It’s Transformers 2!
Well, that was a huge disappointment. Episode two didn’t do anything interesting at all. Looks like the spaceshipwreck is still quite far off. The character feuds are building up though, so it’s all a matter of time. Also, Gundam 00 is such an anticlimax.
It all began over two hundred years ago. A brilliant bald guy by the name of Aeolia Schenberg was always getting picked on by schoolyard bullies for having a girly name. He vowed to take revenge on the world of Social Darwinism by building giant robots called Gundams that would fly around the world to blow bullies up and defend the weak and the nerdy. And so he did, using super powerful magical artefacts called “GN drives” which were forged in the centre of an intrasolar gas giant by Celestial Beings, a mysterious brotherhood of galactic space wizards founded by Schenberg.
Due to the magical properties of GN particles, (which are infinitely versatile and can be used for propulsion, offence, defence, and heating pizzas) the GN-drive-equipped Gundams achieved in no time total superiority over lesser humanoid mecha designs bounded by the laughable laws of physics and reality.
However, Aeolia was not content with mere perfection. What if he had to heat two pizzas up…at the same time? Solving this immensely difficult problem proved to be the greatest challenge he ever faced in his life, except for the time he got his ass kicked by an entire football team of jocks for being a pansy face. But his brilliance pulled through and eureka! The long list of equations and theorems all pointed to one single conclusion: he must build a Gundam with two GN drives. Not one, but two. The idea was untested, dangerous, and probably heretic, but he went ahead with it because he wanted to play god.
And thus, Gundam 00 was born.
Seriously though, this whole thing is rather lame. Double the GN drives = more powerful? Who would’ve thought?
Oh yeah. Here’s the real summary, done in captions because there’s so little to actually summarize.
Gundam 00 refuses to work because it is an attention whore
Lockon is back in a weird way; Grace’s panties are sort of wet
Manekin and Peries meet at A-LOLS (that’s how I’m spelling it from now on!) headquarters
Graham the Creepy Voyeur is stalking Ms. Kyonyuu and Ms. Petanko
Saji is locked up in the crazies room
Setsuna chases Billy away and forces himself onto Sumeragi
Marina gets shot by A-LOLS and dies in the second episode. Oh snap!
Liumei is evil and Nena is her slave
Gundam 00 refuses to work without Setsuna’s magic touch
A-LOLS shoots! G00 saves!
I hope Sunrise doesn’t sue me for copyright infringement because I basically reproduced the entire episode above. All of it.
I think G00 (the Gundam) is stupid, and Ribbons is an idiot. What? Two GN drives!? That’s unpossible! Damn you Aeolia Schenberg! *shakes fist*
The directions of the beams don’t even make sense!
But that aside, this is an okay episode with no real surprises. I can honestly say that not one bit of it is unexpected except for the part where Marina gets shot and dies! Oh man, Sunrise is so brilliant. Who would’ve thought that the main female lead would die in the second episode? As much as I love Marina for her fan serviceability, that’s seriously the greatest single moment in Gundam history. Wait, what do you mean she’s not dead? Damn A-LOLS pansies.
I sincerely hope that Saji is not going to be wasting airtime with his emo angsting for the next ten episodes or something. He needs to get off his butt, find a Gundam, and fight Louise to the death ASAP for my amusement.
And is it just me or does Neil’s twin brother feel like a huge cop-out. It’s like Sunrise really wanted to kill a main character for good just to prove that they have the balls to do it, but wimped out at the last minute and threw in this identical twin to appease the angry mob of yaoi fangirls.
It’s magic
Also, “twin drive” sounds a lot like “twin tail”, and Gundam 00’s capricious behaviour is right on the mark: it is a tsundere mecha whose heart can only be reached by Setsuna’s burning hot passion. How homoerotic.
Twin drills
Come on beach episode…
“There is a mole in our organization”
I keep forgetting… Who is he again?
“Hey, I’m going to bait the fans by pretending to reveal your real given name”
“Attack to Spain! Attack to Spain! Spain, please come in!”
Setsuna is such a playboy
“Guys, we must go through the entire history of our organization every time we hold a meeting in case anyone is listening and needs clarification”
Androgynous cleavage
Haro’s diet consists primarily of portable computers
“Once again, I have cut an unworthy object”
Everyone’s a fan of May’n all of a sudden. It’s not cool and indie any more.
I wonder how long these new Gundams will be Gods.
1st season, it was like, until ep 15
Big Gundam go boom boom!
