I can’t imagine any happy ending for this series without some kind of world resetting event that brings everyone back to life with lots of happy thoughts and lolipops, and at this point of time I don’t think I give a damn anymore. This trainwreck has continued for so long that even the vengeful spirits of its passengers have since died of old age.
Summary & Thoughts
The eye motif is not working for me
Basically, Lelouch the Closet Siscon fights out against Schneizel the Super Villain and the Black Knights. There’s nothing much to talk about. This is one of those prelude-to-the-finale episodes where the characters clear up some loose ends before going into battle and dying for one last time, hopefully this time for real.
Centrifugal force is a myth
Schneizel reveals his grant plan for world domination and eternal peace: nuke everyone from orbit with FLEIAs. This is a brilliant plan worthy of his statue as the scheming supervillain character, and I’m sure no one has ever thought of it before. I can’t believe Lelouch is losing to this ass clown who doesn’t even have Geass. This is almost as ridiculous as Lelouch’s new outfit!
More Thoughts
“Gah. Look at I. I the stupid”
It seems to me that the Britannia family suffers from a chronic mental illness that results in rapid degradation of cognitive capabilities whenever the magical plot device calls for it. Take Cornelia for example: she was at one point in R2 an epitome of the take-shit-from-no-one bad-ass attitude. She single-handedly uncovered her father’s hidden conspiracy and broke into a top secret high-tech military facility with a frigging sword. But for no particular reason, she’s now Schneizel’s bitch because he’s oh so charming. (Or she was anyway.)
The saviours of humanity
Nunnally is another idiot. “Oh god, my brother Lelouch, the person who has always loved me and cared for me since our mother died, did so many terrible things and even lied to me! Lied to me! I shall instead place my trust in my brother Schneizel, who has amassed an arsenal of black-hole bombs powerful enough to destroy the whole planet, out of the kindness of his pure heart and selfless philanthropy. This guy deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.”
I bet this time she’s finally going to die for real
And did I mention how retarded the entire Black Knights were again? “This Schneizel dude just blew up his own frigging homeland without batting an eyelid. He has enough super bombs left to flatten the whole of Japan, but we are going to team up with him against Lelouch because Lelouch lied to us for all these years and made us into this powerful supernational political entity against our free will! Our free will! Also, he kidnapped Kaguya! Kaguya, the young and innocent loli princess! How dare he!?”
“Yeah! Who cares what trigger-happy Schneizel will do to our precious Japan, which we have fought so long and hard for, with his doomsday devices, as long as we get to exact revenge on Lelouch, a guy who has given us everything we have, including our pathetic lives.”
Go on. Blow everyone up. I don’t even care anymore.
Ninjas don’t die; they just become stairs
“It doesn’t matter that Nunnally is alive. You are my bitch now!”
“I am his sword (ass dildo)”
In anime, only Africans are poor
Ninja-cyborg love
Wear some real clothes!
C.C. should just comfort him sexually
Futuristic hotdog
It’s Lancelot Taozi!
It’s a Decepticon
Unnecessary side character #5232
I wonder what she’ll look like with long hair
Odd couple
If you look at it sideways, it’s Singapore’s flag
How can they touchtype?
I am pro-choice
Let’s ponder what kind of tactical advantages can be conferred by pink paint
Tamaki is the only person who hasn’t become stupider
Ambition will only lead to self destruction. This is why we should all settle for a simple frugal life and a harem of cute girls instead. Tsk tsk Lelouch, when will you learn?
The black knights should be happy that Schneizel took control without their mighty Zero they have the tactical prowess of a drugged up research monkey. The smartest thing they agreed to since they thought getting rid of Zero was a good idea.
Fuck CG… just.. fuck
the black knights especially those asstards
And I hope ougi dies… hes a fucking asshole
oh and Nunnally wtf? Whats her IQ? wtf?
I have to admit, a snap of the fingers is a bit of a silly trigger. What happens if he was clicking his finger to a song he really liked, or if he got a really good idea? Silly Schneizel, he should have had the trigger as some sort of song, then we’d have had music accompanying Cornelia’s ‘death’.
i didn’t find Cornelia’s death that surprising. Cornelia has a soft spot for her brothers and sisters – in season 1 whereby she is seen with Euphy and seeing the stars, reminiscing about the past.
