It’s been a long journey, (probably longer than necessary due to the Xingke arc) but it’s finally over. The ending doesn’t come as a huge surprise. Although I do have some personal disappointments (poor Kallen ;_;), it was as a whole better than I had expected. Spoilers ahead.
She finally stops being annoying
Lelouch has to resort to using Geass on Nunnally, because he lacks the physical strength to pry the Key of Damocles from a wheelchair-bound defenceless little girl. After successfully asserting his dominant role as the tough big brother, he enters the whole I-am-evil routine.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me I wasn’t the main character!?”
The episode goes into the pre-programmed “give everyone his/her allocated airtime to angst and reflect on the past” sequence, during which Kallen kicks Suzaku’s ass, and Orange and Loli have some weird chemistry going on between them, which is totally wtf.
With Damocles under his control, Lelouch declares himself ruler of the world. He rounds up all the people who opposed him and sets up a kinky public parade to probably execute them or something.
Lee Harvey Oswald or Claus von Stauffenberg?
Zero makes a sudden appearance and kills Lelouch. The world goes wtf, and the end! What a shocking ending! The crowd goes wild!
Okay, so Zero is really Suzaku in disguised. This is all part of Lelouch’s plan for world peace. The world rallies around Zero and everyone is happy and wears black suits! Woohoo! And Lelouch survives too.
The anguish!
As I said, it’s not a bad ending. It’s rather grand and exciting, but it sort of doesn’t give the feeling of satisfaction for some reason. Like how Nunnally realizes too late that her brother is a Good Guy, and how Kallen will now forever be single because she can’t help but compare every guy she meets with her memories of Lelouch, and touch herself at night in naughty ways while looking at his photos.
The South shall rise!
Kallen and Suzaku repeat their whole debate over violent rebellion versus working peacefully to improve the system from within. This is rather like the American Civil War. Do states have the right to unilaterally reject federal laws that they perceive to be unconstitutional, and to secede from the Union if they feel that their rights are not being protected? Is armed struggle a valid option? So I guess what I am saying is that the Black Knights are like the Confederacy, except they aren’t white supremacists; they are black.
She stole Nunnally’s crane
As for Lelouch, I’m pretty sure he survives. I mean, I realize that C.C.’s closing remarks are intentionally vague, but they do strongly suggest that she is having regular sex with Lelouch on haystacks while travelling around rural Japan. Furthermore, from a point of common sense (which doesn’t always works in anime but whatever), if the technology exists to resurrect Orange, to let Sayoko act as Lelouch’s body double, and to build a gigantic orbital space station that can flatten the world, then surely there must be some way for Lelouch to fake his public death?
Separation of church and state
Perhaps Lelouch’s Geass reached its final stage and now he’s invulnerable (or however this Code Geass gibberish works). This means that he probably gave Suzaku the power of Geass, which makes sense if you consider the fact that Suzaku has to somehow conceal his identity as Zero from the entire world, a feat Lelouch managed only with the use of Geass.
IANACGEBIPOOMB (I Am Not A Code Geass Expert But I Play One On My Blog), but assuming my wild conjecture is true, then this means that Lelouch and C.C. have the rest of eternity to get tired of having sexual intercourse while lying on dead plant materials and awkwardly fumbling each other’s unclothed body.
Poor Kallen is pretending to be happy :(
I’m sure there are people who wish to disagree for the sake of it, but my personal interpretation of the ending is that Lelouch is alive with C.C., which I think is rather unfair to Kallen. Can’t they at least bring her along for a threesome? :(
“Lelouch… You know it to be true. I am your sister!”
“Do I stand a chance against her physical might?”
There were eleven states in the Confederacy. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Rapist attack
She fights him off with karate
“Oh noz. I am teh useless”
Dramatic lighting
I want an Eternal Storage too
Something goes in there
Princess Leia
They are all Europeany now
The greatest congregation of racial stereotypes in the show
This guy takes his nickname too seriously
I spent the last two days trying to memorize the entire history of the United States for SAT II. My brain is on the verge of exploding. There ought to be laws against forming political parties that share the same name with ten billion other parties in the past. Let’s make it the 28th Amendment. You can call it the Protect Our Children’s Sanity Bill.
And the big heavy stamp of CLAMP is made known in Miyuki-chan’s role as Kallen—
I half expected her to fall down a hole. After being almost run over by a bunny girl on a skateboard.