Well, that was a buzz but i give it two perhaps three episodes before they come up with a way to tweek the Ahead MS or perhaps build one that puts out more power than a twindrive system… hmm, how do we get more power *lightbulb above head* build a bigger drive!!
Well, i think that guy who you miss out is the one piloting the mobile armor that combine with Exia
Anyway, i’m waiting for the sub to enjoy my HD anime~
CMON “subber” !
You mean Lasse?
Anyway, why didn’t the twindrive system work at first? I gather there was something to do with the Trans-Am mod but if its using Trans-Am then doesn’t it have a time limit given that the Trans system releases ALL of the stored GN particles at once??
G00 is American Football Gundam seriously. Shoulderpads!
Darkmirage, I think you missed the opening. It says Gundam 00 was testing 3 MONTHS AGO before Setsuna came back to CB.
The twin drive at that time is: Nadleeh + 0 Gundam
After Setsuna came back…
It is Exia + 0 Gundam.
I am surprised that many people did not figure that out.
ONLY EXIA’s drive can match up to 0 Gundam’s.
Hinting: Setsuna and Ribborn’s skills are match.
I don’t understand why you thought that was relevant to my post. I hope people are not going to complain about how Marina didn’t actually get shot next.
Just because a series doesn’t develop the way you think it should doesn’t mean it’s stupid and a trainwreck.
well about the last line… I still like May’n, no matter what you might say in the last line…
Your words will not change my beliefs…
Yup! thats what i wanted to say… About the second episode… hmm i comment after i watched it… who noes it might be fun..
On a side note and because i’m interested to know, what do people think of the new opening and ending themes?
Jayers: This is true. However, at the same time there just some things that make the story less appealing that in my opinion shouldn’t be done. For example bringing dead characters back to life (hi Gundam SEED Destiny).
I agree fully with the Lockon thing. Yes, we saw Lockon’s twin in season 1 but I still agree with DM’s sentiment that it was more or less a cop out.
I also like the series more when the sides are even, rather than the whole “GUNDAMS > WORRRRRLLLDDDD.” In Z Gundam, 0080, and 0083, for example, you could die, lose an arm, or have your brain deep fried and served with a side of tartar sauce even if you were a Gundam pilot.
However since Gundam Wing there seems to be this prevailing theme of “Gundams need to be way overpowered and grunt Mobile Suits need to be useless flies.”
I think Gundam 00 still has a lot of potential, but they will at least need to develop characters far more in depth than they did in season 1. In season 1, I felt like most cast members were given only minimal character development, and as a result my sympathy for the cast and any character deaths was not very high.
“Everyone’s a fan of May’n all of a sudden. It’s not cool and indie any more.”
May’n fandom just got violtaed. I am truly disturbed.
@Benson- I think the director said he’s going start working harder on the series in one of the magazine interviews. It’s only the second episode. They’re giving hints of further development for background characters like Soma, Feldt, and maybe Saji. Why can’t people just wait to see the whole thing as it is rather than judge it based on what happens in other series? If you go in assuming that this is similar to that and that other thing is so obviously something from _insert another Gundam series here_, then that’s all you’re going to see.
interesting, it appears that the commander of A-laws, the guy with a goatee that looks like gundam’s thingy on the chin(that brown hair old guy with a ponytail in the picture) is related to Sumeragi (same last name, same hair color), possibly father…
Eh, whether Lockon is a cop-out depends on how Lyle is different from Neil personality wise / action wise.
OOps, guess i was so tired when i watches this 1, it seems the man is Billy’s uncle not Sumeragi’s relative…(god i was so confused…)
“A-LOLS” – just a perfect name. Now they need Patrick that we never forget this name “A-LOLS”. It sounds good.
Quite boring episode, except for the fight(Exia vs A-LOLS) and Kati&Soma.
“I’m not Lyle Dylandy, I’m Lockon Stratos!” No, you’re fucking not. You’re Lockon’s gimpy little brother who wasn’t badass enough to make it into Celestial Being in the first place and we only grabbed because you have a passing resemblance to him and so can keep the fangirls in line.
00 Gundam was a bit shit tbh. I mean, at least when you went from Strike->Freedom you felt like something had been improved upon drastically (energy limit). The Freedom->Strike Freedom gave him those funky remote lasers as well which was 5 kinds of awesome. Exia->00 felt a bit wank tbh. Exia actually looks better, the twin drives on the shoulders just look a bit silly. Oh sure they’re useful and can make a shield, but they still look a bit shit.
