It’s been a long journey, (probably longer than necessary due to the Xingke arc) but it’s finally over. The ending doesn’t come as a huge surprise. Although I do have some personal disappointments (poor Kallen ;_;), it was as a whole better than I had expected. Spoilers ahead.
She finally stops being annoying
Lelouch has to resort to using Geass on Nunnally, because he lacks the physical strength to pry the Key of Damocles from a wheelchair-bound defenceless little girl. After successfully asserting his dominant role as the tough big brother, he enters the whole I-am-evil routine.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me I wasn’t the main character!?”
The episode goes into the pre-programmed “give everyone his/her allocated airtime to angst and reflect on the past” sequence, during which Kallen kicks Suzaku’s ass, and Orange and Loli have some weird chemistry going on between them, which is totally wtf.
With Damocles under his control, Lelouch declares himself ruler of the world. He rounds up all the people who opposed him and sets up a kinky public parade to probably execute them or something.
Lee Harvey Oswald or Claus von Stauffenberg?
Zero makes a sudden appearance and kills Lelouch. The world goes wtf, and the end! What a shocking ending! The crowd goes wild!
Okay, so Zero is really Suzaku in disguised. This is all part of Lelouch’s plan for world peace. The world rallies around Zero and everyone is happy and wears black suits! Woohoo! And Lelouch survives too.
The anguish!
As I said, it’s not a bad ending. It’s rather grand and exciting, but it sort of doesn’t give the feeling of satisfaction for some reason. Like how Nunnally realizes too late that her brother is a Good Guy, and how Kallen will now forever be single because she can’t help but compare every guy she meets with her memories of Lelouch, and touch herself at night in naughty ways while looking at his photos.
The South shall rise!
Kallen and Suzaku repeat their whole debate over violent rebellion versus working peacefully to improve the system from within. This is rather like the American Civil War. Do states have the right to unilaterally reject federal laws that they perceive to be unconstitutional, and to secede from the Union if they feel that their rights are not being protected? Is armed struggle a valid option? So I guess what I am saying is that the Black Knights are like the Confederacy, except they aren’t white supremacists; they are black.
She stole Nunnally’s crane
As for Lelouch, I’m pretty sure he survives. I mean, I realize that C.C.’s closing remarks are intentionally vague, but they do strongly suggest that she is having regular sex with Lelouch on haystacks while travelling around rural Japan. Furthermore, from a point of common sense (which doesn’t always works in anime but whatever), if the technology exists to resurrect Orange, to let Sayoko act as Lelouch’s body double, and to build a gigantic orbital space station that can flatten the world, then surely there must be some way for Lelouch to fake his public death?
Separation of church and state
Perhaps Lelouch’s Geass reached its final stage and now he’s invulnerable (or however this Code Geass gibberish works). This means that he probably gave Suzaku the power of Geass, which makes sense if you consider the fact that Suzaku has to somehow conceal his identity as Zero from the entire world, a feat Lelouch managed only with the use of Geass.
IANACGEBIPOOMB (I Am Not A Code Geass Expert But I Play One On My Blog), but assuming my wild conjecture is true, then this means that Lelouch and C.C. have the rest of eternity to get tired of having sexual intercourse while lying on dead plant materials and awkwardly fumbling each other’s unclothed body.
Poor Kallen is pretending to be happy :(
I’m sure there are people who wish to disagree for the sake of it, but my personal interpretation of the ending is that Lelouch is alive with C.C., which I think is rather unfair to Kallen. Can’t they at least bring her along for a threesome? :(
“Lelouch… You know it to be true. I am your sister!”
“Do I stand a chance against her physical might?”
There were eleven states in the Confederacy. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Rapist attack
She fights him off with karate
“Oh noz. I am teh useless”
Dramatic lighting
I want an Eternal Storage too
Something goes in there
Princess Leia
They are all Europeany now
The greatest congregation of racial stereotypes in the show
This guy takes his nickname too seriously
I spent the last two days trying to memorize the entire history of the United States for SAT II. My brain is on the verge of exploding. There ought to be laws against forming political parties that share the same name with ten billion other parties in the past. Let’s make it the 28th Amendment. You can call it the Protect Our Children’s Sanity Bill.
I hate to get into the “Lelouch is alive” argument, but the clear cut answer is Lelouch got stabbed & died. I’m sticking to that, unless Sunrise & the writers come up to the audience & say “We are going to make Code Geass R3!”