Moreover Lelouch once said she will not be able to think properly once her emotions come into play. She was shocked that the brother who she loved, admired and respected turned out to be not what she had expected to be. She didn’t expect that Schneizel would go to the extent of killing her. Thus she ran towards Schneizel only to have Schneizel firing her.
I want a C.C X Lelouch ending. I hope that the both of them don’t die. T_T
Enjoyed the episode but find myself agreeing with DarkMirage.
R2 is in the same situation as The Big O’s S2. Season 2 is fun, but it’s soured by the creators being forced to abandon their original vision for it. You can feel the frustration of the creators towards the end.
R2’s early episodes are absolutely amazing, though. It started out really good, but once the focus shifted to Geass related things…
Code Geass R2’s climax of failure was Charles Doing A Doomsday Plot (TM). Armed with having watched R2, we now know that if Lelouch had never lifted a finger against Britannia (or rescued C2), then the world would have ended anyway, thanks to his parents.
Suddenly Code Geass stopped being about taking down Britannia (and questioning the nature of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ along the way). That’s where it went wrong — the saving the world, the spiritual mumbo, the focus on Geass in of itself rather than a means to an end (remaking the world).
Should never have strayed from featuring Lelouch’s insane war strategies — those were what made R1 so enjoyable.
Causeway- comment 56:
I would like to say that the series is NOT ending at Charles, the geass plot elements have been finished and the final battles are not geass-related (for the most part). I actually thought it was mildly interesting when they revealed Ragnarok (which it’s concept apparently didn’t change from R1, only the method of getting there; so I believe) and when they pulled those supporting characters deaths(Shirley, Bartley, Guilford and Bismarck).
We are still questioning which side is good and which is evil, I admit, in season 1 we were all like “Oh damn dude, Lelouch is so evil! That’s so awesome!”…that concept on it’s own has changed a little. We have gone from thinking Lelouch is an evil bastard (which I no longer think about season 1, but it is something I thought about the first time I watched it) from thinking Lelouch is misunderstood. My point: Our concepts have changed, thus making the series more or less desirable depending on the person.
In example, my own thoughts on the series and the good and evil struggles. Throughout the show there have been few solid good characters (maybe early Suzaku and Kallen, although I definitly would include Euphie) or solid bad (which we used to think was Charles, also current Schneizel) throughout the course of the show. One thing about this show is (in my eyes) our opinions on where a character stands are constantly changing, there are no “flat” main characters. This of course, makes rise to the common opinion that the show was awesome because it was a grey area, mostly. However, now we come to a point in the story where we are highly sympathizing with Lelouch (i.e. Kallen misunderstanding him and his self-sacrificing attitude he somehow got from Suzaku). The writers have switched the grey area thought process from our perspectives, to the characters perspectives, where people in the show itself are confused on who is really bad and who is good, lesser of two evils, etc.
I must ask this, would it have been possible to conclude this series without wrapping up the geass part of the story? No. That’s why they included it, I believe that it was normally supposed to be 6~8 episodes more than what we had (since 1~12, your awesome episodes, were just set-up filler) which would give us more backstory and more info to work with, also giving us a better view of the story. Of course, that would leave the Schneizel confrontation (the actual final boss) to be a bit longer too. That would give us, again, more backstory, more fights and more emotional fucking around, possibly more C.C.xLelouch or KallenxLelouch.
Final statement: I agree, the fights are badass, I especially loved the Narita ones since they had all the fighting between the Guren and the Lancelot. This episode, while not really giving us the actual fighting part, it gave us the tactics part that we’ve missed.
AnonymousMoo- comment 34:
If you are to say that, at least quote the entire sentence I put in. The whole thing was actually:
Thank you.
What I feel code geass has done its overextend itself, there was no need to carry things on too large a scale, what with the United Federation of Nations and worldwide conflict.
Once the many characters this series spawned finished their role in the plot, they just become meaningless background for the next events.
Furthermore this series places signifcantly less emphasis on Lulu’s tactical genius. The battles become way too simplistic and the so called genius tactics which the other characters call them are merely simplistic too and nothing on the level of ingenuity that was R1.
While R2 started well with Knights of Rounds which I found cool, it started degenerating play the events on the bigger stage. Quality character development was neglected in favour of just spamming the show with too many characters.
That it was becoming more and more of a vehicle for meaningless fanservice didn’t help much either.