Considering we’ve already seen H/Allelujah is coming back into the show in Kyrios Mk. 2 and we’ll have to assume Lyle is piloting Dynames Mk. 2, what’s Saji going to pilot? I suppose we’re one Ptolomaeios pilot down after cyborg-guy got blown up at the end of S1. Sigh, and I was so hoping that we’d have a Louise Vs. Saji fight.
>_> tee hee.
Every week… How do you come up with this comedy GOLD!!?
I don’t know if I should be happy that Lockon (who his brother changed his name to) is alive.
I’m happy because my favorite character returns from the dead (in a weird way)
but I’m also mad that Sunrise made such a stupid twist. “ONOZ Lockon died! It’s okay, we’ll just get his brother! Replacement!”
Geez, it’s like as if Lockon never died in the first place…
It’s only been like the two episodes and the would-be villain of the season is already shown flustered, thus shattering my long-fostered image of a juvenile calculating bastard who is at least a million mind cycles ahead of everyone, hovering ominously at the very top in an iconic location such as the Sword of Akasha and orchestrating all the earthly events rapidly changing the fates of all the lesser beings (Celestial or not) for a reason he has yet to stumble upon as he goes.
Instead, WL seems to be on top:) Although I still fail to grasp her role in the series. I mean, sure, she made a fine fanservice object a while back, but now she just goes on and on about how the world will change or how it needs to be changed, blah blah – that’s all the non-graphical info that’s ever defined her. Not to mention she has not once dragged her ass over the fire for her cause, except for those few suggestive looks she gave Saji and some other beastly males.
Oh yeah! The CG of the GN burst DID move me because it kind of looks like the Lifestream.
To be honest, I think Sunrise actually planned ahead and meant for Neil to die. I mean if he lived then there would have been no reason to introduce Lyle early in the first season. As for him “not being Lockon”, Lockon Stratos is a codename. Anyone can use it as CB sees fit.
I actually like Lyle. He may be fighting with a “terrorist” organization but at least he has a desire to change the world like his brother did. Shinichiro Miki is also doing a decent job making Lyle seem like a whole different character, aside from the fact that Lyle smokes.
And if Lyle didn’t exist then how would CB hook up with Kataron later on in the season? Seriously, even a blind man can see that plot point coming.
Oh, and speaking of Kataron and CB joining forces, I bet it will occur when Shirin decides to rescue her former leader and one of the two following things will take place:
One: Shirin succeeds but is followed and Marina and Kataron are hunted down by A-LOLS (that’s just too catchy) and CB intervenes.
Or Two: Shirin fails and begs CB for help and Lyle plays some part in getting CB to do it.
My money’s on two.
i wonder if seravee can be come nadleeh too but newer and stronger and i wanna see em all use trans am especially the new dynames cause i havent see his trans am yet
There’s no need for you to defend anime. I’m not looking down on you just because you take your G00 seriously.
In any case, Sunrise is like the boy who cries wolf. You want to believe in them one more time; I say to hell with it. They’ll just have to prove themselves truthful this time.
it is a real bummer that g00 didn’t kick ass. I watch gundam for the massive guns to go kazaam and the suits slowly erode in the great destructiveness of the beams. I want to see arios in action cause he may be the weakest and the softest but i like the “variable” fighters more than the swords cause shooting suits (note the massive guns) is alot simpler and efficient than slicing them unrealistically with human shaped hands then again the swords are nice.
If i were saji, I would try bouncing around a bit to keep from getting bored, i mean what are you going to do all dey in a insane asylum quarter. Then again the angst would just insensible dissapear. Although that is not a “logical lead up” from this story called the Defender, it just makes the story faster. Which could help.
What I’m doing is no different from what you did last year with the fansub thing. I’m not looking down on you just because you take fansubbing seriously.
Yeah, except that I make fansub and you watch anime. Unless by that analogy you mean that you actually work for Sunrise.
See, Gundam is a cartoon. If other people don’t like it and express this dislike in the form of a sarcastic entry on their personal blogs, it should not detract from your own enjoyment. Which is why you should relax.
On the other hand, bad translations result in stupid comments being posted on my blog about how I’m so wrong about the story because I didn’t watch the canonical speedsub. This does have a somewhat more direct impact on me than “omg mean people are making fun of my favourite Naruto episode.”
It’s funny because I did the exact same thing for Code Geass, which I do not dislike, and I have always believed that I’m quite obvious in my over-the-top sarcasm that I do not actually hate any of these shows. My blog posts are mostly for entertainment, although some complaints are partly valid.
