I can’t imagine any happy ending for this series without some kind of world resetting event that brings everyone back to life with lots of happy thoughts and lolipops, and at this point of time I don’t think I give a damn anymore. This trainwreck has continued for so long that even the vengeful spirits of its passengers have since died of old age.
Summary & Thoughts
The eye motif is not working for me
Basically, Lelouch the Closet Siscon fights out against Schneizel the Super Villain and the Black Knights. There’s nothing much to talk about. This is one of those prelude-to-the-finale episodes where the characters clear up some loose ends before going into battle and dying for one last time, hopefully this time for real.
Centrifugal force is a myth
Schneizel reveals his grant plan for world domination and eternal peace: nuke everyone from orbit with FLEIAs. This is a brilliant plan worthy of his statue as the scheming supervillain character, and I’m sure no one has ever thought of it before. I can’t believe Lelouch is losing to this ass clown who doesn’t even have Geass. This is almost as ridiculous as Lelouch’s new outfit!
More Thoughts
“Gah. Look at I. I the stupid”
It seems to me that the Britannia family suffers from a chronic mental illness that results in rapid degradation of cognitive capabilities whenever the magical plot device calls for it. Take Cornelia for example: she was at one point in R2 an epitome of the take-shit-from-no-one bad-ass attitude. She single-handedly uncovered her father’s hidden conspiracy and broke into a top secret high-tech military facility with a frigging sword. But for no particular reason, she’s now Schneizel’s bitch because he’s oh so charming. (Or she was anyway.)
The saviours of humanity
Nunnally is another idiot. “Oh god, my brother Lelouch, the person who has always loved me and cared for me since our mother died, did so many terrible things and even lied to me! Lied to me! I shall instead place my trust in my brother Schneizel, who has amassed an arsenal of black-hole bombs powerful enough to destroy the whole planet, out of the kindness of his pure heart and selfless philanthropy. This guy deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.”
I bet this time she’s finally going to die for real
And did I mention how retarded the entire Black Knights were again? “This Schneizel dude just blew up his own frigging homeland without batting an eyelid. He has enough super bombs left to flatten the whole of Japan, but we are going to team up with him against Lelouch because Lelouch lied to us for all these years and made us into this powerful supernational political entity against our free will! Our free will! Also, he kidnapped Kaguya! Kaguya, the young and innocent loli princess! How dare he!?”
“Yeah! Who cares what trigger-happy Schneizel will do to our precious Japan, which we have fought so long and hard for, with his doomsday devices, as long as we get to exact revenge on Lelouch, a guy who has given us everything we have, including our pathetic lives.”
Go on. Blow everyone up. I don’t even care anymore.
Ninjas don’t die; they just become stairs
“It doesn’t matter that Nunnally is alive. You are my bitch now!”
“I am his sword (ass dildo)”
In anime, only Africans are poor
Ninja-cyborg love
Wear some real clothes!
C.C. should just comfort him sexually
Futuristic hotdog
It’s Lancelot Taozi!
It’s a Decepticon
Unnecessary side character #5232
I wonder what she’ll look like with long hair
Odd couple
If you look at it sideways, it’s Singapore’s flag
How can they touchtype?
I am pro-choice
Let’s ponder what kind of tactical advantages can be conferred by pink paint
Tamaki is the only person who hasn’t become stupider
Ambition will only lead to self destruction. This is why we should all settle for a simple frugal life and a harem of cute girls instead. Tsk tsk Lelouch, when will you learn?
Ougi: ITZ OVER 9000!
this episode didn’t excite me as much, sorta lost it at around episode 18ish. Dunno if this was already posted, but those of you who are confused about how Nunally survived, here ya go: http://animehistory.wordpress.com/2008/09/05/theory-of-a-live-girl-code-geass-spoilers-inside/
First! opps second >.<
It’s a custom Lancelot it’s 3 times faster than normal… never mind it’s pink.
awesome review as usual
I love the train wreck analogy. Just when I think code geass has something brilliant up its sleeve again it disappoints, Im sort of wishing they didn’t make a second season at this point. I’m going to start watching macross frontier.