@KK Thanx for links! Now I can rest in peace. Sort of…^^’
Truthfully, I don’t know what I prefer, for Lelouch to be dead (a fitting ending where he gets to atone for his sins) or to be alive and indulging himself with C.C. (C2) as an R2 (L2). Either way it was a good ending. Better than I thought actually…so it’s kinda sad it’s all over now. T_T Gonna go look for a good doujin now, if there exists any with story elements in it…not being the pr0n type I mean…
this makes sense
he has his fathers code
and CCs geass
code+geass=code geass
and lelouch got his fathers code after he advanced his geass to both eyes(like CCs was in the church)
and most likeky his fathers code had to go somewhere
follow this link to crunchyroll page that gives a convincing argument wether you believe it or not that is your choice
Yeah Lelouch IS alive, there are just so many things that hint towards it, go google “Code Geass R2 25” and you’re bound to find substantial evidence. Hell the ending secquence itself should suffice, C.C was clearly talking to Lelouch.
The wagon driver had white hair if you look close, the creators were originally going to make Lelouch with white hair, but decided to scratch the idea before the series started.
But I guess it’s left for the veiwer to decide.
Oh, I just thought up more clues pointing towards Lelouch being alive:
1. C.C’s last words to Lelouch before they parted ways in 24.
2. Final episode of R1, with Lelouch saying “You’re not alone” and “I just need to become a warlock”
3. The fact that C.C’s no longer wearing her britanian prisoner outfit, note she was only wearing it in the first place because she thought of herself as a prisoner of the world, this was said by C.C in the Code Geass audio books (or whatever the hell they’re called)
There a lot of people saying Lelouch survived in the end xD I believe he did too. Lol.
It’s still kinda sad how he HAD to die though.
Poor Nunally too XD Realizing too late and having to half fall down the stairs before :O
I wish for another Episode XD i didn’t want it to end T_T
I just realized this…
I don’t even recall learning C.C. name… T_T and the series is over…
This ended the best possible way to me, I had me hopes up 2 episodes ago but thought things were going in the wrong direction, its cliche but I liked it. Don’t care lelouch live or dead, he did his stuff world is a better place (yawn) and CC is not miserable (I mean she has waited eternity for a happy ending she deserves a break if anyone does). Second season wasn’t so bad I guess, AAAHHH, have to find something else to watch now (or continue a sane normal non anime watching life :P NEVER HAHA).
I think most characters are lucky stupid isn’t a crime, and I’m surprised no one killed themselves out of being stupid. DO IT TOUDOU SHOOT TAMAKI IN THE HEAD THEN DISEMBOWEL YOURSELF YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS PREVIOUSLY COOL GIT.
This last episode was just a giant what the crap. I swear to god Lelouch had his way with Nunnally… Also, I’m sure Kallen would not settle for a threesome with Lelouch.
Call me old school, but I think that Lelouch’s sacrifice is somewhat cheapened when he gets away so easily.
Of course, you could say that it would not good to leave CC alone, especially after his promise, and her happiness in the final scene hints strongly to her being with Lelouch.
So yeah, my head guesses he’s alive… But my heart doesn’t want to admit it. So, I will believe very strongly that he died. Like Karen believes.
Of course, you could say that he has died so that humanity’s sins could be forgiven, and that a few days after it he rose up from the dead. I can’t help but feel I have already seen such a story *somewhere*…
I need more closure…. :(
i like the ending alot, its like a noble sacrifice from lelouch does the trick to satisfy me lol.
I mean ya only a saint or super kind person will kill himself for the eh lets say greater good after he got everything in this world.
About the final part, SEE the **HORSE WAGON DRIVER** it is high chance it might be LELOUCH after all!!
But C.C cant give him her code as she is still alive so maybe ya he got the code from Charles somewhere in between the two months after the big war maybe…but wait then tats not a very noble sacrifice T.T
Oh ya C.C might be talking to the Lelouch in heaven or world of C too huh…it totally satisfy me, the dramatic stuff for this ending is never old for me
Oh ya Charles code got activated after Lelouch shoot him right that does it..THE HORSE WAGON DRIVER is LELOUCH!!!
Hmm so C.C and Lelouch are together now. C.C wins after all Yeahh!
I feel bad for kallen, shirley and kaguya(?) though
I think RR and CC are going on a journey to help ppl in order to atone.