Nevertheless, it’s still a little “cliffhanger” that, if needs to be solved, would require a season rerun movie to reveal the truth.
Well, Lelouch is probably the dude driving the cart.
Why argue if he’s alive or not?
The main problem is that KALLEN ISN’T GETTING ANY. The last and only available candidate for her is Suzaku, but with a mask on? Isn’t there some law against bedfun while wearing dangerously-sharp masks?
I was a Kalulu fan to the end T.T
poor girl
KallenxGino IS NOT TRUE
they’re just standing next to each other at Ohletta’s wedding
I just agree that the ending is not thoroughly satisfying, but it isn’t bad either. Hey, we all have our ideal endings in mind but Sunrise will have their way in the end.
I lol’ed at Orange-kun closing, and just for the sake of saying it I do believe Lelouch is alive.
No, I don’t think there’d be a Season 3, though I would also like to know some backstory about Lakshata and Lloyd, Gino, etc. etc.
Looking back I appreciated a lot of things about this show. One thing we COULD look forward to is the resumption of Part II of Gundam 00. Now I can hear people groaning…
Check this out… this picture shows pretty clearly lelouch is driving the cart?
That isn’t showing in the episode… so its a fake
Orenji-kun definitely took it seriously. x’DD
But at least he’s HAPPY…not over reacting anymoar like how he used to in the first season whenever he hears the infernal nickname.
Now…it is HIS LIFE. x’DD
But that was seriously cute. x’3 Hehe.
And I agree. Lelouch is not dead.
He’s the wagon driver and he and C.C prolly does “do naughty” things on top of those haystacks, ROFL! xDD
Thing is, its not exactly what C.C. says in the churh but rather how you hear it… and i think this was done so you don’t rightly know what may have happened to him.
The geass curse is that you become immortal (eventually) and you are alone in life after having lost everything. You then pass on the favour and your reward is your death (though C.C.s wish wasn’t for her life to end but to be loved i think). Any way, looking at how they translated it you can read it both ways it seems.
Lelouch could very well have taken C.C.s code, as is the price for being able to cast geass on others. However, Lelough regeted C.C.s code before in favour of keeping his geass to cast on others. So its kind of a two edge sword there… did he, didn’t he?
Who knows, just wait for Code Geass: Lelouch returns where they bring back a whole host of dead people and make a knock off of the original show!
It’s so obvious that Lelouch’s in that bag of hers, School Days-style!
Lelouch is still alive.
1) When Charles and Marianne were killed in C’s world, Suzaku stated that he must kill Lelouch and take revenge for Euphemia. Then they cut straight to where Lelouch became emperor. If an OVA comes out I would expect to see a continuation of this scene that shows Suzaku Slaying Lelouch only to find out that Lelouch was then immortal. Then that’s when the final plan of Zero Requiem came to be.
The Code was questionably passed to Lelouch When Charles chokes Lelouch with his hand, where his code appears, the final disintegration of charles is without his hand…. which implies it stayed with Lelouch. The code activates after you die.
This is an interesting point and may be true or maybe just an over analysis. In that scenario, both Lelouch and C.C. are then immortal. Interesting….
Another possible scenario is that Suzaku did kill Lelouch in C’s world and as Lelouch was drawing his last breaths, C.C. gave him her code to save him. Her one driving force in serving Lelouch was that she couldn’t let him die so he can complete his promise to her. This could also be an over analysis on my part, but it does make some sense. In that case, C.C. became mortal and could have died in her fight with Kallen. That would also explain her desire to win that fight.
2) C.C’s original wish when she was given the power of Geass was to be loved. Even though her power gave her that wish, it wasn’t true love and she eventually locked it away. Her wish then became to die, becuase she had become disgusted with life, but was immortal. The entire reason she made the bargain with Lelouch in the first place.
Then she fell in love with Lelouch and started to long for a life with him and started caring for happiness and victory which was sort of stated during her final battle with Kallen. Lelouch was the first true love that she had ever felt. For her to display a sort of happiness at the end talking to Lelouch out loud stating that Geass doesn’t bring solitude after all clearly is a sign that he is still alive.
This point stands out even more so that C.C. herself is alive and happy since the only reason she could be both happy and alive is with Lelouch. Otherwise she would either be dead as originally promised by Lelouch, or be completely depressed and distraught that Lelouch did not keep his original promise to her before he died. When I saw her crying at the church, I thought that was the case, but then the very end kills that theory. So Lelouch is still alive.