(WARNING first time poster)
I thought it was good…
I mean sure there were some dumb craps like how dumb Cornelia tried to attack Schneizel even though it’s pretty obvious he would have some defense system…
and yea now that I think about, the Black Knights are freaking dumb.
But still, it was good… I guess… I mean I like the plot.
ah…so i shall finally write comments after following ur code geass & macross frontier posts for the past few episodes…
there’s 2 more episodes[if i’m not wrong].. yet there’s no way they can clear up the mess without some sort of universal restart button. I’m too tired to angst at how code geass started out perfect & nice and is now heading for crash.
And I’ve a nagging feeling that marianne’s going to come up again somehow. she’s mentioned too often to justify her brief appearance.
ah well.
and, if ur prelims’s not over yet, best of luck. ^^
How does I make a trainwreck?
Seriously, Geass has gone so far off-track, no one gives a shit. I doubt if Cornelia died though. There is no real body yet!
The Black Knights really are idiots..
Man Ougi’s face was priceless.
What the hell? It’s not Lancelot Taozi, it’s Lancelot Rouge (Gundam SEED)
Great review, as usual.
Yeah Cornelia suddenly became… super-extra-mega lame. She really survived up until that point for… no reason at all.
Nunnally… Schneizel has had all the time he needed (5 seconds face-to-face) to completely destabilize her.
As for the Dark Knights… It would be explained by the fact that Schneizel seems weaker (he *only* has Damocles), and as such they would think that they can overthrow him, while they can’t overthrow Lelouch without Schneizel’s help.
Of course, now the Black Knights are nearly annihilated by Lelouch (oh! we have an immense amount of explosive material in that mountain… what was Zero’s favourite plan? to blow up everything with tons of explosives? he wouldn’t dare, would he? would he?)
And why hasn’t anyone told Nina that her change of mind was highly out of character? “I hate Zero! I will kill him with a butter knife in the midst of an official party if necessary!” => “I will save him!”
I had hoped for Schneizel to be more complicated than that. Really. Now he has entered the “absolutely horrific bad guy in the name of *good*” category. Being in exactly the same category as Dullindal, or as any character introduced in Destiny, is NOT a good thing.
My two cents:
-Lelouch will die (his plan is called Zero Requiem for god’s sake) for plenty of reasons (I have been set on this ever after the first season)
-Plot device will let Nina find a magical way to deactivate FLEIA
-Orange-kun will deactivate the geass worldwide, shortly before Lelouch’s death.
-Gino will get beaten, once again, will get a scar on his face that he will hide with a oh-so-original mask. (Sunrise needs a blonde masked man, after all) Or alternatively, Schneizel will get the scar and don the mask.
-Lelouch will die. I would be *really* pissed if he didn’t.
Five stars arising out of the stormy sea… …
robolee will be the final ruler!
It’s cos she knows he’s a Britannian.
I’m serious, that’s about it I’m sure. Before he was allied with the Elevens, but now he fights for justice and Britannia, so he’s not evil anymore! Or something.
And Viletta’s not pregnant, she’s just got persistant stomach cramps. So bad that Ougi needed to confront her in a darkened room about it. ;D
Lelouch is stupid. He should just settle for Kaguya. Wonder if she get hits by a FLEIJA and gets blown to the moon.
And I thought I was the only person who realised that it was the Cresent & 5 Stars when it is looked sideways.
Gonna repost this here (originally from the end of the episode 22 thread) so I can get some more responses…and because I’m too lazy and tired to type another one out. Though I do have something new: Oh wait, I forgot.
My thoughts on the episode: (it’s long, but I have alot to say)
I’m starting to switch back to C.C.xLelouch after watching their scene together…argh…I can’t make up my mind, and after seeing that preview with her smiling… DAMN IT NOW I WANT C.C.xLELOUCH!
Anyways, this episode has that R1 flare that I like so much, aside from Cornelia’s useless death and Tamaki’s amazing ability to be useful really late in the show, it brings out the tactics battling that we having seen in so long (when was the last full scale tactics battle, episode 11 of season 1? Narita? It was awesome.)
