It’s Transformers 2!
Well, that was a huge disappointment. Episode two didn’t do anything interesting at all. Looks like the spaceshipwreck is still quite far off. The character feuds are building up though, so it’s all a matter of time. Also, Gundam 00 is such an anticlimax.
It all began over two hundred years ago. A brilliant bald guy by the name of Aeolia Schenberg was always getting picked on by schoolyard bullies for having a girly name. He vowed to take revenge on the world of Social Darwinism by building giant robots called Gundams that would fly around the world to blow bullies up and defend the weak and the nerdy. And so he did, using super powerful magical artefacts called “GN drives” which were forged in the centre of an intrasolar gas giant by Celestial Beings, a mysterious brotherhood of galactic space wizards founded by Schenberg.
Due to the magical properties of GN particles, (which are infinitely versatile and can be used for propulsion, offence, defence, and heating pizzas) the GN-drive-equipped Gundams achieved in no time total superiority over lesser humanoid mecha designs bounded by the laughable laws of physics and reality.
However, Aeolia was not content with mere perfection. What if he had to heat two pizzas up…at the same time? Solving this immensely difficult problem proved to be the greatest challenge he ever faced in his life, except for the time he got his ass kicked by an entire football team of jocks for being a pansy face. But his brilliance pulled through and eureka! The long list of equations and theorems all pointed to one single conclusion: he must build a Gundam with two GN drives. Not one, but two. The idea was untested, dangerous, and probably heretic, but he went ahead with it because he wanted to play god.
And thus, Gundam 00 was born.
Seriously though, this whole thing is rather lame. Double the GN drives = more powerful? Who would’ve thought?
Oh yeah. Here’s the real summary, done in captions because there’s so little to actually summarize.
Gundam 00 refuses to work because it is an attention whore
Lockon is back in a weird way; Grace’s panties are sort of wet
Manekin and Peries meet at A-LOLS (that’s how I’m spelling it from now on!) headquarters
Graham the Creepy Voyeur is stalking Ms. Kyonyuu and Ms. Petanko
Saji is locked up in the crazies room
Setsuna chases Billy away and forces himself onto Sumeragi
Marina gets shot by A-LOLS and dies in the second episode. Oh snap!
Liumei is evil and Nena is her slave
Gundam 00 refuses to work without Setsuna’s magic touch
A-LOLS shoots! G00 saves!
I hope Sunrise doesn’t sue me for copyright infringement because I basically reproduced the entire episode above. All of it.
I think G00 (the Gundam) is stupid, and Ribbons is an idiot. What? Two GN drives!? That’s unpossible! Damn you Aeolia Schenberg! *shakes fist*
The directions of the beams don’t even make sense!
But that aside, this is an okay episode with no real surprises. I can honestly say that not one bit of it is unexpected except for the part where Marina gets shot and dies! Oh man, Sunrise is so brilliant. Who would’ve thought that the main female lead would die in the second episode? As much as I love Marina for her fan serviceability, that’s seriously the greatest single moment in Gundam history. Wait, what do you mean she’s not dead? Damn A-LOLS pansies.
I sincerely hope that Saji is not going to be wasting airtime with his emo angsting for the next ten episodes or something. He needs to get off his butt, find a Gundam, and fight Louise to the death ASAP for my amusement.
And is it just me or does Neil’s twin brother feel like a huge cop-out. It’s like Sunrise really wanted to kill a main character for good just to prove that they have the balls to do it, but wimped out at the last minute and threw in this identical twin to appease the angry mob of yaoi fangirls.
It’s magic
Also, “twin drive” sounds a lot like “twin tail”, and Gundam 00’s capricious behaviour is right on the mark: it is a tsundere mecha whose heart can only be reached by Setsuna’s burning hot passion. How homoerotic.
Twin drills
Come on beach episode…
“There is a mole in our organization”
I keep forgetting… Who is he again?
“Hey, I’m going to bait the fans by pretending to reveal your real given name”
“Attack to Spain! Attack to Spain! Spain, please come in!”