(i was joking)
But DarkMirage it has been 5 hours since i posted the orange field thing, plz post the pic and make a funny comment on it.
If you look closely at Ougi’s wedding picture you can see that Anya’s eyes look like this -.- . Where is orange kun with the orange flavored cake that he made for the 2 fools that ruined Lulu and Nana’s life!?
The Asians and the American brits are still segregated.
Lulu is really into BDSM, he put Smigol into rags just like lord of the rings.
Message from code geass: betray ur friends, destroy the world, act like jesus, and eat orange topped pizza! :)
wait, if he has code, he cant have geaas. And he geassed Nunally, and shot chatles before that. Sooo, yea. Code=no geass.
I hope the creator of Code Geass will make a movie showing how he intended the series to be like without the interference of Sunrise.
For the slow moving scene in the anime (sorry for the earlier link -this one is clearer): – i heard that it will be in the dvds if u buy it.
“I heard theres an OVA coming out but they wont air it so you need to buy the DVD” – ova called “C.C’s wish”
For more pics :
Comments from Anarel :
“And if you search in internet, you can discover somethinmg interesting…
Search Elisabeth of Bavaria in Wikipedia or another site.
She lived in the SAME castle that is drawing in the C.C.’s illustration of the second ending of the first season of Code Geass… It will reveal you that she was called “Sissi” and a lot of other evidence that C.C.’s name is Elizabeth.”
Thanks to Sunrise for such a great anime. :)
what if?
when he geassed nunnaly = code
and after that he got the code?
so…. Lelouch = L.L. ?
L.L. + C.C. = win
I wanted to point something out after reading over a few things in sheer boredom. C.C. has a scar underneath her left breast that was shown when she shared memories with Lelouch. Lelouch was also stabbed in the same spot as where C.C.’s scar is. Parallelism maybe?. Another thing, if the theory about the code only activating after the persons first death would mean Lelouch would still be able to use his geass up to the time of his death, which eliminates the arguements against the “Code Geass”.
Both of those points put together form even more proof that Lelouch is alive. Sticking together context clues from the entire series up to this one point basically shows that the writers MEANT for him to be alive, but wanted it to be dramatic so they didn’t show his face. I would feel it’s safe to assume that he’s alive.
Also, why the hell do people keep saying that the driver has silver hair? He doesn’t. He has a cowl over his head and only a small visual of the side of his face and black hair/shadows are shown and even that is very hard to catch. Other than that, his face is completely covered (for good reason too, the entire world knows his face) and also implies he is Lelouch.
Of course, we can’t know for certain. All we can do is speculate and know that there will always be those stubborn idiots who can’t look beyond the cover of a book and see what is truly written inside. Thus, people will disagree with his death merely because he was shown dying (has death ever been definitive in this show?).
So, to anyone who disagree’s that he’s alive, please, provide more proof than “He died for his sins” and “It would seem unfair if they brought him back but make Suzaku live in secret for the rest of his life”. Also, you only have 8 hours, because after that I absolutely refuse to debate this since I disdain argueing over undefined endings to an anime series.
Well it’s useless to argue. The creators clearly provided sufficient evidence to support the possibility that Lelouch is alive, and yet made everything vague enough for him to be dead.
Unless the creators come out and provide a definite answer, it’s a matter of faith which side you fall on. But I do think that the final scene would be rather meaningless and odd if Lelouch were dead.
I for one think that Lelouch is dead. Where is the evidence that Lelouch is the driver in the final scene? Is he the only dark-haired person in the world? Anyway, C.C. can speak to dead people can’t she? I mean, she talked with Miranda all series…
In any case, I hope that Lelouch is dead-it was a good ending to the series in my opinion and is much more satisfying than him living.
… ahem, Marrine. Anyways, i torn, it possible he alive, but how he get code after geassing nullay?
It seems to me it only makes sense for lelouch to be alive. Why else would C.C. be talking out loud at the end? If the writers wanted to imply that he is dead, then they would have made that last sentence of hers a thought.
Also, the way she says, “Right, Lelouch?” sort of sounds like shes talking over her shoulder to someone, the driver.
What would make even less sense is showing us Lelouch being the driver and then CC throwing the hint. I’d believe it more if they show the driver after the hint.
Har har, I like your train of thought. Anya is the better loli though. Her bikini/pilot suit is rawr.
LOL. Dark Mirage somehow always makes the emotional and sad look lewd and funny.