I really love this series, mainly because there are good guys on both sides, and we know it, even if they don’t. I was actually having trouble sympathizing with Lelouch after seeing the geassed soldiers rushing to their deaths and intercepting the FLEIJA, even though that dissipated soon after remembering that Schniezel was using the Black Knights in a very similar way. The amazing thing I noticed was that Schniezel’s character changed DRAMATICALLY. In the first season he was kinda cold and dedicated towards getting the job done, but he cared for his subordinates. In the beginning of the second season he was much the same but following episode 17-ish he became heartless, like Lelouch except…he has no underlying and noble plan, he’s just in it for power, which is something that the people on Schniezel’s side think of Lelouch.
The preview suggests that Kallen will be joining Lelouch next episode, or maybe 25…which would fit since they could have an awesome final battle sequence of Suzaku, C.C. and Kallen kicking ass with their 9th generation frames an destroying the Damocles and killing Nunnally (I still hate her) and Schniezel. The reason is because there is a shot of the Guren crouched over him with the gold arm extended, like she’s about to kill him. So unless that is the scene I predicted when Suzaku finishes her off, I think they finally get a chance to talk and he can explain his intentions.
Tamaki might just get some usefulness in the next episode. Well Amnestic, your getting your wish, Tamaki might just do something major in the storyline after all, maybe he sacrifices himself for Zero/Lelouch after turning back to his side? I dunno, I have a feeling he’s gonna last till the end.
The ironic part in this is how Lelouch goes from being tied with Schniezel, to losing, to losing REALLY badly, then he suddenly flips things around and mindfucks us with blowing up Mount Fuji, effectively destroying the entirety of the Black Knights and decimating his own ground forces. Amazing eh? The Black Knights are finally gone. Oh then suddenly Schniezel launches the FLEIJA’s which the aftermath will form the basis of nest episode.
Final thoughts: C.C.’s Lancelot is more Albion than Vincent. Due to the absence of conventional air glide wings it looks like it’s going to be 2 on 1 when it comes to 9th generation frames. Oh and, did anyone else notice the dramatic difference of Suzaku’s character lately? Now he’s entirely set on killing Nunnally!
I can see it now. The next episode is the biggest mech brawl in Code Geass history. Kallen might actually die though. 0_o No one thought of that possibility but she might just kick the bucket in the next few episodes…
Crap, I just remembered what I was about to say, right when the edit timer goes out. I’ve noticed there are multiple people flaming Cornelia’s death without giving much thought to it, this includes darkmirage.
Cornelia’s death had a purpose! In my opinion anyways. What I think is that by showing someone as incredible as Cornelia be gunned down effortlessly by Scheizel shows the depth of his planning and ability. What they were REALLY trying to imply is that Schneizel is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and that is only furthered by the fact that he has basically unlimited power.
Although, there always remains the thought that it was really just showing how pathetic Cornelia is and that the writers are dumbasses, who knows IT IS SUNRISE! Jesus, is the show being a Sunrise show the excuse for everything now? Oh, sure they bring back characters, but have they ever ACTUALLY DIED and brought back with no underlying provocation or implications? Not in Code Geass, excluding Jeremiah (which was actually admitted to be a planned death).
This is not only a rant at darkmirage but also at the people who were flaming this episode for no reason. Seriously, you need to look past such trivial issues and minor problems and see what the writers are REALLY trying to do. If you find a problem in every little tiny thing that a writer includes in his story, then it’s impossible to enjoy it. I admit, there are flaws, but nothing completely unexplainable. There actually has been no (although most people would disagree) completely random crap that’s happened that turns completely left-field and makes no fucking sense plot-wise. Episodes 1~12 made sense, they set up the story again and made Lelouch more global than we had original thought possible, which triggered Shirley’s death. Which also made sense, it set up the destruction of the geass directorate, which in turn led to the Black Knights defecting, which led to many emotional issues with Kallen and sets up the final battle between Lelouch and the Black Knights, which also affected the Damocles and Lelouch’s fight with Schneizel. Rolo’s role made sense, it set up the death of Shirley and strengthened Lelouch’s resolve to take over the world (after Rolo died). Nunnally being brought back was explained masterfully by Kaioshin-sama, which prompted me to write this. The basis being, think and examine before you make hasty judgements.