Setsuna is such a playboy
“Guys, we must go through the entire history of our organization every time we hold a meeting in case anyone is listening and needs clarification”
Androgynous cleavage
Haro’s diet consists primarily of portable computers
“Once again, I have cut an unworthy object”
Everyone’s a fan of May’n all of a sudden. It’s not cool and indie any more.
lol I said it after my first post: 00 isn’t even able to operate without two GN Drives, so essentially, losing an arm = losing a GN Drive and gaining a new GG Drive
Know how to conquer that vulnerability? Don’t get your arm chopped off. Well, not until the climactic final battle which ends with Gundam 00 clashing with which ends in what appears to be a loss for both sides, however while Graham is actually dead, Setsuna’s body magically floats to earth where he falls into the waiting arms of zombie Marina.
Considering how Setsuna is a glutton for punishment (All the times Ali whupped his ass and Smirnov almost yanking his head off with a TIEREN), I don’t think the possibility of 00 being defeated before the end is too unlikely but probably won’t happen because Sunrise realized their logical mistakes. Setsuna (F)ail Seiei isn’t the greatest pilot in the world, lets face it. Without Trans-Am, he would’ve died fair and square. So no technology bonus for Setsuna means he sucks :p
Yeah, but G00 is 4 times better than a normal Gundam, which are already pretty damn good. Seravee, Dynames Mk. 2 and Kyrios Mk. 2 are all going to get overhauls with up to date tech, something 4x as powerful as them is pretty damn intimidating. Sure he may not be much of a pilot without a tech boost, but it doesn’t matter because he does have the tech boost.
Haha, are you saying Sunrise made Gundam 00 overpowered? I am sure they learned from the *few* mistakes that GSD made and won’t go back to the whole overpowered scenario, that doesn’t make for an interesting show does it? :p Keep in mind that the bad guys will definitely research something new and lame themselves to combat the Gundams. Sooner or later, Setsuna is going to get his ass kicked, AGAIN. Otherwise it will be like GSD, and God save whoever wants a repeat of that..
I see a lot of comments here lol. I like your review of this anime and i laugh when you say A-Laws (A-LOlz) that was so funny. I will continue visit your blog.
For the people G00 is the best Gundam series out now not because of the quality, it s the story the for last is based using a our universe. There reasons why people hate GS & GSD by the overpowered of the gundams but don’t worried Sunrise will no make the &*%&&* mistake. This series shows balance between bad boys and heroes so stop making things out of the reality and just watch the episodes. I will enjoy watch this series and the first episode i have been watching about 25 times and still love it.
The time will tel us what next happen just wait :)
Exactly, it would not be able to operate… for good. Remember that it only worked with O Gundam and Exia GN Drives installed, without both, it’s as good as a disposable Gundam. Or maybe it would still work with any GN Drive combination as long as they use the TransAm system, like what Setsuna did.
Well, I would still like Saji to pilot a Gundam though…heck, if not for him, then for the fact that Exia’s frame should be used for something good instead of spare parts…
Now, time for a Tri-Drive by the bad guys…cube its power…wahahaha.
At the end of the first season the chief engineer (forgot his name) says (quote) :
– We’ve already tried moving its solar furnace (Gundam 0) for a test fit.
– But its solar furnace didn’t match either.
– I wonder if Exia’s solar furnace will work…
So they tried to make G00 work with O’s furnace only at first.
And the solar furnaces are so big, they take the whole upper body ! So it would seem IMHO that GN Drives and Furnaces are two different things. I think that the Furnace only produces particles using that topological defect theory, and the Drives are the system that interfaces with the furnace, and are not just some kind of exhaust. But it’s a shame that Sunrise didn’t come up with some better explanation about all that stuff.
Oh well, like someone pointed earlier, who watches Gundam for it’s science anyway ? :p
PS : i like Minovsky particles better :)
I think people need to also realize that they were still just testing 00, it even looks incomplete and kind of “naked” if you will… I’m sure the design will change later on if not just once at the most twice.