If it was C.C. who gave Lelouch immortality, that would mean that she is mortal. Then there is absolutely no reason she should be alive, she could have just simply committed suicide. Unless she intends to live the rest of her life with Lelouch and have that love that she always wanted but never thought would exist for her.
3) The point when Lelouch is dying, Nunnaly receives the images of what Lelouch planned. The only time that has happened is by C.C. who is immortal. This also supports that Lelouch is immortal as C.C. is or once was.
4) When Suzaku drove his sword through Lelouch, did Lelouch give Suzaku the power of Geass. This also would suggest that Lelouch is immortal. Suzaku stated that he accepts this Geass. It could have been the curse of being Zero for life and the will to live bestowed by Lelouch’s Geass. Perhaps Suzaku himself now posses his own unique power.
– Either way the writers did their jobs well. By knowingly sparking this debate, they have successfully done their jobs and left plenty of room for expansion on the story line. However, if Code Geass is left as is with no more story to tell, then the ending has also served it’s purpose in closing out the main goal that Lelouch set To accomplish: “TO CREATE A WORLD WHERE HIS SISTER NUNNALY COULD LIVE IN HAPPINESS AND HAVE EVERY OPPORTUNITY AT HER DISPOSAL.”
She is now her own person with her own goals, ideals and ambitions to follow. His new world is for her and by extension to the all those who were living in fear, persecution and were denied the chance live to their fullest potential.
But I sure hope the story continues, there are a lot of unanswered questions.
1- Is Lelouch really alive? Is he Immortal?
2- Is C.C. still immortal? Did she pass it on to Lelouch?
3- Did Lelouch give Suzaku a real Geass Power? What Geass power is it?
4- The possibilities in exploring the origins of Geass. Where did it come from?
There can even be a season 3 in store for us.
Lulu’s dead. The “eyebags before dying” that also appeared on every (slowly and painfully} dying character is clearly shown after he got stabbed. If my memory served me right, there wasn’t any of those dying marks on those “immortals” (C.C., Charles)
About the cart driver, it’s not a mask. Look closely, it’s an old man driving a cart. ‘Nuff said.
I feel stupid arguing at this. The ending is really vague, but nevertheless, I believe he’s six feet under, and won’t be coming back for the next season.
I totally agree with sandslayer and her strong argument that lulu is alive. I just have one more thing to add: Why, oh why would the loving people of sunrise even show the weird close-up of the cart driver in the first place if he wasn’t important? Makes you think doesn’t it.
Orange is with his kind now XD
Regarding the last scene. It appears that the white stuff is a piece of cloth, not white hair. On top of that, did anyone notice CC’s eyes shifting up when she said “Ne, Lelouch?” If Lulu wasn’t there, I don’t think she would have done that, since she was staring at the sky anyway. Just my thought.
Eternal Storage – Unlimited Gigabyte works.
Geass finally ends, and I want more. WHY?! I need my Geass Musume as a byproduct of LuluXC.C.
if chins clip is real (i have yet to watch the episode)
then lulu is alive his eyes are purple the same color as the cart drivers
in any case orange is proof he is alive
if the only purpose in your life is to serve lulu and you are a super cyborg who has a chance to stop the murder of your lord(who you would definetly die for)you would give the order to fire on “zero”
that is why he is happy at the end
and about charle’s code
the code has to go somewhere
and in the episode where charles becomes immortal
i dont think he “submitted” to lulu’s geass and shot himself for no reason
for someone with his amount of pride it would not have been easy to say “yes, my lord” to anyone
Last I checked the last 8 minutes of the episode, I didn’t see Sayoko anywhere. Maybe the Lelouch we saw being killed was her, and the real Lelouch is with CC out in the countryside? Just an idea.
Hey but dont you inherit someone’s code as long as you kill them?
so since lulu’s geass was at its 2nd level stage (two glowing eyeballs), that made him powerful enough to kill charles and thus naturally inheriting his code right?
or is that not how u inherit codes?