If you are incapable of looking deeper and thinking “Oh wait, that happened there, which explains event x which also set up death b. Wow! I never noticed there can be so much in-depth thought and theorizing involved which can be totally missed by an idiot who fails at looking deeper into a story!”
I feel as if I’ve gone slightly off track, but my point remains the same: Don’t judge something in this show by what is merely what you see the first time you see the episode half-stoned on a Saturday evening when your more into looking at Kallen’s chest than watching the episode, all the while thinking about how bad your life is and why you can’t get laid. I’m not saying I think Cornelia should be brought back (if they do I’d formally apologize to everyone I’ve offended in my course of history here and write multiple death-threats to Sunrise), rather people need to see the implications of her death, and (big surprise here) MOVE ON. Enjoy the good parts of the show, examine the parts that don’t make sense so you can understand it better, and ignore the bad parts. Simple. If you can do that then watching anime will make you MUCH happier.
/end my first rant at darkmirage and the people who fail at analytical thinking. Hopefully your thoughts on the next episode impress me more.
I have a feeling this might spark an arguement. Well, bring it on.
This concludes a rather long post I never thought I’d write, at 2:19 in the morning nonetheless. Hehe, and I thought I was too tired and lazy. Oh and for those of you who actually read this long sonofabitch and lost your way (I did at one point) the point was not about Cornelia’s death, it was darkmirage’s and other’s inability to show higher level thinking and cognitive abilities, at least while watching the episode. So yes, it was a rant and holy fuck what a bitch it was to write.
P.S. If anyone actually reads this and my previous comment, I’d be surprised. They are my two longest text only (no quotes) posts I’ve done so far.
Damn it, edit timer ran out.
Well, if anyone wants me to explain what I think about some of these “plot holes” (scoff), I’d be more than happy to, just to further my point that everything IS explainable.
Jesus, why do I always notice my errors after the fact…anyways
That is supposed to have the following text after it:
then I’d seriously wonder if you are the right person to write a blog about, or even to supply your thoughts on something. I realize you are entitled to your opinion, but to flame something without considering everything about that certain material you are flaming, is something that highly annoys me, especially if your the type of person that influences others, since that encourages others to adopt the “stupid attitude”. Details on what that is may follow in subsequent posts.
Look out triple post…and my last before I go to bed, and probably for a while since I have officially posted 4 times on one 15 post page.
In the midst of rewatching the episode again I feel I must say something about the C.C. and Lelouch scene and the following scenes with the music playing.
I probably wouldn’t have written that rant or have liked the episode nearly as much without that scene. It really touches on the sentimental parts of the show and is gently rending open my heart and softly slashing at my innards with blood and guts spilling everywhere, basically, girlishly anhhialating any residue KallenxLelouch fanboyism inside of me (anyone notice the oxymorons? Oh look out, residue rant syndrome has forced me to say this, most likely, most of the people here wouldn’t have noticed them, because most people suck at catching the underlying meanings of things).
Anyways, I think I’m a diehard C.C.xLelouch fanboy again, shedding my previous diehardiness of KallenxLelouch which had taken the place of my previous ultimate love of C.C.xLelouch (which in turn took the place of my incredible fanboyish for Kallen…you get the point…or maybe not who knows?).
Suffice to say that apart from jooking around, I loved those scenes, because they set apart from the bulk of the show (fighting) and focus on a setting that the writer is a master at, which is, sentimental scenes (surprisingly enough, he’s writing an action anime…funny).
Now I have to finish the rest, I loved the episodes, slight, ignorable flaws and rants aside.
Some heads better role in the last two eps. There was way too many cheap heroic scenes and I always saw pink as a form of red so the lancelot has to be three times faster.
Oh my gosh…I can’t imagine how you saw the SG flag thing. XD Best.
I was wondering why doesn’t Lelouch get Mr. “oh-my-new-KMF-Albion-pwns-all” Spinzaku to destroy the FLEIA launching device located at the bottom of Damocles. Since Lancelot is so fast, he should be able to pull it off. Better than exhausting Schneizel’s ammunition. -.-
if the episode summaries i saw are genuine then cornelia is not dead and will be crowned 100. emperor and nunally will probably die. Though it says “Lelouchs loved one” it doesnt necessarily refer to Nunally but… i just hope it doesnt refer to C.C!! >.>
Because that would make too much sense.