You can’t get the Code yourself, you need to be a geass user, then the geass user needs to take the code forcibly from the person who poessesses it;
Lelouch needs to take the code off C.C, except she’ll become mortal, but Lelouch will be immortal, and he’d have the power to give the geass to C.C… so basically they could swap roles every two years for eternity if they wanted to 8D
such a sad show :(
This had got to be my favorite show now, since the ending is so awesome and sad.
Honestly…I couldn’t care less if he is alive or not. What’s important is that the series has ended and there should never be a 3rd season that continues off a trainwrecked series.
For all we know, the writers probably did not even thought out through as much as fans did about the significance of the cart driver, CC talking to herself or how technology in that universe is able to rez people.
I’m sorry, I just don’t think the staff could be bothered enugh to think about those things for a season that was basically rushed through around the second half of the season.
Thanks to R2, now people are questioning if G00 Season 2 is going to be a trainwreck or not instead of being just plain excited.
The fact that the OP is going to be by UVERworld is already kind of a letdown. They don’t suck, they do have decent songs, but most of the time they’re more of wailing than actually singing.
“Eh Lelouch?”
Pretty blatant especially considering she turned her head( or was it her eyes) toward the driver in the middle and end of the statement.
Then Again even HPZ and other Anime/OVAs are left ambiguous incase they ever wanted to pick the series. Code Geass has more of a chance of getting a movie than an imminent “R3 Series” I also feel like Tamaguchi totally ripped off Endless Waltz for an ending allitle too much but the Ending was still awesome. As for Gundam 00 Season 2 I think a song by the JAM Project would fit alittle more to Gundam 00.
Truely kekkaku doori
wow. After reading DM’s summaries for the whole R2 season, I’m finally posting for the first time. Although the whole second half of the series had a WTF stamped on it, I liked the ending. It seemed to fit. I’m part of the “Lulu is alive” clan. I think it makes more sense. I think back to the time when Lulu played chess with Scneizel, he wouldn’t sacrifice himself for his objective. He would, however risk his life for it. Hence his “those who are willing to be shot at, should shoot” motto. So I think he knew there was a chance that he would survive and that there was a chance that he would die. I also think the Spinzaku got a good deal out of it too. I think that he will eventually end up with Nunnally. I don’t know if Spinzaku knew of about the possiblity of Lelouch’s immortality. However to pull it off, it would have been immpossible without Orange-kun’s help. It was also unclear whether ninja-maid, loyd-san and company knew exactly what zero requiem was. Can anyone elighten me?
Oh and I think the person with the shortest end of the stick would be Kaguya. I mean, at least Kallen got Gino. He’s at least a constalation prize. Well out of all the people alive at least. Shirley ironically was the person with the record of most geassed (Mao, Lelouch, Charles, Rollo, Orange-kun, Lelouch again but didn’t work). Th only person she didn’t get geassed by was Marriane.
I seem to be part of the minority here that believes Lelouch is dead. I’m somewhat amused by the fact that people seem to think that because the driver is masked, this is somehow supportive of the idea that driver = Lelouch.
That logic can only stem from the initial assumption that the driver is Lelouch. Since the driver is masked, there is nothing to contradict that assumption –> driver = Lelouch.
My initial assumption is that we don’t know who the hell the driver is. Since the driver is masked, there is nothing to indicate his identity. Therefore we cannot conclude whether he is Lelouch or not. I mean, if you saw a masked guy on the street, you wouldn’t say “Gee that must be Brad Pitt, despite the fact that he shares none of Brad Pitt’s characteristics, because there’s nothing to contradict the fact that he’s Brad Pitt, SO ZOMG HE MUST BE BRAD PITT.”
Some here will argue that the initial assumption that the driver is Lelouch is supported by the comments of C.C. at the end. I find this to be a dubious conclusion. Anime characters frequently speak without a listening party present, and to me, C.C. just looks like she’s turning her eyes to the sky (a common occurrence when ruminating by oneself, at least in anime), not towards the driver. There is nothing to suggest her mentioning of Lelouch’s name is a form of addressing the driver, rather than merely a part of her ruminating. To me, the scene bears resemblance to when people turn their eyes toward heaven when semi-addressing those who have passed away.