But it seems that more Gundam fans take things very seriously as compared to CG fans, to the point that it’s like they have an actual stake in the franchise beyond coughing up money for MG model kits. This is a generalized statement not targeted at you in particular.
I know what you mean, but I wasn’t actually offended or anything. I like reading your blog and I don’t think I would have been interested in G00 if you hadn’t blog the first series.
I think you made pretty solid points for your cause so I do think that I misinterpreted your stuff. I don’t have any witty or profound reply to answer you with so I guess…write more and quicker next week?
From your previous posts, on season 1 DM, already knew that u enjoy the show although it looks like you’re bashing it. I mostly read these episode blogs for entertainment. Personally i find them funny, CG Gundam and all.
I get a laugh every time i read them, keep at it. XD
I thought the episode was pretty good. Although I sorta think its weird how they keep doing a ‘continue the show after credits’ sorta thing.
Hey guys, why are you taking DM so seriously? Of course DM knows his Lasse, he’s just being sarcastic XD. And of course, Sunrise doesn’t have the guts to kill Marina.
When Lockon was killed and there was no sign (or I just overlooked) that he’s going to be resurrected, I was really impressed. But now there’s another Lockon, it’s like they’re yelling “Fangirls rules!” in your face.
But I enjoyed this episode. It gave a little background and explained some things (which DM didn’t buy or already expected) and Saji finally found out the truth. So far, it’s not a spaceshipwreck… not yet.
Is this from a a subbed version or from the raw?
Well, there’s nothing we can do about English proficiency among the Japanese.
GSD is not a trainwreck.And so does Macross frontier.Where I’ve been watching it over and over again and I don’t see any trainwreck in it so far.I was wondering why ppl keep saying that both animes a trainwreck.Well at least, they have time to explain in each and every detail before it ended.Not like Code Geass S2.Its kinda confusing me a lil bit.
If some ppl meant to say that Sunrise had almost try to make more or many dead ppl back to life again then I kinda agree with you that its sort of a trainwreck.Just that only and also the plotholes.
ah thanks again DM! I just love it.
by the way: imho it’s the most evil and vicious unhuman torture to lock someone into a small room with Haro. it’s just TOO evil!
Saji will go crazy too.
I think the twin drive system is different to just bolting on two GN drives on one mecha. They said SQUARED power output not double, so some magic/imba hax is going on there.
Something tells me that this new lockon is going to be a hateable character. Hes already like:
Setsuna: This is Lyle-
Lyle: No, this is lockon stratos
That somewhat implies that hes a bit quick and aggro.
I think the outrage and stuff… is overreacting to DM’s sarcasm ^_^;’ seriously had a good laugh, as usual. DM when are you going to battle with Danny Choo?
You get kinda irritated by the fact that instead of getting a new person become a GM Sunrise choose to bring back a dead character, only this time as a younger brother that looks identical to his older brother?
WTF Sunrise!! Lockon is dead, give a new gundam to someone completely new instead!!
But let me get this straight. There are only a twin drive on Gundam 00? But isn´t Setsuna´s Exia solar furnice also installed? Wouldn´t that make it a tripple drive? Or did I just missunderstand everything.
So Saji is going to be the one to reflect on wars and how bad it is troughout the whole show? Boring. Kinda fun to watch though. First he´s all “no Louise I want to spend time with you but that is all” and then he´s “NO, GIVE ME BACK MY LOUISE!! I NEED HER FOR SEX!”
I just want to shoot him. I just do. But that ain´t going to happen.
The twin drives exhaust is simple, round round it goes, where it´ll stop nobody knows. Rotation can twist light and such and with the GN particles it would make one hell of a shield. Which is displayed.
As for the “damn you Aolia” if you think you got all info on your enemies and they suddenly get something new that wasn´t explained to you by the intell you got you´d be pissed of. All of a sudden you´re not so 100% sure of yourself anymore, thus creating a not so good feeling for you.
You did. Exia is one of the two solar furnaces installed on 00. The other is from 0 Gundam, the one we saw in Setsuna’s flashbacks which saved him. Together they make up the twin drive of 00 Gundam. They tried it with the Virtue/Nadleeh/Seravee GN drive alongside the 0 Gundam drive and couldn’t get it to work without Setsuna’s magic “I AM GUNDAM!” touch.