You fall into the common trap of confusing real logic with plot logic. Sure, it is obvious and “logical” that Cornelia’s death serves a purpose in the story by emphasizing what a bad-ass villain Schneizel supposedly is, and it’s a rather blatant attempt at that. That’s the plot logic behind it. There’s nothing much to be said about it because it is run-of-the-mill dry.
But I was not talking about that. I was referring to Cornelia as a character previously portrayed to possess certain qualities. She sought the truth and sacrificed so much in order to uncover the conspiracy surrounding Geass, but now she’s acting like a retard when it comes to Schneizel. This is not real logic.
A well-written story has plot logic that follows real logic. Just because the writer intended for something to be seen in a particular way doesn’t mean that the viewers are compelled to see it that way. It’s called poor writing. Good stories don’t have to justify themselves by appealing to plot necessities.
“It’s necessary to kill Cornelia here to develop Schneizel’s character (or lack thereof), but we can’t make it seem believable in the context of her character, so just accept it,” is a poor excuse.
Anyway, I’ve had this discussion before, and I think you should read a more serious “coverage” of Code Geass if you seriously believe that Sunrise put more thought into the plot and execution of the story than some brainstorming on the best tried-and-true fan-baiting techniques.
I liked how they were all surprised when Lelouch used the mountain on them I mean really? Its not like he has done that before ala landslides bubbles in ocean thing etc. Also am I the only who thinks its weird in the time period that the whole series takes place they have jumped like 4 GENERATIONS in Knightmare Frames? Those things go out of date faster than computers.
“Its over nine thousand !!!”
And shouldn’t you be studying? :P
Well, not much left for this series. I did notice how my hatred shifted from Nina to Ohgi though. Cornelia didn’t really seem to do much in this series besides driving the plot. It’s a pity too, that she dies right after her arm heals.
Look at the top picture. The girl with purple hair. Her headband is missing, and yet later in the episode, she has it. R1, why are you so much better than R2 animation wise?
Also, SayakoxOrange is my OTP
Agreeing with DarkMirage about Cornelia’s death.
Cornelia is a great strategist and fighter, able to make her way into the headquarters of the Geass Directorate, and only V.V. was able to stop her. (after having been killed in seconds)
Now, she is simply shot down by an automatic machinegun set by someone whom she *knew* was an evil super-intelligent bastard.
Wouldn’t she have been able to foresee that Schneizel would have some personnal security, and therefore devise a plan to topple Schneizel? Wouldn’t she have been able to dodge the automatic machine gun and flee? Or at least, wouldn’t she have been able to throw a knife into Schneizel’s pretty head?
*My* (understanding of) Cornelia would. That’s why I’m disappointed.
I wonder why all the hate is directed at Cornelia. For me, I don’t think she’s dead yet. It looked like a pretty useless death (there wasn’t any gory shots with her eyeballs expanding in shock like they always do before dying) so I bet she’s still living like the end of R1. <.< Anyone think so? She has her values and she’s strong. She reminds me, eeriely, like Princess Azula of Avatar, the Last Airbender. (p/s: Azula went batshit crazy in the end, but Cornelia’s still sane. Or dead. Either way, I’ll wait till next week to find out.)
Lelouch, Lelouch… what the hell is he trying to do anyway?? Caring one second, evil the next, his character is one I love just because he looks major hot. Yeah, even in that stupid fairytale-costume he’s hot. Makes me realize the importance of bishies in manga.
Suzaku is another thing entirely. He’s the ‘oh yeah, dump my honour and crap. Just give me world peace in the end, and I’ll kill my best friend and emperor’s lil innocent lolita (not to mention blind and crippled) sister for you! I have to give him credit, though. Just kill Nunally already, Lulu. (I don’t hate her, but going in that direction. Useless girl forgets her brother’s love for the past 15 years -yeah, she’s 15- and detonates a nuclear bomb that kills probably 100 million innocent lives. Woohoo, bitch.) Her life isn’t worth it, not for 2 seasons of Code Geass.