Overall, I feel that the ‘Lelouch is alive!’ arguments are rather strained. They are complicated beyond the limits of plausibility; not necessarily in terms of what is plausible in the Code Geass universe, but in terms of what the Sunrise staff would plausibly intend. I really don’t think the Sunrise staff would come up with such a complicated Lelouch-is-alive theory, then decide to only barely hint at it throughout the show. Then again, I am unfamiliar with Sunrise’s work in general. However, to suggest that they would force such a cryptic development upon us, with such few, flimsy clues to support it, is unreasonable IMHO.
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck, people. No need to devise ridiculously complicated theories based on insubstantial evidence, at best. In fact, I would not even call it ‘insubstantial evidence’. The ‘Lelouch is alive’ proponents appear to believe that a lack of evidence contradicting their stance (you know, apart from the small matter of a sword plunging through Lelouch’s chest) is in fact a type of evidence that supports their stance. Clearly, I disagree with this form of deduction. A lack of opposition does not constitute support by any means.
tl;dr – LOL Lulu is dead. Occam’s razor, bitches, look it up.
did anyone see guildford running out with a machine gun? isn’t he supposed to be blind? blind people don’t run that fast!
Why does everyone keep saying that Xingke is dead when he’s clearly alive at 17:20?
Here’s my take on why Lelouch is alive.
People with fully-evolved Geass inherit the “Code” automatically when they die or are fatally injured. The “Code” is not manually passed on.
I don’t believe in the whole “Lulu got Charles’s “Code”” bullshit.
Remember the flashback when the nun attacked C.C.? If the nun could just give C.C. the “Code”, why would she attack her? (Remember C.C. was bleeding later on)
Thus when Suzaku kills Lelouch, he inherits the “Code” and becomes immortal. In order to honour his promise, he is spending time with C.C. until her life comes to an end.
That whole “I don’t see a sigil on Lelouch’s palm” thing is laughable. Who said that the “Code” had to appear on the palm? C.C.’s “Code” is etched on her forehead. We never saw V.V.’s(correct me on this one, I didn’t see it anyway). Lelouch’s “Code” could well be on his phallus for all we know.
P.S. The outfit Nunnally was in during the parade was rather erotic. I guess Geass girls really don’t like wearing bras =|
Lol KK the guy in the cart is drawn wrong. Crunchyroll drew Sestuna in stead of lelouch
I’d like to think that Lelouch is alive. But my pessimism perseveres. ;_; Too much evidence pointing out his death, and too much vagueness to suggest he survived. But still, it’s nice to hope.
Sunrise managed to redeem many things in this season. Shirley’s death made me rather sad; although she was annoying, she really was just a normal kid who didn’t deserve her fate. I was anticipating Rolo’s death, expecting to cheer; I didn’t. Nina likewise I stopped hating. And with this unexpectedly beautiful conclusion, I can look back on R2 without wincing. Well done.
All you people who go with the trainwreck groups r losers chasing after fads like gundam and yugioh and dont bother to appreciate the hard work that people spent on this series(though sunrise did rape the series).Only the original trainwreck group have the right to make absurd volumes of complaints. Anyways Code Geass is over, so we just have to read the mangas and novels to get it over with.
PS i feel sorry for you darkmirage seeing that u lost macross frontier and code geass right at the beginning of the year(unless you not it school anymore) well if you are bored just stick with the over criticized show like 1 piece or arm and hammer(bleach) or fishstick(naruto). Blass Reiter has a similar ending to R2 expect the main’s death is confirmed.
by the way DM what is you native language?? and are u native to Singapore?
Why are there so many Haruhiism posters in Singapore!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
wut a shocker!
“Well it’s useless to argue. The creators clearly provided sufficient evidence to support the possibility that Lelouch is alive, and yet made everything vague enough for him to be dead.
Unless the creators come out and provide a definite answer, it’s a matter of faith which side you fall on. But I do think that the final scene would be rather meaningless and odd if Lelouch were dead.” <– this
I agree, the show is just being vague enough just in case they want to do a movie or third season as well as to conclude Code Geass if there was no such continuation.
However, I definitely think that Lelouch is likely to be alive and perhaps lurking in the shadows in case his plan didn’t end all wars as he hoped.
But I’d still like to know what C.C.’s name is, if Kallen ended up with Gino (please God no), why Lakshata calls Lloyd the “Pudding Earl” and why Nunnally is still in a wheelchair if her blindness and crippled state were caused by Charles’ Geass. Maybe she only overcame the blindness part? Bah.