I dont know.
but if it IS how you inherit the codes, then lulu would have had it but it doesnt activate til he is killed. thus i think suzaku “killed” him but he later came back to life and is in disguise as a wagon driver living with C.C. for eternity now.
and so even if the code theory isnt possible, i still think that he is alive with CC because the story wouldnt make sense AT ALL if he just died like that. cuz what is CC going to do now? do you people really think the producers is gonna have CC roam the world lonely for the rest of her life? i think even sunrise knows that such an ending is pretty bad.
and plus, CC looked pretty happy at the end. theres no way she would be that happy if lulu was gone for good. i mean sure, he did already technically grant her wish of true love, but if he just DIED then im sure CC would be pretty sad cuz chances are she’d have to wait another few centuries to meeet a guy like lelouch again. therefore the story just doesnt fit together anymore if lelouch just dies.
i guessed from the very beginning that if lelouch dies, then CC would probably die with him, because how can the story end leaving her alone again? part of the story was CC finding happiness right? i dont htink her being alone is quite an adequate ending, and the producers probably have that much common sense.
and since CC is still alive and immortal and well, lelouch must be somewhere alive with her too.
for comment 117, i dun think Sayako was dead, she was with Llyod and Lakshata in the the cell so ah hardly unlikely she died
You know i just think it is a Sunrise conspiracy to make the Leleouch thing seem vauge and open to audience interpretation…. bunch of cheeky corporate bastard cant leave the writers alone.
Well for me i think he is alive and well, though his noble sacrifice lessen it impact in this way…T.T lol
Is it just me or do i see a big loophole in this story, eh when kallen was saying the world is a better place now?
Lol i hope so but tats so unlikely, eh there will be nasty power struggle after that right even if schniezel is there to stop it… the unification of china under the Qing Emperor where nasty little civil war broke after he die.
Well there are lots of difference in circumstances and factor include but still wow lol such a phenomenal of world unification sure is interesting if it happen in the real world, i would love to study it and see if it is possible lol.
Im such a politcal freak + dreamer… no wonder i like anime lol
I think Lulu just plain died but what the heck
@Lukas: If you’re referring to the fact that Kallen was talking to Lelouch, it’s because Kallen saw the truth of the Zero Requiem.
“From Anarel :
More fan stuff!!
Very nice!! xD”
baka baka …
characters in code geass can survive even the impossible …
look at Nunally and Suzaku … they should have died, right?
but personally, I prefer Lelouch died, because …
1. his death causes Nunally to realize how much her onii-chan loves her all this time … the first thing Lelouch remembered before he took the cursed Geass during the 1st episode of 1st season is Nunally’s smile …
2. his wish of creating a world where Nunally can live happily is finally fulfilled … beautifully spoken with his dying breath T___T
whether Lelouch is actually dead or not, is not important.
if he’s dead, then he will be remembered as an extraordinary onii-chan who’s willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of her imouto …
if he’s alive and well (with C.C.), I hope they live happily ever after without any of the other charaters disturbing them again …
kantan deshou~
If there is season 3, it would not be a continuation of R2. Rather it might be a new R2, which the creators had originally planned. Although, it would have to have a storyline that’s different from the current version. If that’s the case, then old R2 season would be non-canon, like Macross II.
lol, start of R3
*Lelouch wakes up after he casts the ‘live on’ geass*
“lol wut?” sayeths Lelouch,” It was all a dream?”
does anyone know the name of the song they play when lelouch is dying?
As for me i think lelouch is alive somewhere. If cc did indeed go to europe then the liklihood of running into people that know personally is small and he can hide easier especially since its like shes talking to him in the cart. He could also have gone to the land of c which would also explain why she was talking to him.
so other then kallen and nunnaly who else really realized what he was doing?
Is orange or anya in the wedding pic cause if not thats just sad, after all orange was vilettas commanding officer and she used to like him.
‘Continued Story’ I believe, its in the Code Geass R2 OST 2 soundtrack. And Anya is right next to the couple, and Orange-kun was there as well, some where on the right.
Still the only person who I really really don’t understand being in the picture is that ‘nani mai hunni’ girl (remember R2 ep. 12?, the girl that took Lelouch’s ass-hat), strangely enough she’s in the picture next to Rivalz in that pose.
i dont noe if any1 saw this or mention it but is guldford blind
cuz if he is why the hell is he houlding a gun running around and looking out of a window.
if he is not blind why the fuk is he wearing those black glasses
Aww im so sad code geass ended, even though it was obvious it was the right time. I hope they come up with a way to do an R3 that doesn’t suck! (but then again, i hope i could pay 2$ for a gallon of gas)
Funny comments as usual Dark Mirage!