I wonder what nena’s unit looks like now…
And i’m waiting for graham’s super flag and Ali’s unit…
Remember Throne Drei with Eva-like (or Moonlight Butterfly) wings? It can spread large amounts of GN particles and yet it has only one GN drive. Maybe because of the ventilators/fans, but seems like it’s not only spreading particles, it’s producing so much particles!
I’ve also noticed an inconsistency in the Trans Am / TD Blanket technology, which would make this comment too long if I discuss it.
The techonology has been consistent so far,at least from what I can remember.Drei has been mentioned to have a higher particle storage than other suits(Not sure whether this is because of a better capacity Tau Drive or because of the GN Condensers though.
And the running time and particle count of the Tau drives aren’t specified,so we can only assume that while Drei uses alot,it didn’t use all of it’s supply.If anything,if they go back to base after each mission then it should be fine.
Drei is also more of a support unit than a combat unit with the Stealth Field and the particles for Eins’s GN Launcher.The only weapon Drei have are the GN Hangun and some beam sabers.Considering this plus the higher particle supply,it’s not to unthinkable to think that it has alot to spare in for the GN Stealth Field.It’s not like the Drei went on for 10 straight missions without going to base and using Stealth Field each time.
As for the 00 Gundam,it squares the particles(5×5=25,100×100=10,000).The Twin Drive System is probably the thing that made the squaring of particles possible.
Judging by what I’ve seen,The GN Drives are only the power source of the Gundams while each of them has their own engines(Called…engines).The Twin Drive System is the engine of the 00 while using the two GN Drives as a power source.
And I love the science of the Gundam series,it’s actually one of my favourite aspects of it.Not the main reason I watch and not the most realistic things either but hey it’s an anime.
And I just realized that it looks silly to have GN Drives attached to the shoulders, every time the Gundam moves its arms, the drives move along. Well, that should make for one unpredictable-movement Gundam :p
It’s okay. The animation clearly shows that the GN particle beams aren’t even flying in the same directions as the GN drives.
I hope so. Just like the Veda/Vader issue which ended when they finally showed VEDA in the show. There are inconsistencies, or at least unexplained stuff so far. Another example: The real GN Drives emit green particles, while the fake ones emit red, yet we saw Alejandro Corner’s mobile armor and suit emitting gold-colored particles?! Was it just because of the gold-colored coating? The theory about Throne Drei may be convincing. However I rewatched the scene where it created a stealth field and IMHO they exaggerated it though.
My presumption right now is that they are allowing these inconsistencies just to make the show look cool. After all, as what DM said, “G00 is mostly about fanservice and explosions anyway.” Unless they explain and make G00 a sci-fi show too.
@manga’s comment
I agree, they should have made Feldt pilot the Dynames, then there would be some character background connection.
Well it just makes you still wonder though about how the GN particles work. I’m assuming that the energy from the particles aren’t converted to some other type of energy so it doesn’t make sense that Seravee could do so well using the same furnace and stop that Gn-XIII’s beam saber while Exia’s sword got cut in half so easily when it was designed to break through gn particles/energy. If the fed’s technology improved that much within four years you would think they would have already figured out how to produce furnaces of the same caliber that the gundams use and counteract energy fields that are as strong as Seravee’s.
Wait I take that back. Gundam logic never worked with real logic.
‘Everyone’s a fan of May’n all of a sudden. It’s not cool and indie any more.’
I could probably count the number of May’n fans with one hand 6 months back.
Now, even tentacles wouldn’t suffice.
Face it, the first famous Japanese guest that most anime watchers know is coming; obviously everyone wants to jump the bandwagon.
Because Newton’s Laws are non-existant in this universe.
Question, at the beginning of the episode when they were showing the 3 month flashback, who were the two people behind feldt and milena on either side of ian and lasse? (if you look at the pic captioned ‘come on beach episode’ you can see one of them to feldt’s right)
@ eternal
they aren’t attached to the shoulders, they’re connected to its back via an L-shaped piece on each side of the packpack.