Edit- Also, what happened to Kanon?
An unexpected end. very touching. *sniff
but for now, the 2 immortals can continue wandering the lands in peace =)
Can’t be in Japan as C.C. is wearing European clothes.
You should factor in the fact that this is SUNRISE we’re talking about. I’m not sure about the staff but the ending creates an opportunity for SUNRISE to revive the GEASS series if they felt like it.
At the end, Schneizel is still alive. You see him with Nunaly and PM Ogi. Which means, Schneizel’s most loyal right hand man, Kanon could kidnapped Anya, forced Orange-kun to un-GEASS Schneizel & There comes R3! But you know, these are all just conspiracies to make up from what SUNRISE has left us fans with.
“Lelouch has to resort to using Geass on Nunnally, because he lacks the physical strength to pry the Key of Damocles from a wheelchair-bound defenceless little girl. After successfully asserting his dominant role as the tough big brother, he enters the whole I-am-evil routine.”
You seemed to have overlooked the fact that shes holding the trigger to vaporising everything :P.
BTW Cassul, the reason why nunally is still in a wheelchair is because her legs have been wasted away, since she was given the false disability. I suppose she is too lazy to do rehab or something? :P
Also, I forgot to mention- Li Xingke is definitely not dead just because he wasn’t in the wedding picture. If you look at the scene where Nunnally gets off the ship to shake hands with Ohgi, you see the Shenhu in the background; I’m pretty sure Lakshata was clear that nobody could even move Shenhu and I doubt anybody else would try to pilot it for any reason if Xingke were dead. Though if he doesn’t die, why bother giving him some sort of mysterious terminal illness that served no purpose at all?
I noticed that no one seems to have commented on your studying for the SATII.
In case I haven’t mentioned it earlier, the section on the Jacksonian Era and all the mess with the Second Party System and all the various important Constitutional amendments isn’t detailed enough in most prep books. I’d advocate some Wikipedia time.
And don’t forget to get your references settled. Ms. Wang’s been bombarded constantly. And don’t forget about the postage: 4 bucks for Mr. Lee’s envelope and about 3 for the rest.
I think the fact that Orange-kun knew about lelouch and suzaku’s plan is a pretty big hint at the fact that lulu might be alive.
Orange was part of the geass research group for a while so he obviously knows about immortality. And since he is so dead loyal to lelouch, i was shocked to find him so uncaring that lelouch was going to die. therefore orange must have known that lelouch would become immortal and therefore orange was carrying out his loyalty that way…i dont think that orange would be so willing to let lulu die, even if it WERE for a good cause.
but just saying that if orange WAS in fact convinced by lulu to kill him, he didnt appear to be sad at all afterwards, as he was happily picking oranges with anya at the end of the episode. i mean how can a guy so loyal to lelouch be so heartless suddenly?
thus i believe that lulu HAS to be alive.
i defeinitely think llx is dead.
the final scene didnt look suspicious to me at all at first. but after a few reruns, i also thought cc was talking to llx since she had her head leaned backward and her voice pitched as if he was talking to someone sitting before she raised her head would make perfect sense if this was the case and not so much if her was talking to the sky(she dont need need to lean her head so much to see the sky).
HOWEVER, more reruns made me noticed how the red paper bird thingy was also placed before what she did would also make sense if she was just making conversations with the paper bird(taking the bird as llx since it kinda symbolizes the kindness and peace llx has deep down in his heart). moreover, how the camera moved into a zoomed shot of the bird after cc made her “eh, llx?” comment also support this possibility.
as for evidences that llx is alive. first of all, getting a double for himself is completely out of picture since nnl wouldnt be able to read the fake llx’s mind then. and llx’s promise for making cc happy is also probably fulfilled after their final battle(maybe thats why it took 2 months to execute the plan, llx had to satisfy cc’s.. um.. needs). the code geass idea sounds really convincible though, idk but i highly doubt llx can play dead long enough to fool all those people. i mean the people are probably going to destroy his entire body… and finally orange, he did seem awfully happy while having witnessned the assasination of his dear lord, i guess his lolicon true nature finally gets revealed and the happiness he gained from obtaining a perfect loli surpassed the pains he had to suffer seeing llx getting killed.
not many people here cared for xingke i see, well it makes sense i guess. but personally, i think xingke got the highest overall ability in the entire show…but i know, extremes in one category are always more showy than perfect all rounds.but still, most people underrate him too much… i mean, he was the only one capable of taking on suzaku’s overpowered g*ndam while not dying in 5 moves without the help of geass. i dont think he died at the end though, hes probably too busy with the paperwork since hes like the commander of the black knight as well as the real emperor of china. too busy to even participate in ougi’s wedding.(i still cant believe ougi became pm)the disease is just there acting as an excuse for some of xingkes defeat considering the advatanges he sometime has.
me no speak english well, so excuse me grammer
Only 38 minutes left on my deadline for arguements and I get someone worthy enough to argue with. Come on down….