Likely some pseudo-science to do with syncing up the outputs (percentages they were on about?). To be honest, delving into Gundam science is a bit silly. They’ve got infinite power in the backpacks, quite literally. It’s a perpetual energy machine.
Is it okay if I hate him already for being a crappy knockoff of the real Lockon? /fanboy.
I think the point was how shocked Ribbons was at the idea, as if it were totally alien and utter madness when really it’s quite logical: more power=more powerful mecha. The fact that he was so upset was a bit silly really. Also, I get the feeling that Ribbons is gonna get replaced by evil female Tieria woman. It’d be an entirely pointless plot twist as both of them have about as much character development as a staplegun, but I’m getting a feeling nonetheless.
Amnestic is my favourite reader. Huzzah.
Regarding the squaring of the output, it could be just due to the manipulation of some basic maths just to give 00 an uber feel. I bet their explanation would go along the lines of 2×2 = 2^2.
The only number when multiplied by itself becomes an equivalent of its square.
Well, this just means OO Gundam has 4 times the power of a normal Gundam (if you count Gundam normal), instead of 2 times. Naturally, I am stating the obvious here.
Besides, I think Ribbons is angry for not coming out with the Square of 2 thingy…someone with level 7 access should be able to access that…he wants answers given to me, ya know.
The only problem I have right now is the fact that the other 2 mechs are not here yet…and Celestial Being needs a new GN drive for Saji…he needs a Gundam.
Now, I don’t know why but I have a soft spot for both Code Geass R2 and Gundam OO…and hope that it will end well unlike GSD…(which sucked)
“The only number when multiplied by itself becomes an equivalent of its square.”
1^1 = 1*1
Allion – Neil’s twin was shown for like 2 seconds in Gundam 00 season 1. I was hoping there might have been some rivalry between the two in the second season, but instead I find that one is replacing the other which is kind of a :( to me.
Attack to Spain is what the text actually says in the raw. Sunrise makes the most amazing Engrish ever – for example, Meer Campbell’s famous note “I AM GOING TO KILLED” that’s written in very big letters XD.
Huzzah indeed good sir!
I still reckon Saji’s replacing cyborg boy as Ptolomaeios pilot. They can’t really give Saji a Gundam without a) giving him a pseudo GN drive, you know, the kind he just found out about which crippled Louise and therefore will be vehemently against (read: whine about like a pussy) using or b) removing one of the drives off 00, which seems a bit silly after debuting their new mecha in all of his CG lightshow lens flare wannabe lifestream goodness.
A 4x Gundam+3 normal Gundams are probably better than 5 normal gundams, to be fair. Tactically it’d be a silly move.
To be continued!
The first time I saw Ribbons in the 2nd season, I really thought he/she has boobs because of that peekaboo dress, seriously. And look at how he/she sits with twisted legs?! Also, you have already noticed that Regene has a feminine voice and yet he/she is flat-chested. Indeed, Ribbons is maintaining a gay harem (whoever said that?).
It’s okay (or forgivable) for Gundam science to be silly, or even magical, as long as it’s consistent. Unfortunately, Gundam 00 science seems inconsistent.
Remember Throne Drei with Eva-like (or Moonlight Butterfly) wings? It can spread large amounts of GN particles and yet it has only one GN drive. Maybe because of the ventilators/fans, but seems like it’s not only spreading particles, it’s producing so much particles!
I’ve also noticed an inconsistency in the Trans Am / TD Blanket technology, which would make this comment too long if I discuss it.
Hmm… Is it rotating? Anyway, did anyone noticed that it looks and functions similarly with the Wings of Light in the Victory Gundam?
Wasn’t that because it released stored/compressed particles all at once via the additional ventilators? The same reason why it could sync with Throne Eins to make the Mega Ultra GN Laser Cannon of Death for increased effectiveness, if I recall. I may be wrong here, but that’s the logic I took out of it.
Doesn’t Gundam 00’s design seem a little flawed to anybody? I mean the GN Drives are mounted on those revolving shoulder panels on its arms, which leads me to speculate: if one of 00’s arms gets cut off at the joint, that means half of its power just went good-bye right? Not very efficient. Exia would still have full power while being limbless because its GN Drive is attached to its back, at least hypothetically speaking.
Lol, I just realized: if it lost one of its arms/drives, then it wouldn’t even be able to operate. Dummy mistake on my part for forgetting to point that out and the mechanical designer for his…design.
Not just half its power… They did say that the power is squared, meaning, 2^2=4, if it loses one arm, it will lose about 3/4th of its power…