Although in providing good entertainment R2 has certainly done well, the illogical plot and disorganized state is a negative factor. The show is good, but I feel that if you were to consider things on a deeper level as to what is an effective show , such as character development, little things that can be tweaked to boost the show a lot more, R2 is clearly lacking.
R1 was better in my humble opinion.
soba- comment 58:
I must protest that! Fanservice is not “meaningless” in any shape of the word. When it comes right down to it, fanservice can be quite a driving element in both real life and anime situations. One common misconception about fanservice is “being perverted”. I find that myth about this so called “perversion” is highly ungrounded and should be classified as such. Be careful not to mix the two up and be sure to note any myths you use in your comments. This mythical “perversion”, by all means, is meaningless. Much more so than fanservice. Fanservice has a wide variety of uses, from brightening a high school student’s day after 8 hours of sleeping in class, half listening to what the Republican teacher has to say; selling a TV show, helping the house-wife make dinner (since the man would be too engulfed in fanservice to care about her, thus, making it easier on the woman), EVEN in politics, after all, whats a National Election without fanservice! Oh wait, that’s right, there can’t be!
Please, in the future, take care not to mix facts with myths, usually this can lead to heated debates and much nonsense about “womens rights” and such usually leading to feministic movements that annoy the crap out of the majority of the male populace.
Thank you!
Disclaimer: That was indeed, a joke. Don’t take it seriously. I repeat, all but one part (feminists annoy me) is just joking around.
So the black knights have become useless.
first they became Zero’s bitches.
Then they became UFN’s bitches (but with Zero as head pimp),
now they’ve become Schneizel’s bitches.
Alongside Cornelia.
AND Nunnally.
Then Kallen becomes Gino’s bitch…. (or does he become hers?)
…While the loli propagandists are (forcefully) still Lulu’s bitches.
OMG, even Nina has become his bitch!
Of course CC is still his bitch. I mean, pshhh….
But to Suzaku, Lelouch is his Neopet while CC is Lulu’s Petpet…..
and that makes his Lancelot… his… item?
Viletta was Ougi’s bitch since season 1. The Vougi in her womb just takes his pimpin’ to the next level.
(im guessing someone will nuke the entire planet earth and everyone would die, and CC will be commenting on humans again while the credits roll…. theres gna be a shot of space/jupiter somewhere… I KNOW IT!)
@ comment 57 (sandslayer)
So….. this last plot is about who’s gonna nuke the world?
(Lelouch did talk about “destroying oneself”…. dunno if he meant literally….)
It’s hard to tell who’s side is “good or bad.” Both of their leaders are evil-ass pimps that wanna be KAMI! *bright lights, halos, choir in background*
It’s becoming so Deathnotey. XD
Sayoko never takes that white hat thing off, does she?
Lelouch? wanting to become a god?
Hell, no.
“Suppose there is an evil that justice cannot bring down, what would you do?”
“I shall become evil to conquer an evil greater still!”
While that is certainly a code phrase designed to trigger Geass, I still think that it is very like Lelouch.
In short, Lelouch’s plan is to take bear every evil on his shoulders, make everyone hate him, and disappear (die). Probably then, Orange-kun will erase the Geass worldwide. And, probably, there would be place for a happy end.
No mistake here. Lelouch *is* evil. You could say he is misunderstood, but that is only because he wishes to be so. And, many of the acts he does *are* evil. (How evil is it to rob a whole host of human beings of their free will, effectively making them zombies?) ([Godwin]And, anyone notice how close “All hail Lelouch” is to “Heil Hitler”?[/Godwin];) )
What amazes me however, is how the Black Knights fail to perceive that the simple fact that they can rebel against Lelouch, while every britannian soldier is a f***ing geass-puppet, means that they probably never were under Geass.
However, in my opinion, Lelouch’s current displays of evil would be enough to make anyone stand up against him.
Hi! This is Kara Toma! I’ve recently discovered The Ramblings of DarkMirage, and I have to say that, you crack me up DarkMirage. I like your captions to the screenshots the best. They make me laugh. It’s funny how indepth you guys go into the story, I never pick up half the plotholes that you guys find. Maybe that’s why I find this show so enjoyable and haven’t noticed any of the drops in tatics, strategy and stuff like that… I guess I just roll with the punches…though, I can’t help, but agree that Schneizel’s plan was extremely anticlimatic. However, I still find it shocking, but that was mostly due to the “OH SNAP, He’s gonna mass murder all the peoples” factor.