@ null
do bear in mind that the GN sword was damaged and was over 4 years old, and it was designed to go through GN fields speficially, my guess is, there are different compression ratios for the particles depending on their application.
and it didn’t cut through it easily, it required two beam sabres in constant contact with the blade to cut through the sword.
It is funny that i born the same day/months Lockol Stratos lol
March 3
“And is it just me or does Neil’s twin brother feel like a huge cop-out. It’s like Sunrise really wanted to kill a main character for good just to prove that they have the balls to do it, but wimped out at the last minute and threw in this identical twin to appease the angry mob of yaoi fangirls.”
You ever watched the ‘A Better Tomorrow’ film trilogy? Same thing. A major character dies in the first film, so in the second film they *conveniently* discover he has an identical twin brother living in America. Naturally, they bring him back to do badass shit of the variety that his “dead brother” used to do. Seriously, when I saw Lyle appear as Neil’s brother in ep 1, I immediately thought “Holy shit, Sunrise have pulled a friggin A Better Tomorrow”. Must be fans of Hong Kong cinema. Now all they need are stylish gunfights and gangsters in trenchcoats.
Also note that the third A Better Tomorrow film is set chronologically before the first one…so once again, they can resurrect that dead major character with no problems. Who’s willing to bet that the third season of Gundam 00 is one huge flashback, starring a yet-to-be-killed Lockon Stratos?
Actually, I feel like re-watching the first two A Better Tomorrow films now…”FOR YOU, RICE IS NOTHING, BUT TO US, RICE JUST LIKE MY FATHER AND MOTHER. DON’T FUCK WITH MY FAMILY!”
Personally i’m not that big of a fan of May’n. I liked her a lot when MF (macross frontier) first came out because her songs were great!. I went out and ordered the first OST and then fell in love even more. But i prefer megumi a lot more over May’n. I mean seriously, Megumi’s voice is just so much better in my opinion. I’m not in anyway critisizing May’n but hey just a preference.
And your most definately right; Newton’s Law’s are non existant in this universe. That is all i have to say about this anime. And Gundam 00 is an attention whore…Amen to that….
=D so far though this is your typical gundam show starting out other than wing and seed. (PLUS: if GSE is a real live thing i will be HIGHLY upset if lacus dies off D:)
D: i forgot to add. Megumi > May’n AND! I wish i could cook two pizza’s at once ._.;; I feel so left out. While pondering this i will also think about who will die off next. Since sunrise has a habbit of killing off important female characters. -cough-
Wow. This is the first time i post here. Please, be gentle, it’s my first time. lol. This episode rocked, except Saji. Why is he still behaving like a cry baby? He had 4 years to fix himself up!
saji shouldn’t exist at all it is a waste of time.
Billy got laid!
Yes he got laid! But, you know, with enough beer a guy can look like a girl too! Let’s just make sure it’s a…. okay, it’s a girl. Yes, he got laid. :))
Pardon my lewdness, but I think the phrase “A butt is a butt, no matter what it’s attached to” seems apt at this point :P
Not a fan of the new Lockon. Not because of him, but because Lockon is freaking dead alright?!
Not a fan of the new Exia having the magical ability to make an anti laser shield.
Do like the new grown up Setsuna.
Where did the A-holes get GN drives from?
And the word you keep looking for and failing to find is gay.
They’re mass produced pseudo-GN Drives that we saw equipped on the ‘Knightmare’ mobile suits at the closing of G00 season 1. Basically they (the Governments) just reverse-engineered the original Pseudo-GN drives provided to them for the anti-Gundam suits and then mass produced the drives.
do u think kyrios’ GN drive has been dragged along to the prison with alluejah? (im presuming that he got captured by someone)
dont see anymore sandslayer comments anymore eh
If the government had access to Kyrios’ GN drive, I’m confused as to why they haven’t used it, though that raises the plothole of why Allelujah would be in prison and Celestial Being had Kyrios’ drive. He was last seen ‘dying’ in Kyrios, wasn’t he? Seems odd they’d get separated.