Turner! comment 83:
Basics must come first, eh, everybody?
I noticed you only addressed 2 points in your post, valid enough, but hardly enough to prove something (I believe the magic number is three).
Before I delve into that though I must digress, I doubt Brad Pitt would want to lug around an adolescent-looking immortal girl with a bad attitude and a love for a mass-murderer/world dictator much less disguise himself in the process. I believe he’d stick to a more celebrity-traditional approach (acting like a fag on national television all the while complimenting himself and saying how much he loves orphans in Africa, despite not doing anything about them).
Ok, to the point.
We don’t know who the driver is and that’s precisely the point. I doubt we ever will and we can’t prove or disprove Lelouch’s aliveness based on that alone (despite you thinking that). HOWEVER, it can be proven like this. Who in the hell would lug around an adolescent-looking immortal girl who has a love for a mass-murderer/world dictator AND someone who is speaking about geass in front of him. I doubt C.C. would be so open about Geass or her relationship with Lelouch in front of some random Joe who may or may not want to turn her in to authorities for heresy…I mean conspiracy with Lelouch, furthermore, who would listen to someone who sounded insane and lug them around in a CART of all things. No, I bet she knew exactly who she was talking to, and that person (the driver) knew exactly what she was talking about. Of course, the idiot would think “But she could have been talking to herself!” loudly enough for the driver to hear, I must add. That just brings me back to my previous point.
Next up: Looking like a fucking duck.
This same, flawed logic can be applied against you (though I HAVE to say “What looks like a cat and meows like a cat may just be a kitten”). My point is that there is so much evidence that suggest that Lelouch would not just throw his own life away. It’s so clear and in our face -that it resembles a strippers giant jugs after you handed her an 100$ bill and is currently giving you a lap dance- could in fact be the same reasoning as saying “He was stabbed, he died”. Lelouch has been shown constantly throughout the series to be able to fool the masses and create VERY positive scenario’s for himself. Also, if Lelouch saw a chance that he could create world peace AND survive, I doubt he’d pass it by.
Furthermore, by saying “He was stabbed, he died” is that same as saying that Charles was shot through the heart, so he died. However, he didn’t. He got back up and started laughing. In this show, in particular, death can/will/shall/has been bent to an extreme where you need to see the character buried or cremated to call them dead. Hell, Cornelia was shot MULTIPLE times, but she survived, even though she was bleeding and apparently dying in front of our eyes.
Continuing on with the arguement, when you said this:
I laughed. I really, truly laughed. I laughed so hard I started to see the light, then I realized I’m destined to go the other way so I immediately stopped myself and refocused on reality.
Sure, immortality shown frequently throughout the show is insubstantial. Sure, characters that should have been dead but aren’t is insubstantial. Sure, C.C. loving Lelouch and probably not wanting to live on after his death is insubstantial (may I remind you she was smiling when she rode that carriage, which makes me think he wasn’t dead. She’s more human that you think, folks, which was represented when she cared about winning or losing, but of course, that’s insubstantial). Saying evidence about something is insubstantial will inadverdently make you revoke alot of evidence, most of which being valid. In the future I suggest you stray from doing so.
This post is getting long, but I’ll keep going as it’s my final code geass arguement and I need to do the show justice.
I really, REALLY want to say that it all boils down to the fans own personal decision about the end, but after reading your post I realized how little evidence there is about Lelouch dying. So I shall list that evidence now and proceed to taking it apart.
1) Lelouch got stabbed and “died” in front of Nunnally. The obvious one. However, immortality is present through the show, C.C., V.V. and Charles have all suffered fatal wounds but lived to tell the tale. I beleive getting shot in the head, heart and taking a knife to the brain is comparable to getting stabbed through the heart. Also, they all appeared “dead” for at least a short amount of time. Thus I conclude, if Lelouch had obtained immortality by means unknown (most likely Charles, which the theory about the code activating after death supports), he could EASILY be alive, which is further supported by his lack of grave and a lack of a scene of them disposing the body. Mind you, Jeremiah says to retreat not “Stop what your doing! We bury the king!”