But, the one thing that annoys me the most is that everyone seems to think that Lelouch is going to die. I honestly believe that he won’t. Lelouch’s main goal is to establish a peaceful world. The way he is going about however, is most fufiling for humanity emotionally wise, sacrificing himself to unite the world against an enemy, rather forcibly fusing humanity into one conciousness, or ruling people out of free. Yet, the kind of peace Lelouch is going for has to be maintained, or it will break under corruption. I honestly, think that in the end Lelouch will ‘fake’ his death by taking away CC’s code before ‘killing’ himself or getting ‘killed.’ From then, since Lelouch Vi Britannia/Lamperouge is ‘dead,’ Lelouch will be able to move in the shadows of society, affecting the world from behind the scenes to maintain the peace he worked so hard for.
Of course, that will only happen if he beats Schneizel…which will probably happen for a bittersweet Sunrise ending.
Okay, rant over… FOR NOW!!! *evil laughter*
PS: Am I the only one who doesn’t think that the Black Knights are total idiots. (I just think they had a stupid moment.)
As far as the black knights are concerned, they are in the dead meat zone. Lelouch just took out about 80% of them simply by detonating Mt. Fuji. But why am i expectinga Gundam to randomly pop up LOL?
Black knights have more chances to live than Schneizel and his Damocles.
(#4)Indeed. Why only the Africans were poor? I think there are poor peoples in every country in all over the world.
(#6)Yeah, I like Zero outfits better.
(#9)The color is indeed Taozi’s not Rouge’s.
(#11)Hahaha, just roll over and die Prime!
(#13)I really wonder.
(#19)Catching everyone attention, maybe?
“Sayoko never takes that white hat thing off, does she?”
Of course she don’t. It is obviously the source of her ninja powers.
Man i really hope the last episodes are good, last eps seems to forshade a (bad)depressing ending. Such a shame since the series
deserves something better.
“-Lelouch will die (his plan is called Zero Requiem for god’s sake) for plenty of reasons (I have been set on this ever after the first season)”
But seriously people if you don’t like the series why watch it in the first place.
“However, in my opinion, Lelouch’s current displays of evil would be enough to make anyone stand up against him.”
This discussion was already done in animesuki code geass r2 ep 22.
Anyone interested – go there and read. The argument is awesome, especially the points against it.
comment 60: LOL! Vougi! AWESOME!
In anime, only Africans are poor
Tamaki is the only person who hasn’t become stupider
That’s because he was incredibly stupid to begin with. :D
Thanks for the link. It always bothered me why Sayoko never passed Rolo on the way to the ship. Thought the explanation on “Nunally’s death” was great.
“But Nunally died” says Rolo!
“Sayoko never takes that white hat thing off, does she?”
This is certain, not even a FLEIA warhead, or even Damocles for that matter can take that thing of her head.
@lialiakicks (post 70)
that was for sure the point >_>
The hat is quite obviously either:
a) A FLEIJA warhead (two explosions cancel each other out, perhaps; looking at the current state of Code Geass, ANYTHING is possible.
b) A Ninja Egg.
c) Ragnarok v2.0
d) Part of a wig.
e) Where she keeps the scroll which keeps the Kyuubi inside her (and at the end she will destroy Damocles when it is finally released as a nine-tailed ninja nurse.)
To be quite honest, I must agree that a Milly x Lelouch relationship is very doubtful. However, I don’t believe that a C.C. x Lelouch relationship will happen either because C.C. doesn’t see Lelouch as a love interest. I could be wrong. The same with Rivalz x Milly pairing. Milly could fall in love with Rivalz the same way as Shirley wanted Lelouch to fall in love with her.
With only 2 episodes left, anything could happen. I won’t speculate on Milly and Lelouch until the last episode. If Lelouch gets a satisfactory ending, it’s likely that he’ll either die or forever be isolated from his friends and family. I would be very surprised if C.C. gives him her immortality Code. If anything, C.C. might die in an upcoming FLEIJA blast protecting Lelouch. The FLEIJA blast might grant her the wish of death.
As for Kallen, I don’t think that she’ll end up with Lelouch as a romantic partner. She’s likely to leave him after the hell he has put her through. The only reason why I think Lelouch might end up with Milly is because of the promise that he had made to her about coming to the fireworks festival. She might confide her feelings to him. But that’s up in the air right now.