And sandslayer, iirc, expressed dislike for the Gundam series so he’s probably not too fussed about visiting DM’s site anymore. Couldn’t tell you anymore though cos I don’t know :P
isnt it obvious that allelujah was captured after all the gundam got destroyed. its not like some government agents are cherry picking in the middle of space and freaking found him in the middle. he obviously went crazy after that. he probably worked somewhere. i mean guys it’s five years after, that doesnt mean he was capture right after the battle. there was probably something really traumatizing in the middle of the story that drove him to crazyland. and wouldn’t they have reversed engineered it by now if they actually have it. like they learned how to get the pseudo-GN drives to work in less than 5 episodes. i think giving them 5 years to figure something out is a stretch.
Hallelujah is gone, Allelujah is the new sane man in a world of crazies and he and Soma are going to hook up. Just watch.
If it was obvious I would have noticed it, QED.
Actually that’s perfectly possible. Gundams have some never beforeseen technology, their Infinite solar furnaces for one. If you were a member of the Government’s military, wouldn’t you want to get your hands on that tech? I know I would. It’d be the tactically sound next move. You’ve already crippled CB’s combat effectiveness to pretty much zero, scouring the battlefield and nearby areas for remnants of a Gundam would be an excellent plan.
No. If it was so easy to do so, why doesn’t CB simply make more infinite solar furnaces? Then they could have more Gundams, or at least more Twin-Drive Gundams. Have they done such a thing? No. They probably know the tech better than anyone as well, I don’t doubt that there’s a pseudo-science explanation for why the Solar furnaces can’t be recreated.
didn’t the alvatore have 7 GN drives?
and doesn’t the ahead already have 2?
The reason the government don’t have the solar surfaces of kyrios is because CB have it. Remember in the second episode, in the beginning, they said they try with three twos GN driver to have the 00 compatiblity.
Is that based on experience?
They don’t have to. If I remembered it right, a traitor of CB in S1 provided them with 30 Pseudo-GN drives and information about the technology.
Also, at the end of S1, it was shown that they can eject their GN Drives, just like what Tieria did.
Wait! Last Time i remember, Allelujah was floating in space. The UN forces had been decimated, then how in the world was he captured? Secondly, the whole Twin Drive issue, does it mean that it can use the Trans-AM more often and recharge at twice the rate? Finally, Twin Drives means twice the speed, and reaction rate in Trans-Am and in normal mode. So, it should be a greater advantage, like the Alvatore, which had 7 drives. Maybe, in the nearby future, the 00 Gundam will be able to carry a large energy bazooka, like the previous Virtue, and be able to generate a GN field, like 0 Gundam and the one the Alvarron used in the final episode.
Hey!!! Why does everyone hate Marina? She’s having a Cagalli moment in Gundam 00. lol. Once she puts her mind into it, she’ll be a great leader, and maybe Hiro, i mean Setsuna, will fall for her. Right? Right? If not, well, am i on the list? :)
Marina is just boring.
She’s not boring. She’s just… complicated. Women have those complicated moments, when you don’t know what the hell they are thinking, but you know something is up. lol
Marina is just boring.
I agree With lilu
Im just not into the helpless princess type. Other than that i guess she is ok.
Marina doesn’t bother me as much as Saji… like seriously you know you need to get past puberty when. On a serious note, yeah guess what Aeolia, we can count as well, and personally I think it would have been better if all the new Gundam’s had 2 linked drives and 00 Gundam had like a triple drive or something, personally I think that’d be better.
idem with Marina, she is boring..
and Cagalli is not like any sense
Cagalli fight from the begginin’ of the series D:!
Marina is just thinkin and be a good emo girl.
Omg its Spandam again!
Does that Chinese person really die? or are they going to pull a Nunnally or that coffee obsessed gundam pilot or a Lelouch or a Suzaku?
Pingback: Gundam 00 S2 - 02 | Gundam Goraku
Lol, I just realized: if it lost one of its arms/drives, then it wouldn’t even be able to operate. Dummy mistake on my part for forgetting to point that out and the mechanical designer for his…design.