Don’t even get me started on Sneizel (or whatever the spelling is). He should be dead by the end of the season, so whatever crap he hands out, it should end pretty soon. As for C.C… I bet she dies in the last episode. With a smile, though. That’s the least they can do before her eternal life is finally over.
I’ve learn a lesson never believe in code geass preview.
For example, we see that Kallen will kill Lelouch that’s mean she isn’t killing Lelouch, but more likely is interrupted by Suzaku( at least magazines says that Suzaku vs Kallen will be in 24 episode as Lelouch vs Nunnally). The other example we see C.C.’s smile and we know that her wish is to smile before her death so we think she is going to die in 24 episode, but in reality C.C. isn’t going to die yet. I think that immortal which can be killed by FLEIJA, but not in 24 episode.
So 24 episode > 23 episode. I like the most C.C. x Lelouch moment in this episode.
“Don’t judge something in this show by what is merely what you see the first time you see the episode half-stoned on a Saturday evening ”
Annoying plot filler!!…. she didn’t die, it was another ship!? If thats so how did ninja woman with the maid hair band live? If she found the wrong escape craft then surely she should be gone, for good?
Why do they do it? They are going alone so well, building the tension between the two opposite, yet oddly both evil, main characters only to bring back some ‘dead’ people and hand the trigger of mass destruction to the blind kid!?
That has got to be one of the most annoying developments since the series started.
It is, however, lovingly ironic that the only one who can’t see what is going on in the world is handed the key to the single, most destructive force on the face of the planet!
Love the Nunnally part that you write about. LOL
I liked the episode, at least the pace calmed down and we got a battle that was worthy of the name.
Worst part was that Cornelia’s “death” sucked but she could still be alive like Mao. Nunnally is terribly naive and has a martyr complex her brother would be proud of, so that’s all I make of her actions.
I realise it is not within Cornelia’s normal logical scope (from what we’ve seen of her) to act in such a way to get gunned down effortlessly, and after sleeping for a few hours and being in a slightly better mind, I can see where your coming from. I will admit that rants written at 2 in the morning won’t be written in the most amazing and mind baffling ways and there were flaws to what I said.
After rereading my own statement and reading yours I still have a few things to say. What my rant covered…wasn’t really what I was trying to say, or at least what I think now that I’m not half dead with a lack of sleep.
Anyways, to my point.
It doesn’t matter too much if Sunrise can use logic this far into the show, they just want to continue a certain part of the story, and to empathize certain parts. Even if that means sacrificing some character traits (and i.q. points). However, there is also the point to be made that Schneizel is on a much higher level of analytical thinking and ability compard to Cornelia, their own respective abilities also would show Schneizel as the more resourceful in a situation like that.
I admit it isn’t logical for Cornelia to attack Schneizel in such a disadvantageous way, but we can’t really (here comes the point of this whole post) apply real-world logic to an anime series. Saying something isn’t logical in our own perspectives of the world is much different that what a writer would have to do to continue his own story. This is because, in an anime series, every character, thought and emotion is manipulated by one person and will conform to his own thoughts about the series, as he is the one making it.
Then that leads to my second point, good writing…I don’t have much time to cover this as I’m supposed to not be here right now but, a good story does indeed have logical plot elements and the like, however Code Geass isn’t a set in stone story, in its production it was constantly changing to suit their needs and the time slots needs, and in a few cases (Jeremiah) the fans needs. This sort of story that is forced to be changed constantly (which code geass was in the second season) isn’t going ot have some of the same logical elements from a written book (time restrictions, veiwer restrictions etc.), thus some things won’t add up if they are forced to change in the last minute. What does this have to do with Cornelia? They probably put her death in suddenly because they didn’t have a use for her anymore and ran out of time to get rid of her grandly. Simply put, Cornelia lacked importance and time.
As for reading more serious coverage about the show…I’m not that into it, when you do write something I agree with it’s usually very funny and (being a writer myself) I like to comment and write posts about the story and give my thoughts on it, changing blogs would be…well miraculous for the many people who don’t like me here, but I wouldn’t enjoy it.
Okay, I gotta go so I can’t go anymore in depth than that for the next 8 hours or so.
@sandslayer: …I read your 4-post wall-of-text. Do I get a cookie? >_>
There are Jeremiah fans?