So far C.C. has kissed Lelouch twice; Kallen kissed him once,and Shirley got to kiss him once as well. Milly is due to get her chance to kiss Lelouch, if it ever gets to that moment. Perhaps Rivalz would do Milly the honor. Although I doubt that it would ever happen.
more like Lelouch doesn’t see C.C. as a love interest
Hi, I found your blog on this new directory of WordPress Blogs at blackhatbootcamp.com/listofwordpressblogs. I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, i duno. Anyways, I just clicked it and here I am. Your blog looks good. Have a nice day. James.
@KK: you’re completely misunderstanding.
I love this series. I can never wait for the next episode.
Code Geass has been on my mind ever since I watched the whole R1 in one sitting, not very long ago.
But, still… I think Lelouch must die, at the end. Not because I hate him, but because I think that anything less would not be enough to end this series.
Also, Code Geass R2 is a good mainstream anime in the sense that it is easy to watch, fun to talk about, and fan friendly, but by most measures it has an average narrative and cinematography. I like to point out logical inconsistencies on my blog not because I seriously think they should be fixed (that would make the show less funny), but because at this point of time I don’t find it a worthwhile endeavour to post any serious analysis. Maybe for R1, but not this.
This has about as much depth as Naruto and Bleach. Maybe there are people out there writing their graduate thesis on the themes and hidden messages in those shows, but seriously, the whole exercise is rather like reading tea leaves: over interpretation of messages that don’t really exist.
Rivalz x Lelouch. Ah I see it now.
“But, still… I think Lelouch must die, at the end. Not because I hate him, but because I think that anything less would not be enough to end this series.”
If what u said is right then, let’s have all other main characters from all other animes such as Naruto, Bleach, D-grayman stop continuing and have no more episodes in future.
Naruto, Sasuke, Ichigo, Rukia, Allen, Lenalee why u all haven’t die yet? By @neothoron decree – u are all pronounced dead. Because he/she said all the series have to end. Dun dun dun…
Anyway no point arguing because they have finished doing all the episodes already. What we say isn’t going to change anything. ;p
For some reason, I am having incredible difficulty finding anything to say right now. Hell, I just wrote out 4 paragraphs only to reread it and realize it had NOTHING to do with what you said. I feel as if I’m going to kill someone. If I stray off point, well, so what.
First things first, fan friendliness can only be determined by fanservice, and for the really hardcore, romantic subplots. Sure, this anime is average in many senses, but also, it’s a bit more. Everytime I see an r1 dubbed episode air on [adult-swim] I feel giddy inside and remember the debut of the Japanese episode. I may be alone in this thought, but this is one of the best anime shows I have ever seen in my life, and I’ve seen quite a few (basically everything besides Gundam and Macross).
Despite the many plot holes and lack of serious analysis (which just covers up more plot holes since nobody notices them), this show is damn good, and I’m not really a mecha type of person (the only other mecha franchise I’ve cared about is Evangelion). As for depth, I don’t agree about it having the same depth and Naruto and Bleach, both of those shows suck incredibly huge Jewish balls. Naruto seems like a damned kids show every time I see 5 seconds of it flipping past cartoon network on Saturdays, and the odd chance I catch some Bleach while waiting for Code Geass to come on, I view it as incredibly corny. Neither of those shows (or any of the popular shows these days besides code geass) has more mindfucks, revelations and incredibly sexually confused characters as Code Geass (all three of those make an awesome show together, though only if the show has confused females, remember Nina?).
Who knows, maybe the only reason I give the show serious analysis is because I like writing and yelling at people…or maybe because I have nothing better to do in between school and sleep.
I say MillyxLelouch is improbable, impossible and just plain nasty, you say LelouchxC.C. won’t happen…well, it’s just a battle of fanship now. We can’t say anything won’t happen, it is an anime after all, we just have to wait until the finale. I’m hoping for C.C.xLelouch or maybe KallenxLelouch while your hoping for (the incredibly horrid) MillyxLelouch.
If there’s a MillyxLelouch, I’ll kill myself.
Nuff’ said.
@KK: you do that on purpose, don’t you?
I said that “anything less [than Lelouch’s death] would not be enough to end THIS series.”
And apparently you understand “anything less [than the main character’s death] would not be enough to end ANY series.”
I will be brief, and as clear as possible: my sentence was only about Code Geass.
As for all the episodes having already been produced… That is completely independant from the fact that I still have guesses and preferences on how the series will end.
