’t go with their original plan. Oh well, what can you do.
Episode 22, very interesting episode…I thought it was one of those plot drivers rather than battling, but holy crap was I wrong. Not gonna give spoilers since I doubt too many people have seen it yet, suffice to say, I’m disappointed, but I’m still watching the series, oh and some cannon fodder gets killed off.
Got a link to english subs? My provider is annoyingly slow today ;<
yeah real sad… and disappointed
glad that you’ll see off the series to the end hehe. (I suggest you start watching macross frontier to wipe away that disappointment hehe)
and cannon fodder? i think cannon fodders hehehe XD
episode 22 just jumped a million sharks today haha
I really hope that they’ll be releasing the original code geass story and how many episodes it should really be – ala escaflowne anime series vs escaflowne the movie and let the audience decide or pick which of the two they really like or would really believe in XD
Mega sigh. The supposedly subbed downloaded episode I just finished does in fact not have subs at all like it said it did. -_- Looks like an hour or two more of downloading to go.
I support C.C x Lelouch pairing to the end.
Oh i read from another site that its most likely Kallen X Gino in the end judging from the preview they said.
i don’t want Lulu to die. -_-
i still don’t know what C.C’s name is? It will be a shocker if it turns out that her name is Shirley. Note: I am joking.
somehow i don’t think C.C’s name is anything interesting but i hope somehow her name be something meaningful to the story, else i don’t see the purpose of them muting her name in the first place.
i knew you were all talk about dropping the show if “that” happened ^^
“Destroy the world, or even oneself!” So Lelouch is going to sacrifice himself to bring everlasting peace to the world by unifying them against him. Huh. Where have I seen this plot device before? Oh yeah, that series which was JUST DONE by Sunrise, Gundam 00. -_- Nice originality.
And Sunrise continue their proud tradition of bringing characters back from the grave. Shouldn’t have happened. Le sigh. Utterly retarded move on their part. Why set up *her* as the opponent when having Schneizel was perfect as is? It’s unnecessary plot twisting for the sake of plot twisting.
Combat was nicely done, as always. The Albion’s domination was expected, as was Bismarck’s geass. Story could have been better. Lelouch was acting kinda out of character in regards to Kallen, though that was probably him wearing his ‘mask’ for lack of a better term.
God damn it, I hated how they worked the whole thing with Kallen out, I don’t know how many of you have watched the episode but I’ll go ahead and say it…WHY THE FUCK IS SHE HIS ENEMY NOW?! I was waiting for the moment that she joins him, and THIS happens. I know it may be some dormant KallenxLelouch feelings surfacing, but still. If he wanted to protect her that much, he wouldn’t have been silent when he asked what she was to him, then she wouldn’t decide to kill him, which inevitably puts her against the Albion and I know it, I JUST KNOW that they are gonna kill her off…why is Lelouch so misunderstood? Hopefully when Suzaku is going to deliver the final blow, Lelouch steps in and takes it, setting up a a moment where Kallen joins him and kicks Schniezels ass in tandem with Suzaku.
The more I think about it, the more the Nunnally thing makes sense, but I’m still crestfallen. It makes sense in some regard as to that it will still fuck with Lelouch and adds a slightly unenjoyable twist, although I admit, the one part about her being Lelouch’s enemy is one thing that pleases me. It makes me wonder how it’s going to work out.
Argh, back to ranting at Kallen’s role… I was so HAPPY when Ougi told her to protect Zero! Oh my god, I THOUGHT IT WAS PERFECT, but then Lelouch had to fuck it up. Jesus, this is the one time I’m really hating his self-sacrificing attitude, he’s becoming like Suzaku.
On a final note, Bismarck got Nunnally’s geass, so we can rule her having geass out.