I think that Miya x Rivalz are a couple. He might have found his Milly look alike. So I am think that Miya’s was to have been further develop her interest in Rivalz. But, as to what might have been between Milly x Lelouch, Miya x Rivalz potential love scene ended up on the cutting room floor. It’s too bad that Milly was never able to reveal her love for Lelouch. If Lelouch wanted to avoid Shirley, he should have asked Sayoko to have given his hat to Milly. This would have resolve this matter altogether. This might have been the best outcome. I don’t know why he even asked Villetta to take his hat, knowing all too well that she hates him with a passion. Had Milly x Lelouch been a couple, Shirley would not have died. And all of this crap that we had seen from Turn 13 to Turn 25 might have turned out quite differently because Lelouch would not have turned into the Demon King if he was with Milly because she would have known not to mess with psycho-killer Rolo.
Anybody know the song at the end of the episode….when Kallen looked to the picture on the wall…?
so i think i get wat happened. as lelouch died most of the important characters finally understood wat he did. like with nunally she does that hand feely thing to tell wat someone is thinking and stuff and i think she’s realises then or something. i dunno i felt the episode was a bit cryptic
K, idiots, it has already been established in Wikipedia that Lulu is alive and as we all know DM vs Wiki, Wiki wins. Also if there is a third season(which there is a 99% chance that there wont be) it would just be season three cuz R2 was suppose to represent the ending. There wont be a third season cuz the worlds problems are already resolved and unless sunrise pulls a Gundam00, then it will be a Spice and Wolf or Harem anime.
Lol sandslayer that was the longest post ever.
Orange kun is not a pedo cuz Anya is already 16.
All the pedos, gays, lesbos in the story all got killed off remember?
Dam just cut off Nuna’s legs and replace them with automail or something.
I think its ‘Continued Story’ by Hitomi. Can be found in Code Geass R2 OST2
R3 might be possible because they can just change the timeline to maybe 10-20 years in future where the world is in trouble or maybe Suzaku gets discovered – that he’s not dead… someone stumbled upon the identity of lelouch – Nothing can be kept hidden for that long anyway. okay until then… bye. :)
The haystack scene reminds me of spiced wolves for some reason.
It says on wikipedia they’re making a final episode to explain the series finale.
that’s weird. i cant find it at all.
Its official – there’s a season 3 after all. :)
Okay. Bye.
XkaOnslaught- comment 138:
Apparently it’s unconfirmed, so the wikipeida editors took it off. It is possible that the person who keeps putting the episode 26 up could just repeat putting it up but who knows, thus it could start an edit war by the time Oct. 5th rolls around (the day episode 26 is supposed to come out). I’m not sure whether to believe there’s a 26th episode or not but I do doubt that KK is telling the truth about season 3.
Please don’t make a sequel…
Or at least, not a sequel with Lelouch! Leave him in peace (whether dead or alive)!
I don’t want to see Code Geass end the same way as Gundam Seed :'(
Its a rumor. Sorry but i tried to put the links up but it won’t show.
But it appears those people saying it have read them from magazines.
i am hoping they will scan the magazines and put the images online to let us know if it’s true or not.
okay. bye. i am seriously needing a break from code geass. i think we will all eventually find out if it is true or not… :)
Quoted from defjam392:
“they said on october 5 there going to answer all the mysterys is there going to be a 3 season did lelouch die or is he not died just sit down for 4 days ok”
@KK: where’d you here the third season info and where’d you get the October 5th date since it is only the 2nd?
We have to wait another few more days to find out if there’s a season 3. Hopefully some kind soul will let us know. There’s a chance that there isn’t anyway.
ps. i don’t know. u have to ask those people who read the mags.
I can only hope that if there’s a season 3, it would be the planned R2 version that the creators wanted to present before it was altered. So the next season could be a remake of R2, just like Mai Hime, in an alternate timeline. It would not make any sense at all to do another Code Geass with a completely different set of characters, like Yu-gi-oh. Since the creative staff of Code Geass R2 were not happy with the outcome with this season, they might get their chance of doing the series the way they had wanted. This is really, Lelouch of the Rebellion after all. And a whole new storyline, in an alternate universe, could exceed the current R2 that we got. Anything that has to do with Code Geass must take place after season one. I could only see another Mai Hime in the making for Code Geass. It would suck to continue the series after R2 due to the outcome that I have seen.
^____^ yay, blog-ness! lol.
I hope they come out with an episode to explain it all, because it’s making my brain hurt! (awwww, crap. I have all that homework tooo!)
it would be awesome if they made a third season to keep it going, but i would be happy with just a interview or a explaining episode. ^_^
(we all know lelouch is alive, i mean COME ON!)