2) Lack of formal evidence for theories. This is the only evidence that you have about Lelouch dying and to me is actually influential. We cannot say for certain about whether the code really activates after death or not. Or if Lelouch got Charles’ code. I can say however, that the show heavily implies that all these things taking place, say, C.C. bleeding from the chest after receiving her code, Charles shooting himself and Lelouch getting stabbed. However, this is one arguement I can’t back up for certain since it’s speculation. However, neither can you use it to say he’s dead since that would deny a large amount of plot devices and really kill alot of the hidden meanings of the show, as well as hidden imagery. Which leaves us at a tie for this one. Due to me defeating the first proof, I guess I’m in the lead.
It isn’t barely hinted. Throughout the course of the show (if your smart enough to watch carefully) it has shown many slightly hidden but still very prevalent details. Many scenes that I have said before show that many of the devices are planned out in advance. Marianne talking with C.C. in the first season was one such example(which I must remind you can’t be used as evidence of Lelouch being dead as it was only because of Marianne’s geass that they were able to communicate). Thus, I am satisfied that Sunrise has given us enough evidence to believe that Lelouch is alive (so to say, the one time that I’m happy someone who should have died, didn’t).
In conclusion, this is my final code geass arguement. I feel as if I’ve done the show justice. I believe the show ended in a very, very ingenious way. I also believe that there will always be a lack of intelligence in this world so I allow you to say whatever you want. Nothing you can say will compare with what I have covered in this post and you will never be able to compare to me.
Thus I take my leave of this place, at least for now, on top. I hope someday, somewhere, someone can match me. But you, I’m afraid, haven’t and won’t ever.
I think ur studies have really affected your sanity and secual urges
1st off, we are dealing with an anime company that never lets people die for long, take this whole series for example; almost every1 that we all thought had died, at least one time or another came back except for the princes and princesses!!
Secondly, CC can’t be talking to LULU without him actually being alive! He doesn’t have the power that his mother did/does(she and charles are not died and i dont want to hear it) have! His mom didnt have a physical body(after her “deathâ€). She was able to go to CC world!!! Although LULU’s secondary power is unknown(it seemed that he just got smarter or rather more ruthless not actually more powerful because of his new geass), we can make a pretty good guess that his power was completely different than his mother’s, if he did indeed obtain a new power and not just mastery of his old!
In the third case, CC commented on that the power of the kings known as Geass makes people lonely, but in the case of Lelouch she doesn’t seem all that certain because of 1 of 2 things……he is not died, he has her and the love and admiration of everyone that knew and loved him as he was for being that true hero of the world (for all in the “knowâ€) or that is died and that he is still loved and respected by others for everything that he has done!!!
And last but not least…………the origami crane! Their maid( the super ninja) taught his sister nun, how to make them right! I;m sure LULU must have made them at least once with his sister and was also taught by Sayoko Shinozaki not for a second saying that CC doesn’t know how to make them but it was also alluded to this in the opening sequence in R2 with same origami crane! The crane spreading the rainbow across the world! In other words, LULU bringing all the world(colors {THE NAME of the FIRST OPENING SONG}) together!! Also this is alluded to again when they so the faces of his father,bother, and himself in the opening sequence!
Sorry to say that i actually had absolutely no proof of LULU having CC’s code, but at the same time i cant go against it either since that was solve the problem of CC’s and solve the mystery that would be LULU death but………….. until i get some actual proof of that, i wont say!!!!!
Lelouch is still alive. He has Charles’ Code which he received when the man choked him. The Code activates first when you die, which happened. And before you say can’t have Code and a Geass at the same time, the Code wasn’t the one C.C. had, meaning that Lelouch was the first one to achieve Code Geass. He’s now travelling the country-side with C.C., living as immortals.
That’s the only reason for C.C. to be suddenly so happy again. Also, before you say that C.C. was just talking to the dead like with Marianne, that’s not true. She could only talk to her because of the nature of her Geass which allowed her to implant herself into the “hearts” of others. That’s how she was able to talk with Marianne. Lelouch’s Geass was