Of course it is all futile… And every one of my comments is futile! So what?
Futility is enjoyable in the least.
I’m slightly in agreement with you about Lelouch dying, after all, it would be nice if he died and would wrap things up well. However, this romantic subplot has tweaked the fanboy within me.
I prefer a C.C.xLelouch ending over his death any day. However, we can’t really ground this in reality, all we can do is voice our opinions. This show will have a complicated end, I’m sure. Schneizel dies, of course, but the real question lies in, what happens to Lelouch, C.C., Kallen, Tamaki, Vougi, Ougi, Viletta and Suzaku? We have yet to see, but I sense many deaths in the last 2 episodes.
If I did not enjoy futility I wouldn’t be here. ^^
As for Lelouch’s romantic subplots…
My last hope would be for Lelouch to have Karen understand him at last. *cries in anticipation*
Agreed. XD
“Ninjas don’t die; they just become stairs” this has to be a typo rite…
i love this show, but i wish that they werent cramming all this stuff into the last episodes. Oh well, lots of awesome mecha battles and explosions are good enough for me, im easily satisfied.
shame on you sunrise + bandai…
official trainwreck of the year: CODE GEASS R2
for officially breaking the character resurrection count
oh the power of the fandom
and the final boss and cliffhanger spoiler:
Nunally who opened her big circular rollo eyes out of her own will
what do u guys mean by trainwreck?
i like to play with words. But i am not against u or anything. i was just laughing at how people will cry if bleach or naruto characters were to die. Its a joke in bad taste. So drop it.
Next episode :
how did they survive?
@KK: So you *were* doing it on purpose! :D
No harm done then. ;)
So basically Fleija is a plot device that only works on characters without names?
Sandslayers just got served.
“Nunnally is another idiot. “Oh god, my brother Lelouch, the person who has always loved me and cared for me since our mother died, did so many terrible things and even lied to me! Lied to me! I shall instead place my trust in my brother Schneizel, who has amassed an arsenal of black-hole bombs powerful enough to destroy the whole planet, out of the kindness of his pure heart and selfless philanthropy. This guy deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.â€
omg i totally agree with you. like i couldnt believe that nunally would be so easily swayed to join ugly schneizel who needs a haircut. cuz she should know her own brother better than that…and then she suddenly decides to support launching bombs all over the world? what happened to nunally?
Considering how 24 ended, Lelouch might not actually die :O Lelouch x C.C. finally. After that almost moment (DAMN YOU KALLEN *shakes fist*) on the Avalon, it’s almost guaranteed.
R1 was amazing. R1 had pretty good writing imo and still makes me smile and grabs my attention like Mai-Hime. (Will admit that I still love GWing for being my first anime.)
The latest episodes are just… absurd.
Cornelia was brought back, but even the disappointment of that was short-lived. So many mindfucks…Diethard is dead…Guilford is back (yay!) and Gino was easily wiped out. The episode was VERY faced paced, but neccessary and I loved the end where Schneizel gets geassed. I think Kanon is secretly a chick in love with Schniezel or a crazy man-whore or something, he looked seriously weird after Schnizel got geassed.
A likeable episode, the twist at the end was kind of expected…I still want Nunnally dead but I doubt she will die anymore, not after Lelouch had that happen. When Schniezel said he planned on leaving Nunnally behind I was so overjoyed, I would have hugged a cactus.
What people don’t get is how incredibly thought out this show is. While bringing dead characters back is rather…disappointing, the rest of the episodes are pretty good. I am however, disappointed at Kallen’s role. She’s basically been reduced to a villian, AND WTF IS WITH SAYOKO!?! Did she do that on purpose? I can’t tell. I’m not making any promises because both have backfired on me but I really am hating that turn of events.
Last thoughts: Black Knights must take up most of the last episode I guess. Schniezel wasn’t the final boss (urg). Oh well, I have no complaints about that.
I wholeheartedly agree. C.C.xLelouch! YEAH! Fuck Kallen.
Shove it up your ass. I don’t do apologies.
I want to go more in depth on the episode, but I have Brisingr to read (hell, it was tough to tear myself away to watch the episode, Eragon got owned hehe).
I wonder how 25 will end…24 was amazing, as usual.
that was insane. Ep 24 was awesome.
Never thought Lulu could own Schenizel so easily.
The ending was so crazy.