Oh. Hadn’t imagined it.
I must reflect on humanity, and the best way to end its pain. Yeah.
The Cornelia thing is just another example of how short-sighted people become when the plot needs it… and for me it’s a little bit of “the last straw”. Oh well.
I still *love* this series though.
I had higher hopes for Code Geass
It’s three-times faster than normal?
Regarding the episode overall, I was disappointed on Schneizel’s grand scheme. The episode was average at best. With my favorite part of the entire episode was when Cecile says “Yes your majesty”, ain’t she cute?! :)
Pure genius, I almost laughed my ass off.
I can only imagine that, once Shneizel’s little nuke escapade is out in the open, the Black Knights will rejoin Lelouch, or at the least form a ceasefire with him. Cornelia may or may not be dead. Sandslayer’s point seems very reasonable considering that this entire season looked like they were rushing things to try and make up for lost time in R1. However, this makes me wonder just how Shneizel’s plan will be revealed. The only one’s other than shneizel who know about this plan are benedict arno-*cough* diethard, that pink haired guy that annoys me, and Cornelia. Since that pink haired guy who annoys me so much probably won’t talk and that other bastard won’t talk, I can only imagine that we’ll find Cornelia somehow managing to crawl into Lelouch’s quarters and reveal the truth to him, where she will probably die moments later.
On a side note: If Gino comes within 20 yards of Kallen (<3) one more time I will murder the writers ^_^
To both Dark Mirage and Sandslayer, guess what you’re both right. It is or may not be good writing. It may be a non “real logic” death, it may be a “plot logic” death. I would agree with sand slayer with most the points he was trying to make, which I usually do. I never really post but I do both read your comments in detail due to the fact you two seem to have a deeper ability to think and comprehend. Anyways you’re both right with the points you are making, but I would say this. Don’t criticize someone’s work *Sunrise or ANYONES* work until you have read or watched it completely. Perhaps something will happen that will blow ALL our minds away. (I highly doubt this but it is possible). Anyways Dark Mirage I would like to say I’ve really enjoyed your posts through out the series, been very funny and sand slayer thanks for giving honest feedback even if it pisses them off and giving accurate and intellectual comments.
It seems as though a black hole of reasoning appears when Schneizel is in the room.
It sucks people’s ability to reason and use logic, hence Gino, Cornelia, Nunally etc joined him.
And the black knights too…
Heck, even Lelouch forgot to geass him when he had the chance…
Schneizel, gifted with the geass of ultimate stupidity?
Fits, yeah… :)
When I saw the shot of Africa, I could only think “Even in the future, they’re still poor!?”
Also, for some unknown reason, whatever side Lelouch is on will get their ass handed to them in the beginning of the fight, until he pushes his little button (Bout time we saw Button-Kun (Yes, I shall call him Button-Kun)again) and a good fraction of the enemy will be screwed.
Maybe if he didn’t always throw his best pilots into the depths of hell before every major battle though…
“9000!?” HAHA! Made me LMAO
Hey hey hey, you’re all full of crap Code Geass rocks, who cares if there’s plot holes! It’s the most entertaining anime I’ve watched in years.
There’s animes that are slow paced and kind of build-up to make a satisfying ending, whereas Code Geass is satisfying every episode if you just ignore the plot holes. And it’s a little more like real life if you think about it, not everybody has a role to play in the grand schemes of things, so there are alot of Usless characters, or characters that become useless. And the Black Knights are easily manipulated into fighting on the wrong side. Just like how America today is going into Iraq and bombing innocents and throwing puppy’s off cliffs, and Canada some how got involved and now are doing the same kinds of things.
Personally I find every episode of this show entertaing, and I think lots of people are purposly looking for plot holes now just because Code Geass has become so popular, whereas let’s say a couple months back people paid very little attention to plot holes when it wasn’t quite as popular.
Ougi + 9,000 = loltacular.
I hope Nina doesn’t fail Lulu, or else he’s screwed. I really hate Schneizel more than ever. Killing Cornelia like that was just terrible. He could have at least had an honorable duel, but no, that wimp shot her in the back with a turret. Who the hell keeps an auto turret in their quarters that activates to the snap of their fingers? That was so random.